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Кабинетът актуализира бюджета още утре
The deficit rose by 271 mn for a month and is now over 1 bn
  Положителен ...  
"Който подкрепи резолюцията утре, трябва да поеме отговорността за това, че допуска корупцията вътре", беше пък друг коментар. "Шенгенската система е добра новина за онези, които искат престъпността и корупцията. Ако Италия е неспособна да се справи със защитата на границата си, как си представяте новите момчета да се справят с това".
Quite expectedly these voices came as one from the MEPs from the Netherlands and Germany. No matter of their political views, all of them announced that if Bulgaria and Romania would be allowed in Schengen, they would bring with them the mafia. The main argument was: "Bulgaria has not complied with its obligations for organised crime. A leaky border means that many illegal migrants would reach the other end of Europe without being hampered".
  Кой се съмняÐ...  
В навечерието на важно парламентарно гласуване утре (за отчета на бюджет 2010), обаче, Силвио Берлускони е зает с преброяване на потенциалните отцепници в собствената си партия. Опозицията твърди, че има достатъчно основания да поиска и да спечели вот на недоверие към кабинета до края на седмицата.
The media have been long commenting that the only guarantor of stability in the Italian public finances, in the eyes of international institutions and markets, was Finance Minister Giulio Tremonti. There were even rumours that he might be the next prime minister. In response, in July, Berlusconi publicly attacked Tremonti, while rumours had it that he intended to remove him, which caused a massive attack on Italian government bonds.
  Денят на СтрÐ...  
Продължават множеството изказвания на световните лидери. Очакванията са преговорите да продължат до късно през нощта, тъй като утре е крайният срок за сключване на споразумение. Тогава в срещата ще се включи и американският президент Барак Обама, но според представители на американската делегация, на неговото участие не бива да се възлагат всички надежди за спасяване на преговорите.
The numerous statements still continue. The expectations are the negotiations to last till late in the night because tomorrow is the deadline for an agreement. Then the summit will join the American president Barack Obama. But according to officials from the American delegation, his participation should not be regarded as a safe heaven for the negotiations. It is still not clear whether the proposal of the French president for an additional round of negotiations after the official dinner will be accepted.
  Механизмът з...  
Така че най-вероятно ще имаме оздравителен механизъм, който няма да е нито добър, нито лош, а ще е просто изграден в рамките на зададения срок. Министрите на финансите имат време за преговори до утре следобед, когато започва обобщаващата среща на върха на ЕС.
Then it seems the decisions are dictated by certain states and the rest are offered only to sign an already agreed deal. However, for Jeroen Dijsselbloem it is more important to stick to the mandate given by the heads of state or government an agreement on the second pillar of the banking union to be concluded by the end of the year. In this way, we will probably have a resolution mechanism that will neither be bad good nor bad, but will simply be built on time. The finance minsters have time to negotiate until Thursday afternoon when the final for this year EU summit will begin.
  Спрете да прÐ...  
За какво трябва да внимаваме днес и утре? Много е важно каква ще бъде формулировката на отношенията между еврозоната и останалите в първата кошница от четирите искания на британския премиер Дейвид Камерън.
What are we to be watching for today and tomorrow? It is very important how will the relations between the euro area and the rest in the first basket of the four demands of British PM David Cameron be formulated. From the leaked drafts it becomes clear that there are attempts being made to disengage Britain as much as possible, while at the same time preventing the possibility for the same scenario being repeated with other countries with powerful centrifugal forces ripening, like France for example, where the leader of the National Front Marine Le Pen repeatedly stated that the euro is harmful and is considering following Great Britain’s example.
  Тръмп вещае Ð...  
съобщава, че се очаква на сбора на Европейската народна партия днес и утре в Брюксел да се вземе решение за приемането на Сръбската прогресивна партия (SNS) на премиера Александър Вучич в редиците на най-голямото европейско политическо семейство.
reports that there are expectations that a decision will be made at the gathering of the European People’s Party today and tomorrow in Brussels, that the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) of Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić is accepted in the ranks of Europe’s largest political family. Opposition to the acceptance of SNS was stated by the former foreign minister of Croatia and currently international secretary of the ruling HDZ party Miro Kovać. “My personal opinion is that, due to a number of reasons, at this exact moment no such decision should be supported”, said Mr Kovać for the newspaper, which underlines that for such a decision to be adopted there is no need for consensus.
