химически – -Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Keybot 40 Results  www.thehighlanderhotel.com
  FISinter : Федера...  
Вертикальные одноступенчатые с опорами в перекачиваемой жидкости. Для перекачивания химически активных и нейтральных жидкостей плотностью до 1850 кг/м куб.
Vertical one-step backed in pumped fluid. For swapping of chemically active and neutral fluids by the density to 1850 êã/ì Cuba.
Vertical one-step backed in pumped fluid. For swapping of chemically active and neutral fluids by the density to 1850 êã/ì Cuba.
Vertical one-step backed in pumped fluid. For swapping of chemically active and neutral fluids by the density to 1850 êã/ì Cuba.
Vertical one-step backed in pumped fluid. For swapping of chemically active and neutral fluids by the density to 1850 êã/ì Cuba.
  FISinter : Федера...  
Перекачивание нейтральных и химически активных жидкостей с плотностью не более 1850 кг/куб.м, имеющих твердые включения размером до 1 мм, объемная концентрация которых не превышает 1,5%, температурой от -40 град.
Swapping of neutral and chemically active liquids with density not more 1850 êã/êóá M, having the hard inclusions by the amount to 1 MM, the bulk concentration of which is not in excess of 1, 5%, temperature from - 40 degree to +120 degree. including in ïîæàðî- and dangerous in respect of explosion productions.
Swapping of neutral and chemically active liquids with density not more 1850 êã/êóá M, having the hard inclusions by the amount to 1 MM, the bulk concentration of which is not in excess of 1, 5%, temperature from - 40 degree to +120 degree. including in ïîæàðî- and dangerous in respect of explosion productions.
  FISinter : Федера...  
Для перекачивания химически активных и нейтральных жидкостей
For swapping of chemically active and neutral fluids
For swapping of chemically active and neutral fluids
For swapping of chemically active and neutral fluids
For swapping of chemically active and neutral fluids
  FISinter : Федера...  
- Корпус выполнен из нержавеющей стали и химически стойких материалов;
- the body is made of stainless steel and chemically resistant materials;
- the body is made of stainless steel and chemically resistant materials;
  FISinter : Федера...  
Из полиэтилена низкого давления. Для хозяйственно - питьевого водоснаб жения, а так же для транспортировки жидких и газообразных веществ, к которым полиэтилен химически стоек.
From polyethylene of low pressure. For economic - drinkable âîäîñíàá æåíèÿ, as well as for transportation of liquid and gaseous substances, to which polyethylene chemically pillar stands.
From polyethylene of low pressure. For economic - drinkable âîäîñíàá æåíèÿ, as well as for transportation of liquid and gaseous substances, to which polyethylene chemically pillar stands.
  FISinter : Федера...  
Центробежные горизонтальные консольные одноступенчатые для перекачивания химически активных и нейтральных жидкостей плотностью не более 1850 кг/м куб.
Centrifugal horizontal cantilever one-step for swapping of chemically active and neutral fluids by the density not more 1850 êã/ì Cuba.
Centrifugal horizontal cantilever one-step for swapping of chemically active and neutral fluids by the density not more 1850 êã/ì Cuba.
Centrifugal horizontal cantilever one-step for swapping of chemically active and neutral fluids by the density not more 1850 êã/ì Cuba.
Centrifugal horizontal cantilever one-step for swapping of chemically active and neutral fluids by the density not more 1850 êã/ì Cuba.
  FISinter : Федера...  
Вертикальные одноступенчатые насосы с опорами вне перекачиваемой жидкости для перекачивания химически активных и нейтральных жидкостей плотностью до 1850 кг/м куб.
Vertical single-stage pumps backed out of pumped fluid for swapping of chemically active and neutral fluids by the density to 1850 êã/ì Cuba.
Vertical single-stage pumps backed out of pumped fluid for swapping of chemically active and neutral fluids by the density to 1850 êã/ì Cuba.
Vertical single-stage pumps backed out of pumped fluid for swapping of chemically active and neutral fluids by the density to 1850 êã/ì Cuba.
Vertical single-stage pumps backed out of pumped fluid for swapping of chemically active and neutral fluids by the density to 1850 êã/ì Cuba.
  FISinter : Федера...  
Консольные одноступенчатые. Для перекачивания химически активных жидкостей плотностью не более 1850 кг/м.
Cantilever one-step. For swapping chemically active liquids by the density not more 1850 êã/ì.
Cantilever one-step. For swapping chemically active liquids by the density not more 1850 êã/ì.
Cantilever one-step. For swapping chemically active liquids by the density not more 1850 êã/ì.
Cantilever one-step. For swapping chemically active liquids by the density not more 1850 êã/ì.
  FISinter : Федера...  
Центробежные горизонтальные консольные одноступенчатые для перекачивания химически активных жидкостей с содержанием твердых абразивных частиц объемной концентрацией до 30%.
Centrifugal horizontal cantilever one-step for swapping chemically active liquids with solids content abrasive particles by the bulk concentration to 30%.
Centrifugal horizontal cantilever one-step for swapping chemically active liquids with solids content abrasive particles by the bulk concentration to 30%.
Centrifugal horizontal cantilever one-step for swapping chemically active liquids with solids content abrasive particles by the bulk concentration to 30%.
Centrifugal horizontal cantilever one-step for swapping chemically active liquids with solids content abrasive particles by the bulk concentration to 30%.
  FISinter : Федера...  
Для автоматического непрерывного измерения и преобразования в унифици рованный элетрический выходной сигнал массовой доли натрия в питатель ной и химически обессоленной воде и конденсата пара турбин.
For automated continuous measurement and transformation in óíèôèöè ðîâàííûé ýëåòðè÷åñêèé output signal of mass fraction of natrium in feeder Noy and chemically desalted water and steam condensate of turbines.
For automated continuous measurement and transformation in óíèôèöè ðîâàííûé ýëåòðè÷åñêèé output signal of mass fraction of natrium in feeder Noy and chemically desalted water and steam condensate of turbines.
For automated continuous measurement and transformation in óíèôèöè ðîâàííûé ýëåòðè÷åñêèé output signal of mass fraction of natrium in feeder Noy and chemically desalted water and steam condensate of turbines.
For automated continuous measurement and transformation in óíèôèöè ðîâàííûé ýëåòðè÷åñêèé output signal of mass fraction of natrium in feeder Noy and chemically desalted water and steam condensate of turbines.
  FISinter : Федера...  
Предназначен для перекачивания химически нейтральных гидросмесей (рН=6 -8) с размером твердых частиц не более 70 мм, с отношением твердой и жидкой фаз по массе не более Т:Ж=1:3, с температурой до 50 град.С.
Swapping of chemically neutral hydraulic fluids (ðÍ=6 - 8) dimensioned of solid particles not more 70 MM, with relation of hard and liquid phases by mass not more t is intended for: Æ=1: 3, with temperature to 50 degree. S. can be applied for coal òðàñïîðòèðîâêè, slag and other granular mat rial on mine and concentrating mills, in careers and mine, on cement and sugar factories etc. parts material of flowing part - wear-resistant alloy. submission 450 m of Cuba. /÷àñ. | pressure head 120 waters m, article. electric motor capacity 400 kilowatts. optional the coal pump is being completed by the electric motor, at the same time the price are co-ordinated additionally.
