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Keybot 45 Results  www.euinside.eu
  Колко са ни с...  
Които си умират да създават комисии със сложни имена, пълни с експерти и съветници, откриващи колелото на изборното законодателство веднъж на всеки четири години, според потребностите на съответното мнозинство.
It is not that complicated, is it? Moreover, the proper electoral rules and procedures, just like the wheel, have been discovered long ago. And are even being implemented in many countries around world, surprisingly to Bulgarian lawmakers. Who are dieing to create long-name-committees, full of experts and advisers, discovering the wheel of electoral legislation once in every 4 years, depending on the needs of the governing majority.
  Продължава Ñ‚...  
Причините са били изключително прозаични. Милева е била четири години по-голяма от нейния син, не е била еврейка, а и единият й крак е бил по-къс. Но, станала ли е майка Паулина напълно щастлива и удовлетворена, когато всичко се е променило през 1919 г.?
Can the Croats be satisfied and happy with the outcome from the last election for the European Parliament? Of course they can! At least they can be as happy as Einstein's mother Paulina was. How so? Very simple. In fact, Albert's mother initially strongly opposed her son's relationship and his marriage to the Serb Mileva Maric. The reasons were quite prosaic. Mileva was four years older than her son, she was not a Jew and she had one leg shorter than the other. But, did mother Paulina become completely happy and satisfied when everything changed in 1919? Her son Albert indeed got divorced her odious Mileva only to marry his own cousin Elsa! In the end of the day, the daughter of the sister of Einstein's mother became a daughter-in-law in just one night.
  Украинският ...  
Микола Балтажи. Изминаха четири години, откакто за последен път разговаряхме в кабинета му в сградата на посолството в столичния квартал "Овча купел". За тези четири години обаче сякаш са изминали цели епохи в ЕС и заобикалящия го свят.
Ukraine needs a strong and unified European Union, which is capable to counteract Russian aggression and keep guaranteeing international law. To Ukraine the EU remains an attractive project, including regarding fighting corruption, but challenges, faced by the Union and thus by Ukraine, remain considerable. Those are some of the subjects of my interview with the Ukrainian Ambassador to Bulgaria, His Excellency Dr Mykola Baltazhi. Four years have passed since we last spoke in his office in the embassy building in the Sofia Ovcha kupel residential area. In these four years, however, it seems that ages have gone by in the EU and the world around it.
  Глобална Евр...  
Европейската конкуренция на американското свинско, обаче се оказа в случая силен довод и Конгресът на САЩ побърза да ратифицира на свой ред дълго отлаганата сделка,със закъснение от няколко години след първоначалното й договаряне още от президента Джордж Буш-младши. Южна Корея се съгласи да намали наполовина тарифата от 8% върху вноса от американски автомобили незабавно, преди окончателно да я елиминира след четири години от спогодбата.
European competition to US pork, however, proved to be a strong argument and the US Congress in turn hurried to ratify the long awaited deal after several years of delay when it was first initiated by President George Bush Jr. South Korea agreed to halve the current rate of 8% tariff on imports of American cars immediately before lifting it four years from the deal. In return, the United States allowed South Korea to extend duties on US pork for another two years.
  Украинският ...  
Микола Балтажи. Изминаха четири години, откакто за последен път разговаряхме в кабинета му в сградата на посолството в столичния квартал "Овча купел". За тези четири години обаче сякаш са изминали цели епохи в ЕС и заобикалящия го свят.
Ukraine needs a strong and unified European Union, which is capable to counteract Russian aggression and keep guaranteeing international law. To Ukraine the EU remains an attractive project, including regarding fighting corruption, but challenges, faced by the Union and thus by Ukraine, remain considerable. Those are some of the subjects of my interview with the Ukrainian Ambassador to Bulgaria, His Excellency Dr Mykola Baltazhi. Four years have passed since we last spoke in his office in the embassy building in the Sofia Ovcha kupel residential area. In these four years, however, it seems that ages have gone by in the EU and the world around it.
Съобщаването на това число предизвика остри реакции в парламента, но Джордж Осбърн обясни, че тези съкращения няма да станат за една нощ, а в рамките на следващите четири години, за колкото е предвидено и постигането на резултат от съкращението на разходите.