  "Трябва да се...  
Мисля, че това е причината правителството да каже, че в средата на годината ще го актуализира. Разбира се, министърът на финансите трябва да вдъхва оптимизъм, така обаче създава очаквания, които утре могат да се обърнат срещу правителството
I think that the government has underestimated the downturn. I am certain that next year it will be much bigger than 2%. I can even commit to a forecast of 3.7%. So, the revenues will appear overestimated and practically a whole new group of problems will appear for the budget itself. I think that this is a reason for the government to say that in the middle of year the budget will be revised. Of course, the minister of finance is supposed to inspire optimism but behaving like this he creates expectations which might turn against the government tomorrow
  Путин няма дÐ...  
И докато София се подготвя трескаво за голямото събитие, което май ще е голямо само като организация, но не и като присъствие, в Туркменистан още утре започва друга конференция, посветена на енергийната сигурност.
And while Sofia feverishly prepares for the big event, which as it seems will be big as organisation not in terms of participation, in Turkmenistan tomorrow starts another conference, designated to energy security. Bulgaria is also presented by the energy minister Petar Dimitrov. Indeed that forum is the reason why so many leaders will not be able to come to Sofia and will send representatives only. Mr. Kalfin obviously was prepared for such a direction of journalistic questions because he said that it has, from the very beginning, been unrealistic to expect that all leaders that are difficult to sit on one and the same table, to come to Sofia and agree on energy security. He added that it is unlikely someone to have had such illusions.
  Основно ли е ...  
Тя се възмути от самата инициатива за референдум като предупреди, че днес може да е с искане да се запише в Конституцията, че бракът е съюз между мъж и жена, но утре може да има инициатива за смъртното наказание, правата на малцинствата и други подобни.
In fact, the battle is for principles and attitudes. Mark Jurcic from Zagreb Pride believes that the issue is conceptual. We should choose whether we want to be a progressive society or should we follow the example of Belarus and ... Hungary. Yes, Mr Jurcic quoted Hungary as an example of non-free and authoritarian society. Jurcic opposes the initiative In the Name of Family, although he is of the opinion that the available legislation does not cover the needs of the LGBT community. Sanja Juras from the lesbian group Kontra adds that many of the rights heterosexual couples have are not granted to homosexuals. She was indignant with the initiative for a referendum warning that today it could be demanding to enshrine in the Constitution that the marriage is a union of a man and a woman, but tomorrow there could be an initiative for the death penalty, the rights of minorities, etc.
  България под...  
Какво означава това, ако искаме да правим пенсионна реформа да я координираме с още 25 страни, възмутено попита Мартин Димитров? И сам си отговори: това означава централизация. „Ако сега не се опълчим на централизирана Европа, утре ще плащаме сметката”.
The Parliament's decision explicitly states that support to the Treaty must not lead to financial obligations for Bulgaria, as well as "commitment to harmonise its tax policy with the contracting parties." This was also highlighted in the statements of the representatives of the ruling party GERB [member of the EPP] – both MPs and ministers Simeon Djankov (of Finance) and Nickolay Mladenov (of Foreign Affairs). "The economic and fiscal coordination in the EU is the worst thing that can happen to Bulgaria," Martin Dimitrov, Co-chair of the Blue Coalition and leader of the Union of Democratic Forces (UDF), said. What does it mean, if we want to make pension reform to coordinate it with another 25 countries, the MP indignantly asked, answering himself: it means centralisation."If we do not oppose a centralised Europe, we will pay the bill tomorrow."
