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  Ресурсната з...  
Недостатъчният човешки ресурс
The insufficient human resources,
  Зоран Милано...  
Обеща, че Хърватия няма да насъсква кучета и да опъва тел, но не стана ясно какво ще прави с онези, които не бъдат пуснати да преминат в Словения или Унгария. "От днес започваме да прилагаме други методи, човешки методи, не онези, които прилага Унгария, защото това бреме повече не можем и няма да поемаме".
He said the government does have a plan B, but did not wish to give further details on it, neither did he answer the question whether Croatia is preparing a strategy in which refugees, who stay in Croatia, are given jobs and integrated. He promised Croatia is not going to sic dogs and stretch barbed wire, but it remained unclear what it will do with the ones that are not allowed to cross into Slovenia or Hungary. “Today we start administering other methods, humane methods, not the ones Hungary is using, because this is a burden we cannot and will not take.” He refused to answer specific questions, which goes to show the only purpose of this press conference was to send a message to Brussels, Budapest, Ljubljana, and the offices of the President and the HDZ.
  Андрей Ковач...  
Тези страни трябва да бъдат част от Европа, но същевременно трябва да се работи за консолидация вътре в съюза, каза в интервю за euinside българският евродепутат Андрей Ковачев (ЕНП, ГЕРБ) по време на ноемврийската пленарна сесия в ЕП. Андрей Ковачев е член на председателското бюро на Европарламента, на външната комисия и на комисията по човешки права.
In order to have enlargement there should be desire from both sides. On the one side are the countries that want accession and on the other is the public opinion in the EU member states, especially the old ones. Currently, there is no such desire in Germany, France, which does not mean suspending the negotiations process. Europe cannot allow a white spot in the Balkans which is always a source of uncertainty, of no rule of law, of behind-the-scenes dependencies. These countries have to be part of Europe, but in the same time work is needed on consolidation within the Union, said in an interview with euinside Bulgarian MEP Andrey Kovatchev (EPP) during the November plenary session of the European Parliament. Andrey Kovatchev is a member of the European Parliament's bureau, of the foreign affairs committee and of the human rights committee. In his capacity as a member of the foreign affairs committee, he often speaks on Macedonia's progress for European membership.
  Човещина на Ð...  
Дори и консервативната евродепутатка Ружа Томашич (Европейски консерватори и реформисти), смятана от мнозина в Хърватия за националистка, заяви, че "е наш дълг да се погрижим за тях и да им предоставим подслон и достоен човешки живот".
His First Deputy and Minister of Foreign Affairs Vesna Pusić, in turn, stated openly that she thinks nothing good of the countries building walls. President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović kept silent for a long time but she finally came out with a statement, saying this was only the beginning of the crisis. Even conservative MEP Ruža Tomašić (European Conservatives and Reformists), seen as a nationalist by many in Croatia, stated that “it is our duty to take care of them and offer them shelter and a decent human life”. She did, however, warn that there is no money nor infrastructure to accept all migrants, but a certain number for sure. “These are no savages, as some are saying”, she added after participating in a humanitarian operation in Sicily. “In Mesina, we met a 16 year old child. The other tribe murdered both his parents, and he speaks four languages. These children came alone and at least to them we must offer the best possible future”, Ms Tomašić told
  Александър П...  
Това според него са огромни и много трудни глави, тъй като освен чистата хармонизация на законодателството, то ще трябва и да се прилага, а специално "Околна среда" е скъпа сфера, която изисква и много човешки ресурси.
In Pejovic's words, the mechanisms the Commission will apply for control and verification of every stage of the work on these chapters, as well as the peer reviews by member states, ensure success. Be it because of confidence and determination, which the ambassador underscored for tackling this significant problem, or for another reason but I remained with the feeling that for Montenegro a much bigger danger pose the negotiations on chapters "Agriculture" and "Environment". This, according to him, are huge and very difficult chapters because, except pure alignment of the legislation, it will have to be implemented and especially "Environment" is an expensive area which requires a lot of human resources as well.
  Александър П...  
Бих казал, че "Земеделие" ще представлява наистина, ще изисква огромни усилия, когато се стигне до хармонизирането, но и до прилагането; "Околна среда" е много скъпа и изисква човешки ресурс; след това имате много глави, финансови глави, с които трябва да се хармонизирате и да следвате процедурите.
