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ЕК настоява, че е взела нужните мерки. В следващите седмици предстои да бъде представен цялостен пакет от мерки за намаляване на рисковете. Заместник-председателят на ЕК, отговарящ за еврото и банковия съюз, Валдис Домбровскис (Латвия, ЕНП) увери министрите по време на публичната дискусия на 8 декември, че схемата ще се прилага само за онези държави, които са изпълнили ангажиментите си към финансирането на европейския фонд за банково преструктуриране.
The third phase is full deposit insurance, which is projected to commence from 2024. The timing is selected so that it coincides with the final deadline for merger of national bank resolution funds into a European Single Resolution Fund. Germany’s biggest concern is that a common DGS creates moral hazard. The EC insists that all necessary prevention measures are taken. Over the next weeks a full package of risk aversion measures is about to be presented. The EC vice-president in charge of the euro and the banking union, Valdis Dombrovskis (Latvia, EPP), reassured the ministers during the public discussion on December 8th that the scheme will be applicable only to the states, which have met their commitments on financing the European Single Resolution Fund.
  На колко годÐ...  
В продължение на малко над 30 мин. Ли направи цялостен преглед на икономическите показатели на Китай, които бяха изтъкнати и от основателя на форума Клаус Шваб - 8.7% икономически ръст за 2009 г., голяма част от който се дължи на увеличаване с близо 6 процентни пункта на вътрешното търсене.
One of the most expected speeched at the World economic forum (WEF) in Davos was that of the Chinese vice premier Li Kiqiang. In a little over than 30 minutes Li made an overall review of the economic indicators of China, which were emphasized by the founder of the WEF Klaus Schwab - 8.7% economic growth for 2009, large part of which is due to an increase of domestic demand with 6 percentage points. Mr Li unequivocally stated that domestic demand indeed would continue to be the driving force for Chinese economic growth and this would be stimulated. This was also the reason for the drop of the trade surplus of the country by about $100 bn since 2008.
  ЕС реши да ра...  
"Това е напълно нова ситуация. Мисля, че Европа ще успее да я реши, но е нова. Търсят се нови решения", каза той. В текста на декларацията обаче не се вижда ангажимент за цялостен преглед на адекватността на наличното законодателство, така че то да бъде пригодено към сегашната ситуация.
The content of the statement and the positions stated by individual members of the European Council make it clear that the EU will focus on defensive measures while, in the same time, it will seek a political solution to the numerous conflicts that are a source of Europe's migration problems. Again Croatian Premier Zoran Milanovic said that the European legislation was not prepared for such situations. "This is a completely new situation. I think that Europe will succeed to resolve it but it is new. New solutions are being sought", he said. In the text of the statement, however, cannot be seen a commitment for a comprehensive review of the adequacy of the existing legislation so that it can be adapted to the current situation. Belgium's Prime Minister Mr Michel said on this occasion that it was a paradox to him that the Schengen legislation does not offer common migration rules. "We want the Commission to make proposals on this issue".
В документа, г-н Монти прави и цялостен анализ на икономическото състояние на Европа, като акцентира върху проблемите, произтекли от петото разширяване (голямата му първа вълна от 2004-а и малката през 2007 с влизането на България и Румъния), което довежда до значително увеличаване на разликите в икономиките на страните-членки.
The report was done under the request of Jose Manuel Barroso and became the foundation of the Single Market Act, presented by the Commission precisely a year go as one of the ways to boost European economic growth - by completing the single market. In the document Mr Monti makes an overall analysis of Europe's economic situation, focusing on the problems stemming from the fifth enlargement (the big first wave in 2004 and the smaller one in 2007 with the entry of Bulgaria and Romania), which led to significant increase of divergences of member states' economies.
Най-важният извод в заключенията от диалога между Съвета на министрите и страните от Западните Балкани е, че програмата за икономически реформи на Босна и Херцеговина се състои от два отделни доклада за всеки ентитет вместо цялостен преглед на мерките, който да покрива цялата страна по сектори.