Swapping of chemically neutral hydraulic fluids (ðÍ=6 - 8) dimensioned of solid particles not more 70 MM, with relation of hard and liquid phases by mass not more t is intended for: Æ=1: 3, with temperature to 50 degree. S. can be applied for coal òðàñïîðòèðîâêè, slag and other granular mat rial on mine and concentrating mills, in careers and mine, on cement and sugar factories etc. parts material of flowing part - wear-resistant alloy. submission 450 m of Cuba. /÷àñ. | pressure head 120 waters m, article. electric motor capacity 400 kilowatts. optional the coal pump is being completed by the electric motor, at the same time the price are co-ordinated additionally.
Swapping of chemically neutral hydraulic fluids (ðÍ=6 - 8) dimensioned of solid particles not more 70 MM, with relation of hard and liquid phases by mass not more t is intended for: Æ=1: 3, with temperature to 50 degree. S. can be applied for coal òðàñïîðòèðîâêè, slag and other granular mat rial on mine and concentrating mills, in careers and mine, on cement and sugar factories etc. parts material of flowing part - wear-resistant alloy. submission 450 m of Cuba. /÷àñ. | pressure head 120 waters m, article. electric motor capacity 400 kilowatts. optional the coal pump is being completed by the electric motor, at the same time the price are co-ordinated additionally.
Swapping of chemically neutral hydraulic fluids (ðÍ=6 - 8) dimensioned of solid particles not more 70 MM, with relation of hard and liquid phases by mass not more t is intended for: Æ=1: 3, with temperature to 50 degree. S. can be applied for coal òðàñïîðòèðîâêè, slag and other granular mat rial on mine and concentrating mills, in careers and mine, on cement and sugar factories etc. parts material of flowing part - wear-resistant alloy. submission 450 m of Cuba. /÷àñ. | pressure head 120 waters m, article. electric motor capacity 400 kilowatts. optional the coal pump is being completed by the electric motor, at the same time the price are co-ordinated additionally.
  FISinter : Федера...  
Предназначен для гидроподъема химически нейтральных гидросмесей (рН=6- 8) с размером твердых частиц не более 100 мм, с отношением твердой и жидкой фаз по массе не более Т:Ж=1:3, с температурой до 40 град.С.
Is intended for hydraulic hoisting of chemically neutral hydraulic fluids (ðÍ=6- 8) dimensioned of solid particles not more than 100 MM, with relation of hard and liquid phases by mass not more t: Æ=1: 3, with temperature to 40 degree. S. can be applied for coal òðàñïîðòèðîâêè, slag and other granular mat rial on mine and concentrating mills, in careers and mine, on cement and sugar factories etc. parts material of flowing part - wear-resistant alloy. submission 900 m of Cuba. /÷àñ. pressure head 195 M.. coal pump capacity 797 kilowatts. mass 3547.
Is intended for hydraulic hoisting of chemically neutral hydraulic fluids (ðÍ=6- 8) dimensioned of solid particles not more than 100 MM, with relation of hard and liquid phases by mass not more t: Æ=1: 3, with temperature to 40 degree. S. can be applied for coal òðàñïîðòèðîâêè, slag and other granular mat rial on mine and concentrating mills, in careers and mine, on cement and sugar factories etc. parts material of flowing part - wear-resistant alloy. submission 900 m of Cuba. /÷àñ. pressure head 195 M.. coal pump capacity 797 kilowatts. mass 3547.
Is intended for hydraulic hoisting of chemically neutral hydraulic fluids (ðÍ=6- 8) dimensioned of solid particles not more than 100 MM, with relation of hard and liquid phases by mass not more t: Æ=1: 3, with temperature to 40 degree. S. can be applied for coal òðàñïîðòèðîâêè, slag and other granular mat rial on mine and concentrating mills, in careers and mine, on cement and sugar factories etc. parts material of flowing part - wear-resistant alloy. submission 900 m of Cuba. /÷àñ. pressure head 195 M.. coal pump capacity 797 kilowatts. mass 3547.
Is intended for hydraulic hoisting of chemically neutral hydraulic fluids (ðÍ=6- 8) dimensioned of solid particles not more than 100 MM, with relation of hard and liquid phases by mass not more t: Æ=1: 3, with temperature to 40 degree. S. can be applied for coal òðàñïîðòèðîâêè, slag and other granular mat rial on mine and concentrating mills, in careers and mine, on cement and sugar factories etc. parts material of flowing part - wear-resistant alloy. submission 900 m of Cuba. /÷àñ. pressure head 195 M.. coal pump capacity 797 kilowatts. mass 3547.
  FISinter : Федера...  
; - температура от -50 град.С до +50 град.С; - трубы выполняются намоткой стекловолокнистого армируещего материала, пропитываемого эпоксидными смолами; -внутренняя поверхность трубы может быть футерована полиэтиленом, пище вой резиной или другими химически стойкими материалами; -изготовление с учетом конкретных технических требований заказчика.
Technical characteristics: - diameter to 400 MM; - length to 6 m; - working pressure up to 100 êã/ñì. apartment. - temperature from - 50 degree. With to +50 degree. With; - the pipes are accomplished by the coiling of glass fibre àðìèðóåùåãî material, impregnated by epoxide resins; - the internal surface of tubes can be lined by the polyethylene, food the yowl by the rubber or other chemically resistant materials; - manufacture taking into account of concrete technical customer requirements.
Technical characteristics: - diameter to 400 MM; - length to 6 m; - working pressure up to 100 êã/ñì. apartment. - temperature from - 50 degree. With to +50 degree. With; - the pipes are accomplished by the coiling of glass fibre àðìèðóåùåãî material, impregnated by epoxide resins; - the internal surface of tubes can be lined by the polyethylene, food the yowl by the rubber or other chemically resistant materials; - manufacture taking into account of concrete technical customer requirements.
Technical characteristics: - diameter to 400 MM; - length to 6 m; - working pressure up to 100 êã/ñì. apartment. - temperature from - 50 degree. With to +50 degree. With; - the pipes are accomplished by the coiling of glass fibre àðìèðóåùåãî material, impregnated by epoxide resins; - the internal surface of tubes can be lined by the polyethylene, food the yowl by the rubber or other chemically resistant materials; - manufacture taking into account of concrete technical customer requirements.
Technical characteristics: - diameter to 400 MM; - length to 6 m; - working pressure up to 100 êã/ñì. apartment. - temperature from - 50 degree. With to +50 degree. With; - the pipes are accomplished by the coiling of glass fibre àðìèðóåùåãî material, impregnated by epoxide resins; - the internal surface of tubes can be lined by the polyethylene, food the yowl by the rubber or other chemically resistant materials; - manufacture taking into account of concrete technical customer requirements.
  FISinter : Федера...  
Предназначен для перекачивания химически нейтральной воды (рН=6-8) с температурой до 80 град.С, с содержанием механических примесей не бо лее 0,3% по массе и размером твердых частиц не более 1 мм. Допускаются твердые частицы размером до 5 мм в количестве до 20% от общего содер жания.
Is intended for swapping chemically neutral water (ðÍ=6-8) with temperature to 80 degree. With, with content of mechanical impurities not bibliographic description leu 0, 3% by mass and amount of solid particles not more 1 MM. Shall be allowed the solid particles by the amount to 5 MM at a rate of to 20% from the total ñîäåð of æàíèÿ. submission 60 m of Cuba. /÷àñ. pressure head 20 M.. pump output 5 kilowatts. mass 66 kg.
