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Keybot 37 Results  www.euinside.eu
Проблем, който се наблюдава в целия регион, включително и в страни-членки на ЕС, е честата смяна на законодателството. Сърбия освен това все още не е изпълнила препоръките на Бюрото за демократични институции и човешки права към ОССЕ, на която Сърбия тази година е председател, по отношение на финансирането на предизборната кампания и изборния процес.
Further on the report mentions the decision of authorities in Vukovar to remove the bilingual street signs, which provoked sharp reactions in Belgrade. It is noted that the tension, provoked by the temporary restrictions on the border between the two states in September, has later been overcome, but it does not say that it was all about the refugee crisis. Regarding bilateral relations, the EC refrains from recommendations.
  Ð’ Средиземно...  
А и както показват фактите, националният суверенитет предимно страда от липсата на общоевропейско решение и то в най-засегнатите от емигрантските потоци държави - тези, които са на фронтовата линия - Малта, Гърция и Италия и тези, които са най-честата дестинация за настаняване - Германия и Швеция.
The difference between the euro area crisis and the crisis in the Med, however, is measured in human lives. The economic and financial crisis led to a massive impoverishment and high unemployment. The lack of common foreign policy leads to a huge leap of the number of people who died on their way to security and perspectives. That is why, it is urgent the EU to stop feeding the ego of populists by succumbing to their false claims about a national sovereignty taken away. National sovereignty will be much better protected through the joint efforts of the 28 member states. And as facts show, national sovereignty mainly suffers from the lack of common European solutions, especially in the most affected by the migrant flows countries - those at the front lines - Malta, Greece and Italy - and those that are the most preferred destination for settlement - Germany and Sweden. The assessments of experts show that only in the first months of 2015 the number of deaths surpasses the entire 2014.
  Full house в обще...  
Тази практика се запазва и с проектозакона в настоящия му вид, като е обяснено, че процедурата "договаряне без обявление" е приложима единствено и само при възникване на форсмажорни условия. Това е най-честата практика, използвана в София за кърпене на дупки, вместо да се направи цялостен ремонт.
An increase of the price is envisaged with the following text: "when an increase of the price is needed because of the endorsement of a legal act - to the volume, ensuing as a direct or immediate consequence of the legal act". Kamen Kolev said though, that the changes of the conditions of the contract concern mainly the price. "Too many are the cases that allow an upward correction of the price". Another problem he underpinned was the significantly high share (22%) of orders without tender or announcement. This practice is maintained with the draft act too, but it is explained that the procedure "negotiating without announcement" is applicable only in force majeure. This is the most frequent practice, used in Sofia to repair roads every year. Mr Donchev reported a downward trend of the "non-negotiated orders" - 18.9% for 2010 and since the beginning of 2011 - 15.6%.
  Бойко Борисо...  
Чест за мен е да ви приветствам, разбира се да изтъкна своето задоволство от това, че външният министър на България г-н Младенов доста активно, в различни подобни форуми се опитва, и мисля успешно, да приковава вниманието на демократичната общественост върху различни процеси, важни не само в нашия регион - в целия свят.
Dear guests, dear fellow foreign ministers who are guests at today's forum, members of parliament, guests from the other side of the ocean. I am honoured to welcome you, of course to highlight my satisfaction with the fact that Bulgaria's Foreign Minister Mr Nickolay Mladenov quite actively, in various similar forums is trying, and I think successfully, to draw the attention of the democratic community to various processes that are important not only in our region but in the entire world. So, in a series of conferences which he holds here and meetings I think that we all have to congratulate him. I would like to join the words of Minister Mladenov with which he started because in our region we went through all the possible ways of denial, of problems, of wars, of bloodshed, of mass graves, of search, of outflow of investment, financial crises ... I think that everything bad that could have happened in our region did happen.
Разследването и преследването се извършва изцяло от националните органи, но изследвания и статистики показват, че често тези разследвания се провалят заради разнообразието от законодателни системи и правораздавателни правила в страните-членки.
