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Keybot 8 Results  ec.europa.eu
  Бизнес партньори и обще...  
Човешки ресурси
Human resources
Ressources humaines
Recursos humanos
Risorse umane
Recursos humanos
Ανθρώπινο δυναμικό
Personeel, arbeidskrachten
Lidské zdroje
Menneskelige ressourcer
Humán erőforrások
Zasoby ludzkie
Resurse umane
Ľudské zdroje
Človeški viri
Mänskliga resurser
  Сътрудничество между ла...  
Референтни лаборатории за човешки патогени
Laboratoires de référence pour les agents pathogènes humains
Referenzlabore für Krankheitserreger beim Menschen
Laboratorios de referencia para los patógenos humanos
Laboratori di riferimento per gli agenti patogeni per l'uomo
Laboratórios de referência para patogéneos humanos
Εργαστήρια αναφοράς για παθογόνα μικρόβια
Referentielabs voor mensenlijke pathogenen
Referencelaboratorier for humane patogener
Inimese patogeenide referentlaboratooriumid
Ihmisen taudinaiheuttajien vertailulaboratoriot
Emberi kórokozókkal foglalkozó referencialaboratóriumok
Laboratoria referencyjne do spraw patogenów ludzkich
Laboratoare de referinţă pentru agenţii patogeni umani
Referenčné laboratóriá pre ľudské patogény
Referenčni laboratoriji za človeške patogene
References laboratorijas, kurās izmeklē cilvēku patogēnus
Laboratorji ta' referenza għall-patoġeni umani
  Сътрудничество между ла...  
Повече информация можете да намерите в становището на Комисията и ECDC за лабораториите за човешки патогени
Pour en savoir plus: déclaration 2011 de la Commission et du CEPCM sur les laboratoires spécialisés dans les agents pathogènes humains
Mehr dazu finden Sie in der Stellungnahme der Kommission und des ECDC von 2011 zu Laboren mit Spezialisierung auf Krankheitserreger beim Menschen
Puede encontrarse más información en la declaración de 2011 de la Comisión y el ECDC sobre los laboratorios especializados en patógenos humanos
Maggiori informazioni si trovano nella dichiarazione della Commissione e dell'ECDC del 2011 sui laboratori specializzati negli agenti patogeni per l'uomo
Mais informações: Declaração da Comissão e do ECDC sobre os laboratórios de patogéneos humanos (2011)
Περισσότερες πληροφορίες μπορείτε να βρείτε στη Δήλωση θέσης 2011 της Επιτροπής και του ECDC για τα εργαστήρια παθογόνων μικροβίων
Find mere information i Kommissionens og ECDC's erklæring om laboratorier for humane patogener 2011
Lisateavet võib leida komisjoni ja ECDC 2011. aasta seisukohast inimese patogeenidele spetsialiseerunud laboratooriumide kohta
Laboratorioiden yhteistyön kehittämispyrkimyksiä käsitellään tarkemmin komission ja ECDC:n tiedonannossa (2011)
Pentru mai multe informaţii pe această temă, consultaţi poziţia comună a Comisiei şi a ECDC din 2011 cu privire la laboratoarele specializate în agenţi patogeni umani
Viac informácií nájdete v stanovisku Komisie a ECDC o laboratóriách, ktoré diagnostikujú ľudské patogény (2011)
Več informacij je na voljo v skupnem stališču Komisije in Evropskega centra za preprečevanje in obvladovanje bolezni 2011 o laboratorijih za človeške patogene organizme
Läs mer i kommissionens och ECDC:s uttalande om laboratorier för humanpatogener
Vairāk var izlasīt Komisijas un ECDC 2011. gada nostājas paziņojumā par cilvēku patogēnu laboratorijām
Tista' ssib iktar informazzjoni fil-pożizzjoni komuni tal-Kummissjoni u l-ECDC tal-2011 dwar il-laboratorji tal-patoġeni umani
  Сътрудничество между ла...  
В много страни от ЕС има „национални референтни лаборатории“, специализирани по отношение на определени патогени и избрани поради отличните си постижения в своите конкретни области. Те осигуряват висококачествен надзор и диагностика на различни човешки патогени – инфекциозни агенти като вируси и бактерии, които причиняват болести при хората.
De nombreux États membres de l'Union européenne disposent de «laboratoires de référence nationaux», spécialisés dans certains agents pathogènes et sélectionnés pour leur excellence dans leur domaine d'activité particulier. Ces laboratoires fournissent des services de surveillance et de diagnostic de qualité concernant divers agents pathogènes humains, c'est-à-dire des agents infectieux tels que des virus et des bactéries responsables de maladies chez l'homme.
Zahlreiche EU-Länder haben nationale „Referenzlabore“, die auf bestimmte Krankheitserreger spezialisiert sind und aufgrund ihrer herausragenden Leistung in ihrem Spezialgebiet ausgewählt wurden. Sie bieten hochwertige Überwachung und Diagnosen für verschiedene Krankheitserreger beim Menschen, also ansteckende Viren und Bakterien, die beim Menschen zum Ausbruch von Kranheiten führen.
Muchos países de la UE cuentan con los denominados "laboratorios nacionales de referencia": laboratorios especializados en patógenos específicos reconocidos por su excelencia en el ámbito de actividad al que se dedican. Ofrecen servicios de vigilancia y diagnóstico de calidad de distintos patógenos humanos, es decir, agentes infecciosos, como virus y bacterias, que son causa de enfermedad en los seres humanos.
Molti paesi UE hanno dei "laboratori nazionali di riferimento" specializzati in determinati agenti patogeni, scelti per la loro eccellenza nel rispettivo campo d'attività. Essi offrono un servizio di vigilanza e diagnosi di elevata qualità per vari agenti patogeni, ossia agenti infettivi come i virus e i batteri, che provocano malattie nell'uomo.
Muitos países da UE dispõem de «laboratórios de referência nacionais» especializados em patogéneos específicos. Estes laboratórios asseguram a vigilância e realizam diagnósticos de elevada qualidade sobre vários patogéneos humanos (agentes infecciosos como os vírus e as bactérias).
Πολλές χώρες της ΕΕ διαθέτουν "εθνικά εργαστήρια αναφοράς", τα οποία εξειδικεύονται σε συγκεκριμένα παθογόνα μικρόβια και διακρίνονται στον τομέα δραστηριότητάς τους. Τα εργαστήρια αυτά παρέχουν υψηλής ποιότητας εποπτεία και διαγνωστική των διαφόρων παθογόνων μικροβίων, δηλαδή λοιμωδών παραγόντων, όπως ιοί και βακτήρια που προκαλούν ασθένειες στον άνθρωπο.
Veel EU-landen hebben zogenaamde "nationale referentielaboratoria" die gespecialiseerd zijn in specifieke ziektekiemen. Zij zijn geselecteerd omdat zij uitblinken in hun vakgebied. Zij bieden monitoring en diagnostiek van topkwaliteit voor besmettelijke kiemen zoals virussen en bacteria die bij mensen ziekten kunnen veroorzaken.
Mange EU-lande har "nationale referencelaboratorier", der er specialiserede i specifikke patogener og udvalgt for deres ekspertise inden for deres specifikke område. De yder overvågning og diagnosticering af høj kvalitet af forskellige humane patogener – smitsomme agenser som vira og bakterier, der er skyld i sygdomme hos mennesker.
Paljudes ELi liikmesriikides on nn riiklikud referentlaboratooriumid, mis on spetsialiseerunud konkreetsete patogeenide uurimisele ning on välja valitud silmapaistvate tulemuste eest oma tegevusvaldkonnas. Nad teostavad erinevate inimese patogeenide (nakkustekitajad, nagu viirused ja bakterid, mis põhjustavad inimestel haigusi) kõrgekvaliteedilist seiret ja diagnostikat.
Monissa EU-maissa on kansallisia vertailulaboratorioita, jotka on valittu tehtäväänsä tiettyjen taudinaiheuttajien erityisasiantuntemuksen vuoksi. Ne vastaavat ihmisen eri taudinaiheuttajien korkealaatuisesta seurannasta ja diagnosoinnista. Taudinaiheuttajia eli patogeenejä ovat esimerkiksi virukset ja bakteerit, jotka aiheuttavat elimistössä tulehdussairauksia.