The most important conclusion in the statements following the dialogue between the Council of ministers and countries of the Western Balkans is that the program for economic reforms of Bosnia and Herzegovina consists of two separate reports for each entity instead of an overall review of measures to cover the entire country by sectors. According to EU ministers this poses a serious obstacle to a comprehensive assessment of measures and the possibility to recommend steps for improvement of the economic situation, which is appraised as pessimistic. This is why one of the recommendations to Bosnia and Herzegovina is to create a single economic space within the country by resolving the complex and often contradictory law and regulation frameworks between the different jurisdictions. This includes solving the problem of missing internal coordination between all government levels. Discrepancies between laws and regulations on all levels of governance are also a problem.
  Наследникът ...  
Изборът на подходящ върховен представител ще бъде много силен сигнал за Путин, че той вече няма да диктува правилата. Новият върховен представител трябва да има много ясен мандат да направи цялостен анализ на икономическите зависимости на страните-членки и да представи ясен план как да бъдат преодолени.
Russia is no longer a strategic partner but a threat to security. This requires a very different approach. The selection of a proper high representative will be a very strong signal to Putin that he will no longer dictate the rules. The new high representative should have a very clear mandate to make a comprehensive analysis of the economic dependencies of the member states and to present a clear plan how to overcome them. Such a mandate cannot be found in the strategic agenda outlined by the leaders in end-June. The member states should empower the high representative to make decisions on his own on specific dossiers which means the capitals to clearly draw the red lines they will never allow to be crossed, as Barack Obama did, even facing the risk of an economic war with Russia. Apart from that, the multi direction talking on such a sensitive issue as Russia should be ended.
  Пактът за раÑ...  
Този месец се очаква също и представянето на доклада по Механизма за ранно предупреждение за 2013 г., заедно с годишното изследване за растежа на ЕС. Първият доклад по този механизъм беше оповестен по-рано тази година, а по-късно беше допълнен от цялостен анализ на състоянието на 12 страни по процедурата за дисбалансите, сред които и България.
This month is expected the presentation of the Early Alert Mechanism for 2013, together with the Annual Growth Survey of the EU. The first report under that mechanism was announced earlier this year and was later supplemented by a comprehensive analysis of the condition of 12 countries under the imbalances procedure, among which Bulgaria as well. The problems outlined then are analysed in details in the country-specific recommendations from June this year.
Една от най-очакваните речи на световния икономически форум в Давос беше на китайския вицепремиер Ли Цичън. В продължение на малко над 30 мин. Ли направи цялостен преглед на икономическите показатели на Китай, които бяха изтъкнати и от основателя на форума Клаус Шваб - 8.7% икономически ръст за ...
One of the most expected speeched at the World economic forum (WEF) in Davos was that of the Chinese vice premier Li Kiqiang. In a little over than 30 minutes Li made an overall review of the economic indicators of China, which were emphasized by the founder of the WEF Klaus Schwab - 8.7% econom ...
  Кипър остава...  
Затова и ЕС под силния натиск на Германия настоя Кипър първо да гарантира, че ще бъде направен цялостен одит на финансовата система, че ще бъде въведено законодателство срещу прането на пари и чак тогава може да се седне на масата за договаряне на условията по спасителната програма.
When the German finance minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, said that Cyprus was not of systemic importance for the eurozone which was why there was no need to hurry bailing the Mediterranean island out, he probably had in mind only that if the country defaulted or left the eurozone that would have not shaken the zone of the common currency. However, the scale of the consequences affect the entire EU, its common foreign policy and significantly undermines its efforts for enlargement. No matter right or wrong, the decision on Cyprus will resonate not only in the Union itself, but in Turkey, Russia and even Israel.
  ЕК препоръчв...  
Може би е добре, инспекторатът при ВСС да направи един цялостен анализ на всички дела, приключили със споразумение и на тази база да се направят съответните изводи – законодателството ли е несъвършено или съдебната система е недопустимо снизходителна.
