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  Лекарства сираци за ред...  
Темите за дискусия включваха подобряване измерване на ефикасността на лекарства сираци за редки тумори, значението на раковите регистри и електронното здравеопазване за развитието на лекарства сираци, както и сътрудничеството между държавите-членки за устойчив и по-добър достъп до лекарства сираци .
A workshop “Orphan Drugs for Rare Cancers: Proposals for Action at the European Level” was held at the European Parliament on 5 October 2010. It was hosted by MEP Frieda Brepoels. Discussion topics included what can the EU do to improve measuring efficacy of orphan drugs in rare cancers, the importance of cancer registries and e-health for development of and access to orphan drugs and the collaboration between Member States for sustainable and improved access to orphan drugs. For more information, please click here.
  Здравни приоритети на К...  
Кипърското председателство възнамерява да продължи процеса на актуализиране на действащото законодателство на ЕС по тези въпроси, да комуникира и работи активно с държавите-членки, Европейската комисия и другите институции на ЕС за устойчив напредък в областта на общественото здраве.
Starting from 1 July 2012 Cyprus will take over the Presidency of the Council of the EU. The declared health policy priorities include healthy ageing, cross border threats to health, organ donation and transplantation, pharmacovigilance, clinical trials, pricing of medicinal products for human use and their inclusion in the scope of national health insurance systems, medical devices. Cyprus Presidency intends to updated the current EU legislation, further develop work and invite the Member States, the European Commission and the other EU institutions for concrete actions in ensuring sustainable progress in public health field. For further details on these topics, please visit the official website of the Cyprus Presidency.
  Редки бъбречни заболява...  
Изследователският интерес на македонските клиницисти и учени е съсредоточен върху генетиката на вродените аномалии на бъбреците и пикочните пътища, нефротичния синдром, устойчив на стероиди, нефролитиаза и нефрокалциноза и циститните заболявани.
Rare renal diseases are an important category of rare diseases, as they can cause great harm to patients, families and society. The research interest of Macedonian clinicians and scientists focuses on the genetics of congenital abnormalities of the kidneys and urinary tract, nephrotic syndrome, steroid resistant, nephrolithiasis and nephrocalcinosis and cystic diseases. Research is carried out in collaboration with well-known laboratories in the United States and Europe. This collaboration leads to the discovery of new genes and pathophysiological pathways, published in The New England Journal of Medicine and other well-known journals. Unfortunately, lack of funding is a major obstacle to an early and appropriate diagnosis. More information about research and expected results can be found here.