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Keybot 5 Results  www.lifeneophron.eu
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Градинаров Краткият (само 8 месеца), но много ценен проект „Изграждане на капацитет за опазване на мигриращите Египетски лешояди (Neophron percnopterus) от западна Палеарктика по местата им за зимуване в Етиопия, Судан и Чад" , събра важна информация за зимните квартири на лешоядите и постави основите за добро бъдещо сътрудничество с институции и...
photos: D.Gradinarov The short (only 8 months), but valuable project “Capacity Building to Support the Conservation of Migratory Egyptian Vultures (Neophron percnopterus) from the Western Palearctic on their Wintering Grounds in Ethiopia, Sudan and Chad” implemented in 2013 gave important information about vulture‘s wintering territories and built...
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Краткият (само 8 месеца), но много ценен проект „Изграждане на капацитет за опазване на мигриращите Египетски лешояди (Neophron percnopterus) от западна Палеарктика по местата им за зимуване в Етиопия, Судан и Чад", събра важна информация за зимните квартири на лешоядите и постави основите за добро бъдещо сътрудничество с институции и природозащитници в Африка.
The short (only 8 months), but valuable project “Capacity Building to Support the Conservation of Migratory Egyptian Vultures (Neophron percnopterus) from the Western Palearctic on their Wintering Grounds in Ethiopia, Sudan and Chad” implemented in 2013 gave important information about vulture‘s wintering territories and built the base for future cooperation with conservationists and institutions in Africa.
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Освен това, публикуването на план за действие за вида по неговия миграционен път, допълнено от създаването на активна мрежа от експерти по опазването му, ще бъде важен катализатор за бъдещи действия по съхраняването на египетския лешояд извън ЕС. Проектът ще предостави ценен модел за изграждане на партньорства за опазване на мигриращите видове.
The project actions will directly address all confirmed threats that face Egyptian vultures in Bulgaria and Greece that contribute to the long-term decline of this endangered species. Additionally, publication of a ‘Flyway Species Action Plan’, reinforced by an active expert conservation network, will be an important catalyst for future conservation action outside the EU that will directly benefit the Bulgarian and Greek breeding population. The project will provide a valuable model for partnerships elsewhere working with migratory species.
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Вярва се, че ако не се появят в уречения час, то сред монасите има грешник, който трябва да изкупи своите грехове. На остров Сокотра почитан и ценен египетският лешояд спокойно се разхожда по улиците на селата редом с хората.
Older Muslims from the Eastern Rhodope Mountains in Bulgaria still recall the legend of the ‘akbuba’, or ‘the white father’, who rescued Muhammad from the claws of the golden eagle. To express his gratitude the prophet gave it eternal life and endowed it with its white plumage – a symbol of purity and bravery. Thus the white sage made its nest in the hearts of many peoples across the continents. A temple in Tirukalukundram, India, is famous with the pair of vultures which come to nest here for centuries. Every day before noon the birds come to the temple to receive a daily gift of food from the monks. The holy men believe that if they do not show up in time there is a sinner among their midst who has to redeem their sins. The Egyptian vulture is praised and revered on Socotra Island too. There it walks undisturbed on the village streets among the crowd. In many places in Africa the vultures are not disturbed by human presence and unfortunately this can have fatal consequences. In some African countries vulture body parts are used in traditional medicine, or serve as amulets against black magic, and this leads to a mass extermination. Today the bird of the pharaohs, once revered on three continents, faces extinction. Soon the only memory of its impressive silhouette would be a shadow of the past.
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Освен това по-голямата част от участниците (62%) смята вида за засташен от изчезване, а 76% признават, че египетският лешояд е ценен за региона, както чрез ролята, която играе за останалата част от екосистемата, така и с личната си стойност.
But apart from the informative value of this action the Team posed to passers-by a series of questions, in order to produce an opinion poll regarding the species. The results of the poll, from a sample of 76 participants, indicate the difficulties, but also carry a message of hope! 57 per cent of the people asked didn't know the species. On the other hand the great majority (79%) believes that the Egyptian vultures lives in the forest of Dadia. Additionally the bigger part of the participants (62%) considers the species under danger of extinction, while the 76% recognizes that the Egyptian vulture is valuable to the region, both through the services it provides to the rest of the ecosystem and its intrinsic value. At the same time the participants in this informal poll denoted that protection efforts for this species must confront first and foremost the threats of illegal hunting and of poisoned baits, as those were considered the biggest threats with 62% and 33% respectively. Finally, most of the participants (51%) said that they could assist in the protection efforts by spreading the message that the Egyptian vulture is a harmless animal that needs our attention.