Bulgarian legislators introduced the "agreement", borrowing from countries with well established democratic justice. Its characteristic is that a confession of a defendant saves time and money for an ongoing process. In return a person that pleaded guilty receives leniency from the state. And sometimes the agreement is preferred by the prosecution as well, when it is not certain evidence will withstand in court. But it definitely should not lead to undue light punishment, it's demoralising. Perhaps it is better for SJC Inspectorate to make a thorough analysis of all trials that had ended with an agreement and on that basis to draw appropriate conclusions – whether there is imperfect legislation or the judicial system is unacceptably indulgent. Whether it is a mass phenomenon or only in certain cases.
  България ста...  
Част от мерките може да включват подобряване на събирането на данъци, което фигурира във всички конкретни препоръки за България, откакто съществува Европейският семестър, справяне със сенчестата икономика, подобряване на разходите за здравеопазване. Препоръчва се и цялостен анализ на риска и оценка на въздействието на предприетите по-рано мерки.
However, this does not entirely mean that the Commission has lowered its attention toward these two crucial areas. In that respect, the analysis of the Commission that precedes the specific recommendations is very useful. It reveals that the Commission does not accept the Bulgarian government's expectations for reduction of the budget deficit this year and in 2016. Moreover, the Commission says that the planned targets for the deficit for the period 2016-2018 are not sufficiently specific. In addition, on the basis of the spring economic forecast, the Commission sees a risk of deviation from the fiscal consolidation targets in 2014-2015 and in 2016 there is a risk of significant deviation. Generally, the Commission is of the opinion that there is a risk Bulgaria not to meet the provisions of the Stability and Growth Pact. That is why, it recommends additional measures this year to avoid deterioration of the structural balance of the public finances and regarding next year it recommends a correction of 0.5% of GDP.
  Растеж за ГъÑ...  
Що се отнася до структурните реформи, насърчаващи растежа (точно така са формулирани и в меморандума), на първо място ЕК откроява възстановяване на ценовата конкурентоспособност, т.е. коригирането на заплатите спрямо производителността. До юли 2012 трябва да бъде представен график за цялостен ремонт на колективното договаряне на заплатите.
been approved with the Troika. So, no surprises there. That is very important because, in the implementation of these restructuring plans, several things will happen along the way. Some banks, that have had a big impact as a result of the PSI, because they had a lot of Greek bonds and so on, may have to be restructured, meaning merging with others, resolved and so on. And as this plan is being applied, some of them may, for a temporary period, lose access to normal monetary operations. They will get ELA [Emergency Liquidity Assistance] and then they will be “solved” according to the plan. The whole plan will be implemented in an orderly fashion without creating any turbulence in Greece as a result of this process. This process was studied in detail in preparation for the second programme."
  Няма пари за ...  
Затова ще бъде необходимо, смята той, освен да се направи цялостен анализ на ситуацията, да се променят правилата така, че финансиране да получават само онези райони, които биха генерирали реален икономически растеж, откъдето следва и възвръщаемост.
Markus Pieper underlined that from now on it would be very difficult to rely on the famous European solidarity at a moment when globalisation is moving whole industries from Western Europe further and further to the East and European voters constantly feel poor and robbed. That's why it would be necessary, he said, beside making a dull analysis of the situation, the rules to be changed either so that only regions that would generate economic growth would receive financing. And the regions that cannot generate growth would have to manage as they have always have.
Във връзка с това, от Европейската коалиция за политиката към ромите разпространиха становище, в което критикуват Европейската ромска платформа заради това, че не успява да идентифицира и дефинира важните стратегически области, където е нужно да се намери цялостен, координиран и стратегически подход на ЕС към ромите.
According to a representative of the Spanish Ministry of Social Policy, whose country will take the rotating Eu presidency from the 1st of January if the Lisbon Treaty is not in force, the approach towards Roma problems should not be separated into different parts like educations, infrastructure, homes. She said that all these sectors need to be considered in a package. However, this requires some very serious investments, mostly by the national governments. And, given the fact that most of the countries with large Roma minorities, are ex-socialists countries that have serious economic hardships for the 20 years transition to market economy, this makes things much more complicated.
