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] на водената от него коалиция. От икономическите програми и на двете партии се вижда желание за още харчене. Проучване на двама учени от икономическия факултет на Загребския университет, цитирани от хърватската телевизия
] of the coalition led by him. It is evident in the economic programmes of both parties that there is more thirst for spending. Research by two scientists of the economics department of Zagreb University, quoted by Croatian TV channel
  Колко глави Ð...  
Всичко това аргументира активността на редица държави напоследък за преразглеждане на ситуацията на север. В началото на август Федерацията на американските учени излезе с доклад по проблемите и възможностите в региона.
All those opportunities are lately giving ground to many countries to aspire for a review of the situation to the north. In the beginning of August, the Federation of the American Scientists issued a report on the problems and the opportunities in the region. Part of the obstacles before an actual study of the Arctic are territorial disputes among the Arctic countries. Such a dispute is, for instance, Russia’s claim for the Lomonosov Ridge. A year ago, the country attempted to prove that the ridge is part of its continental shelf. If Russia’s pretences were to be satisfied, it will end up with almost half of the Arctic at its disposal. In 2010, the country solved a protracted argument with Norway about their mutual border in the North Sea. With the border agreement signed the examinations for the exploration of the resources there can now finally start. The American report, however, reminds that there still are a couple of unresolved conflicts in the Arctic:
  ЕС изгуби Ñ‚Ñ€Ð...  
"Особено тревожни са ограниченията и мерките, насочени срещу журналисти, учени и защитници на правата на човека, както и непропорционалните забрани на медийни уебсайтове и социални медии", се казва в изявлението на Словашкото председателство.
Same as other countries in the process, Montenegro, too, has made no progress on freedom of expression. In 2015, the building of a commercial medium was partially destroyed in a bomb blast, several journalists were physically and verbally attacked and threatened. There is no progress in the investigation of cases of attacks on journalists.
  Европата на Ð...  
Без да навлиза в подробности за това кои уроци не са научени, той обясни, че е налице деморализация, която обаче не е на пазарите, а на хората и това е най-голямата опасност, пред която Съюзът е изправен.
The French president believes that the crisis situation at the moment, the weak growth and high unemployment are not a temporary situation, but a significant change. If it is true, he said, that the crisis is already behind us, then we still haven not succeeded in learning the lessons from it. Without elaborating about what lessons have not been learnt, he explained that there is demoralisation - not of the markets, but of people - and it is the greatest danger the Union is facing. And another thing that often draws attention, but when said by a head of state has a different weight - too often national interests prevail over the European ones. Yes, many things have been done so far, Mr Hollande continued, but we should not stop here because 28 million Europeans are without a job. It is necessary, according to him, policies to be adapted to national specifics and to be implemented in a reasonable manner.
  Г8 вече няма Ð...  
Като крайният срок за въвеждането им е края на 2012 г. Същевременно, националните мерки си остават приоритет, което означава, че на този етап финансовата регулация се отлага поне до разработването на новите международни правила, от които ще стане ясно дали светът ще продължи да работи постарому или все пак уроците от глобалната криза ще бъдат научени.
The G20 committed by the end of 2010 to internationally agreed rules to improve both the quantity and quality of bank capital. These rules will be phased in as financial conditions improve and economic recovery is assured, with the aim of implementation by end-2012. In the meantime, the national measures remain a priority which means that, at this stage, financial regulation will be postponed at least until the preparation of the new international rules which will show whether the world will continue to work in the old manner or, maybe, the lessons of the global crisis are learned.
  Бойко Борисо...  
Те ще бъдат финансирани като второстепенни разпоредители със средства. Всички учени си запазват местата, изградените колективи няма да бъдат сливани или вливани. Самата БАН ще продължи да бъде подкрепяна от държавата, активите на институтите остават държавна собственост.
The technical personnel in the Council of Ministers building is in a rush to install the equipment for multimedia presentations and this is how we understood that the minister of healthcare would announce its plans for a healthcare reform! What a shock! When has she become a minister, when at the crossroad near Veliko Tarnovo (this is where the prime minister announced he met the new minister) did she manage to make a thorough analysis of the entire healthcare system, to find its strong and weak sides, and finally when did she manage to prepare a vision for a reform? And not just a reform but a structural one!
  Не можем да п...  
Не бяха споменати конкретни параметри като пари или проекти, но, според Барозу, това е нещо, което ще помогне на гражданите на Русия и ЕС търговията да бъде улеснена и ускорена. За целта, ще трябва да се работи по посока изравняване на регулаторните режими, обмен на студенти, учени и технологии.
