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Keybot 25 Results  www.euinside.eu
В бюджета за догодина са включени и 75-те милиона евро помощ за закриването на първи и четвърти реактор на АЕЦ "Козлодуй".
The budget also included the 75 mn euro assistance for the closure of 1-4 blocs of the Bulgarian nuclear power station "Kozlodui".
  Румъния се пÑ...  
В Германия живеят 260 000 румънци с право на глас, но са били разкрити всичко на всичко само пет избирателни секции. Тя припомня, че през 2009-а година отиващият си президент Траян Бъсеску спечели президентските избори с преднина от 70 000 гласа, защото успя да си гарантира три четвърти от вота в чужбина.
Nevertheless, Romania is making huge strides in this area. Martina Gancheva tells us that all of Victor Ponta's political friends are being investigated as the Agency worked tirelessly even during the election campaign. "The MP from the ruling Social Democratic Party and former minster of transport Miron Mitrea, from the government of the scandalously known Adrian Năstase, was sentenced to two years in prison. The investigation against him started in April 2006. Back then Europe, Brussels, in particular Commissioner Olli Rehn, wanted him behind bars. The reason - embezzlement, document forgery and corruption.
  Битката за ЕÐ...  
Голямата изненада от срещата в Малта дойде от германската канцлерка Ангела Меркел, която доскоро беше неоспорим фаворит да спечели четвърти пореден мандат като канцлер на Германия, но вече има силна конкуренция в лицето на силно проевропейския си конкурент от ляво - Мартин Шулц.
Prior to the Malta summit the president of the European Council, Donald Tusk, who left the summit with a new nickname – “our Donald” – described three threats faced by the EU, pointing out that the current EU challenges are “more dangerous than ever before in the time since the signature of the Treaty of Rome”. The first threat is the geopolitical situation. “For the first time in our history, in an increasingly multi-polar external world, so many are becoming openly anti-European, or Eurosceptic at best. Particularly the change in Washington puts the European Union in a difficult situation; with the new administration seeming to put into question the last 70 years of American foreign policy".
  Хроника на ÑŽÐ...  
Погледите са вперени в предстоящата среща на върха на НАТО и куп други важни теми, някои от които ще имат кратък туит-живот, други ще попаднат във водещите новини на телевизиите и заглавията на вестниците, трети ще бъдат предмет на анализи и коментари от експерти и анализатори, а четвърти ще се превърнат във водещата тема на фейсбук-обществото.
The June EU summit came and went. All has now been reported, read, forgotten. Gazes are fixed on the upcoming NATO summit and a bunch of other important subjects, some of which will have a short Tweet-life, others will make the headlines, third will be subject of analysis and comments by experts and analysts, and fourth will become a leading subject for the Facebook community. And yet – is it possible that we have missed something from the atmosphere of the June 28-29 summit? Or is anything worth recalling again? I would single out several things that caught my attention. Some of them got covered in European media, others – perhaps not, third I shared on Twitter and Facebook with the respective consequences :)
  Рицарят на пÐ...  
"Невлизането на България в Шенген 8 години след членството не е само наш проблем. Това е проблем и на ЕС", каза тя пред журналисти тази седмица в навечерието на срещата на върха на ЕС, посветена за четвърти пореден път на миграционно-бежанската криза.
Whatever they tell you, be sure it is about Schengen, because Deputy Prime Minister Meglena Kuneva has embarked on a mission impossible – to raise the question of Bulgaria’s Schengen membership at every European meeting. “Bulgaria not joining Schengen eight years into its EU membership is not only our problem. This is a problem of the EU as well”, she said in front of journalists this week on the eve of the EU summit, dedicated for the fourth time in a row on the migrant-refugee crisis. Ms Kuneva even forecasted that the lack of development on Schengen dooms the European construction. To her, Schengen is a political value. The deputy PM successfully included the Schengen subject in the answer to every question that we journalists presented to her in Brussels. To her, it is extremely important that Bulgaria receives a date, regardless of whether it is this year, next year, or five years from now. Having a horizon is what is important.
