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  Програма | Пловдив 2019  
Всички проекти, независимо от разпределението им по “клъстери”, се свързват и преплитат помежду си допълнително през своите публики, през избора на локации, участници, партньори. Така допринасят за осъществяването на програмата като едно цяло и на мотото “Заедно” като реален културен процес.
The unification not as a given label but as a constant conscious choice is also one of the core aims of the programme of Plovdiv as European Capital of Culture. That is why its structure is also specific. The projects are organised in the programme, not according to their types or genres, but in thematic „clusters“ based on their themes and concepts. Each of the programme platforms comprises of three “clusters”. All projects, despite their cluster division, are connected and intermingled with each other also through their audiences, the locations where they take place, participants, partners etc. Thus they contribute to the implementation of the programme as a whole and to the meaning of the motto “Together” as a real cultural process.