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Keybot 13 Results  naxoshotels.gr
  СИБАНК :: Новини :: Ком...  
*www.klassa.bg, 28.10.2012* До половин-една година делът на лошите кредити като цяло ще започне да намалява
*www.klassa.bg, 28.10.2012* Within the next six to twelfth months the share of bad debts as a whole will start decreasing
  СИБАНК :: Новини :: Пре...  
Като цяло, във фирмите за ценни книжа на KBC в Централна и Източна Европа понастоящем работят 315 лица, а дейността на KBC Ценни книжа в региона формира около 43% от оборота на дружеството.
In total, KBC’s stockbroking firms in Central and Eastern Europe currently employ 315 individuals, and KBC Securities’ activities in this region account for roughly 43% of its turnover.
  СИБАНК :: Новини :: Ком...  
- В какъв диапазон са лихвите, а съответно и таксите по обслужването, за кредитите, които СИБАНК отпуска за бизнеса, и как финансирането no JEREMIE влияе върху тяхното снижаване, а и като цяло върху достъпа до средства?
- What is the range of the interest rates and service fees for the loans granted by CIBANK to the business, and how does the funding under JEREMIE affect their decrease, and the access to funding as a whole?
  СИБАНК :: Новини :: Ком...  
Банките като цяло са склонни да приемат всякакви обезпечения, които са високоликвидни - това може да е недвижимо имущество, земя или друга собственост, която фирмата може да заложи. Прави се също и залог на целта на европроекта - например, ако се изгражда нова инсталация, тя се залага.
Generally, banks are willing to accept any highly liquid collateral, such as real estate, land or other properties, which companies can pledge. A pledge is also registered on the objective of the EU project. For example, if a new installation is to be built, a pledge is registered on it.
  СИБАНК :: Новини :: Ком...  
Това, което спира намалението на лихвите за бизнеса да не е масово, е задържането на лихвите по депозити и нивото като цяло на така наречените „лоши кредити“ (с просрочие над 90 дни). Налага се всяка банка да си оставя някакъв марж нагоре в лихвите по кредити, за да може да компенсира невръщане на определен процент от отпуснатите кредити.
What stops the reduction in interest rates for businesses from becoming widespread is the preserved level of deposit interest rates and the overall level of the so-called "bad debts" (overdue for more than 90 days). Each bank has to leave some surplus margin on loan interest rates in order to compensate for the failure to collect a certain percentage of loans.
  СИБАНК :: Новини :: Пре...  
Те споделиха опита си от използването на финансовите инструменти в България в периода 2007 – 2013. Според Кирил Величков прилагането на тези инструменти не само е позволило на бизнеса да използва финансов ресурс при по-добри условия, но и е променило като цяло бизнес средата в България.
At the event Bulgaria was represented by Miglena Dobreva, Head of "Financial Instruments" in the Ministry of Economy and by Kiril Velichkov, Head of "European Projects and Financial Institutions" Department at CIBANK JSC. They shared their experience in using financial instruments in Bulgaria in the period 2007 – 2013. According to Kiril Velichkov the application of these instruments not only allowed the business to use financial resources at better conditions but it also changed the overall business environment in Bulgaria.
  СИБАНК :: Новини :: Ком...  
Като цяло банката иска да работи и има активно присъствие в сектори като земеделие, фармация, производствени предприятия и др. Във фокуса са и повечето сектори и проекти, подкрепени от еврофондовете. По-рестриктивните сектори са хотелиерството, ресторантьорството и строителството.
The bank wants to work and to be active in sectors, such as agriculture, pharmaceutics, manufacturing enterprises etc. We focus on most sectors and projects supported by the EU funds. More restrictive sectors are hospitality, catering and construction.
  СИБАНК :: Новини :: Ком...  
- Как ще коментирате сравнително високия дял на лошите и преструктурирани кредити като цяло, който е около една четвърт от всички заеми по данни на БНБ? При това „приносът“ на бизнеса се увеличава спрямо този на гражданите.
- How would you comment on the relatively high share of bad and restructured loans as a whole, which is about a quarter of all loans according to the BNB? Furthermore the "contribution" of the business is increasing compared to that of individuals.
  СИБАНК :: Новини :: Ком...  
За да се чувства удобно банковият капитал и бизнеса като цяло, трябва да има устойчива данъчна, фискална и регулаторна среда. Ако тези въпроси се решат или поне започнат да се решават постепенно, то пред банките няма да има препятствия за бъдат един безупречен посредник, другото зависи от конкуренцията.