A major element of the savings would be the reform of public services because "less money without reform would be worse". Every public administration will have to cut its budget with a third which, according to the forecasts, would lead to the probable loss of 490,000 (yes, almost half a million) jobs in the public sector. The announcement of this number caused sharp criticism in Parliament, but George Osborne explained that these cuts would not happen overnight but in the next four years. Besides, he added, only for the past 3 months the economy has created 178,000 new jobs.
На 25 февруари прессекретарят на Белия дом Джей Карни обяви, че Държавният департамент е прекратил всички операции на американското посолство в Либия и временно ще изтегли всички служители на посолството от Триполи. Това става само четири години, след като Съединените щати възобновиха дипломатическите отношения с Либия.
On February 25th the White House press secretary Jay Carney announced that the State Department had suspended all operations of the American embassy in Libya and would temporary withdraw all employees from the embassy in Tripoli. This is happening only four years after the United States renewed its diplomatic relations with Libya. The administration also envisages undertaking unilateral measures which are still being considered. President Obama discussed the issue in telephone conversations with Turkish Premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan, with French President Nicolas Sarkozy, PM David Cameron of Britain and Italy's - Silvio Berlusconi.
  Черна гора зÐ...  
Дритан Абазович: Първите четири години ще са от съществено значение за Черна гора*
Dritan Abazovic: the First Four Years Will Be Crucial for Montenegro*
  450 лева по ОрÐ...  
Това, което Орешарски обещава е да проведе административна реформа, но след като бъде направен задълбочен анализ. По отношение на електронното правителство записаното в програмата не е особено обнадеждаващо, тъй като се предвижда още четири години да се работи по правната рамка.
This is not only disappointing, but perplexing too, given that Bulgaria is in its sixth year under the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism precisely in those areas and report is expected in the end of the year. The only signal that Premier Oresharski is aware of this mechanism is that he took on board the recent chief of the European Commission delegation in Sofia, Ms Zinaida Zlatanova, and appointed her as minister of justice. This is a move that aims to demonstrate that the government is not only willing to listen to Brussels's recommendations, but is also putting in the key ministerial seat a person who was "on the other side of the barricade" and is pretty aware of what needs to be done. Alas, the fist signals from Ms Zlatanova are also disappointing because shesaid that the reform cannot be performed by the minster, but rather by every single magistrate. She said this in her very first day on the job, so we are yet to witness how will her work set off. But it brings to thinking that for now the reform in the judiciary will only have a pretty face.
  Хърватия сме...  
Протестите, петициите, гражданската инициатива на ЕС, блоговете, ако щете, са все неща, чрез които можете да бъдете активен гражданин. В крайна сметка нашият избор носи последици, които може и да ви се струват малки - четири години, но замислете се какво означават четири години от вашия живот.
But if you think this is too much of a commitment that will eat too much of your time, then you can choose a little more distanced position - to be active by informing yourselves better and not only from the mainstream channels that have hopelessly failed in Bulgaria. Or to put it simply, to be active means to seek and not to wait being offered. Protests, petitions, the EU citizens initiative, blogs if you like, are all things through which you can be an active citizen. After all, our choice has consequences that can seem to you really small - four years - but think what do four years mean in your life. Or many times by four years when you had expectations, hopes, aspirations, but in fact you waited someone else to deliver those expectations and hopes to you.
  Повече право...  
Освен в Лисабонския договор, националните парламенти получиха роля и в реформираното икономическо управление на ЕС. Представители на ресорните комисии участват в смесени заседания с Европарламента при обсъждането на Европейския семестър. И това продължава вече четири години. Само че на европейско ниво.
Is this sufficient from the point of view of the current political crisis in the EU, especially after the European elections in May and David Cameron's tragicomic efforts to rescue his agenda for EU reform or rather himself, is a question that is open for debate. This question, however, raises another issue - have national parliaments taken advantage of their increased powers? And here the answers are not at all to the benefit of those who want a bigger say of national parliaments, especially in countries who are not part of the euro area. Apart from the Lisbon Treaty, national parliaments received a role in the reformed EU economic governance as well. Representatives of respective committees take part in joint sessions with the European Parliament in discussing the European semester. And this has been going on for four years. But on European level. In how many member states national parliaments debate on what is going on at European level?
  Христо Ивано...  
Това е едно от най-трудните законодателни досиета в момента в ЕС. Преговорите по него продължават вече четири години и точно когато изглеждаше, че е постигнато споразумение, Швеция и Холандия се отказаха от участие, а Полша и Унгария също изразиха резерви.
