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Keybot 2 Results  www.varna.bg
  Господин Ангелов  
Комисията си поставя като първа задача бързото снабдяване на бедното варненско гражданство с дърва за отопление, почистването на града и възможното намаление цената на типовия хляб".
The Committee's first priorities are to supply quickly the poor citizens of Varna with heating wood, to clean the town end possibly reduce the price of the cheapest bread".
  Йордан Пекарев  
Той свиква събрание на представители на държавните и частни банки, сдружения, предприятия и др., на които единодушно се възприема" Да се образува един фонд от 12 мл. лв. капитал, половината от който да се покрие от частните банки, а другата половина от Българска народна и Българската земледелска банки. С този капитал да се закупят 300 вагона зърнени храни, които ще стоят в депозит, за регулиране цените на хляба и гарантиране прехраната на града".
His major priority was the food supplies to the citizens. He organised a meeting of representatives of the the state-owned and the private banks, companies, enterprises, etc., which unanimously voted for "The formation of a united fund of 12 million, half of which to be contributed by private banks and the other half of BNB and BAB. 300 wagons of grain to be bought with this amount, which was to stay in reserve and be used for the regulation of price of bread and to guarantee the food supply for the town." The municipal committee tried to solve the housing problem, promoting the "Bezdomnik" house building cooperative, set up in 1919. Municipal land was given to the cooperative with fixed and delayed payment for building new houses. The company had to pay back the land in 10 years, and to build the houses in 5 years. The electric lighting in the main streets and at the sea baths was improved, an iron fence surrounded the Seaside garden, the basic construction works of the summer theatre were completed. At the opening celebrations of the summer Theatre, Mayor Pekarev announced Varna "...a special and free resort town." /A ministerial decree sanctioned this declaration of the Municipality in 1925/. Iurdan Pekarev addressed the citizens of Varna: "... Come, support us to raise our minds, will, energy and desire our town to join the short list of Nice, Monte Carlo, the Riviera and so on."