Currently, as the SAPARD trial in Bulgaria shows, practically the EU has no powers to intervene in cases of fraud with EU funds. The investigation and prosecution are entirely realised by national authorities, but research and statistics show that often these investigations fail due to divergence of legal systems and law-enforcement rules in the member states. The share of successfully completed trials varies significantly in the EU - from around 20% to over 90 per cent. The reasons often are the complexity of cases, the lack of sufficient national resources and frequent need to collect evidence beyond national borders, is the assessment of the Commission. And a separate issue, not mentioned in the EU documents about the fight with EU funds fraud, is the inefficiency justice and even political interference in countries that have problems with the rule of law.
  Далия Грибау...  
Тя е чест гост на най-големите международни форуми, на които се обсъжда глобалната политика и бъдещето на ЕС. Далия Грибаускайте беше един от панелистите по време на тазгодишната Мюнхенска конференция за сигурност в дискусия, посветена на бъдещето на ЕС.
She is often invited to the largest international fora, at which global politics is being discussed, as well as the future of the EU. Dalia Grybauskaitė was a panel member during this year’s Munich security conference in a discussion dedicated on the future of the EU. Being the president of a country, which survived a not less painful economic adjustment than the Greek one in the beginning of its transition from a communist planned to a market economy and democracy, Dalia Grybauskaitė often talks (also here, and here) with self-confidence about what is necessary for the EU to succeed. She speaks confidently about energy issues as well, with Lithuania taking some serious steps in the last four years towards its independence from the Russian energy domination.
  Повечето стр...  
Марчин Квасовски: Благодаря за думата. Дами и господа, за мен е чест да бъда с Вас тук, в България. Това е първото ми посещение в София и съм доста впечатлен от развитието на града и на страната. Днес ще говоря за напредъка, който постигнахме през нашия семестър.
Marcin Kwasowski: Thank you very much for the floor. Ladies and gentlemen, I am honoured to be here with you in Bulgaria. This is the first time I visit Sofia and I am quite impressed by the development of the city and of this country. Today I will be speaking about the progress we have achieved during our semester. I am not going to present our national position because, although we have high priorities and high expectations about the outcome of our semester, still this is such a sensitive political topic that we decided to refrain from taking our national positions to this conference, organised by the Polish presidency and a Bulgarian think-tank [Centre for Economic Development]. This is a very good platform to exchange views between our societies.
Нищо от това обаче не влезе под една или друга форма в речта на Муамар Кадафи. Той говори само за революция, за предатели, за екзекуции, за любов, чест, предци и мъченичество. Не спомена и дума за икономическото развитие на страната си, за решаване на социалните проблеми или за вижданията си за бъдещето.
In the late afternoon of February 22nd, when it became clear that Muammar Gaddafi would make a statement on TV, speculations spread about what he was to say. According to one of the versions it was expected Gaddafi to announce the transformation of Libya into a federation, and according to another - that he would introduce a package of reforms. Neither happened during the improvised speech.
  Дипломация н...  
Случилото се в събота е напълно логично, коментира журналистката, предвид многовековната българо-руска дружба : „Как би могло да бъде иначе в страна, където главният столичен булевард се казва „Цар Освободител” в чест на император Александър Втори, освободил България от турците, главният храм се казва „Александър Невски”, а под брезите на улица „Московска” се крие паметник на Пушкин.
The truth is that the sense of superiority is being felt in every line in his article. It is true that, while reading the article, one is really feeling offended - by the obvious propaganda of the official Russian line, as well as by the fact that Bulgarian politicians really give grounds for such ironic remarks in Russian media. Because it is also truth that many of the details, described by Kolesnikov, we've seen with our own eyes, and many of his comments we have heard repeatedly "informally".
  ВСС vs.CVM  
От изказванията на членовете на ВСС, участвали в дискусията, както и от реакциите на запазилите мълчание, стана ясно, че според тях механизмът е излишен и е въпрос едва ли не на национална чест той да приключи.