The issue of the creation of an European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO) seems to be very close to heart for Hristo Ivanov. He spoke in detail about it during his meeting with Bulgarians in Vienna as well, and his answers to questions by euinside also show that he takes it to heart, the more so as at the time he was a minister he was involved in the negotiations on its creation. This is one of the most difficult legislative dossiers at present in the EU. Negotiations on it have been going on for four years, and just when it seemed that agreement was reached, Sweden and The Netherlands withdrew from participation, while Poland and Hungary also expressed reservations. It was decided to move towards an enhanced cooperation procedure, which allows a certain number of member states (not less than 9) to continue alone. This will slow down the creation of this body, whose task is to fight the abuse of EU funds and cross-border VAT fraud.
  Дебатът за ЕÐ...  
Комисията тогава озаглави стратегията си за разширяването "Най-напред фундаментите", сред които върховенството на закона беше очертано като основен приоритет. Четири години по-късно ЕК в лицето на Франс Тимерманс припомни и на страните-членки, че върховенството на закона е това, върху което е изграден Съюзът.
And so began the probably strongest and most meaningful debate about Europe in a long, long time, placing focus on the fundamentals. This had to happen a long time ago, after in 2013 the EC sharply changed the process of reporting on the progress of EU candidate countries. Back then, the Commission entitled its enlargement strategy “Fundamentals first”, among which the rule of law was underlined as a main priority. Four years later, the EC, represented by Frans Timmermans, reminded member states that the rule of law is what the Union was built upon in the first place. This became necessary after the Polish foreign minister went into an uneven battle with the vice president. “When will a constitutional tribunal be created in the Netherlands, according to the European standards? It's a rhetoric question, you don't have to answer!”, said Witold Waszczykowski triumphantly among a hushed audience.
  Енвер Ходжа: ...  
Новите лидери на ЕС в следващия мандат трябва да имат по-динамична и по-практична програма спрямо Балканите и да изградят култура на надеждата, каза в интервю за този сайт министърът на външните работи на Косово Енвер Ходжа. Според него, ако европейската външна политика има изобщо някакъв конкретен успех през последните четири години, това е диалогът Белград-Прищина.
The new leaders of the EU in the next term should have a more dynamic and more practical agenda toward the Balkans and build a culture of hope, said in an interview with this website Kosovo's Foreign Minister Enver Hoxhaj. According to him, if the European foreign policy had any specific success in the past four years this was the Pristina-Belgrade dialogue. This dialogue is not a process that should be viewed only in the context of relations between Serbia and Kosovo because it has a regional dimension. When we decided to enter into dialogue with Belgrade, we did it not only for Kosovo but also for the name issue between Athens and Skopje and the ethnic problems between the individual entities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the minister added. That is why the new EU high representative for
  Механизмът з...  
ЕК има млада и малка генерална дирекция "Правосъдие", само на четири години и с едва 250 служители, повечето от които изключително заети с прилагането на законодателната програма, заложена в Стокхолмската програма.
My second principle is the need to draw on the necessary expertise to back up the Commission's action on the rule of law. I can only stress again and again how important this is. While all agreeing on the principle of the rule of law, each Member State has its own constitutional arrangements, its own traditions and safeguards as to how to ensure that the rule of law is upheld in detail. A deep comparative knowledge of these systems is required to be able to pass judgement on what lies outside constitutional norms on the rule of law. We are not yet the United States of Europe! Unlike the U.S., the Commission does not have a Department of Justice, 200 years old, with more than 116 000 officials and lawyers in-house with the experience of having fought through the Civil Rights legislation. The Commission has a young and small DG Justice, just 4 years old and with barely 250 officials, most of them kept very busy with implementing the legislative agenda laid down in the Stockholm Programme. DG Justice has made enormous progress in developing its comparative expertise, for example, on sound, efficient and independent legal systems.
  Ð’ Сърбия побÐ...  
След него идват въпросите президентът ли ще има водеща роля през идващите четири години или премиерът, който засега също е под въпрос; може ли да бъде разчупен моделът президент и премиер да са от една партия; ще видим ли на власт нова коалиция и какво всъщност ще получат гражданите на Сърбия след изборите?