And although the European partners did not respond directly on the issue of visa waving for Russian citizens, the president of the Commission announced that the EU and Russia had discussed on their summit a new agreement for modernisation of Russia. No concrete parametres were mentioned like money or projects but, according to Barroso, this was something that would help citizens of Russia and the EU trade to be facilitated and intensified. For the purpose both sides should work on regulation convergence, exchange of students, scholars and technology. To achieve this, Mr. Barroso implied that Russia will need to change many fundamental things - rule of law, "
  ЕК и ЕЦБ срещ...  
Също толкова непосредствена е необходимостта от създаването на единен механизъм за преструктуриране, който е фундамент в банковия съюз и е необходимо допълнение към надзорния механизъм за банките, обясни Асмусен. Според Дайселблум обаче всички уроци вече са научени и ЕС е в по-добра позиция да посрещне нови предизвикателства.
Also immediate is the need of creating a single resolution mechanism, which is fundamental in the banking union and is a necessary supplement to the supervisory mechanism for the banks, Asmussen explained. According to Dijsselbloem, however, all lessons have already been learnt and EU is in a better position to face new challenges. More specifically he pointed to the new tools and powers that made the Commission stronger to impose fiscal discipline. Alas, this is a controversial issue against the backdrop of the softening of the Commission under pressure from the anti-austerians whose cause to remove the painful budget restrictions was significantly supported by the revelation recently of a technical error in the calculations of an influential scientific team - the Harvard professors Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff. The issue for or against fiscal constraints will be a major one during the next hearing of Olli Rehn in the economic committee of the European Parliament in the beginning of June.
  Продължава Ñ‚...  
Глупаво е да се рационализират оптимизма и песимизма. Но някои големи философи и учени са правили опит за това. Смята се, че известният математик Готфрид Лайбниц е представител на оптимизма, за разлика от Артур Шопенхауер, който е представител на вечния песимизъм.
While following the macro economic indicators and the economic situation in the country, more and more often I hear the question: "Is there any reason for optimism at all?". This always confuses me. I don't understand. As if optimism needs a reason. Optimism is hope, belief in the future and successful exit. And hope and belief are not subject to material proof. It's a feeling. It is based on small things and on the moments of happiness. Those who do not recognise them are doomed to be eternally unhappy. It's stupid to rationalise optimism and pessimism. But some big philosophers and scientists made attempts in that direction. It is believed that renown mathematician Gottfried Leibniz is a representative of optimism, unlike Arthur Schopenhauer who is a representative of eternal pessimism. If they could look at Croatia today, I wonder who of the two would be right? Not to mention that both, because of their philosophical views, would probably shriek out from the various civil organisations for protection of tolerance of belief, home and women's rights.
  Истински ли Ñ...  
Става дума за заместник на коригиращите програми, които в момента изпълняват страните със спасителни заеми, договорени от ЕС и МВФ. Уроците от спасяването на Гърция, Португалия, Ирландия, а също и от проблемите на Испания, изглежда са научени, защото се предлага договорите да се изготвят за всеки конкретен случай поотделно.
In parallel to this framework is envisaged the establishment of a mechanism for coordination, convergence and implementation of structural policies, based upon contracts between the member states and the European institutions. This will be a replacement of the adjustment programmes which are currently being implemented by the bailout countries and which were agreed by the EU and the IMF. The lessons from the rescue of Greece, Portugal, Ireland and also Spain's problems, seem to have been learnt because it is proposed the contracts to be prepared on a case-by-case basis. It is important to note that the financial assistance, accompanying the rescue contracts, will be separate from the multiannual financial framework. (the EU budget).
  Денят на СтрÐ...  
Г-н Ахмадинеджад заяви, че единственото решение е връщане към хуманизма и божествените цели. Той предложи да се създаде работна група от доброволци от цял свят - учени и мъдри хора, които да изготвят критерии за щастие и благоденствие.
According to him, developed countries, representing only 20% of global population, consume 85% of natural resources, moreover by trying to control the states that own these resources. Mr. Ahmadinejad also said that the only solution was return to humanism and divine goals. He proposed the creation of a working group of volunteers from all over the world - scientists and wise people - to prepare criteria for happiness and prosperity. Beside this a new economic system should be established with the main purpose to distribute the wealth and resources fairly according to the real needs of people. However, to achieve this a mechanism for economic sanctions on defiant countries and companies should also be created.
  Гърция - пред...  
Пред евродепутатите Андонис Самарас заяви, че страната му е била съдена през последните години за собствените й грешки, които са правени с десетилетия, но последвалото изречение, че наяве са излезнали и структурните слабости на единната валута, както и грешките в първата спасителна програма, показват, че уроците не са научени докрай и че Гърция може и да не съумее да превърне собствената си загуба в победа на Европа.