  Българската ...  
Преди година в анализа беше препоръчано правителството да предприеме цялостен пакет от активни мерки за реформа на пазара на труда, в образователната система и да провежда регионална политика, за да осигури трайно подобрение по този показател.
Both this year and in 2012, the Commission paid attention on skill mismatches on the labour market and especially on regional level. A year ago, the analysis recommended the government to adopt a comprehensive package of active measures to reform the labour market, the education and to conduct regional policies to ensure durable improvement of this indicator. Again, a year ago a major focus in the analysis was the fast growth of the unit labour cost which then, too, was growing with the fastest speed in the EU. And if last year the analysis mentioned the prudential fiscal policy as a precondition for stable economic environment in support of reducing private sector indebtedness, this year it is no longer is mentioned as a factor.
  Виктор Орбан...  
Призивите на влиятелни политици като германския министър на финансите Волфганг Шойбле, че ЕС се нуждае от време, за да "смели" разширяването, не е ясно до каква степен всъщност означават цялостен анализ на този процес.
Third is another phase of the internal construction of the Union. All this without the Union to have completely analysed its enlargement in the past 10 years which Hungary is part of. The calls of influential politicians like Germany's Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble that the EU needs time to "digest" enlargement, are not clear to what extent do they mean a comprehensive analysis of this process.
  Победители и...  
Бошняшките медии не крият своето негодувание срещу международната общност, а хърватите се държат встрани, тъй като са против цялостен разпад на БиХ, но и против унитаризацията, което е неосъществената цел на бошняшката политика.
What does the referendum mean for the Serbs, the Bosniaks, and the Croats? To Dodik, this is a demonstration of readiness to stand against the Dayton autonomy. Bosniak media do not attempt to hide their disgruntlement with the international community, and the Croats keep to the side, for they are against a complete disintegration of BiH, but also against unitarisation, which is the unaccomplished goal of Bosniak politics. The fourth question is what could the next referenda be, after Dodik already announced such a possibility. The goal of any referendum, in Dodik’s words, is halting any attempts at “humiliating” RS. So anything perceived as a humiliation attempt, as was the case of the removal of the coat of arms, the anthem, and the current experience with the abolition of the national holiday will be an excuse for a referendum.
  Full house в обще...  
Тази практика се запазва и с проектозакона в настоящия му вид, като е обяснено, че процедурата "договаряне без обявление" е приложима единствено и само при възникване на форсмажорни условия. Това е най-честата практика, използвана в София за кърпене на дупки, вместо да се направи цялостен ремонт.
An increase of the price is envisaged with the following text: "when an increase of the price is needed because of the endorsement of a legal act - to the volume, ensuing as a direct or immediate consequence of the legal act". Kamen Kolev said though, that the changes of the conditions of the contract concern mainly the price. "Too many are the cases that allow an upward correction of the price". Another problem he underpinned was the significantly high share (22%) of orders without tender or announcement. This practice is maintained with the draft act too, but it is explained that the procedure "negotiating without announcement" is applicable only in force majeure. This is the most frequent practice, used in Sofia to repair roads every year. Mr Donchev reported a downward trend of the "non-negotiated orders" - 18.9% for 2010 and since the beginning of 2011 - 15.6%.
  МВФ каза: пар...  
Според МВФ са необходими ”достатъчно големи ресурси в центъра със съответния демократичен контрол и надзор”. Пътят до там е дълъг, но първата стъпка е да се започне „широк диалог за това как ще се отрази по-цялостен фискален съюз върху суверенитета на страните-членки и подотчетността на центъра”.
As for increased fiscal integration and risk sharing, however, the IMF`s recommendations sound downright heretically against the background of sharp contradictions between the eurozone countries. According to the IMF "sufficiently large resources at the centre, matched by proper democratic controls and oversight" are needed. The road to this endpoint is long but the first step is to launch "a broad-based dialogue about what a fuller fiscal union would imply for the sovereignty of member states and the accountability of the centre." This sentence contains two of the biggest dilemmas of the eurozone – about national sovereignty and democratic legitimacy. You cannot make a step forward if you don`t solve these issues, the IMF says bluntly.