Brussels's reports are no longer expected with a thrill, and their coverage in the public domain is reduced to government reactions - before they were purely protocol ones, and now – obtrusively thankful. Indeed, the right question about the report, if it has to be only one at all, is never asked - what's new this time. Because, while repeating the same observations, apparently to show that the problems are not solved, the Commission always adds new elements (for example, in the report of July 2010 there was a major focus on public procurement). Exactly by tracking these new topics we can see how the observed events have developed - in the field of judicial reform and fighting corruption and organised crime.
  Избори до дуÐ...  
Вярно е, че честата смяна на правителства създава несигурност. Много добър пример за това е Италия, която допреди ерата "Берлускони" почти нямаше правителство, което да изкара пълен мандат от Втората световна война насам.
It is true that the frequent change of governments creates uncertainty. A very good example for this is Italy, which before the Berlusconi era had almost no government to complete its term since World War Two. For decades, Italy has had a huge public debt which the country managed to control before globalisation and integration in the EU, but now it is a lot of trouble for the country. But there is no clear evidence that huge debt is the result of frequent elections. Rather it could be assumed that it is the result of decades of poor governance and neglect of the global economic, political and social trends. It is not hard to suggest why those trends were not seen - because now, for the second time in its post-war history, Italy has a prime minister who is younger than 70 years. Much younger actually. A prime minister who if not in the future, at least he does not live in the past. In Bulgaria, there are young premiers, but their mentality is heavily damaged in the obscure times of totalitarianism. They are also a product of the past and have a complete lack of a vision about the future.
  Расте ли нацÐ...  
Една от най-големите провокации, извършени от неговото правителство е организирането на военния парад преди две години в чест на руския президент Владимир Путин по повод годишнината от освобождаването на Белград от фашистите и 100-годишнината от Първата световна война.
He does not, however, see any reason to do so, because he thinks the EU is on his side. The Serbian PM said this directly during the visit of Commissioner Hahn to Belgrade in the beginning of September, when the Serbian government complained of Croatia’s behaviour. Serbia knows very well that it is important to the EU in the geopolitical re-distribution currently going on. The opening of negotiation chapters 23 and 24 for Serbia are a large domestic politics victory, but is also perceived as another victory in the never ending conflict with Croatia. And in this sense, I agree wholeheartedly with Paul Mason in
Проблемът с честата промяна на законодателството, не само изборното, е посочвана не веднъж от Европейската комисия в докладите й по Механизма за сътрудничество и проверка (МСП) в сферата на правосъдието и бобрата с корупцията.
That is why, dear readers, especially those of you who are reading our English section, please excuse us, but we cannot provide you with a sufficiently clear picture of what is going on in Bulgaria. The reason is that in the country, in the past years, a horrible profanation of democracy and rule of law has been going on. The election legislation has been subject to hundreds of amendments each year and this is one of the legislative actions of the parliament which takes the most of the parliamentary time. The problem with the frequent change of the electoral legislation, and not only the electoral for that matter, was pointed out by the European Commission in its regular reports under the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM) in the area of justice and the fight against corruption. For the first time, this year, for the European elections were made amendments after the campaign had already started, which is unthinkable in a rule of law country, in a civilised country that had fulfilled the accession criteria of the EU!
  Страните от Ñ...  
Става дума за въпроси като автономията на журналистите и редакторите, защита на професионалните стандарти в журналистиката, правото на отговор и корекция за журналистите, а също и правото на отказ на журналистите. Както и в други държави от региона, и в Косово заплахите срещу журналисти и редактори са честа практика.
And the third reason is that the implementation record of the European Court on Human Rights's rulings by Bosnia is much better than in many EU member states. This is precisely why the non-implementation of the ruling in that case cannot justify the blocking of Bosnia and Herzegovina's European path, is the conclusion of the analysts from the think-tank who underscore that the reforms the EU expects from Bosnia had not been demanded from other candidates, not to mention the member states. This is a strong argument, but irrelevant given the lessons from previous enlargements.
  Едно решение...  