  Асиметрия на...  
Като основен говорител на първата група изпъкна британският премиер Дейвид Камерън, който започна националната си пресконференция на 22 май следобед в Брюксел с думите, че Европа има около 75% или три четвърти от количествата шистов газ, с които разполага САЩ.
If it was not for the crisis, hardly there would have been a battle with the tax havens and the impediments to the completion of the EU single market of energy. A remark of the sorts uttered European Council President Herman Van Rompuy after the end of a really odd and short EU summit on May 22nd. In fact, the purpose of the summit was not as ambitious as it seemed at first glance. According to Mr Van Rompuy, the purpose was to "defrost" many topics which the eurocrisis stole the attention from and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said that the status quo was no longer an option and that commitments should finally be implemented. The council, though short, took out for "melting" two major issues - the fight with tax fraud and tax havens, and the completion of the common energy market.
По повод формулировката, че в Съвета на финансовите министри е постигнато "единодушие минус един" по въпроса, дипломатът е заявил: "Като страна с три четвърти от европейската търговия с деривати и половината от световната търговия, смятаме, че това ‘единодушие минус един’ не е издържано".
The issue is particularly sensitive in the UK. EurActiv quoted a diplomat close to the negotiations as saying that London insisted national regulators, not European ones, to remain in charge of clearing most of the trades. The United Kingdom also believes new rules should apply to all derivatives not only to the OTC derivatives. On the occasion of the wording that the Council of finance ministers has reached "unanimity minus one" on the issue, the diplomat said: "As a country with three quarters of the EU's business in derivatives trade and 50% of global trade, we think that this 'unanimity minus one' doesn't really hold". He said any attempt to pass the legislation without London's consent would trigger uproar among parliamentarians and the British press and will make the adoption more difficult.
  Бунт срещу сÑ...  
Четвърти пък ще се възползват от ситуацията, за да изклинчат още пари като българския министър-председател Бойко Борисов, който дни преди Братислава се срещна в България с унгарския премиер Виктор Орбан и направи смущаващо изявление:
Perhaps Bratislava will put an end to the politics of compromise, and it could also lead to a new compromise, which would release some steam and postpone unpopular decisions for later. In all cases, the summit will put an end to the European Union the way it has been so far – a group of states, which are moving, perhaps not always with the same speed, but at least in the same direction. It will show the clash between European liberalism and Eastern-European illiberalism. Whether this will lead to a new union or it will lead to disintegration is yet to be seen.
  ЕС се разпадÐ...  
Едни обвиняват за отварянето на границите, други за затварянето, трети за конфликтите по света, четвърти за моралните устои, а пети се опитват да изкярят нещо, като например членство в Шенген или повече пари.
Integration. Where are they to be settled and according to what demographic criteria? Despite the years and the billions of euros put into economic convergence between the old and new members the fact is refugees and economic migrants prefer certain states. Not more than five. This has effectively split the Union into transit countries and destination states. Too unfair. In the short term transit countries pick up most of the burden, but they shed it relatively quickly. In the long run, however, most affected are the destination countries, which can accept no more already, let alone in the future. According to official forecasts, the refugee wave is yet to fully develop. The EU is an ageing continent and most member states suffer from negative population growth. Meaning they need immigration. It would be most successful if it is managed.
  Лидерите при...  
На фона на стратегическите виждания на страните-членки за бъдещето на ЕС предстои тежък мандат за Жан-Клод Юнкер, който ще трябва да прилага европейското законодателство a la carte - за едни по-гъвкаво прилагане на фискалните правила, за други повече енергийна зависимост, за трети откъсване от ЕС и за четвърти висене във вакуума между евро- и неевропространството.
