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Keybot 20 Results  www.euinside.eu
  Исландия има...  
Да, може - е прекият отговор, но той е късоглед. Геостратегическото положение на страната, независимо колко малка и незначителна е тя, може да бъде не просто добавена стойност за ЕС, но наистина ценен актив.
"If the world would transform into blocks we will consider it", he says. "If Norway would become a EU member than we will have no choice", is the follow-up which gives a lot of ground for specific thoughts. The Icelanders are descendants of the Norwegian vikings. They were for centuries under Norwegian influence and rule and are keen on accepting the Norwegian intimacy (or distance) with the EU.
  Един Мост, мн...  
А това е много ценен политически капитал не само за новата партия, но и за цялата страна, защото ако Мост изиграят добре картите си, това може да предизвика отдавна необходимото реформиране на старите партии, разглезени да се гласува за тях по навик и поради липса на смислена алтернатива.
And credibility is a very precious political capital not just for the new party, but for the entire country, for if Most play their cards well, this could cause the long overdue reform of the old parties, pampered by having people vote for them out of habit and a lack of any meaningful alternative. If any disagreement appears within the Most-ians, however, surely the vultures of the two leading political formations will eat them up, and then the “return to the old” that Zoran Milanović used to scare everybody with is guaranteed. The way to the correct solution passes through an analysis of the situation.
  Танто за танÑ...  
Важно е обаче да се знае, че имат ценен съюзник на своя страна - Полша, за която президентът Ван Ромпой каза кратко и ясно: "Полша е ярък пример за това какво е възможно, когато страните вземат реформите насериозно".
What the six countries need to understand for themselves is what path they should choose - the easy one, of the status quo, or the difficult one, of reforms and efforts. It is important to know though, that they have an important ally - Poland, of which President Van Rompuy said briefly and clearly: "Poland is a vivid example of what is possible when countries take reform seriously".
  Помогни си сÐ...  
Опитът, който Брюксел натрупа по Механизма са сътрудничество и проверка с България може да се окаже доста ценен и в по-широк контекст. Макар и в много по-малък мащаб, той например затвърди един от основните уроци на дълговата криза: че на доброволното спазване на общите правила не бива прекалено да се разчита.
The CVM experience equipped EU with an experience that could be valuable even in a broader context. Though in a much smaller scale, this experience confirmed one of the main lessons after the debt crisis: that the voluntary respect of the EU rules should not be trusted too much. Indeed, during the last couple of years the EU started to act through less recommendations and more regulation.
  Засега не се ...  
Очакванията от частичното участие в Европейския семестър са Хърватия да добие ценен оперативен и методологичен опит, да отвори нов канал за работа с ЕК и да се подготви да прилага европейските политики преди пълноправното членство.
The government already is in a dialogue with the Commission which is closely following the economic developments in the country. The expectations from the partial participation in the European Semester are Croatia to gain valuable operational and methodological experience, to open a new channel of work with the Commission and to prepare to implement the European policies before the full-fledged membership. But the issue of the European Semester is almost entirely absent in the public domain, although on a political level it is not quite alien.
  Пътят към ЧлÐ...  
Това, което прави предложения механизъм особено ценен е, че дефинира най-общо какво означава върховенството на закона, тъй като всяка страна-членка си има своя собствена правна история и ценностна система, което прави доста трудно оценяването на нарушенията подобаващо.
The Commission will send a motivated opinion to the authorities which will be confidential. If there is no satisfactory response to the Commission's recommendations, then it will consider triggering some of the provisions of Article 7. In its work with the guilty member, the Commission will use external assistance as well from the European human rights agency or the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe. What makes the proposed mechanism especially valuable is that it defines more generally what rule of law means because every member state has it own legal history and system of values which makes it hard to assess violations of the rule of law.
  Ще избере ли ...  
Като отчаян ход да спечели подкрепата на политическите сили премиерът направи промени в правителството и пожертва дори финансовия министър Геориос Папаконстантину, въпреки общото мнение, че той е високо ценен и се ползва с доверието на Брюксел и международните финансови институции.
As a desperate move to gain support from the political forces, the Prime Minister made a reshuffle in the government, sacrificing Finance Minister Georgios Papaconstantinou, although he was highly valued and trusted by Brussels and the international financial institutions. But the “people” did not like him because he cut expenses. His successor, Evangelos Venizelos, will hardly change that fact, as our colleagues from The Wall Street Journal smartly wrote: “Who wants the worst job in Europe?”
  Поредните пр...  
Жалко е наистина, след 20 години на възможности и в крайна сметка нищоправене, да се окажем отново пред вратата на Европа - загърбени от тези, към които сме се стремили, като безнадежден случай и обърнати с лице към тези, които 20 години след нас тръгват по подобен път. Е, утеха ще бъде, ако поне нашият провал послужи като ценен урок на следващите.
This is why euinside asked the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs whether Bulgaria was aware of Italy's proposal and whether there was a tendency of going toward a common approach regarding illegal immigrants. Ms Vessela Tcherneva replied that Italy introduced its ideas to its partners, expressed
  Стоенето изв...  
"Може да ни харесва или да не и харесва, но това са факти от живота, които трябва да вземем предвид. Имаме еврозона, която към момента няма социална основа, но докладът на четиримата президенти, подготвен от г-н [Херман] Ван Ромпой преди две години имаше ценен принос за създаване на социална основа на еврозоната и виждам много ясно от всичко, което става, че това е важно измерение за еврозоната", каза тя в интервю за euinside по повод срещата на социалните министри от евространите.
