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Keybot 15 Results  www.euinside.eu
  Една ипотека...  
Те препакетират заемите като обезпечени ипотечни ценни книжа, които получават от агенциите за кредитен рейтинг най-високия възможен рейтинг - три пъти А - и се продават на инвеститорите като топъл хляб.
The report describes in detail the whole chain through which the subprime mortgages intoxicated the financial system, not just in the U.S. but also globally. From the moment that the owner has signed the mortgage contract and got the keys, the loan had already been in the game. Together with other loans it was packaged and sold to securitisation companies and investment banks. They would repackage the loans into mortgage–backed securities which would receive the highest possible credit rating AAA from the credit rating agencies and would be sold to the investors like hot cakes.
  Хърватия не Ð...  
данъчно бреме както върху труда, така и върху бизнеса, и потреблението. ДДС в Хърватия е 25%, като изключение има за туризма, хляба и млякото.
burden over labour and business both, and consumption. VAT in Croatia is 25% with exceptions for tourism, bread, and milk.
  Дългата сянк...  
”, журналистката от в. Kyiv Post Оксана Фарина твърди, че смесената избирателна система ще ощети опозицията и ще облагодетелства управляващите в едномандатните райони, както се е случило преди 10 години, когато за последен път е използвана смесената система. Според статията купуването на гласове е масово явление, като цената на един глас в Киев е 50 долара, а в провинцията хляб и шоколад са достатъчни.
In an article entitled "Is Ukraine repeating history?", published in the Kyiv Post newspaper, journalist Oksana Faryna argues that the mixed electoral system will affect the opposition and will benefit the government in the single-member districts, as that happened 10 years ago when the mixed system was last used. According to the article, vote buying is a mass phenomenon and the price of a vote in Kiev is $50, but in the province bread and chocolate suffice. Another prerequisite for violations is the opportunity in the new election law for a temporary change of voting address without changing the permanent voting address.
  Изборите в Ð¥Ñ...  
Изборите на 11 септември ще са проверка за това колко голям е политическият център и дали в него се намират всички онези, които не гласуват. Това ще е и проверка колко хляб има в националистичната реторика, която не донесе на HDZ голям успех.
In this sense, the EPP will do a favour to the HDZ, as well as itself (after its image was seriously tarnished by Orbán and other national parties), if it gives more visible support to its partners from the HDZ. A win of the MEP Plenković at the elections in Croatia could prove to be a good argument in favour of the battle against populism and extremism in Europe. In a sense it is disappointing, but also to be expected that not a single important European subject is raised in Croatia during the campaign – not the Brexit, nor the future of Europe, or the migrant crisis. The future Schengen membership is not discussed (even less the changes in Schengen), neither is there any talk about adopting the euro. The campaign continues to be fully national, with a bitter regional flavour.
  Промяна на Ñ‚Ð...  
"Европа е пекарят на Кос, който раздава хляба си на гладните и изтощени души. Европа е студентите в Мюнхен и Пасау, които носят дрехи за новопристигналите на гарата. Европа е полицаят в Австрия, който приветства изтощените бежанци след преминаването на границата. Това е Европа, в която искам да живея", каза г-н Юнкер, като преди това напомни, че в Европа почти всеки някога е бил бежанец.
The start of the long anticipated speech of the Luxembourg veteran strongly reminded in its content of a commercial slogan, which went “You’re not you when you’re hungry”. He explained to the packed auditorium in Strasbourg what Europe is not. It is not pushing back boats, torching refugee camps, closing our eyes to the poor and helpless. “Europe is the baker in Kos who gives away his bread to hungry and weary souls. Europe is the students in Munich and in Passau who bring clothes for the new arrivals at the train station. Europe is the policeman in Austria who welcomes exhausted refugees upon crossing the border. This is the Europe I want to live in,” said Mr Juncker and reminded that almost everyone in Europe was once a refugee. He put the current situation in perspective.
  Казусът Сейд...  
"Както знаете, ЕС е изграден върху култура на диалог и компромис. Политическата отговорност и готовност за намиране на договорени решения е от съществена важност, за да може Босна и Херцеговина да постигне допълнителен напредък в процеса на европейска интеграция", подчерта Барозу, с което даде ясно да се разбере, че Босна и Херцеговина има още много хляб да изяде, докато достигне онази политическа зрялост, която ще позволи на съставните й части да преговарят в дух на партньорство и да постигат компромиси в името на общия си интерес - ЕС.
