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Keybot 7 Results  www.euinside.eu
  Сто дена самÐ...  
Според Валентина има разделение, но то се създава изкуствено. Убедена е на базата на разговорите си с множество хора от най-различни политически цветове, че има единство по много от проблемите на България.
According to Valentina, there is division but it is artificially created. She is convinced, on the basis of her talks with many people from various political colours, that there is unanimity on many of the problems Bulgaria has. It is a matter of time unity to be achieved.
  Щастливият Ð¥...  
Защото, макар че се смениха правителства от различни цветове, всъщност, както написа скоро един анализатор, се сменяха различни управляващи елити и техните бизнес-обкръжения, петимни да печелят на гърба на държавата.
What happens then? The government undertakes reforms, defined by some left-minded analysts as a “social carnage”. The unemployment benefits were cut, as well as the time of their payment, wages and pensions were frozen, the retirement age was increased, the labour market was liberalised to allow more flexible part-time work, the rights of the trade unions in collective bargaining were decreased. At the same time, the tax burden was reduced to stimulate business. In other words - a Thatcherism, as the opponents of the reforms liked to call these painful measures.
  Санкциите ср...  
Ако се стигне до ескалация на конфликта, ЕС е готов да реагира, увери българският външен министър. В рамките на Съвета има различни мнения, като някои виждат нещата в по-оптимистични цветове, докато други са по-невярващи.
If it comes to an escalation of the conflict the EU is ready to act, assured the foreign minister of Bulgaria. Within the Council there are various opinions, some of which see things in more optimistic colours whereas others are more suspicious. Bulgaria is among the moderates who stick to the facts, Daniel Mitov emphasised. At the moment no one wants to discuss the option of extending the existing sanctions or introducing new ones. No other message should be conveyed to Russia than the readiness for political and diplomatic solution to the conflict, Mr Mitov added. He quoted the latest opinion poll by Alfa Research, according to which 76% of the Bulgarians support the Bulgarian government's moderate foreign policy. Around the conflict in Ukraine some 30% have changed their attitude to Russia in a negative direction, keeping, however, their sympathies for the Russian people, Daniel Mitov said and underlined that the Bulgarians have proved in this situation to be "very smart" making a distinction between their sympathies for the Russian people, "which we all have", and for certain policy.
Малкото останали жизнени частни компании, особено от размера "малки и средни", спряха да плащат данъци и осигуровки и отказват да купуват суровини, чийто произход е свързан дори и косвено с олигархията и техния монополен октопод. Магазините отказват да продават храна на политици от всички цветове.
In the streets of Sofia and the big Bulgarian cities it is full of jobless people who are determined to get rid their country of oligarchy by depriving it of blood. When it has no one to suck from it will die after all. Farmers refuse to sell their produce to those who blackmailed them for decades and under death threats bought out their production for pennies. They sell what they have only through secretly organised exchanges to boycotters only. Just a few of the private companies that are still vital, especially from the size "small and medium", ceased to pay taxes and social contributions and refuse to buy raw materials whose origin is related even indirectly with the oligarchy and their monopolistic octopus. The shops refuse to sell food to politicians from all colours. The reserves are distributed equally only to boycotters. The selection is difficult because there are a lot of politicians or mutras (mafia guys) from the lower hierarchy levels who pretend to be boycotters. They carry themselves with teeshirts with anti-oligarchic inscriptions, but are easily recognised.
  Еврозоната с...  
Това е исторически ден”, заяви г-жа Маркел. Облечена в стилно бежово сако (за разлика от сините и лилави цветове, запазени за тежки битки) тя изглеждаше доволна. Германия постигна целта си частният сектор да поеме част от загубите в спасяването на Гърция, за да може канцлерът да аргументира участието на страната в спасителната операция пред германските данъкоплатци.
euro area. German Chancellor Angela Merkel defined it as a historic one, and French President Nicolas Sarkozy called it “the beginnings of a European Monetary Fund”. “What we are doing now is an example for deeper integration - handing over and transferring more competences to EU institutions. This is a historic day,” Ms Merkel said. Dressed in a stylish beige jacket (unlike the blue and purple colours reserved for heavy battles), she seemed satisfied. Germany achieved its goal - the private sector to take part of the losses in Greek rescue, in order to enable the chancellor to justify German taxpayers' participation in the rescue operation. At the same time, although Berlin had to step back in terms of changing the rescue fund, which it had strongly opposed, it won the fund to operate under very strict conditions, only in exceptional circumstances and under a unanimous decision of the member states.