четвъртък – Traduction – Dictionnaire Keybot

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Keybot 3 Résultats  the-eastern-apartment.ho-chi-minh-city-hotels.com
  На винена вечер с дегус...  
В крайна сметка си бяхме излезли по семейно и това ни е обичайният състав. Бяхме си избрали четвъртък вечерта, защото в четвъртък са вечерите, когато се организират винени дегустации в Bar White. Почти всяка седмица има някаква дегустация.
You now know where to go, so let’s continue with the dinner. For us it was a usual family dinner – me, my beloved wife Maria and little Anna. We had picked a Thursday night because this is the day when they organise wine tastings. Almost every Thursday there is a tasting in Bar White. This evening was about Italian wines. And as you may know, we love Italy and often go there. So we were more than happy to learn more about Italian wines.
  На винена вечер с дегус...  
В крайна сметка си бяхме излезли по семейно и това ни е обичайният състав. Бяхме си избрали четвъртък вечерта, защото в четвъртък са вечерите, когато се организират винени дегустации в Bar White. Почти всяка седмица има някаква дегустация.
You now know where to go, so let’s continue with the dinner. For us it was a usual family dinner – me, my beloved wife Maria and little Anna. We had picked a Thursday night because this is the day when they organise wine tastings. Almost every Thursday there is a tasting in Bar White. This evening was about Italian wines. And as you may know, we love Italy and often go there. So we were more than happy to learn more about Italian wines.