The three European leaders (Schulz, Barroso, Van Rompuy) underlined that Bosnia had to benefit from the movements that were taking place in the Balkans at the moment (in the words of Jose Manuel Barroso) - Croatia signed an accession treaty and in 2013 it will become the 28th member of the EU; Serbia has finally been granted a candidate status and is expected to start negotiations; a visa liberalisation dialogue is being initiated with Kosovo. To Barroso's list we can also add the Commission decision to start accession dialogue with Macedonia, which replaces the actual negotiations, blocked by Greece because of the name dispute. Bosnia has to take advantage of all this and to undertake the necessary steps in order to achieve its European future. If Bosnia puts sufficient efforts to align its constitution with the court's decision, this will ensure the entry into force of the Association Agreement, already ratified by all member states.
  Doing business в грÐ...  
останали без интернет, голямо важно! Важно е, особено когато човек си изкарва хляба единствено и само чрез интернет. И е още по-важно, когато става въпрос на практика за ежедневие (поне в нашия квартал).
Two weeks ago, while I was working in the morning, I heard the switching of the UPS of the server on. It just switched on and then went off. An electric shock, I thought. If it was in the evening I would have seen the blinking of the lights and a short-while stopping of the TV. Well, it was daylight, but so what. After the electric shock, I was left without Internet for half an hour. It was just when the Internet came back and again - the UPS tried to switch on and then retreated again. A second electric shock. And, again - more than half an hour without Internet. Probably many people would consider it as some sort of great pretenses - wow! they remained without Internet, so what! It is important, especially when one needs the Internet to make a living. And it is even more important when this is a matter of regular practices (at least in my neighbourhood).
  Между урните...  
Икономическата криза даде хляб на критиците на пазарната икономика и съживи призивите за социално равенство. Това е може би най-очевидно в Гърция, но подобен социално-популистки патос не е чужд на реториката на мнозина европейски лидери, а и на европейските институции.
The economic crisis brought grist to the mill of market economy critics and revived the calls for social equality. This is probably most obvious in Greece, but such a social-populist pathos can be found also in the rhetoric of many European leaders, as well as the European institutions. The feeling of rejection of traditional conservative values and liberal beliefs is especially strong in a society like Bulgaria's that has never actually completed its transition from socialism to democracy. While this could be expected, albeit being wrong - the calls for social equality and security to prevail the public domain in the poorest country in the EU - such a tendency could be seen also in part of the German society.
  Хърватия - ча...  
Много от анкетиранте жители на малкото селце Товарник, което се намира на границата със Сърбия и беше превърнато в първия приемен център за бежанци, проявяваха разбиране и си припомняха как не толкова отдавна и те са имали нужда от помощ. Ако трябва, и последния краешник хляб ще си поделим, но тези хора не бягат от хубаво, казваха.
As early as that same evening, during the TV live feeds, it became clear that expectations for only 500 refugees over the first day had been exceeded almost threefold. Regardless, attitudes of media, politicians, and local citizens remained positive. Many of the interviewed citizens of the small village of Tovarnik, which lies at the border with Serbia and was turned into the first reception centre for refugees, expressed understanding and remembered how not so long ago it was them that needed help. If need be, we will share our last piece of bread but these people are not running from anything good, they said. The Ministry of Internal Affairs created an efficient information organisation. At the Ministry’s web page data for the number of entries is being refreshed every couple of hours. The Tweeter profile of the government constantly gives information, including in English.
  Нещо като енÐ...  
Вярно е, че има много хляб в това да се работи за изграждането на вътрешния пазар и че от прилагането на вече съществуващото законодателство може да се извлекат много ползи, които биха могли да създадат подходящи условия за следващия етап на интеграция.
So, the expectations for an energy union were the Commission to present a vision and ambition it will insist on and not be a spokesperson of the member states because they already have one - Donald Tusk. It is true that there is a lot of potential in working to build the internal market and that the implementation of the existing legislation could bring a lot of benefits that could create appropriate environment for the next stage of integration. But it is also true that the current geopolitical situation provides, indeed, a golden opportunity to move up to the next level of integration in the EU just like the eurozone crisis created the conditions for the banking union. What united the member states then was their common currency. This means that the energy union should find the equivalent of the euro in terms of importance. This is what the Commission strategy lacks. Moreover, the banking union simply responded institutionally to the already existing integration at market level. Alas, this is the weakest spot of the energy union - there is no sufficient energy connectivity among the member states that can make it absolutely necessary for everyone to protect their common energy security.