Számos uniós országban működnek konkrét kórokozókra szakosodott „nemzeti referencialaboratóriumok”, amelyek e feladatra a konkrét tevékenységi területükön elért kiváló munkájuk alapján lettek kiválasztva. E laboratóriumok magas szintű felügyeleti és diagnosztizálási tevékenységet végeznek számos emberi kórokozó (pl. emberi megbetegedést okozó vírusok és baktériumok) tekintetében.
W wielu państwach członkowskich istnieją krajowe laboratoria referencyjne specjalizujące się w konkretnych patogenach. Laboratoria te, wybrane ze względu na szczególne osiągnięcia w danej dziedzinie, zapewniają wysokiej jakości nadzór i diagnostykę w zakresie różnych patogenów ludzkich. Patogeny takie to czynniki zakaźne, np. wirusy i bakterie, które wywołują choroby u ludzi.
Multe ţări din UE dispun de „laboratoare naţionale de referinţă” specializate în anumiţi agenţi patogeni, care sunt recunoscute pentru activitatea pe care o desfăşoară într-un anumit domeniu. Acestea oferă, la un nivel de calitate foarte ridicat, servicii de diagnosticare şi monotorizare a diferiţilor agenţi patogeni umani – agenţi infecţioşi precum viruşii sau bacteriile, care declanşează diverse afecţiuni la oameni.
V mnohých krajinách EÚ existujú tzv. národné referenčné laboratóriá špecializované na konkrétne patogény. Tieto laboratóriá boli vybrané na základe svojej vysokej kvality v danej oblasti. Poskytujú špičkový dohľad a diagnostiku rôznych ľudských patogénov, ako sú napríklad vírusy a baktérie, ktoré spôsobujú choroby ľudí.
V mnogih državah EU se nacionalni referenčni laboratoriji specializirajo za določene patogene organizme. Izbrani so zaradi odličnosti na svojem področju, saj zagotavljajo visokokakovostni nadzor in diagnostiko različnih človeških patogenov – kužnih organizmov, denimo virusov in bakterij, ki pri ljudeh povzročajo bolezni.
Många EU-länder har utsett nationella referenslaboratorier som är specialiserade på särskilda smittämnen. De bidrar med säker övervakning och diagnostik av olika humanpatogener, dvs. virus, bakterier och andra smittämnen som orsakar sjukdomar hos människor.
Daudzās ES valstīs ir valsts references laboratorijas, kas specializējušās īpašu patogēnu izmeklēšanā un ir izcilas savā darbības jomā. Tās nodrošina dažādu cilvēku patogēnu (infekcijas ierosinātāji, piemēram, vīrusi un baktērijas, kas izraisa cilvēku saslimšanas) ļoti kvalitatīvu uzraudzību un diagnostiku.
Ħafna pajjiżi tal-UE għandhom "laboratorji nazzjonali ta' referenza", speċjalizzati f'patoġeni speċifiċi u magħżulin għall-eċċellenza fil-qasam ta' attività speċifika tagħhom. Dawn jipprovdu sorveljanza u dijanjostika ta' kwalità għolja ta' patoġeni umani differenti - aġenti infettivi bħall-vajrusijiet u l-batterji li joħolqu l-mard fil-bniedem.
  Командировани националн...  
Командировката получава официален статус чрез двустранно споразумение между администрацията на Комисията и държавната администрация или организацията, от която ви изпращат.На практика това означава размяна на писма между генералния директор на ГД „Човешки ресурси и сигурност“ и бюрото на постоянния представител на съответната държава-членка или вашия работодател.
Your secondment is formalised by a bilateral agreement between the Commission's administration and the civil service or organisation from which you are being seconded. In practice, this involves an exchange of letters between the Director-General for Human Resources and Security and the Office of the Permanent Representative of the Member State concerned or your employer.
Votre détachement est formalisé par un accord bilatéral entre l'administration de la Commission et votre organisation d'origine. Dans la pratique, cette procédure prend la forme d'un échange de lettres entre le directeur général "Ressources humaines et sécurité" et, selon le cas, le représentant permanent de l'État membre concerné ou votre employeur.
Die Abordnung erfolgt über eine bilaterale Vereinbarung zwischen der Verwaltung der Kommission und Ihrer Herkunftsorganisation.In der Praxis beinhaltet dies einen Austausch von Schreiben zwischen dem Generaldirektor für Humanressourcen und Sicherheit und dem Büro der Ständigen Vertretung Ihres Mitgliedstaates bzw. Ihrem Arbeitgeber.
Su comisión de servicios quedará formalizada en un acuerdo bilateral entre la administración de la Comisión y la administración u organismo en el que trabaje. En la práctica, habrá un intercambio de cartas entre el Director General de Recursos Humanos y Seguridad y la Representación Permanente del Estado miembro o su empleador.
Il distacco è formalizzato da un accordo bilaterale tra l’amministrazione della Commissione e l’amministrazione pubblica o l’organismo di provenienza. In pratica, ciò comporta uno scambio di lettere tra la direzione generale Risorse umane e sicurezza e l’ufficio della rappresentanza permanente dello Stato membro interessato o il datore di lavoro.
O destacamentos é formalizado mediante um acordo bilateral entre a administração da Comissão e a função pública ou organização de proveniência do PND. Na prática, isto traduz-se por uma troca de cartas entre o Director-Geral dos Recursos Humanos e da Segurança e a Representação Permanente do Estado-Membro ou o empregador em causa.
Η απόσπαση επισημοποιείται μέσω διμερούς συμφωνίας μεταξύ της διοίκησης της Επιτροπής και της δημόσιας υπηρεσίας ή του οργανισμού προέλευσης του υπαλλήλου.Στην πράξη, αυτό συνεπάγεται ανταλλαγή επιστολών μεταξύ του Γενικού Διευθυντή Ανθρωπίνων Πόρων και Ασφάλειας και του Γραφείου του Μονίμου Αντιπροσώπου του ενδιαφερόμενου κράτους μέλους ή του εργοδότη, κατά περίπτωση.
De detachering vindt formeel plaats via een bilaterale overeenkomst tussen de administratie van de Commissie en de overheidsdienst of organisatie die u detacheert. In de praktijk komt dit neer op een briefwisseling tussen de directeur-generaal voor personele middelen en veiligheid beheer en de Permanente Vertegenwoordiging van de betrokken lidstaat of uw werkgever.
Vyslání je formalizováno dvoustrannou dohodou mezi Komisí a útvarem státní správy nebo organizací, odkud je odborník vyslán. V praxi to představuje výměnu dopisů mezi generálním ředitelem pro lidské zdroje a bezpečnost a stálým zastoupením dotčeného členského státu nebo zaměstnavatelem odborníka.
Udstationeringen sker formelt gennem en bilateral aftale mellem Kommissionens administration og den myndighed eller organisation, som du udstationeres fra.I praksis foregår dette ved en brevveksling mellem generaldirektøren for menneskelige ressourcer og sikkerhed og det pågældende medlemslands faste repræsentant eller ekspertens arbejdsgiver.
Teie lähetus muutub ametlikuks pärast komisjoni halduse peadirektoraadi ning teid lähetava asutuse või organisatsiooni kahepoolset kokkulepet.Tegelikkuses toimub see personalihalduse ja julgeoleku peadirektoraadi peadirektori ning asjaomase liikmesriigi alalise esinduse või teie töölevõtja kirjavahetuse kaudu.
Tilapäinen siirto komission palvelukseen pohjautuu komission hallinnon ja asiantuntijan lähettävän ministeriön tai muun organisaation kahdenväliseen sopimukseen. Käytännössä henkilöstöhallinnon ja turvallisuustoiminnan pääosaston pääjohtaja ja asianomaisen jäsenvaltion pysyvä edustaja tai työnantaja käyvät asiasta kirjeenvaihtoa.