According to Danuta Hübner, a MEP from Poland (EPP) and former Commissioner for regional development, staying outside the euro area has a price. „You know, we can like it or we can dislike it but I think there are facts of life which have to be taken into account. There is eurozone, which so far has not had yet what I would call a social foundation, but we had the four presidents' report, first prepared by Mr [Herman] Van Rompuy 2 years ago, there was this important, I think, contribution on social foundation of the eurozone and see very clearly from everything that is happening that it is an important dimension for the eurozone”, she said in an interview for euinside,dedicated on the meeting of euro area states’ social ministers.
Срамното в случая е, че става дума за държава извън ЕС, която е далече от стандартите на Съюза за демокрация. Гърция е член от десетилетия и има претенциите да е родина на демокрацията, а партията на Марин льо Пен идва от страна, която има ценен принос за днешната демократична еволюция.
The referendum in Greece compares democratically to the vote in the Crimea last year when voters were also given just a week to decide whether to stay in the Ukraine or join Russia. The Crimean situation was worse, for there was no pluralism of opinions whatsoever, terrible censorship prevailed and voters had to choose in the presence of tanks and armed to the teeth unmarked soldiers. What is shameful in this comparison is that it is with a country outside the EU, far from the Unions standards for democracy. Greece has been a member for decades and claims to be the cradle of democracy, and Marine Le Pen’s party comes from a country with valuable contributions in shaping today’s democratic evolution.
  Първо полити...  
От своя страна премиерът Миланович изрази огромно съжаление от това, че трябва да се раздели с дясната си ръка като призна: "Много, много ми е жал". По думите му Чачич е бил изключително ценен човек в кабинета, мишена на всякакви нападки, резултатите от чиято работа ще се усетят в бъдеще.
He started the news conference expressing regret for the accident and for the family of Mrs Liptak, and also for what he brought to his family. Čačić did not comment on the sentence, but said he was ready to accept the consequences of "negligence". He thanked the prime minister for their joint work, which he described of quality "above average". For his part, Premier Milanović expressed huge regret that he had to say good-bye to his right hand, acknowledging: "I'm very very sorry". In his words, Čačić was a very valued man in the cabinet, a target for attacks from all sides, the results of whose work would be felt in the future.
  Убий карикат...  
Решението на германската канцлерка да даде зелена светлина за съдебното преследване на Бьомерман изпраща много горчив сигнал към все по-малкото страни в ЕС, в които свободата на словото, колкото и безвкусно да е то, а дори и отвратително, е високо ценена.
Before Böhmermann, Turkey objected to another satirical depiction of Erdoğan, which could not be qualified as offensive, but could hardly be called funny either. The decision of the German chancellor to give a green light to Böhmermann’s prosecution sends a very bitter message to the very few and becoming fewer states in the EU where freedom of speech, however tasteless, even disgusting, may be, is highly valued. But it shows something much scarier – that Europe has lost its transformational power, which it boasted with for decades. Instead of the EU changing authoritarian states in its image, conditioning them to democracy, respect for the different opinion, fundamental rights and the most modern human values, it is turning into those which it was called to transform.
"Като почтен и ценен работник (депутат) и като доказан борец против насилственото изгонване на хора от ипотекирани жилища Синчич е доказал, че може да му се има доверие", пише Иванка Тома, използвайки дума, която е лозунг в кампанията на HDZ - достоверност.
publishes data on the growth of support for the Eurosceptic party Live Wall and its new coalition. Journalist Ivanka Toma explains in a commentary for the newspaper the reasons behind this growth. One of them is the pre-election coalition that Live Wall negotiated with other small parties. Another reason, she believes, is that the leader of Live wall, being the only MP in the last term of the Sabor from this party went regularly to all sessions, was well informed on all subjects, discussed in parliament, never used MP privileges, and could always be seen at his workplace, even in the afternoons, when the plenary hall is empty. “As an honest and valuable worker (MP) and an established fighter against the eviction by force of people out of mortgaged homes, Sinčić has proved that he is credible”, writes Ivanka Toma, using a word, which is a slogan in the HDZ campaign – credibility.
Тук ценен съюзник може да бъде Хърватия, която в момента се опитва по "зрял" начин да реши граничните си спорове с федерацията и обявява категоричното си нежелание да се превръща в "Словения за Босна" (с което се визират проблемите, които словенците поставят по пътя на присъединяване на Хърватия).
The biggest problem for the eurointegration of the Western Balkans, however, is Macedonia. Although officially the country is a candidate for EU membership for several years now, it cannot start negotiations because of the dispute with Greece on the name of the country, recognised mainly as Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). The PISM analysts think that if Skopje could show more flexibility in terms of the name issue and if the Commission adopts a positive progress report in October, then the V4 could call on the Cypriot Presidency to include the issue on the agenda for the General Affairs Council in December. By the way, although this is perceived as a taboo issue, there is no more appropriate time than now for pressure on Greece.
  Драги британ...  
Все още няма задълбочени проучвания как евентуален изход ще се отрази на ЕС, но няколкото идеи, циркулиращи в европейското публично пространство, говорят за загуба на ценен светоглед - либерална, отворена, търговска нация с традиции.
If Britain left the EU this would send s signal to the world that an adventurous country has turned into a timid one; that a country with global ambitions has opted to be a parochial bystander; that a country known for its openness to the world shuts the open door nearest to it; that a nation which has built its history on confidence towards others defines itself by resentment to others. There are still no in-depth studies of how a possible exit could affect the EU but the several ideas that are circulating in the European public domain suggest a loss of a valuable ooutlook on life - a liberal, open, trading nation with traditions. According to Ska Keller, the British judicial and parliamentary traditions have a great influence on EU. There is a danger the EU to again close itself for the world and the influence of the Franco-German motor to dangerously increase at the expense of smaller states.