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  МАТЕРА – регион Базилик...  
Логото, избрано след международен конкурс представлява издълбаните проходи, които изобразяват буквите W(Wiki - Мрежа) и М (Матера) с цветовете на земята и небето и са знак за еволюция на територията: от пътищата издълбани в скалите до виртуалните пътища.
The logo of the candidacy, elected after an International competition, illustrates the carved passages which represent the letters W (wiki) and M (Matera) with the colors of the Earth and Sky and are signs of the evolution – from the carved roads in the rock to the virtual roads.
  ЛОГОСИСТЕМА | София 2019  
Заедно с CMYG цветовете (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Green), тези модели се трансформираха в малки структури подобни на дисплей състоящи се съответно от 2x2, 3x3 и 5x5 щита по осите x и y за първия, втория и третия етап от инициативата.
The system grows richer (offering further options) in each subsequent stage, and so the logos give opportunities for communication with various events from the program for European capital of culture.  Communication can be based on various themes; the examples I have given range from different types of culture, such as youth culture, alternative, etc., to individual events such as a Creative city (exhibitions, concerts, workshops), Diverse City (cultural exchange), City of Knowledge (history, science, etc.), City of Traditions (local culture), etc.  The three logo structures, with their basic elements and colors, can be applied to any type of media, without interfering with its recognizability and unity.