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Като цяло Директивата още е на много ранен етап на реализиране. Необходимо е по-активно информиране на пациентите за възможностите за трансгранично сътрудничество.
The major outcome of the study is that the Directive is at an early stage of implementation. A larger awareness campaign is needed about the opportunities it offers to the patients.
  Често задавани въпроси ...  
Редките болести създават проблем за медицинските специалисти, за самите пациенти и техните семейства, за обществото като цяло и за здравната система на всяка страна. За всички засегнати групи проблемите са от едно естество и могат да бъдат обобщени в следните три категории:
Rare diseases cause problems to the medical professionals, to the patients themselves and their families, to the society as a whole and to the health system of each country. The problems for all these groups are the same:
  Проектът "100 000 геном...  
Като цяло се очаква 75 000 души да бъдат включени в проекта, от които 40 000 ще са пациенти със сериозни заболявания. До момента необикновено голям брой пациенти и техните семейства са проявили желание да участват.
In all, it is anticipated that about 75,000 people will be involved of which 40,000 will be patients with serious illness.  There has already been an extraordinary response by patients and their families wanting to take part in the Genomics England pilot.
  Развитието на румънскат...  
Списанието Value Health Regional Issues е публикувало статия, чиято цел е да представи характеристиките за оценка на здравните технологии (ОЗТ), въведени през 2014 г. и да покажe резултатите от процеса на ОЗТ до края на 2015 г. Контекста на здравеопазването и законодателството на румънската ОЗТ са били изследвани, като се има предвид причините за въвеждането на ОЗТ, ключовите заинтересовани страни, както и процесът на оценка на здравните технологии като цяло.
The journal Value Health Regional Issues has published an article which aims to present the characteristics of the scorecard health technology assessment (HTA) implemented since 2014 and to show the results of this HTA process by the end of 2015. The health care context and the Romanian HTA legislation were studied while considering the reasons behind HTA introduction, the key stakeholders, and the HTA process as a whole. A critical appraisal was done covering public HTA reports and the decisions made by the Ministry of Health. The full-text article you can find here.
  Хронична тромбоемболичн...  
Хроничната тромбоемболична белодорбна хипертония (Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, CTEPH) е рядка форма на белодробна хипертония, класифицирана като четвърта група в сегашната клинична класификация. Като цяло CTEPH се счита като късно усложнение на един или много епизоди на придобитата белодробна емболия, която не е била излекувана в предишните 3 месеца на терапевтична антикоагулация.
The journal European Respiratory Journal has published an article about chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension. Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) is a rare form of pulmonary hypertension, classified as group 4 in the present clinical classification. CTEPH is generally considered a late complication of one or multiple episodes of acute pulmonary embolism that have not resolved despite at least 3 months of therapeutic anticoagulation. The full-text article you can find here.
  Експертните центрове за...  
ВЙ: С максимална откровеност, според мен основните причини са три – първо, необходимостта от допълнително финансиране при като цяло нищожните средства, с които разполага здравната система у нас и множеството нерешени проблеми в областта на масовите заболявания; второ, борбата за позиции на „най-добър експерт” и „лидер” от страна на медицинските специалисти и трето, липсата на оценка от ефекта на каквато и да била програма у нас и на отговорност извън личната съвест за успех или неуспех на поети ангажименти.
VY: Sincerely, I think there are three main reasons. Firstly, the needs for additional funding, coming from the very limited health care resources and the many unresolved problems of the “frequent” diseases. Secondly, the competition for being “the best expert” and “leader” by the medical professionals. And finally, the lack of assessment of the effects of any kind of public health programme or strategy and the absence of responsibility, apart from the individual conscience for success or failure.
  Редките болести в интер...  
Общо 123 въпросника (17.7%) са напълно попълнени от доставчиците на информация. Като цяло, качеството на информацията, в интернет относно редките болести, е ниско. Пълния текст на проучването може да намерите тук.
The journal Journal of Medical Internet Research has published a study about rare diseases on the Internet. The importance of the Internet as a medium for publishing and sharing health and medical information has increased considerably during the last decade. The aim of this study is to assess the quality of information on the Internet about rare diseases. A total of 13 quality criteria for websites providing medical information about rare diseases were transferred to a self-disclosure questionnaire. The journal identified 693 websites containing information about rare diseases. A total of 123 questionnaires (17.7%) were completely filled out by the information suppliers. Overall, the quality of information on the Internet about rare diseases is low. The full-text study you can find here.
  Плоскоклетъчен карцином...  
Не е установена статистически значима разлика в преживяемостта при различните лечебни стратегии. Този вид карцином като цяло има лоша прогноза и засега няма общоприет терапевтичен подход за лечението му.