Against the backdrop of the member states' strategic visions about the future of the EU Jean-Claude Juncker is to face a very tough term because he will have to apply the European legislation a la carte - for some a more flexible application of the fiscal rules, for others more energy dependency, third would require a breaking off with the EU and a fourth group will hang in the vacuum between the euro- and non-euro continuum. He will have to work also with a difficult parliament where the pro-European and integrationist forces are a majority but the voice of the new MEPs and those from the anti-EU spectrum is much stronger. He will also have to seek a path toward the UK and its staying in the EU. Thus it seems that the new term will be much more challenging than the last one.
Енергетиката в България е като влакче на ужасите: от 2009-а година насам имаме четвърти заместник-министър на енергетиката, четвърти директор на Националната електрическа компания, трети директор на Българския енергиен холдинг.
The Bulgarian energy sector is like a roller coaster: since 2009 onwards we have had a fourth deputy minister of energy, a fourth director of the National Electricity Company, a third director of the Bulgarian Energy Holding. With these words, Nikola Gazdov, president of Bulgarian Photovoltaic Association (BPVA), addressed the participants in the "Solar Balkans 2012" forum in an attempt to explain the complex situation of the renewable energy sector in Bulgaria. In addition, on the opening day of the conference the National Assembly voted on changes to the renewable energy law, adopted only a year ago.
  Петият елеме...  
На базата на технически симулации ЕК прогнозира, че работната сила ще се увеличи с около 0.1% до края на 2015 г. и с 0.3% през 2016 и 2017 г., при условие, че нивото на одобряване на молбите за убежище е 50% и три четвърти от одобрените са в работна възраст.
At this stage, the surest consequences are to national budgets. Although the EC announced that it will give accurate analysis of the effect of refugees on public spending only after it announces the budget analyses of the member states in the euro area, few things are already visible in the autumn economic forecast. For Germany for instance, the EC points out that, regardless of refugees spending, the budget will continue to generate a surplus of 0.9% of GDP in 2015. By the end of the forecast period, however, (2017) refugees spending is expected to grow, but there is no exact data. The greatest part of spending will go for accommodation. Regardless, the German budget will remain at a surplus.
  Трябва ли да ...  
Бившият премиер Иво Санадер, бившият вицепремиер Радимир Чачич, бившият министър Петър Чобанкович, бившият областен управител Бранимир Главаш, актуалната областна управителка на Сисачко-масловачката жупания Марина Ловрич-Мерцел, актуалният кмет на Вировитице Ивица Кирин, актуалният кмет на Вуковар Желько Сабо, кметът на Дубровник Андро Влахушич... Някои от тях са в затвора, някои - в ареста, други са заподозрени, четвърти са с условни присъди, а пети работят за общото благо след изтичане на присъдите им.
The way things are going, in the upcoming election cycles in Croatia the no name politicians will be much more popular than those who are "branded" because the number of active and former holders of political posts, whom the judiciary is dealing with in various ways, has been growing. Moreover, they are being dealt with for the broadest range of violations of law. Former Prime Minister Ivo Sanader, former deputy Prime Minister Radimir Cacic, former Minister Petar Cobankovic, former governor Branimir Glavas, still sitting governor Marina Lovric-Merzel, the sitting mayor of Virovitice Ivica Kirin, the mayor of Vukovar Zeljko Sabo, the mayor of Dubrovnik Andro Vlahusic... Some of them are in jail, others are arrested, a third group are suspected, a fourth group are on parole, a fifth are on probation after their sentences have been served.
  Тръмп продук...  
Непосредствено след него е сегашният премиер Александър Вучич, за когото са гласували 31% от анкетираните. На трето място е убитият сръбски премиер Зоран Джинджич, който обаче е подкрепен от едва 11%. Четвърти е Милошевич, подкрепен от само 3%. Следват Борис Тадич и Воислав Кощуница с по 2%.
published on its front page the first results of a poll, executed in October among 1500 Serbs. One of the poll’s questions is “Who is the best leader of Serbia”. 32% answered Tito. Right behind him is the current Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić, who received 31% of the vote. Third place is occupied by the assassinated Serbian PM Zoran Ðinđić, who does, however, gather just 11% support. Fourth is Milošević, backed by only 3%. Following him are Boris Tadić and Vojislav Koštunica with 2% each.