Чий враг е недоверието към ЕС и кой се страхува от него? Това са част от въпросите, които ще бъдат дискутирани публично утре, 4 септември от 10.00 ч. на представянето на новата книга на Любомир К. Топалов „Политически партии и евроскептицизъм” (Political Parties and Euroscepticism, Palgrave, 2012) в Информационния център на ЕС на ул. „Московска” 9 в София.
Political exotic, extreme populism or politics as usual is euroscepticism, practised by an increasing number of political parties across Europe? Whose enemy is mistrust in the EU and who is afraid of it? Those are some of the issues to be discussed in public on 4 September, Tuesday, at 10 am during the presentation of the latest book by Lyubomir K. Topaloff “Political Parties and Euroscepticism” (Palgrave, 2012) in the EU Information Centre at 9 Moskovska street in Sofia.
  Пълен текст Ð...  
Аз няма да се изненадам, ако утре и големи инвеститори като RWE и по “Южен поток” и “Бургас-Александруполис” кажат: “Ами виждаме, че при вас не сте сигурни, че искате точно този проект” и да се откажат.
However, I'm more worried of the fact that the talking started before the discussion. Even before the ministers and the prime minister got aware of the projects, they started to give estimations - this will not happen, this will not be stopped, that will be private, no it won't be private, etc. The problem is that these are enormous projects for which we are looking for investors and for which there is severe competition in the region. And such talking is harmful. I would not be surprised if tomorrow big investors like RWE and the investors in South Stream and Burgas-Alexandroupolis say: "Well, we see that you are not certain that you want exactly this project" and to retreat. Even if we had realised that we want the projects.
  Няколко факт...  
Няма нищо по-вредно за една икономика от нестабилността и неувереността. Това да не знаеш днес какво ще се случи, утре или в другиден е по-вредно от това временно да нямаш поръчки и бизнесът ти да е замрял.
And if we get back to PM Boyko Borissov's quote, it is a fact that changes are necessary but then the lack of explanation why precisely these measures are being undertaken and others are being postponed becomes even more obvious. There is nothing worse for an economy than instability and uncertainty. Not knowing what will happen today, tomorrow or the day after is more harmful than temporary not having orders and your business to be in trouble. For the simple reason that for every active entrepreneur it is vital to be able to plan his spending not just in months but with years ahead, so that he could decide whether to take a credit in order to expand business or to hire new personnel, or to buy new equipment, or not to do anything awaiting for better times.
  Свободата, СÐ...  
Истинската солидарност означава да я платим заедно, но не според това кой колко пари има, а според това кой колко е ял и пил. И да направим така, че занапред всеки да си позволява меню според възможностите си и да е мотивиран, ако днес е на препечени филийки, утре да може да ги гарнира с хайвер.
Now the bill is on the table and must be paid. True solidarity means that we pay it together, but not depending on who how much money has, but on how much each one has consumed. And to do so that everyone would be able to afford a menu according to its own possibilities and be motivated, if today it is a toast, tomorrow to be able to garnish it with caviar. But only depending on own efforts and hard work. European countries have benefited from the ability to combine individual efforts into a common interest. This is the meaning of integration and all attempts to prove otherwise are leading to cheap and short-term political glory, based on human weaknesses. Because election is being won always by whoever promises easy affluence and not by those who ask voters to work and be disciplined.
  Няколко факт...  
Това, обаче, е несериозно отношение не просто към медиите, а към цялото общество, което в крайна сметка ще поеме на свой гръб резултатите от споразумението. И това е само един епизод от цялостното поведение на правителството, което днес казва едно, а утре - точно обратното.
trilateral council gathered again and we, the media, got in 13.39 o'clock a message that in 14.00 the same day the PM is holding a briefing in order to announce the agreement. This "urgency" shows that either the PM had not any idea what kind of a decision will be taken, given that the draft agreement had already been uploaded on the government's website, or he was not certain in the success of the negotiations till the very last moment and this was why he called the most zealous journalists the minute everyone signed the document. It is a fact, however, that the decision for the pension reform, postponed for a long time, is already a fact - good or bad, it is a fact exactly after the end of the European Council.