Is intended for swapping chemically neutral water (ðÍ=6-8) with temperature to 80 degree. With, with content of mechanical impurities not bibliographic description leu 0, 3% by mass and amount of solid particles not more 1 MM. Shall be allowed the solid particles by the amount to 5 MM at a rate of to 20% from the total ñîäåð of æàíèÿ. submission 60 m of Cuba. /÷àñ. pressure head 20 M.. pump output 5 kilowatts. mass 66 kg.
Is intended for swapping chemically neutral water (ðÍ=6-8) with temperature to 80 degree. With, with content of mechanical impurities not bibliographic description leu 0, 3% by mass and amount of solid particles not more 1 MM. Shall be allowed the solid particles by the amount to 5 MM at a rate of to 20% from the total ñîäåð of æàíèÿ. submission 60 m of Cuba. /÷àñ. pressure head 20 M.. pump output 5 kilowatts. mass 66 kg.
Is intended for swapping chemically neutral water (ðÍ=6-8) with temperature to 80 degree. With, with content of mechanical impurities not bibliographic description leu 0, 3% by mass and amount of solid particles not more 1 MM. Shall be allowed the solid particles by the amount to 5 MM at a rate of to 20% from the total ñîäåð of æàíèÿ. submission 60 m of Cuba. /÷àñ. pressure head 20 M.. pump output 5 kilowatts. mass 66 kg.
  FISinter : Федера...  
Предназначен для перекачивания химически нейтральных гидросмесей (рН=6 -8) с размером твердых частиц не более 90 мм, с отношением твердой и жидкой фаз по массе не более Т:Ж=1:3, с температурой до 50 град.С.
Swapping of chemically neutral hydraulic fluids (ðÍ=6 - 8) dimensioned of solid particles not more 90 MM, with relation of hard and liquid phases by mass not more t is intended for: Æ=1: 3, with temperature to 50 degree. S. can be applied for coal òðàñïîðòèðîâêè, slag and other granular mat rial on mine and concentrating mills, in careers and mine, on cement and sugar factories etc. parts material of flowing part - wear-resistant alloy. submission 900 m of Cuba. /÷àñ. | pressure head 90 M.. coal pump capacity 315 kilowatts. mass 1820 kg.
Swapping of chemically neutral hydraulic fluids (ðÍ=6 - 8) dimensioned of solid particles not more 90 MM, with relation of hard and liquid phases by mass not more t is intended for: Æ=1: 3, with temperature to 50 degree. S. can be applied for coal òðàñïîðòèðîâêè, slag and other granular mat rial on mine and concentrating mills, in careers and mine, on cement and sugar factories etc. parts material of flowing part - wear-resistant alloy. submission 900 m of Cuba. /÷àñ. | pressure head 90 M.. coal pump capacity 315 kilowatts. mass 1820 kg.
Swapping of chemically neutral hydraulic fluids (ðÍ=6 - 8) dimensioned of solid particles not more 90 MM, with relation of hard and liquid phases by mass not more t is intended for: Æ=1: 3, with temperature to 50 degree. S. can be applied for coal òðàñïîðòèðîâêè, slag and other granular mat rial on mine and concentrating mills, in careers and mine, on cement and sugar factories etc. parts material of flowing part - wear-resistant alloy. submission 900 m of Cuba. /÷àñ. | pressure head 90 M.. coal pump capacity 315 kilowatts. mass 1820 kg.
Swapping of chemically neutral hydraulic fluids (ðÍ=6 - 8) dimensioned of solid particles not more 90 MM, with relation of hard and liquid phases by mass not more t is intended for: Æ=1: 3, with temperature to 50 degree. S. can be applied for coal òðàñïîðòèðîâêè, slag and other granular mat rial on mine and concentrating mills, in careers and mine, on cement and sugar factories etc. parts material of flowing part - wear-resistant alloy. submission 900 m of Cuba. /÷àñ. | pressure head 90 M.. coal pump capacity 315 kilowatts. mass 1820 kg.
  FISinter : Федера...  
Предназначен для перекачивания воды и химически нейтральных гидросме сей с отношением твердой и жидкой фаз по массе не более Т:Ж=1:3, с тем пературой до 50 град.С. Подача 450 м куб./час. Напор 120 м. Мощность углесоса 245 кВт.
Is intended for water swapping and chemically neutral ãèäðîñìå this with relation of hard and liquid phases by mass not more t: Æ=1: 3, therewith ïåðàòóðîé to 50 degree. S. submission 450 m of Cuba. /÷àñ. pressure head 120 M.. coal pump capacity 245 kilowatts. mass 1930 kg.
Is intended for water swapping and chemically neutral ãèäðîñìå this with relation of hard and liquid phases by mass not more t: Æ=1: 3, therewith ïåðàòóðîé to 50 degree. S. submission 450 m of Cuba. /÷àñ. pressure head 120 M.. coal pump capacity 245 kilowatts. mass 1930 kg.
Is intended for water swapping and chemically neutral ãèäðîñìå this with relation of hard and liquid phases by mass not more t: Æ=1: 3, therewith ïåðàòóðîé to 50 degree. S. submission 450 m of Cuba. /÷àñ. pressure head 120 M.. coal pump capacity 245 kilowatts. mass 1930 kg.
Is intended for water swapping and chemically neutral ãèäðîñìå this with relation of hard and liquid phases by mass not more t: Æ=1: 3, therewith ïåðàòóðîé to 50 degree. S. submission 450 m of Cuba. /÷àñ. pressure head 120 M.. coal pump capacity 245 kilowatts. mass 1930 kg.
  FISinter : Федера...  
Респиратор представляет собой поглощающе-фильтрующую в виде конуса полумаску из полимерного волокнистого химически активного материала с клапаном выдоха, алюминиевой носовой пластиной и эластичными лентами оголовья.
the respirator represents ïîãëîùàþùå-ôèëüòðóþùóþ in the form of cone the half-mask from polymer fibrous chemically active material with exhalation valve, aluminium nasal plate and elastic tapes of headband.
the respirator represents ïîãëîùàþùå-ôèëüòðóþùóþ in the form of cone the half-mask from polymer fibrous chemically active material with exhalation valve, aluminium nasal plate and elastic tapes of headband.
the respirator represents ïîãëîùàþùå-ôèëüòðóþùóþ in the form of cone the half-mask from polymer fibrous chemically active material with exhalation valve, aluminium nasal plate and elastic tapes of headband.
  FISinter : Федера...  
Герметичный. Для перекачивания в стационарных условиях химически активных жидкостей.
Hermetic. For swapping in stationary conditions chemically active liquids.
Hermetic. For swapping in stationary conditions chemically active liquids.
Hermetic. For swapping in stationary conditions chemically active liquids.
Hermetic. For swapping in stationary conditions chemically active liquids.
  FISinter : Федера...  
Перекачивание нейтральных и химически активных жидкостей, нефтепродуктов, сниженных газов, пожароопасных и токсичных жидкостей с объемным содержанием твердых включений до 0,5%, размером до 0,2 мм, температурой от -40 град.