Енергетиката в България е като влакче на ужасите: от 2009-а година насам имаме четвърти заместник-министър на енергетиката, четвърти директор на Националната електрическа компания, трети директор на Българския енергиен холдинг.
The Bulgarian energy sector is like a roller coaster: since 2009 onwards we have had a fourth deputy minister of energy, a fourth director of the National Electricity Company, a third director of the Bulgarian Energy Holding. With these words, Nikola Gazdov, president of Bulgarian Photovoltaic Association (BPVA), addressed the participants in the "Solar Balkans 2012" forum in an attempt to explain the complex situation of the renewable energy sector in Bulgaria. In addition, on the opening day of the conference the National Assembly voted on changes to the renewable energy law, adopted only a year ago.
Някои страни-членки на ЕС се разболяват от евроскептицизъм заради миграцията - вътрешната в ЕС и идващата извън Съюза. Други пък загубват вяра в европейския проект, заради определени общностни политики, най-вече свързани с икономиката, трети - заради европейския либерализъм, а четвърти - защото ...
Some EU member states are starting to suffer from Euroscepticism because of migration – internal within the EU and the coming from outside the Union. Others are losing faith in the European project because of certain common policies, mostly linked to economics, third – because of E ...
  Симеон Дянко...  
Започналият днес в Тянджън четвърти летен световен икономически
The fourth summer Davos in Tianjin was officially opened by the Chinese Prime
Четвърти ден след незаконния референдум в Босна и Херцеговина. Темата продължава да вълнува медиите в страните от региона. В коментар за хърватския
Day four after the illegal referendum in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The subject continues to grasp the attention of media in the region. In a commentary for the Croatian
  Не е паричнаÑ...  
Някои страни-членки на ЕС се разболяват от евроскептицизъм заради миграцията - вътрешната в ЕС и идващата извън Съюза. Други пък загубват вяра в европейския проект, заради определени общностни политики, най-вече свързани с икономиката, трети - заради европейския либерализъм, а четвърти - защото това е модерно.
Some EU member states are starting to suffer from Euroscepticism because of migration – internal within the EU and the coming from outside the Union. Others are losing faith in the European project because of certain common policies, mostly linked to economics, third – because of European liberalism, and fourth – because it is trendy. Germany, however, could turn heavily Eurosceptic because of Mario Draghi, the European Central Bank chief. Or so it seems lately, after a heavy conflict developed between the Italian ECB boss Mario Draghi and German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble. Disagreement between the two of them regarding the ECB’s monetary policy escalated to the point of raising concerns about the independence of the institution. This was one of the most commented subjects during the informal meeting of euro area and EU finance ministers in Amsterdam last week.
  Присъдата на...  
Изследването изтъква и четвърти проблем - в повечето страни-членки не се повдига въпроса за ненужното ограничаване на свободата на изразяване от законодателството, което се бори с речта на омраза и обратното.
There is a recommendation in the study for the European Commission to begin infringement procedures against member states, which have not adopted the directive. The study highlights another very serious problem – there is not enough data on hate speech cases, for they are not always reported by the victims. This hinders the assessment of the full scale of the issue. This is why it is recommended that member states work towards encouraging the reporting of such cases through ensuring anonymity and providing support. A third problem is the lack of a shared understanding of the implementation of legal provisions and at the global scale at that. The study pinpoints a fourth problem as well – in most member states there is no raising of the question about the unnecessary restriction of the freedom of expression by legislation aimed at fighting hate speech and vice-versa. Only in France there is such an ongoing debate, and it is very important, for the line between freedom of speech and hate speech is very slim.