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Keybot 12 Results  www.city.kashihara.nara.jp
  VIPole Team – безопасна...  
назначать секретные фразы членам VIPole Team
Assign secret phrases to members
Assegnare frasi segrete ai membri
  Партнерские программы V...  
Вступление в программу. Участие в программе Партнер VIPole бесплатное. Членам Бизнес Клуба при выступлении необходимо выбрать желаемый пакет обслуживания клуба.
Enrolling. While joining VIPole Partner is free, being a Busness Club member requires to select a club service package.
Registrierung. Eine Mitgliedschaft bei VIPole Partner ist gratis, wohingegen für Business Club die Auswahl eines Leistungspaketes nötig ist.
  VIPole Team – безопасна...  
назначать пароли членам VIPole Team
Assign passwords to members
Assegnare password ai membri
  VIPole Team – безопасна...  
генерировать или назначать ключи шифрования членам VIPole Team
Generate or assign encryption keys for members
Generare o assegnare le chiavi di crittografia per i membri
  VIPole Team – безопасна...  
Управлять членами VIPole Team
Manage VIPole Team members
Gestire i membri dell'account Team
  VIPole Team – безопасна...  
Управление пользователями, членами VIPole Team, происходит через встроенное в VIPole расширение для администратора аккаунта, защищенное отдельным паролем.
Management of a VIPole Team is implemented via a special built-in extension for the account administrator, which is protected by an administrative password.
La gestione di un account Team è implementata attraverso una speciale estensione integrata per l'amministratore dell'account, protetta da una password amministrativa.
  VIPole Desktop обновлен...  
Добавлен удобный поиск по членам аккаунта.
Easy search in the list of account members added.
Easy search in the list of account members added.
Easy search in the list of account members added.
  Партнерские программы V...  
Время. В Бизнес клубе VIPole ограничений по времени нет: лиды приносят членам клуба доход на протяжении всей своей активности в VIPole. В программе Партнер VIPole комиссия выплачивается за платежи каждого лида в течение года после его регистрации.
Time. VIPole Business Club has no time limits: the leads bring income to Business Club members during all their activity in VIPole. In VIPole Partner, the commission for the payments of every lead is paid during the year after the lead’s registration in VIPole.
Zeit. VIPole Business Club hat keinerlei zeitliche Einschränkungen: Die Leads führen während ihrer gesamten aktiven Zeit bei VIPole zu Einnahmen für Business Club Mitglieder. In VIPole Partner wird die Kommission während des ersten Jahres nach Registrierung des jeweiligen Leads gezahlt.
  Переустановить пароль п...  
Чтобы переустановить пароль члена Team аккаунта, дважды кликните по имени пользователя в списке членов аккаунта > Безопасность > Введите и повторите новый пароль.
To reset the password of a team member, double-click on the name of the user in the list of VIPole Team members > Security > Enter and repeat the password.
To reset the password of a team member, double-click on the name of the user in the list of VIPole Team members > Security > Enter and repeat the password.
To reset the password of a team member, double-click on the name of the user in the list of VIPole Team members > Security > Enter and repeat the password.
To reset the password of a team member, double-click on the name of the user in the list of VIPole Team members > Security > Enter and repeat the password.
To reset the password of a team member, double-click on the name of the user in the list of VIPole Team members > Security > Enter and repeat the password.
To reset the password of a team member, double-click on the name of the user in the list of VIPole Team members > Security > Enter and repeat the password.
To reset the password of a team member, double-click on the name of the user in the list of VIPole Team members > Security > Enter and repeat the password.
  VIPole Team – безопасна...  
Расширенные настройки позволяют администратору аккаунта централизованно настраивать параметры безопасности для каждого члена группы VIPole Team и контролировать безопасность данных пользователей.
Advanced security settings enable the account administrator to centrally configure the security settings for each member of a VIPole Team and to control the security of the users' data.
Le impostazioni di sicurezza avanzate consentono all'amministratore dell'account di configurare le impostazioni di sicurezza per ogni membro di un account Team a livello centrale, e di controllare la sicurezza dei dati degli utenti.
  Управление настройками ...  
Чтобы быстро применить стандартные параметры безопасности к членам Team аккаунта, вы можете создать для них шаблоны на вкладке «Шаблоны безопасности». Задайте имя шаблона безопасности для быстрого поиска и дальнейшего использования.
To quickly apply standard security settings to VIPole Team members, you may create templates for them in the Security templates tab. Specify the name of the security template for fast search and further use.
To quickly apply standard security settings to VIPole Team members, you may create templates for them in the Security templates tab. Specify the name of the security template for fast search and further use.
To quickly apply standard security settings to VIPole Team members, you may create templates for them in the Security templates tab. Specify the name of the security template for fast search and further use.
  Новый личный кабинет: у...  
В новом личном кабинете расширены возможности управления Бизнес аккаунтами. Раздел со списком Бизнес аккаунтов стал функциональнее, а информация о членах каждого аккаунта четко структурирована.
The new account page provides expanded opportunities for managing Business accounts. The section with a list of business accounts became more functional and the data about the members of each account is clearly structured.
Die neue Konto-Seite bietet erweiterte Möglichkeiten Business-Konten zu verwalten. Der Bereich mit einer Liste von Business-Konten ist jetzt funktionaler und die Informationen über die Mitglieder jedes einzelnen Kontos sind jetzt klar strukturiert.
The new account page provides expanded opportunities for managing Business accounts. The section with a list of business accounts became more functional and the data about the members of each account is clearly structured.
The new account page provides expanded opportunities for managing Business accounts. The section with a list of business accounts became more functional and the data about the members of each account is clearly structured.
The new account page provides expanded opportunities for managing Business accounts. The section with a list of business accounts became more functional and the data about the members of each account is clearly structured.
The new account page provides expanded opportunities for managing Business accounts. The section with a list of business accounts became more functional and the data about the members of each account is clearly structured.