Swapping of neutral and chemically active liquids, oil products, decreased the gases, inflammable and toxic liquids with volume content of hard inclusions to 0, 5%, amount to 0, 2 MM, temperature from - 40 degree to +130 degree. including in ïîæàðî- and dangerous in respect of explosion productions.
Swapping of neutral and chemically active liquids, oil products, decreased the gases, inflammable and toxic liquids with volume content of hard inclusions to 0, 5%, amount to 0, 2 MM, temperature from - 40 degree to +130 degree. including in ïîæàðî- and dangerous in respect of explosion productions.
  FISinter : Федера...  
Основные преимущества: -отсутствие расходных материалов и химически стойких дезинфектантов, подлежащих утилизации; -малое время стерилизации; -полная автоматизация процесса; -низкое энергопотребление; -простота эксплуатации, не требует квалифицированных кадров; -пригоден для эксплуатации в полевых условиях.
The sterilization is carried out powerful short-term optic and the heat yowl effect, which is formed, specially developed for this purpose, gas-filled tube. major advantages: - absence of consumables and chemically resistant disinfectants, subject to utilizations; - small time of sterilization; - full computerization of process; - low energy consumption; - exploitation simplicity, do not require skilled personnels; - serves for field service. main characteristics: - volume of sterilizer cabinet - 3ë; - cassette amounts - 220õ130 of MM; - sterilization temperature - 235 degree . With - sterilization time - 30 secs; - duration of work cycle - 6 mine; - supply voltage - 220 in; - clearances: diameter - 300 MM; height - 190 MM. planned by data of issue - 4 quarters 2000.
The sterilization is carried out powerful short-term optic and the heat yowl effect, which is formed, specially developed for this purpose, gas-filled tube. major advantages: - absence of consumables and chemically resistant disinfectants, subject to utilizations; - small time of sterilization; - full computerization of process; - low energy consumption; - exploitation simplicity, do not require skilled personnels; - serves for field service. main characteristics: - volume of sterilizer cabinet - 3ë; - cassette amounts - 220õ130 of MM; - sterilization temperature - 235 degree . With - sterilization time - 30 secs; - duration of work cycle - 6 mine; - supply voltage - 220 in; - clearances: diameter - 300 MM; height - 190 MM. planned by data of issue - 4 quarters 2000.
The sterilization is carried out powerful short-term optic and the heat yowl effect, which is formed, specially developed for this purpose, gas-filled tube. major advantages: - absence of consumables and chemically resistant disinfectants, subject to utilizations; - small time of sterilization; - full computerization of process; - low energy consumption; - exploitation simplicity, do not require skilled personnels; - serves for field service. main characteristics: - volume of sterilizer cabinet - 3ë; - cassette amounts - 220õ130 of MM; - sterilization temperature - 235 degree . With - sterilization time - 30 secs; - duration of work cycle - 6 mine; - supply voltage - 220 in; - clearances: diameter - 300 MM; height - 190 MM. planned by data of issue - 4 quarters 2000.
The sterilization is carried out powerful short-term optic and the heat yowl effect, which is formed, specially developed for this purpose, gas-filled tube. major advantages: - absence of consumables and chemically resistant disinfectants, subject to utilizations; - small time of sterilization; - full computerization of process; - low energy consumption; - exploitation simplicity, do not require skilled personnels; - serves for field service. main characteristics: - volume of sterilizer cabinet - 3ë; - cassette amounts - 220õ130 of MM; - sterilization temperature - 235 degree . With - sterilization time - 30 secs; - duration of work cycle - 6 mine; - supply voltage - 220 in; - clearances: diameter - 300 MM; height - 190 MM. planned by data of issue - 4 quarters 2000.
  FISinter : Федера...  
Перекачивание химически активных жидкостей с объемным содержанием твердых примесей до 1,5%, размером до 2 мм, температурой от -40 град. до +100 град..
Swapping chemically active liquids with volume content of solid impurities to 1, 5%, amount to 2 MM, temperature from - 40 degree to +100 degree.
Swapping chemically active liquids with volume content of solid impurities to 1, 5%, amount to 2 MM, temperature from - 40 degree to +100 degree.
  FISinter : Федера...  
Предназначен для гидроподъема химически нейтральных гидросмесей (рН=6- 8) с размером твердых частиц не более 100 мм, с отношением твердой и жидкой фаз по массе не более Т:Ж=1:3, с температурой до 40 град.С.
Is intended for hydraulic hoisting of chemically neutral hydraulic fluids (ðÍ=6- 8) dimensioned of solid particles not more than 100 MM, with relation of hard and liquid phases by mass not more t: Æ=1: 3, with temperature to 40 degree. S. can be applied for coal òðàñïîðòèðîâêè, slag and other granular mat rial on mine and concentrating mills, in careers and mine, on cement and sugar factories etc. parts material of flowing part - wear-resistant alloy. submission 900 m of Cuba. /÷àñ. pressure head 320 M.. coal pump capacity 1310 kilowatts. mass 5730 kg.
Is intended for hydraulic hoisting of chemically neutral hydraulic fluids (ðÍ=6- 8) dimensioned of solid particles not more than 100 MM, with relation of hard and liquid phases by mass not more t: Æ=1: 3, with temperature to 40 degree. S. can be applied for coal òðàñïîðòèðîâêè, slag and other granular mat rial on mine and concentrating mills, in careers and mine, on cement and sugar factories etc. parts material of flowing part - wear-resistant alloy. submission 900 m of Cuba. /÷àñ. pressure head 320 M.. coal pump capacity 1310 kilowatts. mass 5730 kg.
Is intended for hydraulic hoisting of chemically neutral hydraulic fluids (ðÍ=6- 8) dimensioned of solid particles not more than 100 MM, with relation of hard and liquid phases by mass not more t: Æ=1: 3, with temperature to 40 degree. S. can be applied for coal òðàñïîðòèðîâêè, slag and other granular mat rial on mine and concentrating mills, in careers and mine, on cement and sugar factories etc. parts material of flowing part - wear-resistant alloy. submission 900 m of Cuba. /÷àñ. pressure head 320 M.. coal pump capacity 1310 kilowatts. mass 5730 kg.
Is intended for hydraulic hoisting of chemically neutral hydraulic fluids (ðÍ=6- 8) dimensioned of solid particles not more than 100 MM, with relation of hard and liquid phases by mass not more t: Æ=1: 3, with temperature to 40 degree. S. can be applied for coal òðàñïîðòèðîâêè, slag and other granular mat rial on mine and concentrating mills, in careers and mine, on cement and sugar factories etc. parts material of flowing part - wear-resistant alloy. submission 900 m of Cuba. /÷àñ. pressure head 320 M.. coal pump capacity 1310 kilowatts. mass 5730 kg.
  FISinter : Федера...  
Датчики на базе герметичных контактов (герконов) стойки к воздействию внешних факторов, работоспособны в широком диапазоне температур, влажности, стойки к воздействию химически активных сред и пыли. Герметичный электрический контакт обеспечивает защищенность во взрывоопасных и пожароопасных средах.