Новината облада цялото публично пространство в Хърватия, заредено още от предходната вечер, когато се проведоха бдения и молебени в чест на генералите. За хърватите това решение е тържество на справедливостта, докато за сърбите - обида.
The news possessed the entire public domain in Croatia, charged from the night before when there were vigils and prayers in support of the generals all over the country. For the Croats this decision is a triumph of justice, while for the Serbs it is an insult. The government in Zagreb immediately sent the governmental plane to take the generals home from the Hague and the mayor of Zagreb organised, again on the central square Ban Jelacic, a huge celebration. After the announcement of the court decision, Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic made a special statement for the media, which he started with the words "A stone fell from my heart". In his words, there was a lot of politics in the decision, proved by the fact that two judges were against and three were for, "which only speaks of how thin the line between success and failure is, between truth and untruth". Milanovic explained that there were a lot of mistakes during the war, but for them the country is responsible not Markac or Gotovina. He vowed that Croatia will settle its dues to justice.
За пореден път се критикува неясната медийна собственост, нерегулираното финансиране, откритото и прикрито политическо и икономическо влияние върху медиите. Най-честата практика за упражняване на редакционен натиск е чрез парите за реклама, смята ЕК.
The report attempts to take no sides and simply lists the facts, starting with the premature release of Vojislav Šešelj by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in the Hague. It is pointed out that his subsequent political appearances caused sharp reactions in Zagreb. The next big dividing line between the two countries was the differing appraisal of events of the last 20 years. It is about the date August 5th, which is a day of huge national celebration for Croatia, marked this year for the first time in a very long time with a military parade. August 5th, 1995 marks the successful completion of operation “Storm”, with which Croatia restores its territorial integrity. On the 20th anniversary of the operation Serbia named August 5th a day of mourning. The report refrains from assessments. It just says that Serbia announced this day to be a day of mourning and that to Croatia this day marks operation “Storm”. It is also noted that Serbia protested against the manifestation of hate speech and the demonstration of Fascist symbols during the Croatian celebrations. It is about the celebrations on the eve of August 5th in Knin.
” Енда Кени, който е премиер само от няколко дни и това беше първата му среща с колегите му от еврозоната, е поставен пред серизно изпитание, тъй като намаляването на лихвата по заема беше основното предизборно обещание на неговата партия Фина Гейл, но пък запазването на ниската ставка на корпоративния данък е въпрос на национална чест за ирландците.
Irish premier and French president Nicolas Sarkozy, who is reported to have told directly to Mr Kenny: "So we're supposed to give up millions and you're not even willing to talk about taxes?!" Enda Kenny, who has been a prime minister for only several days and this was his first meeting with his euro area colleagues, is facing a significant test because reducing the interest rate on the loan was the main election promise of his party Fine Gael, but keeping the low corporate tax rate is a matter of national honour for the Irish. Mr Kenny has received a deadline - by the European Council on March 24 and 25 to consider the offer.
  Западът тряб...  
Второто мнение е на проф. Узи Раби, директор на Центъра за близкоизточни и африкански изследвания "Моше Даян" към Университета в Тел Авив. Проф. Раби е специалист по модерна история на обществата и политиката в Близкия изток и Персийския залив, чест коментатор в израелските и чуждите медии за събитията в региона.
A month ago Bulgaria experienced a terrorist attack that took it out of the provincial sense of bliss that the global terrorism will bypass its lands. The 18 July assault in Bourgas shocked not only the country but half of the world to make them stare even more horror-stricken at the Middle East where for a year and a half the situation has been turbulent. The assault against Israeli tourists and the death of a Bulgarian bus driver of Islam religion was put in the context of the escalation of developments around Iran. Right after the assault, official Israeli representatives put the blame on Tehran and the radical Lebanon group Hezbollah that it supports. Iran did not remain silent and pointed out in their turn – through a statement of its UN Ambassador Mohammad Khazaee in the Security Council – that Israel alone organised the assault at Sarafovo airport.
  Русия предла...  