The most severe criticism the Greek premier got from the chief of the Liberals in the EP and one of the wannabe candidates for the position of the European Commission president - Belgian MEP Guy Verhofstadt. He said Greece was a symbol of the best and the worst of Europe. On the one hand, it gave the name of "our beautiful continent", but on the other hand, it has created the worst crisis in its history. "The Greek crisis is a little bit of a quintessence of the European crisis - a lack discipline for a long period, a lack of solidarity for a long period and a lack of responsibility", said the former Belgian prime minister. He equally blamed the European leaders and national elites for the current situation because, according to him, they had to demonstrate solidarity with Greece in the very beginning. "We've got collective responsibility here", he added, responsibility of the European leadership, but of the Greek political class, too, which launched the reforms too late.
  Президентът ...  
На борда освен Качински и съпругата му са били министърът на отбраната Йежи Смаджински, управителят на Полската народна банка Славомир Скржипек, депутати от всички политически партии, дипломати, учени, военни и свещеници.
70 years after the execution in the Katyn forest, Katyn is again a symbol of sorrow and pain for Poland. On his way to the Katyn memorial, the plane carrying the Polish president Lech Kaczynski crashed in the Russian Smolensk area. On board, except the president and his wife, were also the minister of defense Jerzy Szmajdzinski, Slawomir Skrzypek - chairman of the National Bank, Members of Parliament from all poitical parties, diplomats, scientists, military officers and priests. All of them died.
  Полша: Ð’ ПакÑ...  
По план бюджетът на институцията, който в момента възлиза на 300 млн. злоти (около 150 млн. лв.), ще бъде увеличен до 1,5 милиард злоти (около 750 млн. лева). Важно е да се знае, че 20% от бюджета на центъра ще бъдат предназначени за подпомагане на млади учени, които тепърва започват кариерата си.
Leszek Hensel: With money for science from the public budget in March this year has been created the National Scientific Centre. It allocates the money for fundamental research on a competition basis. According to the plan the budget of this new institution, currently at the amount of 300mn zloty (approx. 75mn euros), will be increased to 1.5bn zloty (approx. 375mn euros). It is important to know that 20% of the centre's budget will be allocated to support young scientists who are yet to begin their carriers.
Той обобщи първите две години от членството като заяви, че две неща са научени. Първото е позитивно - свобода на индивида, върховенство на закона, права. Има обаче и отрицателен урок и той е, че именно ЕС се отказва от тези свои идеологически идеали.
He summarised the first two years of membership by saying that two things have been learned. The first one is positive – freedom of the individual, rule of law, rights. There is also a negative lesson and it is that it is exactly the EU that is giving up these ideological ideals. Foreign affairs are totally absent from the election programmes of the two largest pre-election coalitions. They both pay attention to fighting organised crime and corruption, albeit with no particular details. Simply a commitment is stated. Smaller parties have positions on foreign affairs. Most prominent is the one of the anti-establishment party “Live Wall” of young Ivan Vilibor Sinčić, who ranked third at the first round of presidential elections. He thinks Croatia should leave the EU and NATO.
  За границите...  
Как се случи това, се питам, докато слушам учени, политици и хора на изкуството да разсъждават по въпроса. Събира ги инициативата „Душа за Европа”, този път - в сърцето на Истанбул. Целта е по-скоро обсъждане на културните политики, но бързо става ясно, че разговорът за културата е неразривна част от големия разговор за това кои сме ние и къде е нашето място - в света, във времето.
How did this happen, I wonder, while listening to scientists, politicians and artists reflecting on the matter. They gathered together for the initiative "A Soul for Europe", this time - in the heart of Istanbul. The goal is rather to discuss cultural policies, but it soon becomes clear that the conversation about culture is an integral part of the great conversation about who we are and where our place is - in the world, in the time.
  Кризата с ГъÑ...  
Защо Германия е създала толкова успешен модел на движение, при който е възможно да се вдига изцяло ограничението на скоростта и въпреки това да цари пълна хармония между хилядите участници в него? Част от отговора е в педантичното обучение на шофьорите, които са научени да съобразяват множество фактори едновременно.
EU needs the harmony of the German traffic - such a high level of trust that allows the various participants to drive as fast as they can while in the same time respecting the rest and allowing them to join the traffic on an equal basis. Everyone who breaks the rules takes the responsibility because, ultimately, this is a matter of life and death. Road traffic, just like a state or a supranational structure like EU, is a living organism where waywardness creates risks, slows its development down and, in the end, takes it to a decline. We can argue a lot whether Germany has chosen the right economic model but t