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Keybot 3 Results  blog.europagymnasium.at
  The Global Energy Prize...  
«Более 30 млн тонн попутного нефтяного газа ежегодно просто сжигается, дело отечественных химиков научиться с ним работать. Или, скажем, уголь: я убежден, что за электростанциями и теплоэнергоцентралями на угле есть будущее, если мы освоим технологии, которые позволяют сжигать этот вид сырья абсолютно чисто»
“More than 30 mln tones of associated petroleum gas are just being burnt each year and it is the task of Russian chemists to learn how to work with it. Or speaking about coal – I’m convinced that coal power stations and heating stations, which use coal, have future if we manage to master the technologies, which allow us to burn this type of fuel in an absolutely clean way”,
  Energy conservatism is ...  
В некоторые годы к "Глобальной энергии" принято было относиться как к чисто статусной "игрушке" российского истеблишмента, "нашей Нобелевской премии для энергетиков", благо сумма призового фонда по порядку величины совпадала с фондом мемориальных премий Нобеля.
However, in 2015, despite of political atmosphere, the Prize has suddenly acknowledged two Americans: Shuji Nakamura of the University of California and Jayant Baliga from the University of North Carolina. This fact has substantially supported prize`s status as an academic award. In some years, the Global Energy Prize was treated as a purely status “toy” of the Russian establishment, “our energy Nobel Prize”, not mentioning the monetary part of the prize coincided with the fund of the Nobel Memorial Prize. This year, the monetary part of the prize was RUB 33 mln.
  Overview on future ener...  
"И самая большая заинтересованность в этих технологиях у этих стран, а также у США", - сказал Л. Ларрсон. "В целом, поскольку торий был назвал в честь скандинавского бога Тора, то это чисто скандинавский элемент", - пошутил он.
L. Larsson also believes that the reactors of the IV generation can use uranium- 238. In this case helium, sodium or lead may serve as a refrigerant. The available uranium reserves are still enough for another 20 thousand years. According to L. Larsson, the significant deposits of uranium are located in Kazakhstan and Australia. Russian uranium reserves ranked for the 3rd place in the world. At the same time thorium might also become a fuel for a new type of reactors, which is also available equally to uranium. According to the scientist, the largest reserves of thorium are located in India and Norway. "And these countries have the greatest interest in these technologies, as well as the United States," - said L.Larrson. "In general, as the thorium was named after the Scandinavian god Thor, this is purely Scandinavian element" - he jokes. At the same time, according to the scientist, the time of reactors of the IV generation will come after 2030.