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Keybot 9 Results  lifeneophron.eu
  БДЗП спечели...  
. И двата вида птици са световно застрашени и много редки, а кацането на необезопасени електрически стълбове и токовите удари са честа причина за смъртта на тези величествени птици.
Svetoslav Spasov, Projects Director at the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB - BirdLife Partner), accepting the award, said
  Новини | Помо...  
Лятната ваканция е вече тук и като за довиждане, учителите и учениците от 4-то Основно училище в Калампака подготвиха прекрасно събитие в чест на най-редкия жител в Метеора: египетският лешояд! Трети и четвърти клас (които са приложили програмата за екологично образование на Гръцкото орнитологично дружество за египетския лешояд), посветиха представянето си на този...
Summer holidays are here and as a farewell, the teachers and pupils of the 4th Primary School of Kalampaka prepared a wonderful event to honor Meteora’s rarest resident: the Egyptian vulture! The third and the fourth grade (that had implemented the Hellenic Ornithological Society’s Environmental Education Programme for the Egyptian vulture) dedicated their...
  Причини за гÐ...  
В България (2006-2015), липсата на опит на двойките е най-честата естествена причина (40%), следвана от болести (20%) и лоши метеорологични условия (10%), а прякото преследване (30%) е най-често предизвикана от човека причина за гнездови провал.
In Bulgaria (2006-2015), the lack of experience in pairs was the most frequent natural cause (40%, n = 10), followed by diseases (20%) and bad weather conditions (10%), while persecution (30%) was the most frequent human-induced cause for breeding failure. In Greece (2011-2015), most of the evidence collected (67%; n = 6) was related to natural causes for breeding failure (predation of chicks), while only 33% referred to human-induced causes (mainly poisoning of adults).
  Статус на неÐ...  
През периода 2012-2015 г. Националната работна група за борба с отровите успя за събере информация за общо 163 инцидента на нелегално използване на отрови и проведе анализ на причините и последствията от тази нелегална дейност. Проведените токсикологични анализи показват широк спектър от химични вещества, като най-често това са легални или нелегални пестициди.
Despite being banned since 1993, the use of poison baits is a common practice in Greek rural areas threatening with extinction a long list of protected species. During the period 2012-2015, the Greek Antipoison Task Force recorded in total of 163 events and conducted analysis aiming to shed some light on the consequences, reasons and factors driving this practice. The toxicological analyses carried out show that there's a wide range of chemical substances used, usually pesticides legal or banned. Scavenger bird species are the wildlife group most affected by the use of poison baits (30% of all poisoned animals), however working dogs are the most affected group of animals as a whole (39%).
  Какво запеча...  
Важно е да споменем, че за първи път двойката посети старото гнездо в първия ден от мътенето. Освен това, изглежда, че мъжкият е по-чест посетител от женската. Поради специфични черни петна по кожата на лицето, птиците могат да бъдат разграничени един от друг.
In March the installation of trail camera in one of Egyptian vulture nest in Thrace was carried out. Then we had been waiting with impatience for their arrival. Despite the fact that the pair finally decided to nest in different niche, they have visited the nest with the camera several times according to the stored photos. It is important to mention that the first time when the pair visited the old nest was the day of the beginning of incubation. Moreover, it seems that the male was more common visitor then the female. Due to individually specific black spots on the facial skin, the birds may be distinguished one from another. Beside the Egyptian vulture pair, there was evidence of another species "stopovers" inside the nest. There were pictures of black stork, ravens, red-rumped swallow and blue-rock thrush.
  Балкански се...  
За египетския лешояд, в рамките на LIFE+ проект „Помощ за египетския лешояд“ бе установено, че прякото преследване е втората най-честата причина за смъртност след незаконно отравяне в България и Гърция (Saravia и др. 2016 г.), както и че незаконната стрелба и ограбване на гнезда са сериозни заплахи в съответно 8 СЗЗ (30%) и 6 защитени зони (22%) от 27-те ключови СЗЗ за египетския лешояд в България (Kret и др. 2016 г.).
Since 2007, the BSPB started to work intensively against wildlife crime in Bulgaria under the guidance of RSPB. Since the 1990s dozens of bird crimes (mostly shooting and nest robbery) have been registered in Bulgaria, some of which targeting globally threatened species such as the Egyptian Vulture and Eastern Imperial Eagle. In the last 10 years targeted shooting for taxidermy and nest robbing for collectors purposes has been recorded at four Egyptian vulture’s nests. There is also evidence for juveniles stolen from Egyptian Vulture’s and Imperial Eagle’s nests in Natura 2000 Special Protection Areas (SPAs) in Bulgaria. For Egyptian Vulture, within the frame of the LIFE+ project “The Return of the Neophron” it was found that direct persecution is the second most frequent cause of mortality after illegal poisoning in Bulgarian and Greece (Saravia et al. 2016), and that illegal shooting and nest robbing are serious threats in respectively 8 SPAs (30%) and 6 SPAs (22%) out of the 27 key SPAs for the Egyptian Vulture in Bulgaria (Kret et al. 2016). Most probably this is just a small part of the illegal activities affecting this globally threatened species and many other birds of prey are sharing a similar fate.