Постигнатото в Минск мирно споразумение е толкова крехко, толкова трудно постигнато и то ще влезе в сила чак от неделя. "Всъщност днес, утре, другиден се водят военни действия. В смисъл, войната си тече с пълна сила.
The second Minsk peace agreement is so fragile, so hard to reach and will enter into force not today but on Sunday. "As a matter of fact, today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow there will be fighting. This means, the war is going on in full steam. We are all modest optimists because, indeed, ...
  Даниела Бари...  
Имахме набелязани точки за започването и за края на преговорите, така че, да, ние сме подготвени и може би обикновените хора си мислят, че утре като влезем в ЕС всичко ще бъде наред, но има някои неща, които ще си продължат като върховенството на закона.
Danijela Barisic: Yes, we are prepared since we had the 35 chapters for negotiations, so it covered all the areas of society - life, economy, everything and we had the benchmarks for the opening and for the closing of the negotiating chapters, so, yes, we are prepared and maybe it's for the usual people they're maybe not so, how to say, they think - OK, tomorrow when we enter the EU it's going to be everything OK but there are some things that they are aware of - the rule of law and all of us should obey the law, that there is no some of us who are untouchable and some of us who are obliged to follow the law. There are some things. I would say that during these 6 years people accepted some changes and we conducted some reforms and they are like a part of our lives - we don't think about those reforms or those changes as something that was imposed on us and that's not part of us. No, that's something normal like the Sun and the Moon. You don't think about that as something strange.
  Процедурата ...  
дори създаде специална страница "Бунт за по-добро утре", където събира мненията на читателите за това какво да се промени. Някои от мненията са удивително подробни и призовават основно за максимално отваряне на управлението.
, even created a special web page "Revolt for a Better Tomorrow", where it collects the readers' opinions about what can be changed. Some of the opinions are surprisingly detailed and call for the broadest possible opening of the government.
  Ð’ опасност лÐ...  
"Не минава нито ден без президентът и първият вицепремиер да не критикуват евроинтеграцията и неотварянето на глави", пише вестникът като подробности по тази тема ще можем да прочетем онлайн чак утре.
today shows that President Tomislav Nikolić and Deputy PM Ivica Dačić have turned their backs to the EU. “Not a day goes by without the president and the first deputy PM criticising European integration and the non-opening of new chapters”, reports the paper. We will not be able to read more details on the subject until tomorrow.
  Енергийна ге...  
Утре подписваме споразумението за "Южен поток" в Сочи
About the important geostrategic significance of Bulgaria
  Европа получ...  
Дори и обикновено силно емоционалният шеф на либералите Ги Верхофстад, бивш премиер на Белгия, звучеше разочарован. Изключително скептично съм настроен относно снещата на върха утре и в петък, каза той.
Even the usually strongly emotional chief of the liberals' group, Guy Verhofstadt, former prime minister of Belgium, sounded disappointed. I am very sceptical regarding the summit tomorrow and on Friday, he said. What are the draft conclusions, he asked. There is nothing in them. Only days after the ceremony in Oslo,
  Европа получ...  
Дали заключенията ще останат в същия вид, предстои да видим днес и утре.
Will the conclusions remain the way they are, we will see today and tomorrow.
  ЕС силен на д...  
Темата "Сирия" ще бъде една от основните в дневния ред на срещата на върха на ЕС, която започва утре. Тя ще бъде разглеждана основно в контекста на отношенията с Русия, както писа euinside.
The “Syria” subject will be one of the key ones in the EU summit which begins today. It will mainly be reviewed in the context of relations with Russia, as euinside reported.
  Юнска среща Ð...  
Тежка се очертава програмата на срещата на върха на ЕС, която започва утре в Брюксел. Почти няма тема в дневния ред, която да не поставя на изпитание устойчивостта на Съюза - дали в сърцевината му (еврозоната) или пълния му размер.
It looks like a heavy program for the EU summit starting today in Brussels. There is almost no topic on the agenda that does not test the stability of the Union – whether at its core (the Eurozone) or its entirety. Somewhere in between the quarrel over mandatory immigrant quotas and the ex ...