The probes on the basis of hermetic contacts (sealed-contact reed relays) the pillar stands to effect of external factors, are workable over a wide range of temperatures, moisture, pillar stand to effect chemically active substances and dust. the hermetic electric contact provides the protection in dangerous in respect of explosion and inflammable environments. the overall dimensions (refer to image) (a) the overall picture of, the MM 46 (b) the maximal length of glass, MM 28 (c) the maximal diameter of glass, MM 3 , 8 (d) the conclusion diameter, MM 0, 6 (g) design sym.. Electrical characterizations maximal of switching power, computer engineering 20 maximal switching current, and 0, 5 maximal of switched voltage, in 250 transition of R, not more, Omagh 0, 1 breakdown point, no less than, in 500 R insulation, no less than, Omagh 10**9 magnetic characteristics operation ampere-turn, AW 30 - 80 resetting ratio 0, 35 - 0, 85 maximal response time, incineration facility 1, 0 maximal dropout time, incineration facility 0, 5 maximal working frequency Hz 50
The probes on the basis of hermetic contacts (sealed-contact reed relays) the pillar stands to effect of external factors, are workable over a wide range of temperatures, moisture, pillar stand to effect chemically active substances and dust. the hermetic electric contact provides the protection in dangerous in respect of explosion and inflammable environments. the overall dimensions (refer to image) (a) the overall picture of, the MM 46 (b) the maximal length of glass, MM 28 (c) the maximal diameter of glass, MM 3 , 8 (d) the conclusion diameter, MM 0, 6 (g) design sym.. Electrical characterizations maximal of switching power, computer engineering 20 maximal switching current, and 0, 5 maximal of switched voltage, in 250 transition of R, not more, Omagh 0, 1 breakdown point, no less than, in 500 R insulation, no less than, Omagh 10**9 magnetic characteristics operation ampere-turn, AW 30 - 80 resetting ratio 0, 35 - 0, 85 maximal response time, incineration facility 1, 0 maximal dropout time, incineration facility 0, 5 maximal working frequency Hz 50
The probes on the basis of hermetic contacts (sealed-contact reed relays) the pillar stands to effect of external factors, are workable over a wide range of temperatures, moisture, pillar stand to effect chemically active substances and dust. the hermetic electric contact provides the protection in dangerous in respect of explosion and inflammable environments. the overall dimensions (refer to image) (a) the overall picture of, the MM 46 (b) the maximal length of glass, MM 28 (c) the maximal diameter of glass, MM 3 , 8 (d) the conclusion diameter, MM 0, 6 (g) design sym.. Electrical characterizations maximal of switching power, computer engineering 20 maximal switching current, and 0, 5 maximal of switched voltage, in 250 transition of R, not more, Omagh 0, 1 breakdown point, no less than, in 500 R insulation, no less than, Omagh 10**9 magnetic characteristics operation ampere-turn, AW 30 - 80 resetting ratio 0, 35 - 0, 85 maximal response time, incineration facility 1, 0 maximal dropout time, incineration facility 0, 5 maximal working frequency Hz 50
The probes on the basis of hermetic contacts (sealed-contact reed relays) the pillar stands to effect of external factors, are workable over a wide range of temperatures, moisture, pillar stand to effect chemically active substances and dust. the hermetic electric contact provides the protection in dangerous in respect of explosion and inflammable environments. the overall dimensions (refer to image) (a) the overall picture of, the MM 46 (b) the maximal length of glass, MM 28 (c) the maximal diameter of glass, MM 3 , 8 (d) the conclusion diameter, MM 0, 6 (g) design sym.. Electrical characterizations maximal of switching power, computer engineering 20 maximal switching current, and 0, 5 maximal of switched voltage, in 250 transition of R, not more, Omagh 0, 1 breakdown point, no less than, in 500 R insulation, no less than, Omagh 10**9 magnetic characteristics operation ampere-turn, AW 30 - 80 resetting ratio 0, 35 - 0, 85 maximal response time, incineration facility 1, 0 maximal dropout time, incineration facility 0, 5 maximal working frequency Hz 50
  FISinter : Федера...  
Датчики на базе герметичных контактов (герконов) стойки к воздействию внешних факторов, работоспособны в широком диапазоне температур, влажности, стойки к воздействию химически активных сред и пыли. Герметичный электрический контакт обеспечивает защищенность во взрывоопасных и пожароопасных средах.
The probes on the basis of hermetic contacts (sealed-contact reed relays) the pillar stands to effect of external factors, are workable over a wide range of temperatures, moisture, pillar stand to effect chemically active substances and dust. the hermetic electric contact provides the protection in dangerous in respect of explosion and inflammable environments. the overall dimensions (refer to image) (a) the overall picture of, the MM 41, 5 ( b) the maximal length of glass, MM 21, 5 (c) the maximal diameter of glass , MM 2, 54 (d) the conclusion diameter, MM 0, 6 (g) design sym.. Electrical characterizations maximal of switching power, computer engineering 15 maximal switching current, and 0, 5 maximal of switched voltage, in 160 transition of R, not more, Omagh 0, 1 breakdown point, no less than, in 180 R insulation, no less than, Omagh 10**9 magnetic characteristics operation ampere-turn, AW 10 - 75 resetting ratio 0, 3 - 0, 9 maximal response time, incineration facility 1, 0 maximal dropout time, incineration facility 0, 3 maximal working frequency Hz 100
The probes on the basis of hermetic contacts (sealed-contact reed relays) the pillar stands to effect of external factors, are workable over a wide range of temperatures, moisture, pillar stand to effect chemically active substances and dust. the hermetic electric contact provides the protection in dangerous in respect of explosion and inflammable environments. the overall dimensions (refer to image) (a) the overall picture of, the MM 41, 5 ( b) the maximal length of glass, MM 21, 5 (c) the maximal diameter of glass , MM 2, 54 (d) the conclusion diameter, MM 0, 6 (g) design sym.. Electrical characterizations maximal of switching power, computer engineering 15 maximal switching current, and 0, 5 maximal of switched voltage, in 160 transition of R, not more, Omagh 0, 1 breakdown point, no less than, in 180 R insulation, no less than, Omagh 10**9 magnetic characteristics operation ampere-turn, AW 10 - 75 resetting ratio 0, 3 - 0, 9 maximal response time, incineration facility 1, 0 maximal dropout time, incineration facility 0, 3 maximal working frequency Hz 100
The probes on the basis of hermetic contacts (sealed-contact reed relays) the pillar stands to effect of external factors, are workable over a wide range of temperatures, moisture, pillar stand to effect chemically active substances and dust. the hermetic electric contact provides the protection in dangerous in respect of explosion and inflammable environments. the overall dimensions (refer to image) (a) the overall picture of, the MM 41, 5 ( b) the maximal length of glass, MM 21, 5 (c) the maximal diameter of glass , MM 2, 54 (d) the conclusion diameter, MM 0, 6 (g) design sym.. Electrical characterizations maximal of switching power, computer engineering 15 maximal switching current, and 0, 5 maximal of switched voltage, in 160 transition of R, not more, Omagh 0, 1 breakdown point, no less than, in 180 R insulation, no less than, Omagh 10**9 magnetic characteristics operation ampere-turn, AW 10 - 75 resetting ratio 0, 3 - 0, 9 maximal response time, incineration facility 1, 0 maximal dropout time, incineration facility 0, 3 maximal working frequency Hz 100
The probes on the basis of hermetic contacts (sealed-contact reed relays) the pillar stands to effect of external factors, are workable over a wide range of temperatures, moisture, pillar stand to effect chemically active substances and dust. the hermetic electric contact provides the protection in dangerous in respect of explosion and inflammable environments. the overall dimensions (refer to image) (a) the overall picture of, the MM 41, 5 ( b) the maximal length of glass, MM 21, 5 (c) the maximal diameter of glass , MM 2, 54 (d) the conclusion diameter, MM 0, 6 (g) design sym.. Electrical characterizations maximal of switching power, computer engineering 15 maximal switching current, and 0, 5 maximal of switched voltage, in 160 transition of R, not more, Omagh 0, 1 breakdown point, no less than, in 180 R insulation, no less than, Omagh 10**9 magnetic characteristics operation ampere-turn, AW 10 - 75 resetting ratio 0, 3 - 0, 9 maximal response time, incineration facility 1, 0 maximal dropout time, incineration facility 0, 3 maximal working frequency Hz 100
  FISinter : Федера...  
