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Keybot 4 Results  www.velior.ru
  Переводческая отрасль |...  
Поначалу это было затруднено тем, что работать с глоссарием было неудобно. Из-за этого чисто технического затруднения и того, что создание глоссария по ходу работы отнимает время и требует дисциплинированности, уговорить коллег получилось далеко не сразу.
I started selling the idea of creating a project glossary to our team years ago. It was difficult back then because we didn’t have the great tools we have now. Due to this technical challenge and the fact that creating a glossary takes time and discipline, getting everyone’s buy-in wasn’t easy. At first, we even had to formally require everyone to add at least one term per 100 words because they wouldn’t do this otherwise. Today, after years of practice and with better tools available to us now, a glossary is a part of our culture.
  Последствия курса долла...  
Заказчики могут также предложить, чтобы вы тратили свои деньги за пределами России, и лично я не стал бы обижаться на это предложение, потому что чисто технически оно вполне разумно, хотя и может быть невыполнимо в вашей ситуации.
To maintain your current quality of life requires either working more or increasing your U.S. dollar-based translation rates by the percentage of Russia’s inflation rate. Working more for less due to local currency inflation is a rat race by my standards, so let’s consider just the second option. While it may appear economically reasonable to you, increasing your rates can be a challenge in reality. You may have hard time explaining Russia’s inflation to your U.S. clients. They might wonder how inflation can be as severe as 10 or 15% per year. And then they might ask why another currency inflation would cause you to raise the U.S. dollar-based rates in the first place. Clients can also suggest that you spend your money outside of Russia and, personally, I wouldn’t take it as an offense because technically it makes sense, however impractical that might be in your current situation.
  Характерные диалоги меж...  
Если переводчик не заботится о качестве своей работы, то зачем бюро переводов вообще прибегать к его услугам? К сожалению, какими бы логичными эти доводы ни были, эта проблема обусловлена еще и чисто психологическим моментом — человеку вообще свойственно перекладывать ответственность на других.
Indeed, arranging translation review by a second linguist is one of a translation agency’s primary responsibilities. But is it a valid reason for a translator to drop the ball and expect someone else to clean up after them? The purpose of translation review is not to correct errors per se, but to catch those tricky errors that a translator overlooked. The amount and magnitude of errors must be extremely low. If a translator doesn’t care about the quality of their own work, why would an agency engage them to begin with? Unfortunately, however logical this reasoning might be, there’s also a psychological aspect to this problem that some people can’t control—knowing that someone else will check their translation and clean it up, a translator may subconsciously feel more relaxed and less responsible for the final result.