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Keybot 11 Results  www.euinside.eu
  ЕС страда от ...  
Червените линии на демокрацията
Democracy's Red Lines
  Волфганг Шой...  
Червените линии на Европарламента
The European Parliament's red lines
  Волфганг Шой...  
Кърваво червените линии на Съвета
The Council's red lines
  От държавен Ð...  
В медиите имахме преход от цензура към автоцензура. Разбира се вече ги няма червените линии на миналото, но има сиви линии днес, където трябва да имаш някакъв самоконтрол, иначе ще те уволнят, а и по много други причини.
]. In the media we have seen a transition from censorship to self-censorship. Of course there are no more red lines of the past, but there are grey lines of today, where you have to have some self control because 'we will fire you' and because of many reasons. We shifted also from repression to pressure. Sounds better in Spanish:
  Хърватия вли...  
Предвид приемането на страната в средата на годината - 1 юли - което е края на Европейския семестър за 2013 г., Загреб участва в упражнението само доброволно като представи през април икономическата си програма. Тя обаче се оказва напълно достатъчна, за да активира червените лампи на Брюксел.
As the country joined the EU in the middle of the year - July 1st - which is also the end of the European Semester for 2013, Zagreb participated in the exercise on a voluntary basis by presenting its economic programme in April. But the programme proved completely sufficient to trigger Brussels's alarm bells. According to the Commission, several indicators are with levels above the indicative thresholds, like, for instance, the net international investment position. This, by the way, is one of the problems for Bulgaria as well. A loss of market shares, high unemployment, negative net international investment position nearing 90 per cent of the gross domestic product for 2012, growing unit labour costs, accompanied by unfavourable product specialisation and geographic export orientation.
  Маргерида Ма...  
Червените линии на разширяването
The red lines of enlargement
  Ð’ посттотали...  
Регионът преживя преход от цензура към автоцензура. Вече ги няма червените линии от миналото, но са налице сиви линии, които налагат самоконтрол, защото иначе ще те уволнят. Преминахме от репресия към натиск, продължи г-н Лани.
The topic was more than challenging - The Fourth Estate in Times of Transition: Role and Impact of the Arab Media of Today. Challenging precisely because such a discussion was taking place exactly at that particular political moment in Bulgaria. The forum took place in the brand new building of the European Commission and the European Parliament in Sofia - the House of Europe - in one of the central Sofia streets. The participants were more than interesting and additionally enhanced the significance of the issue because they focused on the experience of Central and Eastern Europe and the potential lessons the Arab world could learn from the region.
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Страните-членки трябва да упълномощят върховния представител да взима еднолично решения по конкретни теми, което означава столиците ясно да очертаят червените линии, които никога няма да допуснат да бъдат пресечени, както направи Барак Обама, дори и с цената на икономическа война с Русия.
Russia is no longer a strategic partner but a threat to security. This requires a very different approach. The selection of a proper high representative will be a very strong signal to Putin that he will no longer dictate the rules. The new high representative should have a very clear mandate to make a comprehensive analysis of the economic dependencies of the member states and to present a clear plan how to overcome them. Such a mandate cannot be found in the strategic agenda outlined by the leaders in end-June. The member states should empower the high representative to make decisions on his own on specific dossiers which means the capitals to clearly draw the red lines they will never allow to be crossed, as Barack Obama did, even facing the risk of an economic war with Russia. Apart from that, the multi direction talking on such a sensitive issue as Russia should be ended.
  Няма да има П...  
Е, въпреки че спирането на Белене беше гласувано, червените вече обявиха, че това решение е "компрометирано" заради настоящата ситуация в страната и в следващия парламент след изборите това щяло да се промени и проекта ще бъде възобновен.
5/ In these conditions, some EU protectorate on Bulgaria would be totally uneffective (one sees the "magnificent" results of such protectorate in Kosovo) and in any case would probably become as popular as the return under the Ottoman rule: only two factors could help the Bulgarians, the passing of time which hopefully will eliminate the class of the "liberalised" ex-apparatchiks and some shock like "freezing/suspending" their membership to the EU (by giving them a status similar to Switserland) or, if they want so, leaving the EU
  Волфганг Шой...  
На следващия ден (11 март) министрите на финансите на всички страни-членки на ЕС се събраха на публична сесия, по време на която бяха изразени червените линии. Направи впечатление, че се изказаха министрите на най-големите страни-членки, основно от еврозоната.
On the next day (March 11), the finance ministers of all the EU member states gathered for a public session, during which the red lines were drawn. Quite impressive was the fact that mainly the ministers of the biggest member states spoke, most of all from the euro area. The only minister who took the floor from newer Europe was Romania's budget minister Liviu Voinea. One of the first who took the floor was Germany's Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble, who was very critical to the European Parliament. He said he was very frustrated by Martin Schulz's letter and added that "it was not a very smart move". Mr Schäuble added that he did not accept Strasbourg's peremptory tone. We want to have a strong board and that is why it should have the right to launch resolution upon its own initiative. "We don't understand why the parliament believes that the board should not have the right to launch a resolution procedure in addition to the ECB", the German minister said.