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Keybot 4 Results  www.igph.kiev.ua
  Institute of Geophysics...  
Благодаря комплексованию геофизических методов и корректному учету особенностей песчано-глинистых пород, повышена достоверность и точность определений влажности, пористости, плотности сухой породы, плотности твердой фазы, глинистости, содержимого химически связанной воды и других параметров.
On the basis of complex use of neutron, density and gamma-ray logging are proposed new approaches to determine of petrophysical parameters of near-surface rocks in zone aeration and in water saturated zone. By increase in number of determined parameters it is considerably expanded of informativity of radioisotope logging. Thanking of the complex of geophysical methods and to the correct account of features of sandy-clay rocks it is raised reliability and accuracy of determinations of humidity, porosity, density of dry rock, density of a solid phase, shaliness, the content of chemically bound water and other parameters.
  Institute of Geophysics...  
Породы протерозойского цикла активизаций (2,1-1,79 млрд лет) сформированы в условиях высокой натриевой щелочности, низкой фугитивности кислорода, подвижности в расплаве химически активных элементов и соединений, экстрагирующих из примитивной мантии редкие и рассеянные элементы.
The results of studying geological structure of Periazovian massif (PM) of the Ukrainian Shield, and the Donbas (DB), experimental studies and theoretical works on parameters of the processes within the mantle have been generalized in the paper. The history of development of the region has been presented and the main features of composition of magmatic and metasomatic rocks of each stage have been briefly described. It has been revealed that magmatic rocks produced 3,67-2,8 Ga ago correspond to the result of melting the mantle lherzolite. The rocks of Proterozoic activization cycle (2,1-1,79 Ga) were formed under conditions of high sodium alkalinity, low oxygen fugasity, presence within the mantle of chemically active elements and compounds, which extract rare and disseminated elements from the primitive mantle. The melts of the Hercynian cycle (0,4-0,2 Ga) inherit geochemical specialization of residual melts of the Proterozoic cycle. The main difference is the drop of concentration of active elements, decrease of aggressive character of melts and metasomatizing (hydrothermal) solutions. Lamprophyres of the Miuss complex (0,16 Ga) were differentiated in equilibrium with the lherzolite mantle. Evolution of the melts, which appear on the surface reflects the evolution of the mantle within the region. The fact of correlation of the mantle and crust development at each stage supports the idea that the processes on the surface reflect the evolution of the deep horizons of the Earth.
  Institute of Geophysics...  
В статье обосновано предположение, что при Р ~ 3 ГПа происходит резкое изменение поведения (характера взаимодействий, направления протекания реакций) системы кристалл-расплав, а сам процесс плавления сопровождается повышением окислительного потенциала вследствие выделения свободного кислорода. Чем выше давление, тем интенсивнее процесс. Образуются несиликатные химически активные компоненты. Они избирательно взаимодействуют с кристаллами лерцолита.
3 GPa dramatic change of behavior (the character of interactions, directions of the progress of reactions) of the system crystal-melt, and the melting process itself is accompanied by increase of oxidation potential as a result of emanation of free oxygen. The higher is the pressure, the more intense is the process. Non-silicate chemically active components are produced. They interact selectively with lherzolite crystals. Composition of new increments of the melt depends on the composition of the first portions of liquid. In the proposed description the melting under mantle PT-conditions is not only a phase transition but also the beginning of a chain of physical-chemical processes accompanied by emanation of active components (including non-silicate fluids), their impact on crystal lattices of minerals and combining into new compounds. In the process of their interaction with crystal lattices of minerals under PT-conditions of the mantle electrochemical system is produced behavior of which is far from balanced. Description of the melting, that is proceeding under the pressure 7 GPa, with the help of phase reactions is ineligible because it must include formation (transformation) of deep fluid and its selctive interaction with lherzolite crystals.
  Institute of Geophysics...  
В статье рассмотрены РТ-условия плавления и дифференциации расплавов астеносферы, а также физико-химические взаимодействия, определяющие разнообразие магматических пород, дифференцированных на одинаковых (близких) глубинах.
PT conditions of melting and differentiation of melts in asthenosphere as well as physical-chemical interactions are considered which determine variability of magmatic rocks differentiated at the same (similar) depths. Comparison of results of experimental studies has been conducted, the probable reason of their divergence has been revealed - formation of chemically active components (O2- and CO, CO2) directly in the process of melting. Appearance of oxidized fluids and their interaction with crystal lattices of the mantle minerals influences the mantle composition and the ways of its differentiation. Location of a sthenosphere roof changes during activization - PT conditions of melt differentiation change. Increase of the degree of melting of the matter within the field of pressure gradient leads to formation of the layer with maximum degree of melting on the roof of asthenosphere. Here chemical reactions occur, which succession determines the consecution of appearance of exhalative and magmatic rocks on the surface as well as the haloes of fluid-thermal effects which are fixed as superimposed heating and metasomatic alterations of mantle rocks, which occur above asthenosphere. Redistribution of matter within the mantle takes place during activization and its partial emitting into the crust and on the surface. It is indicated by the change of geochemical specialization of the melts of final stages. Depleting of the mantle is the result of such a process - removal from it of both basaltoid component and active components- oxidized fluids, which are formed during the melting and differentiation, of halogens etc. It is fixed as alteration magm composition as well as exhalations of successive activizations. While melts of asthenospheric layer crystallize, reduction of residual oxidized fluids occurs as well as formation of metasomatic associations.