A kiküldés hivatalosan kétoldalú megállapodás révén jön létre, melyet a Bizottság és az a közszolgálat vagy szervezet köt egymással, mellyel a jelölt a kihelyezést megelőzően munkaviszonyban állt.A folyamat egyik elemét a Humánerőforrás és Biztonsági Főigazgatóság vezetője és a jelölt munkáltatójának székhelye szerinti tagállam állandó képviselője között lezajló levélváltás jelenti.
Oddelegowanie odbywa się w ramach umowy dwustronnej między administracją Komisji a służbą cywilną lub organizacją, w której ekspert pracuje na stałe. W praktyce zawarcie takiej umowy wymaga wymiany pism między Dyrektorem Generalnym ds. Zasobów Ludzkich i Bezpieczeństwa a urzędem stałego przedstawiciela danego państwa członkowskiego lub pracodawcą.
Detaşarea devine oficială prin încheierea unui acord bilateral între administraţia Comisiei şi serviciul public sau organizaţia de unde proveniţi.În practică, acest lucru implică un schimb de scrisori între directorul general pentru resurse umane şi securitate şi Biroul Reprezentanţei Permanente a ţării respective sau angajatorul dumneavoastră.
Formálne sa vaše vyslanie potvrdzuje dvojstrannou dohodou medzi správou Komisie a vysielajúcou verejnou správou alebo organizáciou.V praxi sa za tým skrýva výmena listov medzi generálnym riaditeľstvom pre ľudské zdroje a bezpečnosť a kanceláriou stáleho zastúpenia dotknutého členského štátu alebo vašim zamestnávateľom.
Napotitev je uradno opredeljena v dvostranskem sporazumu med upravo Komisije in javno upravo ali organizacijo, ki napoti strokovnjaka.V praksi to pomeni izmenjavo dopisov med generalnim direktorjem za človeške vire in varnost ter stalnim predstavništvom zadevne države članice ali delodajalcem.
Utstationeringen sker formellt genom en bilateral överenskommelse mellan kommissionens förvaltning och den myndighet eller organisation du utstationeras från. I praktiken innebär detta brevväxling mellan generaldirektoratet för personal och säkerhet och det berörda medlemslandets ständiga representation eller din arbetsgivare.
Jūsu norīkojumu oficiāli noformē, izmantojot divpusēju līgumu starp Komisijas administrāciju un jūsu izcelsmes organizāciju. Praksē šī procedūra nozīmē vēstuļu apmaiņu starp cilvēkresursu un drošības ģenerāldirektoru un vajadzības gadījumā attiecīgās dalībvalsts pastāvīgo pārstāvi vai jūsu darba devēju.
Is-sekondament tiegħek jiġi formalizzat permezz ta' ftehim bilaterali bejn l-amministrazzjoni tal-Kummissjoni u s-servizz ċivili jew l-organizzazzjoni li tkun qed tissekondak.Fil-prattika, dan jinvolvi skambju ta' ittri bejn id-Direttorat Ġenerali inkarigat tar-Riżorsi Umani u tas-Sigurtà u l-Uffiċċju tar-Rappreżentanza ta' l-Istat Membru kkonċernat jew min jimpjegak.
Българската държавна администрация получава подкрепа чрез проект, финансиран по линия на ЕСФ, за модернизиране на управлението на човешките ресурси.През 2013 г. ще стартира единен информационен портал, който ще подобри в значителна степен вътрешния подбор, идентифицирането на нуждите от обучение и наемането на държавни служители.Това ще даде възможност на служителите бързо да откриват свободните позиции, от които се интересуват, а същевременно ведомствата ще могат да откриват – по един прозрачен начин – необходимите експерти за конкретни задачи.Чрез проследяване на индивидуалното кариерно развитие, системата ще мотивира служителите да показват добри резултати, като в същото време мениджърите по човешки ресурси ще могат да откриват хора с потенциал.Инициативата е в съответствие с основната цел на правителството за изграждане на модерна държавна администрация – около 300 служители и ръководители от звената по човешки ресурси от цяла България ще бъдат обучени за работа със системата.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
L’administration bulgare bénéficie d’un coup de pouce grâce à un projet, cofinancé par le FSE, de modernisation de la gestion des ressources humaines. Un portail d’information unique, dont le lancement est prévu en 2013, améliorera grandement la sélection interne des fonctionnaires, la réponse à leurs besoins en formation et leur déploiement. Le portail permettra aux membres du personnel d’identifier rapidement les postes vacants susceptibles de les intéresser, et à l’administration de trouver – de manière transparente – des personnes disposant de l’expertise nécessaire pour des tâches particulières. Le système, grâce à sa fonction de suivi de l’évolution de carrière individuelle, incitera le personnel à exécuter ses missions de façon satisfaisante et permettra aux responsables des RH d’identifier les collaborateurs présentant un haut potentiel. Cette initiative est conforme à l’objectif que s’est fixé le gouvernement de mettre sur pieds une administration d’État moderne – quelque 300 administrateurs des RH répartis dans toute la Bulgarie seront formés à l’utilisation du système.
Die staatliche Verwaltung Bulgariens wird durch ein vom ESF kofinanziertes Projekt für die Modernisierung der Personalverwaltung unterstützt. Im Jahr 2013 wird ein einheitliches Informationsportal eingerichtet, das die interne Auswahl der öffentlichen Bediensteten deutlich verbessern wird; auch das Erkennen von Weiterbildungs-Anforderungen und der Einsatz an der richtigen Arbeitsstelle werden dadurch optimiert. Auf diese Weise können die Mitarbeiter für sie interessante offene Stellen direkt erfassen, während die Verwaltung auf transparente Art und Weise die Arbeitskräfte ausfindig machen kann, deren Erfahrung sich für eine bestimmte Aufgabe eignet. Durch die Auswertung der beruflichen Entwicklung der einzelnen Mitarbeiter motiviert das System diese, bessere Leistungen zu erbringen. Außerdem kann die Personalverwaltung mithilfe des Systems diejenigen mit Potenzial ausmachen. Die Initiative entspricht auch dem Ziel der Regierung, eine moderne staatliche Verwaltung einzurichten; daher werden rund 300 Personalverwalter aus ganz Bulgarien im Umgang mit diesem System geschult.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Българската държавна администрация получава подкрепа чрез проект, финансиран по линия на ЕСФ, за модернизиране на управлението на човешките ресурси.През 2013 г. ще стартира единен информационен портал, който ще подобри в значителна степен вътрешния подбор, идентифицирането на нуждите от обучение и наемането на държавни служители.Това ще даде възможност на служителите бързо да откриват свободните позиции, от които се интересуват, а същевременно ведомствата ще могат да откриват – по един прозрачен начин – необходимите експерти за конкретни задачи.Чрез проследяване на индивидуалното кариерно развитие, системата ще мотивира служителите да показват добри резултати, като в същото време мениджърите по човешки ресурси ще могат да откриват хора с потенциал.Инициативата е в съответствие с основната цел на правителството за изграждане на модерна държавна администрация – около 300 служители и ръководители от звената по човешки ресурси от цяла България ще бъдат обучени за работа със системата.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
L’administration bulgare bénéficie d’un coup de pouce grâce à un projet, cofinancé par le FSE, de modernisation de la gestion des ressources humaines. Un portail d’information unique, dont le lancement est prévu en 2013, améliorera grandement la sélection interne des fonctionnaires, la réponse à leurs besoins en formation et leur déploiement. Le portail permettra aux membres du personnel d’identifier rapidement les postes vacants susceptibles de les intéresser, et à l’administration de trouver – de manière transparente – des personnes disposant de l’expertise nécessaire pour des tâches particulières. Le système, grâce à sa fonction de suivi de l’évolution de carrière individuelle, incitera le personnel à exécuter ses missions de façon satisfaisante et permettra aux responsables des RH d’identifier les collaborateurs présentant un haut potentiel. Cette initiative est conforme à l’objectif que s’est fixé le gouvernement de mettre sur pieds une administration d’État moderne – quelque 300 administrateurs des RH répartis dans toute la Bulgarie seront formés à l’utilisation du système.
