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Keybot 5 Results  www.owl.ru
  "?aiueia Ie?n..." 2000,...  
Развитие способности к независимому мышлению - еще одна цель педагогики Рудольфа Штейнера. Поэтому в вальдорфской школе стараются избегать чисто информационных знаний. Здесь считают, что количество вызубренных теорем не принесет ученикам много пользы, тогда как человеку с развитым творческим мышлением легче стать хорошим специалистом и осваивать все новые и новые знания.
Independent thinking development in children is another objective of Rudolf Steiner's method. For this reason, Waldorf schools avoid knowledge of mere informative nature. Teachers believe that their students will not benefit from hard knowledge of additional theorems. Creative thinking makes a good specialist in any field, for such a person will be able to accumulate more and more knowledge.
  "?aiueia Ie?n..." 2000,...  
"Что Бог сочетал, того человек да не разлучает", - говорит Евангелие (от Матфея, 10-4-6), но на небесах решаются вопросы любви, а не брака. Люди во все века как раз разлучали влюблённых от Бога, чтобы сочетать их другими узами, чисто человеческого свойства, ради далёких от любви целей.
"What God had put together that should not be separated by people", - the Gospel (from Matthew 10-4-6) is saying, but in the heaven the matters of love but not of marriage are settled. In all times people have separated the lovers from God to bound them up with others for other merely human purposes. Abelard and Eloise, Romeo and Juliet were secretly but still married but anyway they fell out of the law. Lovers died, Love remained and owing to Love it was possible to live in the world.
  "?aiueia Ie?n..." 2000,...  
Воспитывая мальчика, приучите его оказывать помощь по дому. Он должен видеть, что нет чисто женской работы, постыдной для настоящего мужчины. Лучше всего, если с домашними хлопотами вместе справляется вся семья.
The critical role in forming the child’s personality is played by the adults’ example. The majority of aggressive men originated from families where father shared the same behavioral stereotype. A boy who has grown up without a father is also at risk to become a crisis center client. His ideas of real manliness are formed under the influence of the streets and mass-media. Such example is often far from positive. Besides, single mothers who are bringing up sons are known for excessive care. The process of self-affirmation of boys brought up by exceedingly caring mothers is associated with aggressive denial of everything female. This kind of revolt starting in teen-age may stretch over a number of years. Mind that similar situation could arise in a full family, if a boy sees his father no more than several hours a week.
  "?aiueia Ie?n..." 2000,...  
Потому не люблю ими пользоваться и по мере сил обращаюсь к иным доказательствам, стараясь вообще избегать мероприятий и ситуаций, которые домогаются "вещественных доказательств" от чисто духовных идей.
... The same poetic lines, verses and entire poems may be easily drawn to support and prove (as well as disprove!) any thinkable ideas that sometimes fall in direct controversy to one another. Quotations, pieces and fragments extorted from the entire context of a person's poetry collection and stripped of underlying biographic facts often become equivocal to the extent where the original idea is omitted in favor of some idea, roughly 'earmarked' or deliberately suggested by a virtuoso in the game of comments. This is the quality pertinent to any quotation. For this reason I avoid citing and do my best to turn to other types of evidence and avoid activities and situations that require “material evidence” in support of ideas of entirely spiritual nature. The end of clarifying comment.
  "?aiueia Ie?n..." 2000,...  
В нынешних парламентских выборах имели право на участие 139 организаций, в том числе шесть - чисто женские. Это движения "Женщины за здоровье нации", "Женский объединенный союз", "Женщины России", Движение женщин России, Российская партия социальной защиты женщин и Движение матерей за социальную справедливость.
There were 139 organizations that had the right to take part in the last elections to the Duma, including 6 purely women’s associations. These were the following movements: "Women for the Health of Nation", "Women’s Consolidated Union", "Women of Russia", the Movement of Women of Russia, the Russian Party of Social Protection of Women and the Movement of Mothers for Social Justice. 11 associations were headed by women. "Women of Russia" took part in the elections independently (their block was joined by the movement "Women for the Health of Nation"), as well as the Russian Party of Social Protection of Women. The Movement of Women of Russia entered into the political association "Fatherland – All Russia". Among the candidates who were to be elected from the party lists (225), the proportion of women was no less than 16% in any of the lists. Mind that there were 7% in 1993 and 14% in 1995. So the tendency to growing of the women’s proportion in the total number of candidates still exists. But as to the favorites of the election campaign – The Communist Party, "Fatherland – All Russia", "Apple" and "Bear" – the percent of women is lower than the average in the whole specter of claimants. In general there are 11% women among the candidates. The highest number of women – 17 percent – belong to the "Union of the Right Forces" list. The lowest proportion of women can bee seen in the lists of nationalist and so-called "patriotic" parties; for instance in the "Zhirinovsky Block" there are just 2.5% female candidates.