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Keybot 15 Results  www.euinside.eu
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са съобщили за срещата. Признава, че мястото на провеждането й и домакинството са спорни, но това не бива да хвърля сянка върху събитието.
have notified of the meeting. He admits that the place where it was held and the host are controversial, but this should not throw a shadow over the event.
  Дългата сянк...  
По тази причина случаят хвърля дълга сянка не само върху провеждането на изборите, но и върху отношенията между Брюксел и Киев. Продължава да се бави подписването на споразумението за асоцииране, което включва и първото по рода си споразумение за дълбока и всеобхватна търговска зона.
For this reason, the case casts a long shadow not only over the elections, but over the relations between Brussels and Kiev as well. The signing of the Association Agreement, which includes the first-ever agreement on deep and comprehensive trade area is protracted. Kiev insists that the development of EU-Ukraine relations should not be tied to specific cases and individuals. EU, in turn, argues that it is not about specific individuals but about respecting fundamental European principles and values. Therefore, the elections will be watched through a magnifying glass, and the results will be important both for the further development of the Tymoshenko case and for the Kiev-Brussels relations in general.
  2 години по-кÑ...  
И все пак, икономистът не хвърля цялата вина върху южните страни. Според него, друг фактор за тежкия дисбаланс в еврозоната е Германия, която често е посочвана като страна, която разбира добре как може да профъцфтява във валутен съюз.
All the same the economist does not put all the blame to the Southern states. He says that another factor for the dire imbalance of the eurozone is Germany, which is often cited as the country which understands how to flourish within a currency union. Germany has certainly shown discipline. Berlin resisted numerous times the pressure to increase wages, thus keeping its export competitiveness. But Germany's strategy is hardly one that other countries can follow, because one country's surplus is another's deficit.
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Така че, ако искаме, действително, да има постоянство, то трябва всеки един, който дойде на власт, да си сложи своите приоритети, да прецени кои са предишните, но не е задължително всяко нещо да го хвърля на боклука и да го отрича.
That is why Bulgaria was lagging behind the countries from Eastern Europe. Thanks God though, we are in the lead of the countries in the Balkans. I would say now that it is important who are we comparing to. So, if we want to have continuity and stability, everyone that comes to power should put his own priorities, to review the previous ones and it is not obligatory to erase everything done so far. But, again, this is the result of people's vote. I cannot judge the Bulgarian voter for electing a government to which I have a lot of remarks and pretenses, but it was elected and it will work.
  Дългата сянк...  
"Вкарването в затвора на ключови лидери на опозицията хвърля много дълга сянка върху тези избори и това прави провеждането им изключително чувствително и важно", каза бившият председател на Европейския парламент Пат Кокс, който заедно с бившия полски президент Александър Квашневски беше изпратен на специална мисия в Украйна от името на ЕП.
with beheaded opposition. "Imprisonments of key leaders of the opposition casts a very long shadow on these elections end that’s why it makes their conduct exceptionally sensitive and important," said former European Parliament President Pat Cox, who, together with former Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski, was sent on a special mission to Ukraine on behalf of the Parliament. The aim of the mission, which started in June 2012, was to improve the humanitarian and legal situation of the Tymoshenko case, European Parliament President Martin Schulz explained. Former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko and some of the ministers in her cabinet were convicted and jailed for abuse of power, but the European Union considers these cases politically motivated.
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Парламентарната асамблея на Съвета на Европа излезе с декларация, в която се посочва, че „с отричането на геноцида в Сребреница от 1995 новоизбраният сръбски президент Томислав Николич хвърля сянка върху президентската институция“ и че „осъзнаването на отговорността на всички страни, участвали в конфликта на територията на бивша Югославия в периода от 1991 до 1995 е условие за помиряване“.