Die staatliche Verwaltung Bulgariens wird durch ein vom ESF kofinanziertes Projekt für die Modernisierung der Personalverwaltung unterstützt. Im Jahr 2013 wird ein einheitliches Informationsportal eingerichtet, das die interne Auswahl der öffentlichen Bediensteten deutlich verbessern wird; auch das Erkennen von Weiterbildungs-Anforderungen und der Einsatz an der richtigen Arbeitsstelle werden dadurch optimiert. Auf diese Weise können die Mitarbeiter für sie interessante offene Stellen direkt erfassen, während die Verwaltung auf transparente Art und Weise die Arbeitskräfte ausfindig machen kann, deren Erfahrung sich für eine bestimmte Aufgabe eignet. Durch die Auswertung der beruflichen Entwicklung der einzelnen Mitarbeiter motiviert das System diese, bessere Leistungen zu erbringen. Außerdem kann die Personalverwaltung mithilfe des Systems diejenigen mit Potenzial ausmachen. Die Initiative entspricht auch dem Ziel der Regierung, eine moderne staatliche Verwaltung einzurichten; daher werden rund 300 Personalverwalter aus ganz Bulgarien im Umgang mit diesem System geschult.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
Government administration is getting a boost in Bulgaria with an ESF co-funded project for modernising human resources management. A single information portal is to be launched in 2013 which will greatly improve the internal selection, training needs and deployment of civil servants. This will allow staff to quickly identify vacancies of interest, while the administration can find – in a transparent manner – the expertise needed for particular tasks. By tracking individual career development, the system will motivate staff to perform well, while allowing HR managers to identify those with potential. The initiative is in line with the government’s goal to build a modern state administration – some 300 HR administrators from across Bulgaria will be trained to use the system.
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-- AGRI - ГД „Земеделие и развитие на селските райони“ BEPA - Бюро на съветниците по европейска политика BUDG - ГД „Бюджет“ CAB - DG.CAB CLIMA - ГД „Действия по климата“ COMM - ГД „Комуникация“ COMP - ГД „Конкуренция“ CONNECT - DG.CONNECT DEVCO - Development and Cooperation DG - EuropeAid DGT - ГД „Писмени преводи“ DIGIT - ГД „Информатика“ EAC - ГД „Образование и култура“ EAS - DG.EAS ECFIN - ГД „Икономически и финансови въпроси“ ECHO - ГД „Хуманитарна помощ“ (ECHO) ELARG - ГД „Разширяване” EMPL - ГД „Трудова заетост, социални въпроси и равни възможности“ ENER - ГД „Енергетика“ ENTR - ГД „Предприятия и промишленост“ ENV - ГД „Околна среда“ EPSO - Европейска служба за подбор на персонал ESTAT - Евростат FPIS - DG.FPIS HOME - ГД „Вътрешни работи“ HR - Човешки ресурси и сигурност IAS - Служба за вътрешен одит JRC - Съвместен изследователски център JUST - ГД „Правосъдие“ MARE - Генерална дирекция "Морско дело и рибарство" MARKT - ГД „Вътрешен пазар и услуги“ MOVE - ГД „Мобилност и транспорт“ OIB - Служба за инфраструктура и логистика в Брюксел OLAF - Европейска служба за борба с измамите OPOCE - Служба за публикации REGIO - ГД „Регионална политика“ RELEX - ГД „Външни отношения“ RTD - ГД „Изследвания“ SANCO - Генерална дирекция „Здраве и потребители“ SCIC - ГД „Устни преводи“ SG - Генерален секретариат SJ - Правна служба TAXUD - ГД „Данъчно облагане и митнически съюз“ TRADE - ГД „Търговия“
-- AGRI - Agriculture and Rural Development DG BEPA - Bureau of European Policy Advisers BUDG - Budget DG CAB - DG.CAB CLIMA - Climate Action DG COMM - Directorate-General for Communication COMP - Competition DG CONNECT - DG.CONNECT DEVCO - Development and Cooperation DG - EuropeAid DGT - DG Translation DIGIT - Informatics DG EAC - Education and Culture DG EAS - DG.EAS ECFIN - Economic and Financial Affairs DG ECHO - Humanitarian Aid DG (ECHO) ELARG - Enlargement DG EMPL - Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities DG ENER - Energy DG ENTR - Enterprise and Industry DG ENV - Environment DG EPSO - European Personnel Selection Office ESTAT - Eurostat FPIS - DG.FPIS HOME - Home Affairs DG HR - Human Resources and Security DG IAS - Internal audit service JRC - Joint Research Centre JUST - Justice DG MARE - DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries MARKT - Internal Market and Services DG MOVE - Mobility and Transport DG OIB - Office for Infrastructure and Logistics - Brussels OLAF - European Anti-Fraud Office OPOCE - Publications Office REGIO - Regional Policy DG RELEX - External Relations DG RTD - Research DG SANCO - Health and Consumers Directorate-General SCIC - Interpretation DG SG - Secretariat-General SJ - Legal Service TAXUD - Taxation and Customs Union DG TRADE - Trade DG
-- AGRI - DG Agriculture et développement rural BEPA - Bureau des conseillers de politique européenne BUDG - DG Budget CAB - DG.CAB CLIMA - DG Action pour le climat COMM - DG Communication COMP - DG Concurrence CONNECT - DG.CONNECT DEVCO - DG Développement et coopération - EuropeAid DGT - DG Traduction DIGIT - DG Informatique EAC - DG Éducation et culture EAS - DG.EAS ECFIN - DG Affaires économiques et financières ECHO - DG Aide humanitaire (ECHO) ELARG - DG Élargissement EMPL - DG Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances ENER - DG Energie ENTR - DG Entreprises et industrie ENV - DG Environnement EPSO - Office européen de sélection du personnel ESTAT - Eurostat FPIS - DG.FPIS HOME - DG Affaires intérieures HR - DG Ressources humaines et sécurité IAS - Service d'audit interne JRC - Centre commun de recherche JUST - DG Justice MARE - DG Affaires maritimes et pêche MARKT - DG Marché intérieur et services MOVE - DG Mobilité et transports OIB - Office "Infrastructures et Logistique" - Bruxelles OLAF - Office européen de lutte antifraude OPOCE - Office des publications REGIO - DG Politique régionale RELEX - DG Relations extérieures RTD - DG Recherche SANCO - DG Santé et consommateurs SCIC - DG Interprétation SG - Secrétariat général SJ - Service juridique TAXUD - DG Fiscalité et union douanière TRADE - DG Commerce