Горизонтальный, консольный, одноступенчатый, герметичный с приводом через магнитную муфту. Для перекачивания в стационарных условиях химически активных жидкостей, содержащих твердые включения.
Horizontal, cantilever, one-step, hermetic with drive through magnetic clutch. For swapping in stationary conditions chemically active liquids, containing the hard inclusions.
Horizontal, cantilever, one-step, hermetic with drive through magnetic clutch. For swapping in stationary conditions chemically active liquids, containing the hard inclusions.
  FISinter : Федера...  
Датчики на базе герметичных контактов (герконов) стойки к воздействию внешних факторов, работоспособны в широком диапазоне температур, влажности, стойки к воздействию химически активных сред и пыли. Герметичный электрический контакт обеспечивает защищенность во взрывоопасных и пожароопасных средах.
The probes on the basis of hermetic contacts (sealed-contact reed relays) the pillar stands to effect of external factors, are workable over a wide range of temperatures, moisture, pillar stand to effect chemically active substances and dust. the hermetic electric contact provides the protection in dangerous in respect of explosion and inflammable environments. the overall dimensions (refer to image) (a) the overall picture of, the MM 80 (b) the maximal length of glass, MM 50 (c) the maximal diameter of glass, MM 5 , 6 (d) the conclusion diameter, MM 1, 3 (g) design sym.. Electrical characterizations maximal of switching power, computer engineering 120 maximal switching current, and 3 maximal of switched voltage, in 250 transition of R, not more, Omagh 0, 1 breakdown point, no less than, in 500 R insulation, no less than, Omagh 10**9 magnetic characteristics operation ampere-turn, AW 50 - 90 resetting ratio 0, 4 - 0, 9 maximal response time, incineration facility 3, 0 maximal dropout time, incineration facility 1, 0 maximal working frequency, Hz 100
The probes on the basis of hermetic contacts (sealed-contact reed relays) the pillar stands to effect of external factors, are workable over a wide range of temperatures, moisture, pillar stand to effect chemically active substances and dust. the hermetic electric contact provides the protection in dangerous in respect of explosion and inflammable environments. the overall dimensions (refer to image) (a) the overall picture of, the MM 80 (b) the maximal length of glass, MM 50 (c) the maximal diameter of glass, MM 5 , 6 (d) the conclusion diameter, MM 1, 3 (g) design sym.. Electrical characterizations maximal of switching power, computer engineering 120 maximal switching current, and 3 maximal of switched voltage, in 250 transition of R, not more, Omagh 0, 1 breakdown point, no less than, in 500 R insulation, no less than, Omagh 10**9 magnetic characteristics operation ampere-turn, AW 50 - 90 resetting ratio 0, 4 - 0, 9 maximal response time, incineration facility 3, 0 maximal dropout time, incineration facility 1, 0 maximal working frequency, Hz 100
The probes on the basis of hermetic contacts (sealed-contact reed relays) the pillar stands to effect of external factors, are workable over a wide range of temperatures, moisture, pillar stand to effect chemically active substances and dust. the hermetic electric contact provides the protection in dangerous in respect of explosion and inflammable environments. the overall dimensions (refer to image) (a) the overall picture of, the MM 80 (b) the maximal length of glass, MM 50 (c) the maximal diameter of glass, MM 5 , 6 (d) the conclusion diameter, MM 1, 3 (g) design sym.. Electrical characterizations maximal of switching power, computer engineering 120 maximal switching current, and 3 maximal of switched voltage, in 250 transition of R, not more, Omagh 0, 1 breakdown point, no less than, in 500 R insulation, no less than, Omagh 10**9 magnetic characteristics operation ampere-turn, AW 50 - 90 resetting ratio 0, 4 - 0, 9 maximal response time, incineration facility 3, 0 maximal dropout time, incineration facility 1, 0 maximal working frequency, Hz 100
The probes on the basis of hermetic contacts (sealed-contact reed relays) the pillar stands to effect of external factors, are workable over a wide range of temperatures, moisture, pillar stand to effect chemically active substances and dust. the hermetic electric contact provides the protection in dangerous in respect of explosion and inflammable environments. the overall dimensions (refer to image) (a) the overall picture of, the MM 80 (b) the maximal length of glass, MM 50 (c) the maximal diameter of glass, MM 5 , 6 (d) the conclusion diameter, MM 1, 3 (g) design sym.. Electrical characterizations maximal of switching power, computer engineering 120 maximal switching current, and 3 maximal of switched voltage, in 250 transition of R, not more, Omagh 0, 1 breakdown point, no less than, in 500 R insulation, no less than, Omagh 10**9 magnetic characteristics operation ampere-turn, AW 50 - 90 resetting ratio 0, 4 - 0, 9 maximal response time, incineration facility 3, 0 maximal dropout time, incineration facility 1, 0 maximal working frequency, Hz 100
  FISinter : Федера...  
Датчики на базе герметичных контактов (герконов) стойки к воздействию внешних факторов, работоспособны в широком диапазоне температур, влажности, стойки к воздействию химически активных сред и пыли. Герметичный электрический контакт обеспечивает защищенность во взрывоопасных и пожароопасных средах.
