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Keybot 2 Results  www.opac.government.bg
Буквално преди дни се проведе единадесетото заседание, където представихме цялостния напредък за 2012 г. и напредъка по ключови проекти, финансирани по ОПАК, както и кратки документални филми за пет успешно приключили проекта, които са пример за добри практики.
We regularly participate in meeting with the EC and report the implementation of OPAC. It’s an opportunity to get feedback from the Commission and the Monitoring Committee. Few days ago, during the 11th session we presented the achievements for 2012 and the implementation of key projects funded by OPAC, as well as short documentaries on five closed projects example for good practices.
Днес организираме специална пресконференция в „Гранд хотел София”, на която ще представим както добри практики по ОПАК, така и стартиращи проекти в сферата на електронните услуги. Някои от тези проекти вече бяха наградени от нас и за тях бяха изработени кратки документални филми.
Today we organize a special press conference in Grand Hotel Sofia, on which we will present good practices under OPAC as well as starting projects in the area of the e-services. Some of these projects have already been awarded by us and short documentary films have been made for them. In Banite Municipality for example over 10 administrative services can already be paid electronically, a public Register of the active regulatory regimes on the territory of the municipality was developed, as well as software for electronic submission and verification of the complaints, signals and inquiries of the citizens and the business. Under the same project the employees in the municipality are already trained to work with the specialized software. Gabrovo Municipality implemented seven new electronic services, it created a public electronic register “Municipal Properties”, developed and implemented an integrated geo information system for cadastre. Under another OPAC project the National Center for Information and Documentation to the ministry of education can boast with the providing of electronic government of the administrative and information services for the recognition of higher education diplomas and professional qualifications, acquired in the EU countries and third countries. These are all real results, which gradually change our lives.