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  Европа от Ð¥eл...  
Европа от Хелзинки
Europe from Helsinki
  Европа от Ð¥eл...  
След среща в Хелзинки на 4 март, те обявиха, че не просто подкрепят създаването на Пакта но и че „процесът трябва да се наблюдава от Европейската комисия и всички елементи от Пакта, които са от компетентността на Съюза, трябва да се подготвят според общностния метод”.
who are members of the EPP. After a meeting in Helsinki on 4 March, they announced that they not only supported the creation of the Pact but that “these processes should be monitored by the European Commission and the parts of the pact that are in the Union’s competence should be prepared by the community method”.
  ЕС е готов да...  
Новото в руското предложение, за първи път представено в Хелзинки по време на посещението на Дмитрий Медведев по-рано тази година, е въвеждането на международна регулация на търговията с ядрени материали.
The Russian proposal is about a new energy charter which is to replace the existing one, signed but not ratified by Russia. Moscow says that some formulations in it are old and do not correspond to today's needs. The new thing in the Russian proposal, presented for the first time in Helsinki during the visit of president Dmitry Medvedev earlier this year, is the introduction of international regulation of the nuclear materials trade.
  Финландия от...  
Що се отнася до временния спасителен фонд и предложените промени, Финландия настоява, ако която и да е страна-членка на еврозоната след Португалия поиска помощ, Хелзинки да получи допълнителни гаранции от въпросната страна-членка.
With regard to the temporary rescue fund and the proposed changes, Finland insists if any other euro area member state after Portugal is to request assistance, Helsinki to obtain collateral for its guarantee from the Member State in question. The purpose of this condition is Finland to limit its liabilities to the level obtained by agreeing to the Portuguese and the preceding programmes. Besides, the agreement reads, Finland will request a more rigorous analysis of debt sustainability with any future operation of the temporary fund. A more rigorous analysis by the Commission, the ECB and the IMF is envisaged to be enacted with the permanent fund too, while currently such an analysis is being made for Greece and is expected the results of it to be presented at the Eurogroup session on Monday and at the Ecofin meeting on Tuesday (May 17).
  ЕС не се само...  
Хелзинки смята, че Съюзът трябва да бъде реформиран, за да се подобри функционирането му, но трябва да се избягват поправки в устройствените договори. Според Финландия, ЕС трябва да се концентрира върху най-важните неща и не трябва непременно да задълбочава интеграцията във всички сфери.
Helsinki believes that the Union needs to be reformed to improve its functioning, but any amendments to the founding treaties need to be avoided. According to Finland, the EU needs to concentrate on the most important issues and does not necessarily need to deepen integration in all spheres. Main priorities to Finland are the energy union, the defence union, and cooperation in the field of security. The country is traditionally positioned against solidarity when it comes to bailing out states in trouble within the euro area.
  Ще накуцва лÐ...  
И докато Великобритания се подготвя и прави анализ на въздействието на европейското законодателство върху независимия островитянски дух на британските граждани и политици, подобни анализи вече се подготвят и в Хага, а отскоро и в Хелзинки.
And while Britain is preparing and is analysing the impact of the European legislation over the independent and islandish spirit of British citizens and politicians, similar analyses are already under way in The Hague and soon in Helsinki. The European dream is turning into a memory from the first romantic dinner. Now the situation resembles rather a marriage stuck in the dilemma a divorce or we're-too-old-and-too-tired-for-new-relationships. What has been achieved so far makes many at the negotiations table in Brussels nervous by excessive interference of the EU in their lives. They are put in imbalances procedures, they are required to reduce the deficit, to do certain reforms which are deliberately postponed for the sake of higher electoral scores. And now, a solution is needed to the problem with saving systemic banks that work in more than one EU member state. And according to Internal Market Commissioner Michel Barnier, their number is 250.
  Европа от Ð¥eл...  
За първото намекна скоро германският канцлер Ангела Меркел след среща с гръция премиер Георгиос Папандреу. На срещата в Хелзинки присъстваше и лидерът на Фина Гейл Енда Кени, който вероятно ще е новият премиер на Ирландия.