The probes on the basis of hermetic contacts (sealed-contact reed relays) the pillar stands to effect of external factors, are workable over a wide range of temperatures, moisture, pillar stand to effect chemically active substances and dust. the hermetic electric contact provides the protection in dangerous in respect of explosion and inflammable environments. the overall dimensions (refer to image) (a) the overall picture of, the MM 61 (b) the maximal length of glass, MM 36 (c) the maximal diameter of glass, MM 5 , 5 (d) the conclusion diameter, MM 1, 2 (g) design sym.. Electrical characterizations maximal of switching power, computer engineering 20 maximal switching current, and 0, 35 maximal of switched voltage, in 100 transition of R, not more, Omagh 0, 15 breakdown point, no less than, in 700 R insulation, no less than, Omagh 10**9 magnetic characteristics operation ampere-turn, AW 50 - 80 resetting ratio 0, 3 - 0, 95 maximal response time, incineration facility 2, 0 maximal dropout time, incineration facility 2, 0 maximal working frequency Hz 50
The probes on the basis of hermetic contacts (sealed-contact reed relays) the pillar stands to effect of external factors, are workable over a wide range of temperatures, moisture, pillar stand to effect chemically active substances and dust. the hermetic electric contact provides the protection in dangerous in respect of explosion and inflammable environments. the overall dimensions (refer to image) (a) the overall picture of, the MM 61 (b) the maximal length of glass, MM 36 (c) the maximal diameter of glass, MM 5 , 5 (d) the conclusion diameter, MM 1, 2 (g) design sym.. Electrical characterizations maximal of switching power, computer engineering 20 maximal switching current, and 0, 35 maximal of switched voltage, in 100 transition of R, not more, Omagh 0, 15 breakdown point, no less than, in 700 R insulation, no less than, Omagh 10**9 magnetic characteristics operation ampere-turn, AW 50 - 80 resetting ratio 0, 3 - 0, 95 maximal response time, incineration facility 2, 0 maximal dropout time, incineration facility 2, 0 maximal working frequency Hz 50
The probes on the basis of hermetic contacts (sealed-contact reed relays) the pillar stands to effect of external factors, are workable over a wide range of temperatures, moisture, pillar stand to effect chemically active substances and dust. the hermetic electric contact provides the protection in dangerous in respect of explosion and inflammable environments. the overall dimensions (refer to image) (a) the overall picture of, the MM 61 (b) the maximal length of glass, MM 36 (c) the maximal diameter of glass, MM 5 , 5 (d) the conclusion diameter, MM 1, 2 (g) design sym.. Electrical characterizations maximal of switching power, computer engineering 20 maximal switching current, and 0, 35 maximal of switched voltage, in 100 transition of R, not more, Omagh 0, 15 breakdown point, no less than, in 700 R insulation, no less than, Omagh 10**9 magnetic characteristics operation ampere-turn, AW 50 - 80 resetting ratio 0, 3 - 0, 95 maximal response time, incineration facility 2, 0 maximal dropout time, incineration facility 2, 0 maximal working frequency Hz 50
The probes on the basis of hermetic contacts (sealed-contact reed relays) the pillar stands to effect of external factors, are workable over a wide range of temperatures, moisture, pillar stand to effect chemically active substances and dust. the hermetic electric contact provides the protection in dangerous in respect of explosion and inflammable environments. the overall dimensions (refer to image) (a) the overall picture of, the MM 61 (b) the maximal length of glass, MM 36 (c) the maximal diameter of glass, MM 5 , 5 (d) the conclusion diameter, MM 1, 2 (g) design sym.. Electrical characterizations maximal of switching power, computer engineering 20 maximal switching current, and 0, 35 maximal of switched voltage, in 100 transition of R, not more, Omagh 0, 15 breakdown point, no less than, in 700 R insulation, no less than, Omagh 10**9 magnetic characteristics operation ampere-turn, AW 50 - 80 resetting ratio 0, 3 - 0, 95 maximal response time, incineration facility 2, 0 maximal dropout time, incineration facility 2, 0 maximal working frequency Hz 50
  FISinter : Федера...  
Датчики на базе герметичных контактов (герконов) стойки к воздействию внешних факторов, работоспособны в широком диапазоне температур, влажности, стойки к воздействию химически активных сред и пыли. Герметичный электрический контакт обеспечивает защищенность во взрывоопасных и пожароопасных средах.
The probes on the basis of hermetic contacts (sealed-contact reed relays) the pillar stands to effect of external factors, are workable over a wide range of temperatures, moisture, pillar stand to effect chemically active substances and dust. the hermetic electric contact provides the protection in dangerous in respect of explosion and inflammable environments. the overall dimensions (refer to image) (a) the overall picture of, the MM 44, 7 ( b) the maximal length of glass, MM 16, 5 (c) the maximal diameter of glass , MM 2, 54 (d) the conclusion diameter, MM 0, 55 (g) design sym.. Electrical characterizations maximal of switching power, computer engineering 10 maximal switching current, and 0, 5 maximal of switched voltage, in 100 transition of R, not more, Omagh 0, 25 breakdown point , no less than, in 200 R insulation, no less than, Omagh 10**9 magnetic characteristics operation ampere-turn, AW 10 - 50 resetting ratio 0, 35 - 0, 95 maximal response time, incineration facility 0, 6 maximal dropout time, incineration facility 0, 4 maximal working frequency Hz
The probes on the basis of hermetic contacts (sealed-contact reed relays) the pillar stands to effect of external factors, are workable over a wide range of temperatures, moisture, pillar stand to effect chemically active substances and dust. the hermetic electric contact provides the protection in dangerous in respect of explosion and inflammable environments. the overall dimensions (refer to image) (a) the overall picture of, the MM 44, 7 ( b) the maximal length of glass, MM 16, 5 (c) the maximal diameter of glass , MM 2, 54 (d) the conclusion diameter, MM 0, 55 (g) design sym.. Electrical characterizations maximal of switching power, computer engineering 10 maximal switching current, and 0, 5 maximal of switched voltage, in 100 transition of R, not more, Omagh 0, 25 breakdown point , no less than, in 200 R insulation, no less than, Omagh 10**9 magnetic characteristics operation ampere-turn, AW 10 - 50 resetting ratio 0, 35 - 0, 95 maximal response time, incineration facility 0, 6 maximal dropout time, incineration facility 0, 4 maximal working frequency Hz
The probes on the basis of hermetic contacts (sealed-contact reed relays) the pillar stands to effect of external factors, are workable over a wide range of temperatures, moisture, pillar stand to effect chemically active substances and dust. the hermetic electric contact provides the protection in dangerous in respect of explosion and inflammable environments. the overall dimensions (refer to image) (a) the overall picture of, the MM 44, 7 ( b) the maximal length of glass, MM 16, 5 (c) the maximal diameter of glass , MM 2, 54 (d) the conclusion diameter, MM 0, 55 (g) design sym.. Electrical characterizations maximal of switching power, computer engineering 10 maximal switching current, and 0, 5 maximal of switched voltage, in 100 transition of R, not more, Omagh 0, 25 breakdown point , no less than, in 200 R insulation, no less than, Omagh 10**9 magnetic characteristics operation ampere-turn, AW 10 - 50 resetting ratio 0, 35 - 0, 95 maximal response time, incineration facility 0, 6 maximal dropout time, incineration facility 0, 4 maximal working frequency Hz
The probes on the basis of hermetic contacts (sealed-contact reed relays) the pillar stands to effect of external factors, are workable over a wide range of temperatures, moisture, pillar stand to effect chemically active substances and dust. the hermetic electric contact provides the protection in dangerous in respect of explosion and inflammable environments. the overall dimensions (refer to image) (a) the overall picture of, the MM 44, 7 ( b) the maximal length of glass, MM 16, 5 (c) the maximal diameter of glass , MM 2, 54 (d) the conclusion diameter, MM 0, 55 (g) design sym.. Electrical characterizations maximal of switching power, computer engineering 10 maximal switching current, and 0, 5 maximal of switched voltage, in 100 transition of R, not more, Omagh 0, 25 breakdown point , no less than, in 200 R insulation, no less than, Omagh 10**9 magnetic characteristics operation ampere-turn, AW 10 - 50 resetting ratio 0, 35 - 0, 95 maximal response time, incineration facility 0, 6 maximal dropout time, incineration facility 0, 4 maximal working frequency Hz
  FISinter : Федера...  
; - трущихся и вращающихся деталей (рекомендуется для пластиковых механизмов); - фильер в производстве химических волокон; - шаблонов используемых при изготовлении изделий из ДСП; - аккумуляторных приводов.
