филм – Traduction – Dictionnaire Keybot

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Keybot 13 Résultats  www.power-humanrights-education.org
  Digital Art Festival | ...  
За да ни изпратите своя филм, изберете една от трите възможности:
  Digital Art Festival | ...  
3. изпратете DVD с филма по пощата на адреса, посочен в края на формуляра.
2. give us a link where we can see your film online or download a preview
  Digital Art Festival | ...  
За да подадете вашия филм, моля попълнете формуляра на адрес: http://da-fest.bg/bg/application_sf-go/
In order to apply, please to fill out the online form you can find at:
  Digital Art Festival | ...  
Моят стоп моушън филм разказва историята на Мирча Елиаде. Един старец може да гадае по камъните и докато върви покрай брега, търсейки камъни един млад мъж го вижда. След това старецът разказва на младежа история, която се сбъдва.
My stop motion movie is about a story of Mircea Eliade. An old man can guess in stones and when he was walking on the sea side looking for stones, a young man have seen him. After that, the old man is telling to the younger one a story that becomes true. In that story the young man meets the old man's daughter.
  Digital Art Festival | ...  
Приемат се филми от различни жанрове и стилове, които показват нови гледни точки и художествени интерпретации, в това число експериментален филм, видео арт, анимация и други, създадени от студенти, или дипломанти, завършили през 2011г.
We will consider all genres and styles, that show new voices and new perspectives, including experimental film and video, animation, etc., made by students or graduates finishing in 2011 art or film academies or departments.
  Digital Art Festival | ...  
Започва специализация при проф. Георги Дюлгеров 2009г. Все още не е дипломирана. 2009г завършва първия си късометражен филм "Отражения" и клип на групата Блуба Лу по песента "Hold back". Края на 2010г.
Vesselka Kuncheva was born on 21 July 1976. She graduated in puppet theatre directing in 2002 from the National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts. She started her postgraduate studies with Prof. Georgi Dyulgerov in 2009 and has yet to finish them. In 2009 she completed her first short film, Reflections, and video of the band Bluba Lu's song "Hold Back". At the end of 2010 she directed the video of "Definitely Song" of the band Nasekomix. She is currently dealing with the postproduction of her latest short film: Mona Lisa.
  Digital Art Festival | ...  
Започва специализация при проф. Георги Дюлгеров 2009г. Все още не е дипломирана. 2009г завършва първия си късометражен филм "Отражения" и клип на групата Блуба Лу по песента "Hold back". Края на 2010г.
Vesselka Kuncheva was born on 21 July 1976. She graduated in puppet theatre directing in 2002 from the National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts. She started her postgraduate studies with Prof. Georgi Dyulgerov in 2009 and has yet to finish them. In 2009 she completed her first short film, Reflections, and video of the band Bluba Lu's song "Hold Back". At the end of 2010 she directed the video of "Definitely Song" of the band Nasekomix. She is currently dealing with the postproduction of her latest short film: Mona Lisa.
  Digital Art Festival | ...  
„За един сън“ е експериментален филм, създаден със стоп моушън. Това беше предизвикателство за мен като филмов творец. Оказах се увлечена от въпроса как мога да съживя картините от моите сънища, моето собствено съзнание, как мога да покажа ирационалната логика и ритъм на сънищата, атмосферата на безпокойство.
About a dream is an experimental film made with stop- motion technique. It was a challenging work for me as a film maker. I found my self hooked with the question how can I revive the pictures from my night dreams, my own inner conscious, how can I show the irrational logic and rythm of dreams, the atmosphere of anxhiety. Absurdity and simbolic motifs make so much sense while we dream but as soon as we wake up and try to explain them, they lose their primar shape and a lot of times these stories sound ridiculous when we try to put them into words. Film About a dream is a film of atmosphere and assotiations. No logic plot, no real characters; the imagery is musically composed and follows the irrational rythm of dreams.
  Digital Art Festival | ...  
„За един сън“ е експериментален филм, създаден със стоп моушън. Това беше предизвикателство за мен като филмов творец. Оказах се увлечена от въпроса как мога да съживя картините от моите сънища, моето собствено съзнание, как мога да покажа ирационалната логика и ритъм на сънищата, атмосферата на безпокойство.
About a dream is an experimental film made with stop- motion technique. It was a challenging work for me as a film maker. I found my self hooked with the question how can I revive the pictures from my night dreams, my own inner conscious, how can I show the irrational logic and rythm of dreams, the atmosphere of anxhiety. Absurdity and simbolic motifs make so much sense while we dream but as soon as we wake up and try to explain them, they lose their primar shape and a lot of times these stories sound ridiculous when we try to put them into words. Film About a dream is a film of atmosphere and assotiations. No logic plot, no real characters; the imagery is musically composed and follows the irrational rythm of dreams.