According to local analysts, Nikolic’s statements could not be defined as gaffes but were rather a part of his political ideology which, although having undergone some cosmetic corrections, is basically the ideology of the Radical party. Beyond the country and the region, reactions were harsh as well. The Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly issued a declaration, in which it stressed out that “by denying the 1995 genocide in Srebrenica, the newly elected President of Serbia, Tomislav Nikolic, has cast a shadow on the presidency,” and that “recognition of responsibilities by all sides in the conflicts that ravaged the territory of the former Yugoslavia between 1991 and 1995 is a precondition for reconciliation.”
  4 страни иска...  
"Доверието в европейския проект зависи от това да живеем спрямо стандартите, които сами сме си наложили. Това е особено вярно в момент, когато Европа е дълбоко разтърсена от криза на доверието, произтичащо от финансови проблеми в еврозоната. Ерозията на доверието, която се наблюдава в момента, се простира далече отвъд финансовата и икономическата политика. За мнозина това хвърля съмнение върху бъдещето на самия европейски проект. Нашият отговор трябва следователно да отиде отвъд сегашните усилия за преодоляване на дълговата криза", пише още в писмото, с което euinside разполага.
The introduction of a structured political dialogue, bringing the issue to the Council at an early stage, concluding a binding agreement between the Commission and the member state and even, as a last resort measure, suspension of EU funds. Those are some of the measures proposed by Denmark, Germany, The Netherlands and Finland in a letter to the European Commission sent in the beginning of March. The letter was sent just a short while after the publication of the draft report of the European Parliament on the troubles with rule of law and fundamental rights in Hungary. "At this critical stage in European history, it is crucially important that the fundamental values enshrined in the European treaties be vigorously protected. The EU must be extremely watchful whenever they are put at risk anywhere within its borders", the foreign minsters of the four countries write in their letter.
Литовската президентка Далия Грибаускайте беше против да се хвърля цялата вина върху регионите на ЕС. "Мисля, че и двете страни са по малко виновни за ставащото. Ние сме донякъде заложници на вътрешната политика на една страна, а друго нещо е доколко отворен и прозрачен е бил процесът на преговорите", добави тя.
Lithuania President Dalia Grybauskaitė was opposed to throwing all the blame on EU regions. “I think the process, both sides, are a little bit guilty of what's happening. We're partly hostages of internal politics of one country and another thing is the process - how open and transparent the process of negotiations was”, she added. Following the signing of CETA, which yet needs to be ratified by the parliaments of member states and Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ascribed it all to democracy. “I believe in democracy. Our democratic institutions and principles demand when a leader or government puts over a proposal they'd be questioned by opposition who disagree and think they need to challenge whether it's been done the right way, whether it's in the interest of everyone, whether we'd thought about the impact on the most vulnerable, whether various regions or constituencies will be affected positively or negatively by any given proposition. That's at the centre of a healthy functioning democracy”, he said.
  Кой или какъÐ...  
Г-жа Станишева обяви, че ще възстанови взетия аванс по проекта, но това хвърля сериозна сянка на съмнение върху възможностите на г-н Шулц да има обективно отношение към България, която е под наблюдението на Европейската комисия в областта на правосъдието и вътрешните работи.
Moreover, he is suspected of conflict of interest because his wife, Monika Stanisheva, received a huge grant by the European Parliament to promote the institution's activities in Bulgaria. Mrs Stanisheva announced she would return the money she took in advance for the project, but, nonetheless, this casts a serious shadow over Mr Schulz's possibilities to treat Bulgaria without bias, especially given the fact that the country is under the European Commission's monitoring in the area of justice and home affairs. According to the latest report under the mechanism, the Bulgarian authorities have entirely suspended work on the mechanism. After seven years of monitoring, it is more than clear that it needs a review. If Mr Schulz were to become a European Commission chief, it will be a great test for him if he would succumb to pressure by Bulgaria and the PES chairman the mechanism to be cancelled or will he defend the European values and the European citizens, including the Bulgarians, by reforming the mechanism to better reflect the problems in the country and to demand solution. It will also be a test how will he react if Sofia nominated a controversial commissioner.