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Keybot 7 Results  www.baque-forte-berlin.de
Отвъд чисто утилитарното разбиране, една многоетажна сграда е нещо повече от огромно пространство, където хората живеят или работят. Самата сграда има идентичност и характер и е плод на артистичен, но и устойчив дизайн, изразен чрез съчетание на структурна цялост и пространствено решение.
Beyond a strictly utilitarian interpretation, a high-rise is more than just a giant mass of space where people live and/or work. The building itself has identity and character and is a showcase of artistic yet sustainable design expressed through the combination of structural integrity and [...]
  Електронни книги  
Отвъд чисто утилитарното разбиране, една многоетажна сграда е нещо повече от огромно пространство, където хората живеят или работят. Самата сграда има идентичност и характер и е плод на артистичен, но и устойчив дизайн, изразен чрез съчетание на структурна цялост и пространствено решение.
Beyond a strictly utilitarian interpretation, a high-rise is more than just a giant mass of space where people live and/or work. The building itself has identity and character and is a showcase of artistic yet sustainable design expressed through the combination of structural integrity and [...]
Programme zur computerunterstützten Übersetzung gibt es viele. Einen historischen Überblick über die sogenannten CAT-Tools finden Sie hier. EVS Translations hat sich bei seinen Inhouse-ÜbersetzerInnen umgehört und zieht Bilanz über die Vorteile und mögliches Optimierungspotential der digitalen [...]
El intercambio de mercancías, servicios y productos entre personas comenzó antes de la existencia del dinero y de los estándares de valor. Los primeros hombres comerciaban mediante un sistema de trueque tradicional donde una parte deseaba lo que la otra parte tenía, para más tarde expandirse a [...]
Отвъд чисто утилитарното разбиране, една многоетажна сграда е нещо повече от огромно пространство, където хората живеят или работят. Самата сграда има идентичност и характер и е плод на артистичен, но и устойчив дизайн, изразен чрез съчетание на структурна цялост и пространствено решение.
Cost-saving and automated management of translation processes and projects is becoming increasingly important. Why? Challenges include shorter times to market, the increasing number of target languages, more complex document and system structures and large numbers of people involved in [...]
Lorsque vous poussez les portes d’un magasin, d’un supermarché ou d’un restaurant japonais, vous êtes immanquablement accueillis par le mot irrashaimase! (« bienvenue »). Lorsque vous en ressortez, ce sont les mots arigatou gozaimasu (« merci ») qui résonnent à vos oreilles. Le vendeur vous [...]
Programme zur computerunterstützten Übersetzung gibt es viele. Einen historischen Überblick über die sogenannten CAT-Tools finden Sie hier. EVS Translations hat sich bei seinen Inhouse-ÜbersetzerInnen umgehört und zieht Bilanz über die Vorteile und mögliches Optimierungspotential der digitalen [...]
El intercambio de mercancías, servicios y productos entre personas comenzó antes de la existencia del dinero y de los estándares de valor. Los primeros hombres comerciaban mediante un sistema de trueque tradicional donde una parte deseaba lo que la otra parte tenía, para más tarde expandirse a [...]
Cost-saving and automated management of translation processes and projects is becoming increasingly important. Why? Challenges include shorter times to market, the increasing number of target languages, more complex document and system structures and large numbers of people involved in [...]
  Преводи строителна инду...  
Отвъд чисто утилитарното разбиране, една многоетажна сграда е нещо повече от огромно пространство, където хората живеят или работят. Самата сграда има идентичност и характер и е плод на артистичен, но и устойчив дизайн, изразен чрез съчетание на структурна цялост и пространствено решение.
Nos spécialistes en construction, en ingénierie et en architecture possèdent les compétences requises pour fournir, dans plus de 50 langues, une traduction précise au détail. Nos équipes, de langue maternelle, bénéficient de plusieurs années d’expérience dans le domaine du BTP et sont sélectionnée spécialement pour votre projet en raison de leur expertise.
El arte y la ciencia de diseñar y construir edificios, en otras palabras, la arquitectura, siempre se ha percibido como símbolo de los logros de la humanidad. Logros que se deben tanto a las habilidades magistrales de los arquitectos como a las billeteras de sus benefactores. Desde la [...]
