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  Боряна Роса » Blog Arc...  
Моята серия „Добрата, лошата и грозният“(направена в колаборация с Олег Мавроматти) също е показвана в цялост рядко. Кървавият заден план, в който жена с момчешки изглед (художничката Боряна Пандова), не-украсена от атрибутите на женствеността, убива двама мъже (изкуствоведа Свилен Стефанов и художника Рассим), е противопоставен на предния, в който лековата красавица (актрисата Вероника Петрова) отхвърля като маловажно всичко, което се случва зад гърба й.
My series The Good Woman, the Bad Woman and the Ugly Man(produced incollaboration with Oleg Mavromatti) is also rarely displayed in its entirety. The bloody background in which a boyish-looking woman (the artist Boryana Pandova), unadorned with the attributes of femininity, kills two men (the art critic Svilen Stefanov and the artist Rassim) is contrasted with the foreground in which a frivolous good-looking woman (the actress Veronika Petrova) rejects as unimportant everything that is going on behind her. She is a symbol of the contemporary woman’s carelessness that all too easily forgets the history of disenfranchisement and emancipation, takes her relatively equal rights for granted, and therefore does not see the danger of their loss. To her, the red colour of revolution blends into the red colour of lipstick. She forgets history and thus exercises violence upon history, but this violence hardly has the potential to become gratifying sex.
  Боряна Роса » Blog Arc...  
2000 на Десислава Димова и Иван Мудов или моята „Добрата, лошата и грозният“,2001 да бъдат показани в цялост. Много често тези серии са излагани частично поради различни концептуални и логистични причини, които имат своята легитимност.
Bearing in mind the balance between those three directions, I believed it was very important that, for example, series of photographs such as Still Life (2000) by Dessislava Dimova and Ivan Moudov or my The Good Woman, the Bad Woman and the Ugly Man (2001) be shown in their entirety. Those series are very often displayed in part for various conceptual and logistic reasons that are quite legitimate. Still, it is important to display the entirety of the intention determined by the authors’ choice of photographs of the original material so that the original idea can be expressed. The interaction between a curator and an artist, between “Dessy” and “Ivo” as people working together professionally and having a personal relationship is balanced only in a full display of the works they have created. In this series there is no dominator and dominated; there is a dominator in some cases and a dominated in others. The means of domination are determined by the personality and the professional role of the two protagonists, and it is obvious that the violence sometimes turns into reciprocity. An emblem or a logical final chord of the photo series is the video in which a shiny stainless steel vibrator (a symbol of the two as a couple)drums for a long time on the top of an antique cupboard (a symbol of the parents/mentors who, as Moudov says in the text to this series, are its sponsors) before dropping out of the viewer-voyeur’s sight, out of the video frame, out of the framework of art. The actual process of creation in which the two worked with their bodies was probably also a process of mutual negotiation, of exercise of directorial violence upon each other – the choice of clothes, make-up, postures, and the consensual decision as to “What do we want to say by this?” cannot have been painless but, on the other hand, they certainly cannot have been totallydeprived of pleasure.