-- AGRI - GD Landwirtschaft und ländliche Entwicklung BEPA - Das Beratergremium für europäische Politik BUDG - GD Haushalt CAB - DG.CAB CLIMA - GD Klimapolitik COMM - GD Kommunikation COMP - GD Wettbewerb CONNECT - DG.CONNECT DEVCO - Development and Cooperation DG - EuropeAid DGT - GD Übersetzung DIGIT - GD Informatik EAC - GD Bildung und Kultur EAS - DG.EAS ECFIN - GD Wirtschaft und Finanzen ECHO - GD Humanitäre Hilfe (ECHO) ELARG - GD Erweiterung EMPL - GD Beschäftigung, Soziales und Chancengleichheit ENER - GD Energie ENTR - GD Unternehmen und Industrie ENV - GD Umwelt EPSO - Europäisches Amt für Personalauswahl ESTAT - Eurostat FPIS - DG.FPIS HOME - GD Inneres HR - GD Human resourcen und Sicherheit IAS - Interner Auditdienst JRC - Gemeinsame Forschungsstelle JUST - GD Justiz MARE - GD Maritime Angelegenheiten und Fischerei MARKT - GD Binnenmarkt und Dienstleistungen MOVE - GD Mobilität und Verkehr OIB - Amt für Gebäude, Anlagen und Logistik - Brüssel OLAF - Europäisches Amt für Betrugsbekämpfung OPOCE - Amt für Veröffentlichungen REGIO - GD Regionalpolitik RELEX - GD Aussenbeziehungen RTD - GD Forschung SANCO - Generaldirektion Gesundheit und Verbraucher SCIC - GD Dolmetschen SG - Generalsekretariat SJ - Juristischer Dienst TAXUD - GD Steuern und Zollunion TRADE - GD Handel
-- AGRI - DG Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural BEPA - Oficina de Consejeros de Política Europea BUDG - DG Presupuestos CAB - DG.CAB CLIMA - DG Acción por el Clima COMM - Dirección General de Comunicación COMP - DG Competencia CONNECT - DG.CONNECT DEVCO - Development and Cooperation DG - EuropeAid DGT - DG Traducción DIGIT - DG Informática EAC - DG Educación y Cultura EAS - DG.EAS ECFIN - DG Asuntos Económicos y Financieros ECHO - DG Ayuda Humanitaria (ECHO) ELARG - DG Ampliación EMPL - DG Empleo, Asuntos Sociales e Igualdad de Oportunidades ENER - DG Energía ENTR - DG Empresa e Industria ENV - DG Medio Ambiente EPSO - Oficina Europea de Selección de Personal ESTAT - Eurostat FPIS - DG.FPIS HOME - DG Interior HR - DG Recursos Humanos y Seguridad IAS - Servicio de auditoría interna JRC - Centro Común de Investigación JUST - DG Justicia MARE - Dirección General de Asuntos Marítimos y Pesca MARKT - DG Mercado Interior y Servicios MOVE - DG Movilidad y Transportes OIB - Oficina de Infraestructuras y Logística - Bruselas OLAF - Oficina Europea de Lucha contra el Fraude OPOCE - Oficina de Publicaciones REGIO - DG Política Regional RELEX - DG Relaciones Exteriores RTD - DG Investigación SANCO - Dirección General de Salud y Consumidores SCIC - DG Interpretación SG - Secretaría General SJ - Servicio Jurídico TAXUD - DG Fiscalidad y Unión Aduanera TRADE - DG Comercio
-- AGRI - DG Agricoltura e sviluppo rurale BEPA - Ufficio dei consiglieri per le politiche europee BUDG - DG Bilancio CAB - DG.CAB CLIMA - DG Azione per il clima COMM - DG comunicazione COMP - DG Concorrenza CONNECT - DG.CONNECT DEVCO - Development and Cooperation DG - EuropeAid DGT - DG Traduzione DIGIT - DG Informatica EAC - DG Istruzione e cultura EAS - DG.EAS ECFIN - DG Affari economici e finanziari ECHO - DG Aiuti umanitari (ECHO) ELARG - DG Allargamento EMPL - DG Occupazione, affari sociali e pari opportunità ENER - DG Energia ENTR - DG Imprese e industria ENV - DG Ambiente EPSO - Ufficio europeo di selezione del personale ESTAT - Eurostat FPIS - DG.FPIS HOME - DG Affari interni HR - DG Risorse umane e sicurezza IAS - Servizio di audit interno JRC - Centro comune di ricerca JUST - DG Giustizia MARE - Direzione generale degli affari marittimi e della pesca MARKT - DG Mercato interno e servizi MOVE - DG Mobilità e trasporti OIB - Ufficio infrastrutture e logistica - Bruxelles OLAF - Ufficio europeo per la lotta antifrode OPOCE - Ufficio delle pubblicazioni REGIO - DG Politica regionale RELEX - DG Relazioni esterne RTD - DG Ricerca SANCO - Direzione generale Salute e consumatori SCIC - DG Interpretazione SG - Segretariato generale SJ - Servizio giuridico TAXUD - DG Fiscalità e unione doganale TRADE - DG Commercio
-- AGRI - ΓΔ Γεωργία και αγροτική ανάπτυξη BEPA - Σώμα συμβούλων ευρωπαϊκής πολιτικής BUDG - ΓΔ Προϋπολογισμός CAB - DG.CAB CLIMA - ΓΔ Δράσης για το Kλίμα COMM - ΓΔ επικοινωνία COMP - ΓΔ Ανταγωνισμός CONNECT - DG.CONNECT DEVCO - Development and Cooperation DG - EuropeAid DGT - ΓΔ Μετάφραση DIGIT - ΓΔ Πληροφορικής EAC - ΓΔ Εκπαίδευση και πολιτισμός EAS - DG.EAS ECFIN - ΓΔ Οικονομικές και χρηματοδοτικές υποθέσεις ECHO - ΓΔ Ανθρωπιστικής Βοήθειας (ECHO) ELARG - ΓΔ Διεύρυνση EMPL - ΓΔ Απασχόληση, κοινωνικές υποθέσεις και ισότητα των ευκαιριών ENER - ΓΔ Ενέργειας ENTR - ΓΔ Επιχειρήσεις και βιομηχανία ENV - ΓΔ Περιβάλλον EPSO - Ευρωπαϊκή Υπηρεσία Επιλογής Προσωπικού ESTAT - Στατιστική Υπηρεσία (Eurostat) FPIS - DG.FPIS HOME - ΓΔ Εσωτερικών Υποθέσεων HR - Ανθρώπινοι Πόροι και Ασφάλεια IAS - Υπηρεσία Εσωτερικού Λογιστικού Ελέγχου JRC - Κοινό Κέντρο Ερευνών JUST - ΓΔ Δικαιοσύνης MARE - Γενική Διεύθυνση Ναυτιλιακών Υποθέσεων και Αλιείας MARKT - ΓΔ Εσωτερική αγορά και υπηρεσίες MOVE - ΓΔ Κινητικότητας και Mεταφορών OIB - Γραφείο υποδομής και διοικητικής υποστήριξης - Βρυξέλλες OLAF - Υπηρεσία Καταπολέμησης της Απάτης OPOCE - Υπηρεσία Εκδόσεων REGIO - ΓΔ Περιφερειακή πολιτική RELEX - ΓΔ Εξωτερικές σχέσεις RTD - ΓΔ Έρευνα SANCO - Γενική Διεύθυνση Υγείας και Καταναλωτών SCIC - ΓΔ Διερμηνεία SG - Γενική Γραμματεία SJ - Νομική Υπηρεσία TAXUD - ΓΔ Φορολογία και τελωνειακή ένωση TRADE - ΓΔ Εμπόριο