The issues of the extension of the Greek loan’s maturity and lowering the interest rate of the Irish loan are also openly on the table. For the first thing recently hinted German Chancellor Angela Merkel, after a meeting with Greek Prime Minister Georgios Papandreou. The meeting in Helsinki was also attended by Enda Kenny, the Fine Gael leader, who is likely to be the new prime minister of Ireland. Present at the meeting was also the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, both members of the EPP. Why the meeting was held in Helsinki - where else if not (intentionally symbolically) in the capital of one of the least indebted EU countries.
  Европа от Ð¥eл...  
За първото намекна скоро германският канцлер Ангела Меркел след среща с гръция премиер Георгиос Папандреу. На срещата в Хелзинки присъстваше и лидерът на Фина Гейл Енда Кени, който вероятно ще е новият премиер на Ирландия.
The issues of the extension of the Greek loan’s maturity and lowering the interest rate of the Irish loan are also openly on the table. For the first thing recently hinted German Chancellor Angela Merkel, after a meeting with Greek Prime Minister Georgios Papandreou. The meeting in Helsinki was also attended by Enda Kenny, the Fine Gael leader, who is likely to be the new prime minister of Ireland. Present at the meeting was also the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, both members of the EPP. Why the meeting was held in Helsinki - where else if not (intentionally symbolically) in the capital of one of the least indebted EU countries.
  Румъния: ШенÐ...  
По-късно, след като стана ясно, че решението за присъединяването на България и Румъния към Шенген се отлага за неопределено време, министър Игас заяви пред журналисти, в националната зала на Румъния за брифинги: "Ценности като доверие, партньорство и отговорност, много често споменавани, когато се определят шенгенските принципи, бяха пренебрегнати от две страни-членки, Холандия и Финландия". Той добави, че ще продължи разговорите си в Хага и Хелзинки за договарянето на компромис като е изразил убеденост, че Холандия и Финландия ще откликнат положително.
Dear colleagues, the Romania’s accession to Schengen is a requirement derived from the Treaty of Romania’s Accession to the European Union, an objective agreed as such by all the Member States through the ratification of this document. The legal framework regarding the joining of the Schengen area includes very clear regulations, totally assumed by Romania even from the beginning of the accession process.
  Ирландия се Ð...  
И въпреки че публичният дълг се очаква да достигне 124% от БВП, той остава устойчив, е мнението на тройката. Вскичко това звучи изключително обнадеждаващо, само да не беше съпротивата на Конституционния съд и то за нещо, което определено предизвиква възмущение от Никозия до Хелзинки, през Берлин и Брюксел.
In 2013, Portugal had to reduce its budget deficit to 4.5% of GDP, but the government wants the target to be 5.5% and insetad of 2.5% next year to be allowed a 4% deficit with the argument that in this way the automatic fiscal stabilisers will be left to deliver. The expected return within the norm below 3% is expected in 2015. The troika agrees with this argument and believes that if the new targets are accompanied by targeted consolidation efforts, they should be respected. And although the public debt is expected to peak at 124% of GDP, it remains sustainable, is the opinion of the troika. All this sounds very optimistic if only it was not for the Constitutional court's resistance, especially for something which definitely causes indignation from Nicosia to Helsinki, through Berlin and Brussels.
Българската правосъдна министърка е съгласна за разширяване на обхвата на PIF директивата, така че да се вкючат измамите с ДДС, но е против включването им в регламента на прокуратурата. Предпазливи по въпроса бяха още Швеция и Финландия, въпреки че Хелзинки проявява симпатии към идеята европейската прокуратура да поеме някои измами с ДДС, но предпочита да се намерят алтернативи.
It was difficult for Romania to answer the questions, for both legislative dossiers are linked to each other. There could be no progress on one of them until there is some clarity on the other. In general, Bucharest has reserves against including VAT in the PIF directive and the EPPO regulation. Greece fully supports including these frauds in the EPPO competences list, as the “Taricco” case shows. The Bulgarian justice minister agrees to the widening of the scope of PIF directive to include VAT frauds, but is opposed to including them in the EPPO regulation. Cautious on the issue are also Sweden and Finland, although Helsinki exhibits sympathies to the idea of the EPPO taking over some VAT fraud cases, but prefers looking for alternatives.
  ЕС не се само...  