  Културата на...  
Не съм готова да се закълна, че наличието на подобна на румънската агенция би могла да гарантира, че ЕК щеше да обърне повече внимание на безобразията, които стават в България през последните години, особено като се има предвид, че Комисията смята, че не е допуснала грешка като е отложила публикуването на тазгодишния доклад по МСП за края на годината, вместо да постъпи като с Румъния и да излезе с цялостен доклад, в който да каже ясно и недвусмислено, че оставки се подават всеки път, когато има и най-малкото съмнение за корупция.
Around BORKOR many other structures have been established about which the information on the website makes it clear they are a secondary beneficiary of budgetary funds, but hardly will you find any results from their work. I am not ready to put an oath that the existence of a similar to the Romanian agency could guarantee that the Commission would have paid more attention to the disgrace that has been taking place in Bulgaria in the past years, especially given that the Commission believes that it had not made a mistake by postponing the publication of this year's CVM report for the end of the year instead of using the same approach as with Romania and come up with a comprehensive report, saying clearly and unequivocally that resignations should be filed every time there is even the slightest doubt for corruption.
  Словакия отх...  
Очаква се предложенията им да бъдат обсъдени и вероятно одобрени от европейските лидери на Европейския съвет на 23 октомври. Той беше отложен с една седмица от първоначалните дати 17 и 18 октомври, именно за да се даде време за подтоговка на цялостен план за справяне с кризата.
As to the public sector financing, big expectations are assigned to the expansion of the rescue fund EFSF, which is the main tool to tackle the crisis. Ratification of the changes, however, has been delayed for too long and in the case of Slovakia it is facing a serious risk. Meanwhile, the debt crisis has begun to shake the banking system and Europe now urgently needs to decide no longer whether, but how to recapitalise its banks. ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet warned that the crisis has already become systemic and decisive measures were required.
  Няколко нюан...  
Що се отнася до една от конкретните национални препоръки, които Комисията отправи през пролетта, а именно постоянното нарастване на минималните осигурителни прагове, отчитат се мерките на правителството да ограничи ефекта им, но се посочва, че тези усилия са били твърде предпазливи и не са достигнали до по-цялостен преглед на осигурителната система.
Bulgaria is among the countries with high unemployment which is still growing to reach 13% this year with a trend of dropping to 12 per cent in 2015. Moreover, in the interim report of the Commission on the Alert Mechanism it is pointed out that the divergences are still high in terms of employment among regions in the country and also among different population groups. It is recalled that reforms are expected to improve the efficiency of the employment services and to apply efficient measures to increase youth employment. In this sense, Bulgaria is still expected to improve the quality and efficiency of the education system. It is also recalled that reforms are still in the preparatory stage and their implementation is delayed. As regards to one of the specific recommendations the Commission made to Bulgaria in the spring, which is the constant growth of minimum thresholds for social security, the efforts of the government to try and limit their impact are taken into account, but it is pointed out that these efforts were quite cautious and did not come to a more comprehensive review of the social security system.
  Еретикът Дей...  
Според него сега, когато ЕС е в процес на трансформация, не е подходящо да се задава въпроса "във или извън ЕС". По-добре да се изчака малко, да се направи цялостен анализ, да се предоговорят отношенията на Великобритания с ЕС и чак тогава.
The very expectation of the speech as well as a series of rash decisions about where the speech to be delivered and when, seriously undermined its quality and even led to teases in the EU, ironic remarks and mockery for the British prime minister. Initially, it was planned the speech to take place on January 22nd, precisely when the 50th anniversary of the Elysée Treaty is marked. The choice for this date is not as harmful as it is provocative, which deprives of weight even further whatever London has to say. And it is very much below the dignity of a country that has essential contribution to the evolution of the European Union and the European history at large. After all, it was officially announced the date would be January 18th and the place - The Netherlands.