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Keybot 4 Results  www.euinside.eu
  За мандата нÐ...  
Разбира се, той не подмина проблемите на България с организираната престъпност и корупцията като направи много фино дипломатическо изказване, базирано на личните му наблюдения. "Естествено групите интереси, които са създадени в първите години на демокрацията и които все още са доста мощни, и които ме изненадваха, когато посещавах отделни градове в провинцията. През 90-те години вероятно се е смятало, че връщането към демокрация много бързо ще доведе до стабилност по отношение на организираната престъпност и корупцията, но това не се случи точно по този начин".
corruption, by making a very exquisite diplomatic statement, based upon his own observations. "Of course the interest groups, which had been created in the first years of democracy and which are still very powerful, and which surprised me during my visits in various towns in the countryside. In the 90s it was probably being considered that the return to democracy would very quickly lead to stability with regard to the organised crime and the corruption, but this did not happen exactly like this". This is the reason why fighting organised crime remains Bulgaria's major challenge. The Cooperation and Verification Mechanism, imposed on our country with its accession to the EU, was a right tool, thanks to which there had been progress, the French diplomat added.
  Първата поли...  
Той представи, заедно с Юрки Катайнен, есенната икономическа прогноза на Европейската комисия. Очевидно беше, че между двамата все още не е създаден добър синхрон на работа и изглеждаше сякаш Московиси има превес, нещо което той фино експлоатираше.
His responsibility will be significantly smaller than that of Olli Rehn's. Pierre Moscovici will be responsible for the deepening of the integration in the euro area, for the implementation of the Stability and Growth Pact, for the review of the reform of the economic governance, for the structural reforms in the euro area and the development of a VAT system at EU level. In his portfolio is also the building and management of an efficient customs union. He will be only a part of Juncker's big economic team. Yet in his first activity as a commissioner, his political experience has been revealed. He presented, together with Jyrki Katainen, the autumn economic forecast of the European Commission. It was obvious, that between the two there was no good synchrony yet and it seemed as if Moscovici prevailed. Something he thinly exploited.
  Мирослав Лай...  
Те може да бъдат настроени фино и се настройват фино, тъй като ЕС еволюира, това е жив организъм, който преминава през различни етапи - в момента разбира се са икономическите, финансовите проблеми, но очевидно правилата на разширяването не са фиксирани и трябва да бъдат напасвани гъвкаво, но това не означава, че трябва да създаваме нови условия или нови правила за нови страни.
Miroslav Lajčák: You know the accession criteria are set and I don't think they have to be changed. They might be fine tuned and they are fine tuned because EU is evolving, it's a living organism, it's going through different stages, right now it's facing, of course, economic problems, financial problems, so obviously the rules of enlargement are not set and they have to be adjusted flexibly but this does not mean that we have to create new conditions or new rules for new countries. But one lesson to be learned probably from the cases of Romania and Bulgaria is that it's really important to make sure that at the moment of entry the country is 100% ready to be a member, because to offer the membership and to still have some mechanisms which are very fine controlling, assessing, doesn't seem to be the proper approach.
  Мирослав Лай...  
Те може да бъдат настроени фино и се настройват фино, тъй като ЕС еволюира, това е жив организъм, който преминава през различни етапи - в момента разбира се са икономическите, финансовите проблеми, но очевидно правилата на разширяването не са фиксирани и трябва да бъдат напасвани гъвкаво, но това не означава, че трябва да създаваме нови условия или нови правила за нови страни.
Miroslav Lajčák: You know the accession criteria are set and I don't think they have to be changed. They might be fine tuned and they are fine tuned because EU is evolving, it's a living organism, it's going through different stages, right now it's facing, of course, economic problems, financial problems, so obviously the rules of enlargement are not set and they have to be adjusted flexibly but this does not mean that we have to create new conditions or new rules for new countries. But one lesson to be learned probably from the cases of Romania and Bulgaria is that it's really important to make sure that at the moment of entry the country is 100% ready to be a member, because to offer the membership and to still have some mechanisms which are very fine controlling, assessing, doesn't seem to be the proper approach.