-- AGRI - DG Landbouw en plattelandsontwikkeling BEPA - Bureau van Europese beleidsadviseurs BUDG - DG Begroting CAB - DG.CAB CLIMA - DG Klimaat COMM - Directoraat-generaal communicatie COMP - DG Concurrentie CONNECT - DG.CONNECT DEVCO - Development and Cooperation DG - EuropeAid DGT - DGT - Directoraat-generaal Vertaling DIGIT - DG Informatica EAC - DG Onderwijs en cultuur EAS - DG.EAS ECFIN - DG Economische en financiële zaken ECHO - DG Humanitaire hulp (ECHO) ELARG - DG Uitbreiding EMPL - DG Werkgelegenheid, sociale zaken en gelijke kansen ENER - DG Energie ENTR - DG Ondernemingen en industrie ENV - DG Milieu EPSO - Europees Bureau voor personeelsselectie ESTAT - Eurostat FPIS - DG.FPIS HOME - DG Binnenlandse zaken HR - DG Personele middelen en veiligheid IAS - Dienst Interne audit JRC - Gemeenschappelijk Centrum voor onderzoek JUST - DG Justitie MARE - Directoraat-generaal Maritieme zaken en visserij MARKT - DG Interne markt en diensten MOVE - DG Mobiliteit en vervoer OIB - Bureau infrastructuur en logistiek - Brussel OLAF - Europees Bureau voor fraudebestrijding OPOCE - Publicatiebureau REGIO - DG Regionaal beleid RELEX - DG Buitenlandse betrekkingen RTD - DG Onderzoek SANCO - Directoraat-generaal Gezondheid en consumenten SCIC - DG Tolken SG - Secretariaat-generaal SJ - Juridische dienst TAXUD - DG Belastingen en douane-unie TRADE - DG Handel
-- AGRI - GŘ pro zemědělství a rozvoj venkova BEPA - Skupina politických poradců BUDG - GŘ pro rozpočet CAB - DG.CAB CLIMA - GŘ pro oblast klimatu COMM - GŘ pro komunikaci COMP - GŘ pro hospodářskou soutěž CONNECT - DG.CONNECT DEVCO - Development and Cooperation DG - EuropeAid DGT - GŘ pro překlady DIGIT - GŘ pro informatiku EAC - GŘ pro vzdělávání a kulturu EAS - DG.EAS ECFIN - GŘ pro hospodářské a finanční záležitosti ECHO - GŘ pro humanitární pomoc (ECHO) ELARG - GŘ pro rozšíření EMPL - GŘ pro zaměstnanost, sociální věci a rovné příležitosti ENER - GŘ pro energetiku ENTR - GŘ pro podniky a průmysl ENV - GŘ pro životní prostředí EPSO - Evropský úřad pro výběr personálu ESTAT - Eurostat FPIS - DG.FPIS HOME - GŘ pro vnitřní věci HR - Lidské zdroje a bezpečnost IAS - Útvar interního auditu JRC - Společné výzkumné středisko JUST - GŘ pro spravedlnost MARE - Generální ředitelství pro námořní záležitosti a rybolov MARKT - GŘ pro vnitřní trh a služby MOVE - GŘ pro mobilitu a dopravu OIB - Úřad pro infrastrukturu a logistiku - Brusel OLAF - Evropský úřad pro boj proti podvodům OPOCE - Úřad pro úřední tisky REGIO - GŘ pro regionální politiku RELEX - GŘ pro vnější vztahy RTD - GŘ pro výzkum SANCO - Generální ředitelství pro zdraví a spotřebitele SCIC - GŘ pro tlumočení SG - Generální sekretariát SJ - Právní služba TAXUD - GŘ pro daně a celní unii TRADE - GŘ pro obchod
-- AGRI - GD for Landbrug og Udvikling af Landdistrikter BEPA - Kontoret for Europapolitisk Rådgivning BUDG - GD for Budget CAB - DG.CAB CLIMA - GD for Klima COMM - GD for Kommunikation COMP - GD for Konkurrence CONNECT - DG.CONNECT DEVCO - Development and Cooperation DG - EuropeAid DGT - GD for Oversættelse DIGIT - GD for Informationsteknologi EAC - GD for Uddannelse og Kultur EAS - DG.EAS ECFIN - GD for Økonomiske og Finansielle Anliggender ECHO - GD for Humanitær Bistand (ECHO) ELARG - GD for Udvidelse EMPL - GD for Beskæftigelse, Sociale Anliggender, Arbejdsmarkedsforhold og Ligestilling ENER - GD for Energi ENTR - GD for Erhvervspolitik ENV - GD for Miljø EPSO - Det Europæiske Personaleudvælgelseskontor ESTAT - Eurostat FPIS - DG.FPIS HOME - GD Indre Anliggender HR - GD for Menneskelige Ressourcer og Sikkerhed IAS - Den Interne Revisionstjeneste JRC - Det Fælles Forskningscenter JUST - GD Retlige Anliggender MARE - Generaldirektoratet for Maritime Anliggender og Fiskeri MARKT - GD for det Indre Marked og Tjenesteydelser MOVE - GD for Mobilitet og Transport OIB - Kontoret for Infrastruktur og Logistik - Bruxelles OLAF - Det Europæiske Kontor for Bekæmpelse af Svig OPOCE - Publikationskontoret REGIO - GD for Regionalpolitik RELEX - GD for Eksterne Forbindelser RTD - GD for Forskning SANCO - Generaldirektoratet for Sundhed og Forbrugere SCIC - GD for Tolkning SG - Generalsekretariatet SJ - Juridisk Tjeneste TAXUD - GD for Beskatning og Toldunion TRADE - GD for Handel
-- AGRI - Põllumajanduse ja maalu arengu peadirektoraat BEPA - Euroopa poliitika nõustajate büroo BUDG - Eelarve peadirektoraat CAB - DG.CAB CLIMA - Kliimameetmete peadirektoraat COMM - Teabevahetuse peadirektoraat COMP - Konkurentsi peadirektoraat CONNECT - DG.CONNECT DEVCO - Development and Cooperation DG - EuropeAid DGT - Kirjaliku tõlke peadirektoraat DIGIT - Informaatika peadirektoraat EAC - Hariduse ja kultuuri peadirektoraat EAS - DG.EAS ECFIN - Majandus- ja rahandusküsimuste peadirektoraat ECHO - Humanitaarabi peadirektoraat (ECHO) ELARG - Laienemise peadirektoraat EMPL - Tööhõive, sotsiaalküsimuste ja võrdsete võimaluste peadirektoraat ENER - Energeetika peadirektoraat ENTR - Ettevõtluse ja tööstuse peadirektoraat ENV - Keskkonna peadirektoraat EPSO - Euroopa Personalivaliku Amet ESTAT - Eurostat FPIS - DG.FPIS HOME - Siseasjade peadirektoraat HR - Personalihaldus ja julgeolek IAS - Siseauditi talitus JRC - Teadusuuringute Ühiskeskus JUST - Oigusküsimuste peadirektoraat MARE - Merendus- ja kalandusasjade peadirektoraat MARKT - Siseturu ja teenuste peadirektoraat MOVE - Liikuvuse ja transpordi peadirektoraat OIB - Infrastruktuuri- ja logistikatalitus - Brüssel OLAF - Euroopa Pettustevastane Amet OPOCE - Euroopa Ühenduste Ametlike Väljaannete Talitus REGIO - Regionaalpoliitika peadirektoraat RELEX - Välissuhete peadirektoraat RTD - Teadusuuringute peadirektoraat SANCO - Tervise- ja tarbijaküsimuste peadirektoraat SCIC - Suulise tõlke peadirektoraat SG - Peasekretariaat SJ - Õigustalitus TAXUD - Maksunduse ja tolliliidu peadirektoraat TRADE - Kaubanduse peadirektoraat
-- AGRI - Maatalouden ja maaseudun kehittämisen PO BEPA - Eurooppa-politiikan neuvonantajien toimisto BUDG - Budjettipääosasto CAB - DG.CAB CLIMA - Ilmastotoimien PO COMM - Viestinnän pääosasto COMP - Kilpailun pääosasto CONNECT - DG.CONNECT DEVCO - Development and Cooperation DG - EuropeAid DGT - Käännöstoimen pääosasto DIGIT - Tietotekniikan PO EAC - Koulutuksen ja kulttuurin pääosasto EAS - DG.EAS ECFIN - Talouden ja rahoituksen pääosasto ECHO - Humanitaarisen avun pääosasto (ECHO) ELARG - Laajentumisasioiden pääosasto EMPL - Työllisyys-, sosiaali- ja tasa-arvoasioiden pääosasto ENER - Energian PO ENTR - Yritys- ja teollisuustoiminnan pääosasto ENV - Ympäristöasioiden pääosasto EPSO - Euroopan henkilöstövalintatoimisto ESTAT - Tilastotoimisto (Eurostat) FPIS - DG.FPIS HOME - Sisäasioiden PO HR - Henkilöstöhallinto ja turvallisuus PO IAS - Sisäinen tarkastus JRC - Yhteinen tutkimuskeskus JUST - Oikeusasioiden PO MARE - Meri- ja kalastusasioiden pääosasto MARKT - Sisämarkkinoiden ja palvelujen pääosasto MOVE - Liikenteen ja liikkumisen PO OIB - Infrastruktuuri- ja logistiikkatoimisto - Bryssel OLAF - Euroopan petostentorjuntavirasto OPOCE - Julkaisutoimisto REGIO - Aluepolitiikan pääosasto RELEX - Ulkosuhteiden pääosasto RTD - Tutkimuksen pääosasto SANCO - Terveys- ja kuluttaja-asioiden pääosasto SCIC - Tulkkauksen pääosasto SG - Pääsihteeristö SJ - Oikeudellinen yksikkö TAXUD - Verotuksen ja tulliliiton pääosasto TRADE - Kauppapolitiikan pääosasto
