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Keybot 2 Résultats  database.martinu.cz
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«Медвежата очень много играют, безмятежно, чисто. Это дивное зрелище!» – рассказывает зам. директора заповедника «Остров Врангеля» Никита Овсяников.
“The cubs play a lot, they are serene and clear. This is a wonderful sight!” said the Deputy Director of the Wrangel Island National Park, Nikita Ovsyanikov.
Несмотря на то, что все здесь, конечно, очень старое, кругом чисто. За порядком трепетно следит заведующая хранилищем Нина Майорова. Страшно сказать, но она здесь работает 45 лет. "Температура воздуха в хранилище - не больше 10 градусов, поэтому архивисты хорошо сохраняются", - шутит заведующая.
Though everything here is shabby and very old, it is still clean everywhere. The head of the archives Nina Mayorova keeps an orderly house. Her working experience is fantastic, she has been working here for 45 years! “The air temperature in the archives is never over 10 centigrade and that is why we always keep fresh here” jokes Nina. “Wake me up in the middle of the night and I will be able to tell you about any film” says Mrs. Mayorova. She has seen almost all the movies and was even above the soviet censorship, as she was able to see the movies full and untouched. “We could see the movies, but it was prohibited to publish it” explains Nina Mayorova.