To ensure the comfort of the bank capital and the business in general, there should be a sound tax, regulatory and fiscal environment. If we solve these issues or at least start solving them gradually, then banks will not be facing any obstacles to be a flawless intermediary; the rest depends on the competition. I would add that corruption and the poor functioning of the judicial system are hindering not only banks but also any other investors.
  СИБАНК :: Новини :: Ком...  
Ясно е, че това е труден пазар, на който редица участници следват стратегии, които ще се окажат неустойчиви в дългосрочен план. Това не е добре за сектора като цяло и може да породи негативен ефект в бъдеще.
- Despite adverse market conditions due to the economic crisis, KBC’s Bulgarian franchises performed well. DZI is a market leader and, as such, will continue to aim at excellence in serving its customers’ and other stakeholders’ interests. This being said, I must admit that we are looking at the Bulgarian market for MTPL with some concern. It is clear that this is a difficult market, where a number of participants are following strategies that in the long term will prove to be unsustainable. This is not good for the sector as a whole and may have disruptive effects in the future.
  СИБАНК :: Новини :: Ком...  
Като цяло е добре да се предвидят шест до девет месеца от идеята до подписания договор - поне три месеца за написването, още три в оптималния вариант за разглеждането и одобрението и месец за контрактуване.
My advice to companies is to plan at least two or three months in advance, which is usually the deadline for submission of documents. Of course, it is good to have even more time, because if the project includes designing and technological developments, these three months may not be long enough. Apart from that, if it is done in a rush, it will cost more because of the higher costs for consultants. In this case, the risk not to get funding is bigger. And last but not least, tight deadlines lead to lower quality, which can result in serious problems - for example, even if a project is approved, if it is not considered well, it may be impossible to implement it. Generally, it is good to have six to nine months from the concept to the signing of the contract - at least three months for writing, three months for consideration and approval and one month for the contract. After that it is good to plan up to three months to hold the tender procedures, unless the company decides to have prior consultation with the relevant institutions, which we believe is more advisable; then, the project implementation stage starts.
  СИБАНК :: Новини :: Ком...  
При тях може би има още малко пространство за понижение през 2013 г. Но като цяло не трябва да очакваме големи промени, в най-добрия случай може да се повтори намалението от 2012 г. средно с 0,5% по кредитите за домакинства.
BNB's data show that for 11 months - from January to November last year, the retail credit portfolio shrank. However, the reduction in loans granted was not only due to early repayments, but also a significant volume of loans was sold by banks to collection companies. What shows that such sales took place is the reduction of provisions. For instance consumer loan provisions decreased by BGN 178 million. So we have to be very careful when saying that retail lending has shrunk. If we ingore the effect of sales, it could turn out that household lending actually grew by 1-2%. Can we expect any movement in 2013? This depends on several factors. The first one is the price level, i.e. interest rates and fees. Prices of mortgage loans have now reached the levels of 2007. Consumer loans are also quite close to pre-crisis levels. Maybe with them there is still little room for reduction in 2013. But as a whole we shouldn't be expecting any big changes, in the best case scenario the 2012 decrease of 0.5% on average for retail loans could be repeated.
  СИБАНК :: Новини :: Пре...  
Всички участници се съгласиха, че устойчивото развитие на малкия бизнес е задължително условие и за утвърждаване на гражданското общество у нас. За съжаление информираността и готовността за участие по структурните фондове в малките населени места и по-малките фирми като цяло е недостатъчна.
The European structural funds can create a good basis for the development of the middle class in Bulgaria. This is what Ms. Tzvetelina Borislavova – chairperson of the SB of CIBANK, said at the conference that was closed yesterday in Brussels and which focused on the innovations and entrepreneurship. The Bank presented its ideas for supporting the small business and small municipalities in utilizing the eurofunds. Mr. Francis Carpenter, CEO of the European Investment Fund said he was very interested and supported the idea of working with smaller companies and municipalities, despite his concerns that this might be a difficult and ambitious task in which the investment fund was willing to help. All participants agreed that the sustainable development of small businesses is essential for strengthening the civil society in our country. Unfortunately, the information and awareness, as well as readiness for participation under the structural funds in the smaller towns and in smaller businesses is generally insufficient. Another important field is the development of innovation. A lot of Bulgarian enterprises feel the need of innovations, but due to various factors, they have not been so widely applied. The relationship between universities, businesses, the non-government and public sector is not effective enough. Quick launch of technology parks as a form of public-private partnership is necessary. Mr. Charlie McCreevy, Commissioner for Internal Market and Services admitted that these companies had been faced with discriminative attitudes and he committed that European institutions go in more depth in their collabioration in order to ensure equal access to the internal market.