Is applied to lubricating: - press moulds in the manufacture of plastic and industrial rubber goods, in case of casting of aluminium alloys under pressure etc. - friction and rotating details (is desirable for plastic mechanisms); - dies in production of chemical fibres; - patterns used when product making from wood particle board; - accumulator drives. as well as for: - protection fused solder; - foam suppresion; - processing of device dashboards, rubber articles for the purpose of improving of them exterior appearance; - removal simplification cement , gypsum, dyes, etc with window glasses, building equipment and tools; - processings of bits of tools and machine tools for protection against rust. excellent lubricant the silicone action is conditioned by its exclusive fluidity and as a consequence by the ability easy forms films on most various surfaces. the silicone grease chemically are inert and causes no corrosions metals. Is different from mineral lubricants by the wide interval of working temperatures (from - 40 degree. With to +200 degree. C) and small dependence viscosity from temperature. the silicone grease possess by the good dielectric properties, odour free and taste, causes no backlashes in human beings. besides it economically, comfortable and is safe in applying.
Is applied to lubricating: - press moulds in the manufacture of plastic and industrial rubber goods, in case of casting of aluminium alloys under pressure etc. - friction and rotating details (is desirable for plastic mechanisms); - dies in production of chemical fibres; - patterns used when product making from wood particle board; - accumulator drives. as well as for: - protection fused solder; - foam suppresion; - processing of device dashboards, rubber articles for the purpose of improving of them exterior appearance; - removal simplification cement , gypsum, dyes, etc with window glasses, building equipment and tools; - processings of bits of tools and machine tools for protection against rust. excellent lubricant the silicone action is conditioned by its exclusive fluidity and as a consequence by the ability easy forms films on most various surfaces. the silicone grease chemically are inert and causes no corrosions metals. Is different from mineral lubricants by the wide interval of working temperatures (from - 40 degree. With to +200 degree. C) and small dependence viscosity from temperature. the silicone grease possess by the good dielectric properties, odour free and taste, causes no backlashes in human beings. besides it economically, comfortable and is safe in applying.
Is applied to lubricating: - press moulds in the manufacture of plastic and industrial rubber goods, in case of casting of aluminium alloys under pressure etc. - friction and rotating details (is desirable for plastic mechanisms); - dies in production of chemical fibres; - patterns used when product making from wood particle board; - accumulator drives. as well as for: - protection fused solder; - foam suppresion; - processing of device dashboards, rubber articles for the purpose of improving of them exterior appearance; - removal simplification cement , gypsum, dyes, etc with window glasses, building equipment and tools; - processings of bits of tools and machine tools for protection against rust. excellent lubricant the silicone action is conditioned by its exclusive fluidity and as a consequence by the ability easy forms films on most various surfaces. the silicone grease chemically are inert and causes no corrosions metals. Is different from mineral lubricants by the wide interval of working temperatures (from - 40 degree. With to +200 degree. C) and small dependence viscosity from temperature. the silicone grease possess by the good dielectric properties, odour free and taste, causes no backlashes in human beings. besides it economically, comfortable and is safe in applying.
  FISinter : Федера...  
Датчики на базе герметичных контактов (герконов) стойки к воздействию внешних факторов, работоспособны в широком диапазоне температур, влажности, стойки к воздействию химически активных сред и пыли. Герметичный электрический контакт обеспечивает защищенность во взрывоопасных и пожароопасных средах.
The probes on the basis of hermetic contacts (sealed-contact reed relays) the pillar stands to effect of external factors, are workable over a wide range of temperatures, moisture, pillar stand to effect chemically active substances and dust. the hermetic electric contact provides the protection in dangerous in respect of explosion and inflammable environments. the overall dimensions (refer to image) (a) the overall picture of, the MM 45, 6 ( b) the maximal length of glass, MM 21 (c) the maximal diameter of glass, MM 3, 2 (d) the conclusion diameter, MM 0, 6 (g) design sym.. Electrical characterizations maximal of switching power, computer engineering 10 maximal switching current, and 0, 5 maximal of switched voltage, in 180 transition of R, not more, Omagh 0, 1 breakdown point, no less than, in 250 R insulation, no less than, Omagh 10**9 magnetic characteristics operation ampere-turn, AW 10 - 64 resetting ratio 0, 3 - 0, 9 maximal response time, incineration facility 1, 0 maximal dropout time, incineration facility 0, 5 maximal working frequency Hz 100
The probes on the basis of hermetic contacts (sealed-contact reed relays) the pillar stands to effect of external factors, are workable over a wide range of temperatures, moisture, pillar stand to effect chemically active substances and dust. the hermetic electric contact provides the protection in dangerous in respect of explosion and inflammable environments. the overall dimensions (refer to image) (a) the overall picture of, the MM 45, 6 ( b) the maximal length of glass, MM 21 (c) the maximal diameter of glass, MM 3, 2 (d) the conclusion diameter, MM 0, 6 (g) design sym.. Electrical characterizations maximal of switching power, computer engineering 10 maximal switching current, and 0, 5 maximal of switched voltage, in 180 transition of R, not more, Omagh 0, 1 breakdown point, no less than, in 250 R insulation, no less than, Omagh 10**9 magnetic characteristics operation ampere-turn, AW 10 - 64 resetting ratio 0, 3 - 0, 9 maximal response time, incineration facility 1, 0 maximal dropout time, incineration facility 0, 5 maximal working frequency Hz 100
The probes on the basis of hermetic contacts (sealed-contact reed relays) the pillar stands to effect of external factors, are workable over a wide range of temperatures, moisture, pillar stand to effect chemically active substances and dust. the hermetic electric contact provides the protection in dangerous in respect of explosion and inflammable environments. the overall dimensions (refer to image) (a) the overall picture of, the MM 45, 6 ( b) the maximal length of glass, MM 21 (c) the maximal diameter of glass, MM 3, 2 (d) the conclusion diameter, MM 0, 6 (g) design sym.. Electrical characterizations maximal of switching power, computer engineering 10 maximal switching current, and 0, 5 maximal of switched voltage, in 180 transition of R, not more, Omagh 0, 1 breakdown point, no less than, in 250 R insulation, no less than, Omagh 10**9 magnetic characteristics operation ampere-turn, AW 10 - 64 resetting ratio 0, 3 - 0, 9 maximal response time, incineration facility 1, 0 maximal dropout time, incineration facility 0, 5 maximal working frequency Hz 100
The probes on the basis of hermetic contacts (sealed-contact reed relays) the pillar stands to effect of external factors, are workable over a wide range of temperatures, moisture, pillar stand to effect chemically active substances and dust. the hermetic electric contact provides the protection in dangerous in respect of explosion and inflammable environments. the overall dimensions (refer to image) (a) the overall picture of, the MM 45, 6 ( b) the maximal length of glass, MM 21 (c) the maximal diameter of glass, MM 3, 2 (d) the conclusion diameter, MM 0, 6 (g) design sym.. Electrical characterizations maximal of switching power, computer engineering 10 maximal switching current, and 0, 5 maximal of switched voltage, in 180 transition of R, not more, Omagh 0, 1 breakdown point, no less than, in 250 R insulation, no less than, Omagh 10**9 magnetic characteristics operation ampere-turn, AW 10 - 64 resetting ratio 0, 3 - 0, 9 maximal response time, incineration facility 1, 0 maximal dropout time, incineration facility 0, 5 maximal working frequency Hz 100
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