-- AGRI - Mezőgazdasági és Vidékfejlesztési Főigazgatóság BEPA - Európai Szakpolitikai Tanácsadó Iroda BUDG - Költségvetési Főigazgatóság CAB - DG.CAB CLIMA - Éghajlatpolitikai Főigazgatóság COMM - DG communication COMP - Versenypolitikai Főigazgatóság CONNECT - DG.CONNECT DEVCO - Development and Cooperation DG - EuropeAid DGT - Fordítási Főigazgatóság DIGIT - Informatikai Főigazgatóság EAC - Oktatásügyi és Kulturális Főigazgatóság EAS - DG.EAS ECFIN - Gazdasági és Pénzügyi Főigazgatóság ECHO - Humanitárius Segélyek Főigazgatósága (ECHO) ELARG - Bővítési Főigazgatóság EMPL - Foglalkoztatási, Szociális és Esélyegyenlőségi Főigazgatóság ENER - Energiaügyi Főigazgatóság ENTR - Vállalkozáspolitikai és Ipari Főigazgatóság ENV - Környezetvédelmi Főigazgatóság EPSO - Európai Személyzeti Felvételi Hivatal ESTAT - Eurostat FPIS - DG.FPIS HOME - Belügyi Főigazgatóság HR - Humánerőforrás és biztonság IAS - Belső ellenőrzési szolgálat JRC - Közös Kutatóközpont JUST - Jogérvényesülési Főigazgatóság MARE - Tengerügyi és Halászati Főigazgatóság MARKT - Belső Piaci és Szolgáltatási Főigazgatóság MOVE - Mobilitáspolitikai és Közlekedési Főigazgatóság OIB - Brüsszeli Infrastrukturális és Logisztikai Hivatal OLAF - Európai Csalás Elleni Hivatal OPOCE - Kiadóhivatal REGIO - Regionális Politikai Fõigazgatóság RELEX - Külkapcsolati Főigazgatóság RTD - Kutatási Főigazgatóság SANCO - Az Egészségügy és a Fogyasztók Főigazgatósága SCIC - Tolmácsolási Főigazgatóság SG - Főtitkárság SJ - Jogi Szolgálat TAXUD - Adóügyi és Vámuniós Főigazgatóság TRADE - Kereskedelmi Főigazgatóság
-- AGRI - Žemės ūkio ir kaimo plėtros GD BEPA - Europos politinių patarėjų biuras BUDG - Biudžeto GD CAB - DG.CAB CLIMA - Klimato politikos GD COMM - Komunikacijos GD COMP - Konkurencijos GD CONNECT - DG.CONNECT DEVCO - Development and Cooperation DG - EuropeAid DGT - Vertimo raštu GD DIGIT - Informatikos generalinis GD EAC - Švietimo ir kultūros GD EAS - DG.EAS ECFIN - Ekonomikos ir finansų reikalų GD ECHO - Humanitarinės pagalbos GD (ECHO) ELARG - Plėtros GD EMPL - Užimtumo, socialinių reikalų ir lygių galimybių GD ENER - Energetikos GD ENTR - Įmonių ir pramonės GD ENV - Aplinkos GD EPSO - Europos personalo atrankos tarnyba ESTAT - Eurostatas FPIS - DG.FPIS HOME - Vidaus reikalų GD HR - Žmogiškieji ištekliai ir saugumas IAS - Vidaus audito tarnyba JRC - Jungtinis tyrimų centras JUST - Teisingumo GD MARE - Jūrų reikalų ir žuvininkystės generalinis direktoratas MARKT - Vidaus rinkos ir paslaugų GD MOVE - Mobilumo ir transporto GD OIB - Infrastruktūros ir logistikos biuras - Briuselyje OLAF - Europos kovos su sukčiavimu tarnyba OPOCE - Leidinių biuras REGIO - Regioninės politikos GD RELEX - Išorės santykių GD RTD - Mokslinių tyrimų GD SANCO - Sveikatos ir vartotojų reikalų generalinis direktoratas SCIC - Vertimo žodžiu GD SG - Generalinis sekretoriatas SJ - Teisės tarnyba TAXUD - Mokesčių ir muitų sąjungos GD TRADE - Prekybos GD
-- AGRI - DG ds. Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich BEPA - Biuro Doradców ds. Polityki Europejskiej BUDG - DG ds. Budżetu CAB - DG.CAB CLIMA - DG ds. Działań w dziedzinie Klimatu COMM - DG ds. Komunikacji Społecznej COMP - DG ds.Konkurencji CONNECT - DG.CONNECT DEVCO - Development and Cooperation DG - EuropeAid DGT - DG ds. Tłumaczeń Pisemnych DIGIT - DG ds. Informatyki EAC - DG ds. Edukacji i Kultury EAS - DG.EAS ECFIN - DG ds. Gospodarczych i Finansowych ECHO - DG ds. Pomocy Humanitarnej (ECHO) ELARG - DG ds. Rozszerzenia EMPL - DG ds. Zatrudnienia, Spraw Społecznych i Równości Szans ENER - DG ds. Energii ENTR - DG ds. Przedsiębiorstw i Przemysłu ENV - DG ds. Środowiska EPSO - Europejskie Urząd Doboru Kadr ESTAT - Eurostat FPIS - DG.FPIS HOME - DG do Spraw Wewnętrznych HR - DG ds. Personelu i Bezpieczeństwo IAS - Służba Audytu Wewnętrznego JRC - Wspólne Centrum Badawcze JUST - DG ds. Sprawiedliwości MARE - Dyrekcja Generalna ds. Gospodarki Morskiej i Rybołówstwa MARKT - DG ds. Rynku Wewnętrznego i Usług MOVE - DG ds. Mobilności i Transportu OIB - Biuro Infrastruktury i Logistyki w Brukseli OLAF - Europejski Urząd ds. Zwalczania Nadużyć Finansowych OPOCE - Urząd Publikacji REGIO - DG ds. Polityki Regionalnej RELEX - DG ds. Stosunków Zewnętrznych RTD - DG ds. Badań Naukowych SANCO - Dyrekcja Generalna ds. Zdrowia i Konsumentów SCIC - DG ds. Tłumaczeń Ustnych SG - Sekretariat Generalny SJ - Służba Prawna TAXUD - DG ds. Podatków i Unii Celnej TRADE - DG ds. Handlu
-- AGRI - DG Agricultură şi Dezvoltare Rurală BEPA - Biroul Consilierilor de Politică Europeană BUDG - DG Buget CAB - DG.CAB CLIMA - DG Combaterea Schimbărilor Climatice COMM - DG Comunicare COMP - DG Concurenţă CONNECT - DG.CONNECT DEVCO - Development and Cooperation DG - EuropeAid DGT - DG Traduceri DIGIT - DG Informatică EAC - DG Educaţie şi Cultură EAS - DG.EAS ECFIN - DG Afaceri Economice şi Financiare ECHO - DG Ajutor umanitar (ECHO) ELARG - DG Extindere EMPL - DG Ocuparea Forţei de Muncă, Afaceri Sociale şi Egalitatea Şanselor ENER - DG Energie ENTR - DG Întreprinderi şi Industrie ENV - DG Mediu EPSO - Oficiul European pentru Selecţia Personalului ESTAT - Eurostat FPIS - DG.FPIS HOME - DG Afaceri Interne HR - DG Resurse umane şi securitate IAS - Serviciul de Audit Intern JRC - Centrul Comun de Cercetare JUST - DG Justiţie MARE - Direcția Generală Afaceri Maritime și Pescuit MARKT - DG Piaţa Internă şi Servicii MOVE - DG Mobilitate şi Transporturi OIB - Oficiul pentru Infrastructură şi Logistică din Bruxelles OLAF - Biroul European Antifraudă OPOCE - Oficiul pentru Publicaţii REGIO - DG Politica Regională RELEX - DG Relaţii Externe RTD - DG Cercetare SANCO - Direcția Generală Sănătate și Consumatori SCIC - DG Interpretare SG - Secretariatul General SJ - Serviciul Juridic TAXUD - DG Impozitare şi Uniune Vamală TRADE - DG Comerţ
