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Keybot 2 Ergebnisse  www.opac.government.bg
Мотивите за решението на Ръководителя на Управляващия орган на ОПАК за прекратяване на процедурата са „констатирани пропуски и нарушения в работата на Оценителната комисия по процедурата, с което са нарушени принципите за публичност и прозрачност, свободна и лоялна конкуренция, равнопоставеност и недопускане на дискриминация. ” Това означава цялостен порок на процедурата, а не наличие на двойно финансиране, както отбелязва ежедневникът.
The motives behind the decision made by the Head of the Managing Authority of OPAC to discontinue the call are ‘omissions and malpractices found in the work of the Evaluation committee on the call, thus violating the principles for publicity and transparency, free and loyal competition, equality and non-discrimination.’This meansthat the call suffered an overall defect, not the existence of double financing,as the daily claims. The announcement reads: “Along with that, there are facts bringing the effectiveness of the whole call into question, for example, plausible overlapping/double financing of 16 out of the total 27 project proposals.” We want to make it explicitly clear that the existence of double financing can indeed be ascertained only by the responsible institutions that have been presented with the case, namely – the administration of the Council of Ministers – Central Coordination Department. In the process of monitoring of projects already approved under OPAC so far, no presence of double financing has been determined.
Създадената атрактивна стажантска програма е позволила на 583 студента да се запознаят отблизо с работата в публичната администрация и да придобият опит в реална работна среда. Благодарение на това е създаден цялостен алгоритъм за провеждане на студентски стажове в държавната администрация, който да им осигури устойчива приложимост и след приключване на проекта.
The other key project “Creating capacity for the future – implementation of student apprenticeship in public administration” corresponds to one of the main current priorities of the European Union – the decrease of the youth unemployment. The created attractive apprenticeship programme enabled 583 students to take a first-hand look at the work in the public administration and to gain experience in real working environment. Thanks to this, a whole algorithm for implementation of student apprenticeship in public administration is created, which will ensure a stable applicability after the end of the project as well.