, from the ENT Department, Rouen University Hospital, 1, rue de Germont, 76031, Rouen, France. Squamous cell carcinoma of the nasal columella (SCCNC) is a rare disease.Medical records of 66 patients presenting with columella squamous cell carcinoma in nine French hospitals, from 1980 to 2003, were evaluated to determine the clinical characteristics and current treatment of the disease. Patients underwent one of the three treatments: surgery alone for the T1 lesions, radiotherapy for tumors of T2-T3 and combined (surgery and radiotherapy) for T4 lesions. The 5-year Kaplan-Meier survival test was 39% and no difference was found between the therapeutic groups. SCCNC is difficult to manage and has a poor prognosis. No therapeutic solution has yet been confirmed in the treatment of this pathology. To access the full abstract of the article, click here.
  Често задавани въпроси ...  
Въпреки, че всяко рядко заболяване се среща при много малка част от населението на една страна, ако бъдат сумирани като цяло, поради големия брой нозологични единици (над 6000), редките заболявания се превръщат в сериозен проблем за общественото здравеопазване на всяка здравна система.
Rare Diseases (RD) can generally be defined as pathological conditions with low incidence and prevalence. The term “rare” is very relative. Although each rare disease occurs in very small proportion of the population of a country, if they are aggregated as a whole, because of the large number of nosological units (over 6000), rare diseases are becoming an important public health problem of any health system.
  Заседание на Експертнат...  
Посочено бе, че има известен напредък по отношение създаването на Регистър на болните с редки болести в рамките на Националната програма, която обхваща периода 2009-2013 година, както и в работата на Консултативния съвет по редки болести. Като цяло обаче той е опорочен от тромавите процедури по стартирането и провеждането на търговете за доставка на лекарства по Закона за обществените поръчки.
On 5 August 2009 an extended meeting of the expert group “Social Policy and Public Health” to the Commission for protection against discrimination was held. It was indicated that there is some progress regarding the establishment of a register of patients with rare diseases under the National programme for rare diseases. Overall, however, it is vitiated by the cumbersome procedures for the launching and conduct of tenders for the supply of medicines under the Law on Government Procurement. In accordance with its powers of prevention, protection and control the Commission for protection against discrimination will make recommendations for legislative changes to the institutions that will lead to improvement of the situation and timely treatment of patients with rare diseases.
  Анкетно проучване за ре...  
Активното участие на пациенти в този проект е от изключително значение, защото това е първият опит за определяне на социално-икономическата тежест, която пациентите и техните семейства, както и обществото като цяло изпитват заради редките болести, и да се изследва качеството на живот на пациентите с редки болести и ефекта, който заболяването оказва върху техните всекидневни чувства и възприятия.
The European rare diseases project BURQOL-RD is coming into its most important stage. It will address the socio-economic cost and health-related quality of life of patients with rare diseases and their caregivers through online surveys. The active participation of patients in this project is crucial because it is the very first attempt to explore and define the socio-economic burden that patients and their families and society as a whole experience for rare diseases, and to address and study the health-related quality of life of patients with rare diseases and the effect that the disease has on their everyday emotions and perceptions. BURQOL-RD aims to form a new – improved, more comprehensive and more fair understanding of the problems of the people with rare diseases and their families, their concerns and needs. The survey is completely anonymous and consists of two parts – for the patient and for his/her main caregiver. The patient section is in two versions – for children (under 18) and adults. The study is targeting 10 different rare diseases and is available online on www.burqol-rd.eu/bg.html. Take part in the study. In this way you are not only helping yourself, your family and your patient association, but you are also helping the society and the whole of Europe!
  Редките болести във фок...  
АК: Осъзнаването е съществен въпрос. Когато редките болести се разглеждат като едно цяло, тогава те стават видими и самата здравна система разбира необходимостта да се мисли и действа стратегически и колективно в това направление.
AK: I think perceptions are important. When rare diseases are seen as a whole then they become visible, and the need to act collectively and strategically becomes apparent to the health care system. Of course, individual rare diseases may require some specific interventions, but there is a commonality that can be created by clustering and the systematic use of scarce expertise through the development of centres of expertise. These can be real or virtual, and there must be imaginative use of novel ways of working such as e-medicine to bring this about. The first step though is to define the issue in a way that those with access to power, influence and resources can understand, and then see a way to address. Until this happens there is a risk that the needs of rare disease patients will be lost in the fog of competing demands on the time and attention of policymakers and the professional community.
  Справяне с проблема “ре...  
От 1999 година Европейската комисия разработва активен подход за разрешаване на проблема с редките болести. Въпреки видимия прогрес постигнат през последните години в много страни членки на ЕС липсва цялостен и научно обоснован подход към редките болести (РБ).