After a not that long election night in Belgrade, the questions remain and the political situation in the country does not seem that changed. As in all past elections since 2004, the big question again is who will be more convincing in the upcoming two weeks before the second round of the presidential elections - Boris Tadic or Tomislav Nikolic. Then come the questions will the president have a leading role in the next four years or the prime minster who, for now, is unknown; could the model president and prime minister to be from one and the same party be broken; will we witness a new coalition in power and what will the citizens of Serbia after all get after the elections?
  Даниела Бари...  
Даниела Баришич: Не са предсрочни избори, тъй като последните избори бяха през 2007, така че си имаме пълни четири години. Който и да спечели изборите - това зависи, естествено, от избирателите - ще действа спрямо европейското бъдеще.
Danijela Barisic: It is not early elections because the last elections were in 2007, so it's after the four years. Whoever wins the elections, it's up of course to the voters, they will proceed with the European future. There is not going to be any eurosceptic government or any less European oriented government because since we started the negotiations we had like a national consensus - all of us have been in favour of joining the EU. In fact there is just one parliamentary party that is against the EU but they have just one member of the parliament, so there is no fear of Croatia becomes eurosceptic. OK, maybe we would not be so optimistic, we will of course accept and since I said we were deeply concerned about the problems having in Europe, but since we are going to be a member, OK we will be a relevant partner and of course we will follow all things that are going in Europe.
  Нова политич...  
Ситуацията тази година е доста по-различна отпреди четири години, когато Хърватия току-що беше подписала договора си за присъединяване, но й предстоеше да измине още дълъг път. Изборите се състояха след големи политически сътресения - HDZ беше силно разклатена от мега корупционни скандали, завършили с ареста на първия премиер за корупция.
The situation this year is rather different than four years ago when Croatia had just signed its accession treaty, but had a very long way to go still. Elections were held after major political turmoil – HDZ was heavily shaken by mega corruption scandals, ending with the first ever prime minister taken under arrest for corruption. It is widely believed that it was exactly Ivo Sanader’s arrest that opened wide the doors of the EU for Croatia’s accession. Despite numerous scandals on corruption, nepotism, media repressions, and other things typical for this part of the world, HDZ and the pre-election coalition led by them managed to secure 47 seats. The “Kukuriku” coalition of Prime Minister Zoran Milanović gained full majority with 81 seats.
  Последен шан...  
Дали Съюзът е наясно с това или поне онези държави, които създадоха Берлинския процес предстои да видим тази седмица във Виена. Ако всички споделят тезата на Федерика Могерини, че следващите четири години са съдбовни за Западните Балкани и ЕС, тогава трябва да се обърне внимание, че 4 години в
Talking about stability we should not miss the refugee crisis that showed not only that the EU is not united within, but that it is not quite ready to help countries of the Western Balkans that turned into front lines to the refugee flows. According to Federica Mogherini, the EU and the Western Balkans are to build the Union together. This, however, requires a serious change in attitude. Whether the Union is aware of it, or at least the states that created the Berlin Process, is yet to be seen this week in Vienna. If everyone shares Federica Mogherini’s thesis the next four years are crucial to the Western Balkans and the EU, then it should be noted that four years
  Колко са ни с...  
Изборните безумия в последните 3 години накараха новото парламентарно мнозинство да обещае спешно да изработи Изборен кодекс, така щото веднъж завинаги да се приемат правила, които да важат за всички видове избори и да не се променят на всеки четири години.
In the meantime, elections are being bought, sold, controlled, manipulated, corrupt and have lost their purpose. Thus more and more citizens have lost their right to choose, while others have acquired in a different way the right to have representatives in the institutions. Electoral insanities in the last three years forced the new parliamentary majority to promise urgently the creation of an Electoral Code, which is supposed to make once and for all equal rules for all kinds of elections, thus eliminating the temptation to change election laws in every 4 years. For that purpose a temporary committee has been established to prepare a draft of an Electoral code. By obligation, all parliamentary parties have representatives in it and civil organisations are also allowed to take part voluntarily. They are the ones who are most active in proposing changes in electoral legislation on behalf of fair and transparent electoral process.
  4 страни иска...  
В България, последните четири години по време на управлението на бившия телохранител на последния български диктатор Тодор Живков Бойко Борисов, започна активен процес на концентрация на властта в ръцете на министър-председателя, разпад на държавните институции, на политическата система, организираната престъпност не просто не беше смазана, а дори започна да процъфтява, което е видно с просто око по българските улици.
Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia. Where else? In Hungary, the government of Prime Minister Victor Orban took a course of an overhaul of the Constitution, which raised a great lot of questions about whether Hungary is not scorning the fundamental European values. In Romania, the inter-institutional war last year led to an early report under the Control and Verification Mechanism (CVM), where the country shares the company of Bulgaria and which is aimed at raising their judiciary systems up to the European standards. But instead of an improvement, last year a retreat was noticed that forced the Commission to tell the Romanian authorities directly that high officials should resign more often even with the slightest suspicion of corruption.
Съкращенията няма да решат проблема, смята той, а увеличаване на ефективността, мотивация и демотивация на труда. През последните четири години, когато безработицата и задлъжнялостта скочиха рязко в резултат на продължителната рецесия, двете най-големи партии често сменяха местата си.
According to Reiner, reforming public administration is very important, but not in “the vulgar way”, meaning speaking of numbers. Job cuts will not solve the problem, he feels, but rather increases in effectiveness, motivation, and de-motivation of labour. Over the past four years, when unemployment and debt increased rapidly due to the prolonged recession, the two largest parties switched seats often. PM Zoran Milanović often walked in the shoes of a right-wing austerian, while right-wing Karamarko criticised the thwarting of economic growth. The diluting of ideological boundaries is a process, which is noticed all over the world and is dictated mainly by globalisation. This is also the cause for the growing power of nationalistic and chauvinistic political options.
  Нова политич...  
Четири години по-късно, Хърватия е част от Европейския съюз след стабилно управление, което ще бъде запомнено единствено с липсата на сериозни скандали. То обаче изпусна шанса си да проведе дългоотлаганите и много необходими реформи, което направи от Хърватия уникален случай - докато всички подобни на нея страни се възстановиха бързо от кризата 2008/2009 г., хърватската икономика остана в рецесия в продължение на цели 6 години.
Four years later, Croatia is a part of the European Union after a stable government, which will only be remembered with a lack of serious scandals. It did, however, miss the chance to implement some long-postponed and much needed reforms, making Croatia a unique case – while many similar states recovered rapidly from the 2008/2009 crisis, Croatian economy remained in recession for six long years. This year the country for the first time started coming out of recession and at a rapid pace. In spring the European Commission expected Croatian economy to grow by under 1% but the autumn economic forecast corrected expectations up. This year, economic growth is expected to be 1.1%, 1.4% next year, and 1.7% in 2017.
  Хърватският ...  
Младен Баришич е осъден на три години затвор като съучастник в престъпна група. Ратко Мачек получи присъда от една година условно, която ще трае четири години, Бранка Павошевич ще лежи година и половина в затвора, а Невенка Юрак - две години.
Beside the five defendants - Ivo Sanader, Mladen Barisic (treasurer of the HDZ), Ratko Macek (former spokesman of the government and head of the party's election staff), Branka Pavosevic (chief accountant of the party) and Nevenka Jurak (director of FImi Media) - before the court stood the party itself - HDZ - in its capacity as a legal entity. Mr Sanader got 9 years in prison and must pay back to the treasury more than 15 million kunas (circa 2 million euros) for establishing a criminal group with the aim to favour themselves and the party by collecting illegal money and covering revenues. Mladen Barisic received three years in prison as an accomplice. Ratko Macek got one year on parole which is valid four years, Branka Pavosevic will stay a year and a half in prison and Nevenka Jurak two years. To Ivo Sanader this is the second sentence. He has already been in prison for two years out of ten on a case for war profiteering.
  Хърватия сме...  
Протестите, петициите, гражданската инициатива на ЕС, блоговете, ако щете, са все неща, чрез които можете да бъдете активен гражданин. В крайна сметка нашият избор носи последици, които може и да ви се струват малки - четири години, но замислете се какво означават четири години от вашия живот.
But if you think this is too much of a commitment that will eat too much of your time, then you can choose a little more distanced position - to be active by informing yourselves better and not only from the mainstream channels that have hopelessly failed in Bulgaria. Or to put it simply, to be active means to seek and not to wait being offered. Protests, petitions, the EU citizens initiative, blogs if you like, are all things through which you can be an active citizen. After all, our choice has consequences that can seem to you really small - four years - but think what do four years mean in your life. Or many times by four years when you had expectations, hopes, aspirations, but in fact you waited someone else to deliver those expectations and hopes to you.
  ЕС изпада в г...  