Най-изчерпателен и бърз отговор дойде от Финландия. Позицията на Хелзинки е, че най-важната задача на ЕС е да опази мира, сигурността, просперитета и върховенството на закона. Финландия се застъпва за общностния подход - тоест на ниво европейски институции и европейско право, вместо междудържавни споразумения.
The issue, however, is quintessential, so euinside decided to send out the same question to all member states, but it got replies from just a few. The answers were quite general in nature, but despite that some of them give some idea about what the direction that member states, which replied, want the Union to develop in. The most comprehensive and speedy reply came from Finland. Helsinki’s position is that the EU’s most important task is providing peace, security, prosperity, and the rule of law. Finland advocates for the community approach – meaning staying at the level of European institutions and European law, instead of intergovernmental agreements. “EU membership is a political choice that connects Finland to the Western community of values”, is written in the Finnish government’s programme.
  Прозрачност ...  
Германия също отказа да подкрепи предложението като посочи, че предложението на Комисията не отговаря на правилата за защита на личните данни. Финландия съобщи, че е критично настроена към публичния контрол, тъй като според Хелзинки той на първо място е отговорност на местните власти.
Spain demanded the threshold to be three thousand euros and Portugal questioned the need of a threshold. Germany, too, refused to support the proposal pointing out that the Commission proposal did not respond to the rules for protection of personal data. Finland said it was critical toward the public control because, according to Helsinki, first and foremost it was a responsibility of the national authorities. Ways should be discussed to protect better the personal freedom of recipients and to publish information on a sectoral or regional level, not about individual beneficiaries, the Finnish Agriculture Minister Jari Koskinen demanded.
] си в Хелзинки на 16 април. "За мен е огромно удоволствие да съм във Финландия днес, защото Финландия има много общо с моята родна страна Люксембург - заедно с Германия, Финландия и Люксембург са единствените страни в еврозоната, които имат отличен кредитен рейтинг - тройно А. Тоест, ние имаме най-добрата репутация по отношение на доверие на кредиторите и финансова стабилност. Това не се подразбира от само себе си след доста бурните години на финансовите пазари", каза бившият дългогодишен шеф на Еврогрупата.
Jean-Claude Juncker launched his campaign in Brussels thus sending a very clear message - this is the capital. His second very clear message was that his tour began from northern Europe which obviously shows that, to him, their economic model is a role model. He said this himself during his speech in Helsinki on April 16th. "It is a great pleasure for me to be in Finland today. It is a pleasure because Finland has something in common with my home country Luxembourg: along with Germany, Finland and Luxembourg are the only countries in the Euro zone who have triple A status. We have thus the best reputation in terms of creditworthiness and financial solidity. This is not self-evident after some rather turbulent years on the financial markets", said the former Eurogroup chief.
  Няма да има г...  
] си в Хелзинки на 27 ноември 2014 г. шефът на ЕЦБ заяви, че определянето на икономическите политики трябва да се прави съвместно от страните-членки на валутния съюз. Това означава споделяне на суверенитета в тази сфера.
In his speech in Helsinki on 27 November 2014, the ECB chief said that the setting of economic policies should be done jointly by the members of the currency block. This means sharing of sovereignty in this area as well. That sharing could happen through common rules or common institutions. At the moment, there are intensive talks in the group of Sherpas (where the exchange is taking place between the capitals and Brussels) and in the Eurogroup and ECOFIN. The drafting of the second report has started very recently and is still in the early stages. How will it progress is hard to assess because the answers to the questionnaire the Commission sent to the member states suggest that a reconciliation is sought between conflicting positions.
  Драги: ЕЦБ не...  
върху Испания и Италия леко отслабна, но и политиците. След срещата си с финландския премиер Юрки Катайнен в Хелзинки италианският премиер Марио Монти коментира, че даването на банков лиценз на ЕМС ще помогне и ще се случи "своевременно".
Spain and Italy, but the politicians as well. After his meeting with Finnish Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen in Helsinki Mario Monti, Italy's prime minister, said that granting the ESM a banking license would help and would occur "in due course." The Italian prime minister seemed encouraged by Draghi`s statement and "particularly impressed by the clarity" with which Draghi had talked about excessive differences between interest rates. Apart from the spreads between government bonds, "we must even more avoid spreads between mentalities and between nations," Monty said, to avoid the euro to become a "factor of disintegration" in Europe.