-- AGRI - GD Jordbruk och landsbygdsutveckling BEPA - Rådgivarbyrån för Europapolitik BUDG - GD Budget CAB - DG.CAB CLIMA - GD Klimatpolitik COMM - GD kommunikation COMP - GD Konkurrens CONNECT - DG.CONNECT DEVCO - Development and Cooperation DG - EuropeAid DGT - GD Översättning DIGIT - GD Informationsteknik EAC - GD Utbildning och kultur EAS - DG.EAS ECFIN - GD Ekonomi och finans ECHO - GD Humanitärt bistånd (ECHO) ELARG - GD Utvidgning EMPL - GD Sysselsättning, socialpolitik och lika möjligheter ENER - GD Energi ENTR - GD Näringsliv ENV - GD Miljö EPSO - Europeiska rekryteringsbyrån ESTAT - Eurostat FPIS - DG.FPIS HOME - GD Inrikes frågor HR - GD Personal och säkerhet IAS - Tjänsten för internrevision JRC - Gemensamma forskningscentret JUST - GD Rättsliga frågor MARE - Generaldirektoratet för havsfrågor och fiske MARKT - GD Inre marknaden och tjänster MOVE - GD Transport och rörlighet OIB - Infrastruktur- och logistikbyrån i Bryssel OLAF - Europeiska byrån för bedrägeribekämpning OPOCE - Publikationsbyrån REGIO - GD Regionalpolitik RELEX - GD Yttre förbindelser RTD - GD Forskning SANCO - Generaldirektoratet för hälso- och konsumentfrågor SCIC - GD Tolkning SG - Generalsekretariatet SJ - Rättstjänsten TAXUD - GD Skatter och tullar TRADE - GD Handel
-- AGRI - Lauksaimniecības un lauku attīstības ĢD BEPA - Eiropas politikas padomdevēju birojs BUDG - Budžeta ĢD CAB - DG.CAB CLIMA - Klimata politikas ĢD COMM - Saziņas ĢD COMP - Konkurences ĢD CONNECT - DG.CONNECT DEVCO - Development and Cooperation DG - EuropeAid DGT - Tulkošanas ĢD DIGIT - Informātikas ĢD EAC - Izglītības un kultūras ĢD EAS - DG.EAS ECFIN - Ekonomikas un finanšu ĢD ECHO - Humānās palīdzības ĢD (ECHO) ELARG - Paplašināšanās ĢD EMPL - Nodarbinātības, sociālo lietu un iespēju vienlīdzības ĢD ENER - Enerģētikas ĢD ENTR - Uzņēmējdarbības un rūpniecības ĢD ENV - Vides ĢD EPSO - Eiropas Personāla atlases birojs ESTAT - Eurostat FPIS - DG.FPIS HOME - Iekšlietu ĢD HR - Cilvēkresursu un drošības IAS - Iekšējās revīzijas dienests JRC - Kopīgais pētniecības centrs JUST - Tieslietu ĢD MARE - Jūrlietu un zivsaimniecības ģenerāldirektorāts MARKT - Iekšējā tirgus un pakalpojumu ĢD MOVE - Mobilitātes un transporta ĢD OIB - Infrastruktūras un loģistikas birojs - Brisele OLAF - Eiropas Birojs krāpšanas apkarošanai OPOCE - Publikāciju birojs REGIO - Reģionālās politikas ĢD RELEX - Ārējo sakaru ĢD RTD - Pētniecības ĢD SANCO - Veselības un patērētāju ģenerāldirektorāts SCIC - Mutiskās tulkošanas ĢD SG - Ģenerālsekretariāts SJ - Juridiskais dienests TAXUD - Nodokļu un muitas savienības ĢD TRADE - Tirdzniecības ĢD
-- AGRI - DĠ ta' l-agrikoltura u l-iżvilupp rurali BEPA - Uffiċju tal-konsulenti tal-politika Ewropea BUDG - DĠ tal-Baġit CAB - DG.CAB CLIMA - DĠ Politika dwar il-Klima COMM - DĠ tal-Komunikazzjoni COMP - DĠ tal-Kompetizzjoni CONNECT - DG.CONNECT DEVCO - Development and Cooperation DG - EuropeAid DGT - DĠ tat-Traduzzjoni DIGIT - DĠ Informatika EAC - DĠ ta' l-Edukazzjoni u kultura EAS - DG.EAS ECFIN - DĠ Affarijiet ekonomiċi u finanzjarji ECHO - DĠ ta' Għajnuna umanitarja (ECHO) ELARG - DĠ tat-Tkabbir EMPL - DĠ ta' l-Impjieg, affarijiet soċjali u opportunitajiet ugwali ENER - DĠ Enerġija ENTR - Id-DĠ ta' l-Intrapriża u l-Industrija ENV - DĠ ta' l-Ambjent EPSO - Uffiċċju Ewropew għas-Selezzjoni tal-Persunal ESTAT - L-Eurostat FPIS - DG.FPIS HOME - DĠ Affarijiet Interni HR - Riżorsi umani u sigurtà IAS - Servizz ta' verifika interna JRC - Ċentru konġunt ta' riċerka JUST - DG Ġustizzja MARE - Id-Direttorat Ġenerali għall-Affarijiet Marittimi u s-Sajd MARKT - DĠ tas-Suq Intern u servizzi MOVE - DĠ Mobbiltà u Trasport OIB - Uffiċju "Infrastrutturi u Loġistika" - Brussell OLAF - Uffiċċju Ewropew tal-ġlieda kontra l-frodi OPOCE - Uffiċju tal-Pubblikazzjonijiet REGIO - DĠ tal-Politika reġjonali RELEX - DĠ Relazzjonijiet esterni RTD - DĠ tar-Riċerka SANCO - Id-Direttorat Ġenerali għas-Saħħa u l-Konsumaturi SCIC - DĠ Interpretazzjoni SG - Segretarjat ġenerali SJ - Servizz legali TAXUD - DĠ tat-Tassazzjoni u Unjoni Doganali TRADE - DĠ Kummerċ
-- AGRI - Ard-S na Talmhaíochta agus na Forbartha Tuaithe BEPA - Biúró na gComhairleoirí Beartais Eorpaigh BUDG - Ard-S an Bhuiséid CAB - DG.CAB CLIMA - Ard-S um Ghníomhú ar son na hAeráide COMM - Ard-S na Cumarsáide COMP - Ard-S na hIomaíochta CONNECT - DG.CONNECT DEVCO - Development and Cooperation DG - EuropeAid DGT - Ard-S an Aistriúcháin DIGIT - AS na Faisnéisíochta EAC - An Ard-S Oideachais agus Cultúir EAS - DG.EAS ECFIN - Ard-S na nGnóthaí Eacnamaíocha agus Airgeadais ECHO - An Ard-S um Chabhair Dhaonnúil (ECHO) ELARG - Ard-S an Mhéadaithe EMPL - Ard-S na Fostaíochta, na nGnóthaí Sóisialta agus an Chomhionannais Deiseanna ENER - Ard-S an Fhuinnimh ENTR - Ard-S an Fhiontair agus Tionscail ENV - Ard-S an Chomhshaoil EPSO - An Oifig Eorpach um Roghnú Foirne ESTAT - Eurostat FPIS - DG.FPIS HOME - Ard-S Gnóthaí Baile HR - Acmhainní Daonna agus Slándáil IAS - An tSeirbhís Iniúchta Inmheánaí JRC - An tAirmheán Comhpháirteach Taighde JUST - Ard-S Ceartais MARE - AS na nGnóthaí Muirí agus na hIascaireachta MARKT - Ard-S an Mhargaidh Inmheánaigh agus Seirbhísí MOVE - Ard-S na Soghluaisteachta agus an Iompair OIB - Bonneagar agus Loighistic – an Bhruiséil OLAF - An Oifig Eorpach Frith-Chalaoise OPOCE - An Oifig Foilseachán REGIO - Ard-S an Bheartais Réigiúnaigh RELEX - Ard-S an Chaidrimh Sheachtraigh RTD - Ard-S an Taighde SANCO - An Ard-Stiúrthóireacht Sláinte agus Tomhaltóirí SCIC - Ard-S na hAteangaireachta SG - An Ard-Rúnaíocht SJ - An tSeirbhís Dlí TAXUD - Ard-S an Chánachais agus an Aontais Custaim TRADE - Ard-S na Trádála