В него двамата лидери призоваха за организирането "при първа възможност" на среща на върха ЕС-САЩ, по време на която да бъде начертан курсът на трансатлантическите отношения за следващите четири години.
The EU has long felt the need to take full responsibility for its own security and President Barack Obama has been trying during the full length of his presidency to explain to his European partners that it is time for them to be at least equal partners in the trans-Atlantic partnership. The EU-USA summits, which grew ever rarer over the years, were a signal for the cooling down of the trans-Atlantic partnership, ignited to red hot by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The securing of the American energy independence by the shale gas revolution, the pivoting of the US foreign policy towards the Pacific region and the unwillingness of Washington to be drawn into Ukraine or Northern Africa were clear indicators that the EU should count on itself ever more. It was, however, busy elsewhere.
  Банковият на...  
споразумението изглежда голямо по мащаб, но всъщност не е достататъчно. "Четири години след началото на ипотечната криза, това е разочароващо", смята вестникът. Особено съжаление се изразява за това, че голяма част от 6-те хиляди европейски банки ще останат отговорност на националните регулатори и следователно ще зависят от взаимното доверие между банките, които в миналото са се доказали доста по-непостоянни, отколкото сме си мислели.
2012 will remain in history as the year when the EU made its first significant step during the crisis toward deepening of integration with the decision to move toward a single supervision for banks. The decision has been reached literally in the last minute and was welcomed by the EU leaders at their final summit in Brussels on December 13-14, as this web site wrote. But how is this decision accepted and what stands behind it? The European press review edition Presseurop quotes several big European dailies that assess in a different way the agreement.
  Черна гора и ...  
Причината е, че Сърбия не може да изпълни условието за пълно сътрудничество с Хагския трибунал, тоест да арестува Ратко Младич. Сега, четири години по-късно, Черна гора е на прага на получаването на статут на страна-кандидатка за членство, докато сръбската кандидатура тепърва ще се проучва.
When in 2006 Montenegro declared independence, one of its arguments for leaving the union with Serbia was that Belgrade was hampering its EU integration process as Serbia fails to prove it was co-operating fully with the UN war crimes tribunal, namely to arrest Bosnian Serb wartime leader Ratko Mladic. Four years later, Montenegro is close to receiving an EU candidate status while Serbia's membership application is still under review.
  Последен шан...  
Настоя, че трябва да бъде преодоляна мантрата за петгодишното замразяване на разширяването като натърти, че това е периодът, когато трябва да се работи усърдно страните от Западните Балкани да бъдат готови за членство. Нещо повече, каза, че ако в следващите четири години и малко не бъде намерен правилният подход, ЕС ще изгуби региона завинаги и добави, сякаш по-скоро питайки себе си, дали вече не е твърде късно.
She insisted, the mantra of the five-year freezing of enlargement is overcome and stressed that this is the period for hard work towards the Western Balkans countries being ready for membership. Moreover, she said that if the right approach is not found in the next four and a few years, the EU will lose the region forever, and added, as if asking herself, whether it is not already too late. “It’s the last chance. I think EU, all of it - institutions and Member States together - need to move on the enlargement as much as the accession countries do”, she said. She repeated an old argument of hers, back from the time when she was a minister of foreign affairs of Italy that the EU had to abandon its fatherly approach.
  Гърция - пред...  
Каза го и самият министър-председател Самарас: "Преди година и половина ние бяхме най-слабото звено на Съюза. Днес поемаме председателството на ЕС и вярвам, че Гърция ще се превърне в символ на Европа, която може да оцелява от кризата, Европа, която може да продължи напред, че Европа работи и ние можем". Само че цената на този "успех" е, по собствените думи на Андонис Самарас, най-голямата фискална корекция в света за най-кратко време - намаляване на бюджетния дефицит с 13% за само четири години.
The co-chair of the group of Greens and European Free Alliance, Rebecca Harms (Germany), also criticised Samaras, but because the reforms he is boasting were mainly on paper. She said she visited Greece several times in the past years and what the Greek premier claims is not entirely true. All achievements are on paper while reality is deploring and inappropriate for a European country in 2014. On behalf of the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR), Martin Callanan (UK) thanked for the grand vision of Europe which Samaras "entertained" the MEPs with all morning. However, he said, it is this grand vision that has ruined the life of the Greeks. "The Greek federalist dream has become a nightmare for many people", Callanan said and recommended lessons to be drawn from the crisis.
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