Organised sports have been the subject matter of electronic games for decades, but now it looks like the tables are being reversed – there’s a sport that’s based around online gaming. Initially scoffed at by critics, eSports have now reached a stage where they have become competitive with [...]
Organised sports have been the subject matter of electronic games for decades, but now it looks like the tables are being reversed – there’s a sport that’s based around online gaming. Initially scoffed at by critics, eSports have now reached a stage where they have become competitive with [...]
  Корпоративни преводи  
Отвъд чисто утилитарното разбиране, една многоетажна сграда е нещо повече от огромно пространство, където хората живеят или работят. Самата сграда има идентичност и характер и е плод на артистичен, но и устойчив дизайн, изразен чрез съчетание на структурна цялост и пространствено решение.
Beyond a strictly utilitarian interpretation, a high-rise is more than just a giant mass of space where people live and/or work. The building itself has identity and character and is a showcase of artistic yet sustainable design expressed through the combination of structural integrity and [...]
Programme zur computerunterstützten Übersetzung gibt es viele. Einen historischen Überblick über die sogenannten CAT-Tools finden Sie hier. EVS Translations hat sich bei seinen Inhouse-ÜbersetzerInnen umgehört und zieht Bilanz über die Vorteile und mögliches Optimierungspotential der digitalen [...]
El intercambio de mercancías, servicios y productos entre personas comenzó antes de la existencia del dinero y de los estándares de valor. Los primeros hombres comerciaban mediante un sistema de trueque tradicional donde una parte deseaba lo que la otra parte tenía, para más tarde expandirse a [...]
Beyond a strictly utilitarian interpretation, a high-rise is more than just a giant mass of space where people live and/or work. The building itself has identity and character and is a showcase of artistic yet sustainable design expressed through the combination of structural integrity and [...]
  Преводи в областта на п...  
Отвъд чисто утилитарното разбиране, една многоетажна сграда е нещо повече от огромно пространство, където хората живеят или работят. Самата сграда има идентичност и характер и е плод на артистичен, но и устойчив дизайн, изразен чрез съчетание на структурна цялост и пространствено решение.
For the UK manufacturing industry, it is likely that 2016 will be a bit of a mixed bag. With a question mark over risks and opportunities, many businesses will approach the year with a reasonable sense of caution. Exchange rate movements, concern about global markets, rising business costs and [...]
EVS Translations se rendra à l’EEF National Manufacturing Conference de Londres le 24 février prochain pour rencontrer les représentants de différentes entreprises manufacturières britanniques. C’est une merveilleuse opportunité pour discuter des sujets les plus importants pour le secteur, [...]
Dann sagten sie: „Auf, bauen wir uns eine Stadt und einen Turm mit einer Spitze bis zum Himmel und machen wir uns damit einen Namen, dann werden wir uns nicht über die ganze Erde zerstreuen.” – Genesis 11:4 Es gibt nur wenige Erzählungen, welche die Kluft zwischen den Möglichkeiten der [...]
EVS Translations participó como expositor el mes pasado en la EEF National Manufacturing Conference, donde aumentó sus conocimientos sobre el sector de la fabricación y cómo un proveedor de servicios de traducción puede apoyar el trabajo de los fabricantes del Reino Unido. En total asistieron [...]
For the UK manufacturing industry, it is likely that 2016 will be a bit of a mixed bag. With a question mark over risks and opportunities, many businesses will approach the year with a reasonable sense of caution. Exchange rate movements, concern about global markets, rising business costs and [...]
For the UK manufacturing industry, it is likely that 2016 will be a bit of a mixed bag. With a question mark over risks and opportunities, many businesses will approach the year with a reasonable sense of caution. Exchange rate movements, concern about global markets, rising business costs and [...]
For the UK manufacturing industry, it is likely that 2016 will be a bit of a mixed bag. With a question mark over risks and opportunities, many businesses will approach the year with a reasonable sense of caution. Exchange rate movements, concern about global markets, rising business costs and [...]