хоризонт – -Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Keybot 4 Results  www.uam.esn.pl
• Енергийна ефективност в индустрията: приложение на различни ко-генерационни схеми, хоризонтални енергийни технологии, енергийна ефективност на топлофикационни системи;
- Energy efficiency in industry: application of different co-generation schemes; horizontal energy technologies; energy efficiency of district heating;
- Хоризонтални енергийни технологии;
- Horizontal energy technologies;
Енергиен център София е партньор в проект „CITYnvest“, финансиран по програма „Хоризонт 2020“, който има за цел да окаже подкрепа и да възпроизведе успешните иновативни модели на финансиране на енергийното обновяване на сградите.
Sofia Energy Centre is a partner in „CITYnvest“ project financed under „Horizon2020“ programme aiming at showing successful innovative financing models for energy retrofitting of buildings such as Energy Performance Contracting (EPC), Third Party Financing (TPF), revolving funds and cooperative models, get step by step guidance on how to kick off energy efficiency investments in your area, find more experienced peers and learn from their examples.
Енергиен център София и Община Асеновград участват в проект SmartEnCity, финансиран по инициативата „Умни градове и общини” (Smart Cities and Communities), част от Програмата за изследвания и иновации Хоризонт 2020 на Европейския съюз.
Sofia Energy Centre Ltd. and the Municipality of Asenovgrad are participants in the project SmartEnCity, funded under the initiative “Smart Cities and Communities”, part of the Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 of the European Union. Asenovgrad is a follower city, thus being among the first three cities in Bulgaria (together with Sofia and Bourgas) and 57 cities from across Europe, which take part in this initiative and collaborate with each other. The goal of the project is to facilitate municipalities in becoming sustainable, smart, engaged and resource-efficient territories. This is going to be achieved through integrated planning and the implementation of measures for improving energy efficiency in key sectors of consumption in small and medium-sized European cities in combination with the application of renewable energy and demonstration of its benefits. Sofia Energy Centre Ltd. is a partner and consultant of the Municipality of Asenovgrad in the implementation of the project.