  Кристалина Г...  
Еврокомисарят скицира ясен план за действие: утре, когато водата се оттегли, трябва да помогнем да се възстанови селското стопанство, за да не пропуснат хората сезона на сеитбата, защото това ще предизвика хранителна криза догодина.
The EU Commissioner outlined a clear plan for action: tomorrow, when the waters retrieve, we should help the country to restore agriculture so that people would not miss the season of sowing, as this would cause a food crisis next year. A primary task in the future is to help Pakistan restore the infrastructure - roads, homes, schools and hospitals - in a way that would increase the country's resilience to natural disasters, because now it is among the most vulnerable to climate change.
  Ð’ Сърбия побÐ...  
[…] Както обещах, показах, че в Сърбия не съществуват само Николич и Тадич, а че съществува и трета Сърбия, в името на чийто народ говорех. От утре [7 май] започвам кампания, която със сигурност ще спечеля, защото в Сърбия вече нищо няма да е същото, понеже ние вече нямаме 7.6 на сто.
"The Socialist Party has achieved its best result after 5th of October 2000. [...] Like I promised, I have shown that in Serbia there are not only Tadic and Nikolic but there is also a third Serbia, on behalf of whose people I was speaking. As of tomorrow [May 7] I am starting a campaign, which I will certainly win, because in Serbia nothing will be the same anymore, because we no longer have only 7.6%. May be it is uncertain who the next president will be, but it is known who will be a prime minister. The people are not surprised, the people anticipated, everything that I have I owe it to the people and I am grateful".
  Управляващи ...  
Според най-новото проучване на общественото мнение на Института за политически изследвания, ако утре има парламентарни избори ВМРО-ДПМНЕ би събрала 23,6 на сто от гласовете, СДСМ - 13,3 %, етнически албанският коалиционен партньор Демократичен съюз за интеграция - 7,6 на сто, опозиционната Демократична партия на албанците - 3,5 и опозиционната албанска Нова демокрация - 2 на сто от гласовете.
The latest survey by the Institute for Political Studies shows that if the elections were held tomorrow, VMRO-DPMNE would receive 23.6% of the votes, the SDSM - 13.3%, the ethnic Albanian junior coalition partner Democratic Union for Integration - 7.6%, the opposition Democratic Party of Albanians - 3.5% and New Democracy party - 2% of the votes.
  Какви промен...  
външната политика и сигурността, за който беше избрана британката баронеса Катрин Аштън. Тя обаче, за да встъпи в длъжност, ще трябва да изчака одобрението на Европейския парламент, което се очаква да стане утре.
for Foreign Affairs and Security, for which the British baroness Catherin Ashton has been elected. Before assuming her duties thought, she will have to secure approval by the European Parliament which is expected to happen tomorrow. The job of Lady Ashton unites in 1 the existing post of High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy of Javier Solana and the European Commissioner for foreign relations and neighbourhood policy, held by the Austrian Benita Ferrero-Waldner. Lady Ashton will also be a vice president of the European Commission with a mandate of 5 years, as the Commission, unlike president Van Rompuy who has been elected for 2 years and a half.
  Европа на лиÐ...  
Да я подкрепи беше правилно решение за България. Днес има струпване на огромни маси хора в Гърция, Италия и Унгария, но ние сме страна на преден пост и утре струпването може да е у нас и да очакваме същата солдарност.
Today, we are witnessing temporary reinstatement of border control within the Schengen area. Many voices appeared to rashly announce the end of Schengen. No, it is not. Just like the financial crisis was not the end of the euro area, on the contrary, it made the euro a stronger currency. Both German Chancellor Merkel and the other big leader of today – Jean-Claude Juncker – clearly state there is no giving up on Schengen, there is no nationalising back of policies, there is no destruction of Europe. Their decisions are true as much because of humanity, as because of pragmatism. Bulgaria, although outside Schengen, stands by this freedom – of free movement, security, and common borders.
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