Както каза холандският евродепутат Риа Омен-Рютен по време на дебатите в четвъртък, "Регистрирането на нови партии е крайно време да стане възможно. За Русия трябва да бъде чест там да се изпращат наблюдатели на изборния процес".
The European Union, on its part, is willing to fill the pot with honey if Russia accepts its requirements for the upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections in the end of this and the beginning of next year. The member states insist Russia to ensure the possibility new parties to be registered, on the admittance of international observers for the elections and to ensure freedom of media and pluralism of opinion. The issue was not commented, at least not at the news conference, by President Medvedev. As Dutch MEP Ria Oomen-Ruijten said during the debates on Thursday, "it is high time the registration of new parties to become possible. For Russia must be a matter of honour foreign observers to be sent for the election process".
  Как се говорÐ...  
Журналистът от Блумбърг повдигна въпроса и за това, че лидерът на мнозинството в Сената Хари Рийд и председателя на Камарата на представителите Джон Бонър са отказали да присъстват на вечерята в чест на китайския президент, тъй като много конгресмени и сенатори гледат на Китай като на икономическа заплаха.
However, this was not funny for President Hu. Barack Obama continued by saying that China’s rise was potentially good for the world but to the extent that China was functioning as a responsible actor on the world stage and as far as it was committed to ensuring that weapons of mass destruction did not fall into the hands of terrorists or rogue states. The journalist from Bloomberg also raised the issue about the refusal of Senate's majority leader Harry Reid and House Speaker John Boehner to attend the state dinner that evening because a lot of Congressmen and Senators saw China as an economic threat. The question was addressed to both leaders.
Саймън Харис, най-младият член на ирландския парламент (роден през 1986 г.): "Кралицата е главата на държавата на нашите най-близки съседи и от уважение към този съсед ние трябва да отдадем необходимата чест на този държавен глава. Нейната визита в нашата страна е от огромно значение за нормализирането на отношенията между двете страни. Перспективата е както вълнуваща, така и желана. Това, което мисля или знам за кралицата бледнее като абсолютно незначително на фона на реалното историческо и символично значение, което посещението на държавния глава на съседна страна на наша земя има".
Simon Harris, the youngest member of Irish Parliament (born in 1986): "The Queen is the head of state of our nearest neighbours and out of respect for that neighbour we must afford its head of state courtesy. Her visit to our country is of huge significance to the normalisation of relationships between our two countries. This prospect is both exciting and desirable. What I think of the Queen pales into absolute insignificance compared to the real historic and symbolic significance of the head of state of a neighbouring country paying the first visit to our soil in so many years".
  Неочаквано з...  
В края на речта си Мубарак изпадна в откровение като разказа как като млад се е научил на египетската военна чест, на преданост и жертвоготовност към страната; той споделя, че е прекарал целия си живот в защита на родината и суверенитета и че най-щастливият ден в живота му е било издигането на египетското знаме над Синай (който Египет получава след мирното споразумение с Израел).
In the end of his speech Mubarak falls into revelation by telling how, as young, he learnt Egyptian military honour, allegiance and sacrifice for his country; he shares that he has spent his entire life protecting his country and its sovereignty and that the happiest day in his life was when he raised Egypt's flag over Sinai (which Egypt got after the peace agreement with Israel). However, he declares that he is fully aware of the seriousness of events and this is why he feels fit to delegate presidential powers to his vice president, as the Constitution provides.
  Сблъсъкът ме...  
Според Бетран Мартино, съветник по социалните въпроси при президента Саркози, честата смяна на министрите на труда (трети министър ще заеме поста за последните три години) не позволява качествено решаване на важните проблеми.
Martinot is of the opinion that part of the reforms in the labour market should rather be entrusted to the Ministry of Economy. “Unemployment levels are record high today and there will surely be a decline, but there is no way it will be sustainable without reforms in labour legislation, which is outdated and does not correspond to current economic realities. This, however, requires full consent between the ministers of Economy and labour and full support by the Prime Minister and President. Something that has been missing so far. As a result Rebsamen is leaving the government, remembered as the minister of unemployment”.