PubMed, the Internet portal of biomedical and life sciences literature, indexed an interesting article, entitled “Tackling rare diseases at European level.” (Folia Med (Plovdiv). 2007;49(1-2):59-67). Authors are Taruscio D, Trama A and Stefanov R, from the National Centre Rare Diseases, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma. Since 1999 the European Commission has gradually developed a proactive approach towards rare diseases (RD). Despite the progress made over the last years, a comprehensive and evidence based approach is still missing in many EU Member States (MS), leading to an incomplete and often inadequate framework to address rare diseases. Healthcare systems in EU MS differ to great extent among countries in respect to their organization and funding. In general, they are not ready to face the specific problems and needs of people with rare diseases for possible prevention, timely diagnosis, adequate treatment and rehabilitation. It is therefore important to develop a strategic plan. So far only France has developed a national strategic plan for rare diseases, Bulgaria is in the process of approving its national plan for RD and Spain is in the process of developing it. The three MS initiatives presented in this paper confirmed the availability of great experiences and expertises among many EU MS and supported the idea that all these different experiences available at the EU level should form the basis for developing recommendations on how to develop strategic plans for RD. To access the full abstract of the article, click here.
  Публикации Archives - С...  
Сдружението винаги е било и ще остане най-естественият партньор в усилията на професионалистите в областта на редките болести в хематологията, българските пациенти и техните близки в усилията им не само да издигат нивото на професионална експертиза в това изключително трудно поле, да работят върху подобряване на диагностиката и терапевтичното поведение, но и активно да допринасят за разпространение на познанието сред медицинската общност и сред обществото като цяло, да мобилизират усилията на експерти, обществено изявени личности и тези, които вземат важните държавнически решения, пациентите и техните близки, медии и фарма индустрия в решаването на жизненоважните проблеми на хората с редки болести.
NT: Contradictory. I met with people who have the desire, ambition and willingness to work to change the system in a positive direction in order to provide treatment and care for patients with rare diseases. Among them – both patients and doctors have enthusiasm and readiness to sacrifice personal time, effort and work to achieve the final result. But I also met people, who, after more than 20 years after the so-called “transition”, are still waiting for the change to start from the top. I heard a call to institutionalise communication between different medical units and many, many complaints about the lack of clinical pathways and adequate funding. I can not deny the defficit of resources and the unenviable position that medical professionals take today. However, it is an indisputable fact that the expert community namely is the one which is expected to give impetus to change. By legislation and by default experts are those who have to write a clinical pathway, to justify it to the appropriate medical society and the Bulgarian Medic Union, which in turn to defend it when negotiating with the National Health Insurance Fund the annual national healthcare framework contract. I can not accept experts with large a huge CV, who admit with no fear that patients are not treated as by standard, because the “State” do not “provide” the necessary conditions. In times like today, passing beneath the leitmotif of the global crisis and increasing healthcare costs, medical professionals should uphold the right to apply their expertise at the highest level. Otherwise, I do not see a point in their acclaimed scientific and professional titles.
  Редките болести във фок...  
Разглеждането на редките болести като едно цяло, а не по отделно помогна за признаването на значимостта на произтичащи от тях проблеми, за планирането на целеви обществени услуги за групите с общи нужди, но в същото време отчитайки и индивидуалните потребности и нужди на тези пациенти.
DM: It has changed a lot in terms of EU public health actions as well as in research. Since 2008 rare diseases are a priority area for action in Public Health Programmes. Considering rare diseases as a whole, and not singularly, helped highlighting and recognizing a series of healthcare problems and planning focused public health actions involving groups of population with common needs, safeguarding at the same time their peculiarities and differences. Communication of the European Commission “Rare Diseases: Europe’s challenge” and “Council Recommendation on a European action in the field of rare diseases” allowed common policy guidelines to be shared everywhere in Europe. The adoption of the Commission Communication (2008), and of the Council Recommendation (2009), and the Directive on Cross-border healthcare have created an operational framework to act in the field of rare disease with European coordination in several areas (national plans o strategies, classification and codification, European Reference Networks, orphan drugs, European Committee of Experts, etc.). Many Countries adopted actions to tackle rare diseases in order to improve prevention, early diagnosis and appropriate treatments. In the field of research the EU Commission has launched many initiatives starting with the different Framework programs (FP) where many projects on rare diseases have been funded to last international initiative the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium (IRDiRC). Maximising scarce resources and coordinating research efforts are key elements for success in the rare diseases field. Worldwide sharing of information, data and samples to boost research is currently hampered by the absence of an exhaustive rare disease classification, standard terms of reference and common ontologies, as well as harmonized regulatory requirements. In conclusion, it is no doubt that EU integration and cohesion policies have greatly contributed to make rare diseases issues more visible and more comprehensible throughout Europe.