Alexandar Andrija Pejovic: Yes, of course, I mean there is a number of various specific things that will, let's say, pose challenges. I would say that Agriculture will present really, will ask a great effort when it comes to the alignment but also the implementation; Environment is a very costly and human resource-demanding; then you have a lot of chapters, financial chapters, that you have to align with and follow the procedures. So, it will be a very disproportionate process in this sense that once you move in a specific chapter very easily and the other you have to wait for some reforms to happen or for any institution to be made or let's say for the legislation to be completely finalised. It will show where the country stands. Once we have the screening finished in the summer time next year, we'll have a better idea how much time the country will need and where we stand.
  Една ипотека...  
Тя демонстрира „срив в отговорността и морала”, както са установили разследващите. Но причината не са просто човешките слабости, а че никой не си е дал сметка за значението им, при това твърде дълго. „Кризата е резултат от човешки грешки, неправилни преценки и злодеяния”, обобщават разследващите.
a surprise for anyone. It demonstrated “a systemic breakdown in accountability and ethics,” investigators admit. But the the human weaknesses themselves didn’t cause the crisis: “It was the failure to account for human weakness that is relevant to this crisis.” According to the report, “the crisis was a result of human mistakes, misjudgments, and misdeeds”. Although the blame can be apportioned among all participants in the chain, particularly responsible are people in the highest positions in politics, regulators and financial institutions, because "No one said “no”".
  ЕС силен на д...  
"Няма да навлизам в подробности за механизмите, защото не си представям конкретни механизми", каза тя. За нея най-важното е спиране на огъня и спасяването на човешки живот. На второ място е важно да започнат разговори с регионалните партньори и ключови участници в региона, но и със самите сирийци за бъдещето на Сирия.
The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs Federica Mogherini (Italy, Socialists and Democrats) stated that the discussions on Syria were quite prolonged. It is urged in the ministers’ conclusions that a transparent mechanism is found, through which the ceasefire, the lifting of the sieges and the provision of humanitarian access can be monitored. She did admit, however, that there is no such mechanism at this stage. “I will not elaborate now on mechanisms, also because I don't imagine particular mechanisms”, she said. To her, the most important thing now is the ceasefire and saving human lives. Secondly, it is important that talks are initiated with regional partners and key players of the region, but with the Syrians themselves as well, about Syria’s future. First of all, some sort of a common ground must be found. Such a common ground could be preserving the country’s integrity, explained Mrs Mogherini.
  9/11 за свободÐ...  
В рядко навременно и адекватно изявление българският министър-председател Бойко Борисов заяви: "В нас този кървав терористичен акт предизвиква гняв срещу насилственото отнемане на човешки живот и посегателство срещу свободата на словото. Изразяваме солидарността си с френския народ в този тежък за всички нас и Европа момент и съпричастност към скръбта на семействата и близките на загиналите. Няма кауза, която да оправдава терора. Като съюзници в НАТО и ЕС, България и Франция работят заедно за отпор на новите заплахи пред сигурността и мира. Заедно с нашите партньори ние сме уверени, че тероризмът ще бъде победен, каквито и усилия да изисква от нас тази борба".
The world not only spoke and wrote in French but the statements of the political leaders were far from the usual protocolistic condolences. In a rarely timely and adequate statement, Bulgaria's Prime Minister Boyko Borissov said: "This bloody terrorist act causes anger in us against the violent taking of human life and aggression against freedom of speech. We express our solidarity with the French people in this difficult moment for all of us in Europe and solidarity with the grief of the families and loved ones of the deceased. There is no cause that can justify terror. As allies in NATO and EU, Bulgaria and France work together to repulse the new threats for security and peace. Together with our partners we are convinced that terrorism will be defeated whatever efforts this fight might require".
  Ð’ Средиземно...  
Разликата между кризата в еврозоната и тази в Средиземно море обаче се измерва в човешки животи. Икономическата и финансовата криза доведе до масово обедняване и висока безработица. Липсата на обща външна политика води до огромен скок в броя на хората, намерили смъртта си на път към сигурност и перспектива.
The difference between the euro area crisis and the crisis in the Med, however, is measured in human lives. The economic and financial crisis led to a massive impoverishment and high unemployment. The lack of common foreign policy leads to a huge leap of the number of people who died on their way to security and perspectives. That is why, it is urgent the EU to stop feeding the ego of populists by succumbing to their false claims about a national sovereignty taken away. National sovereignty will be much better protected through the joint efforts of the 28 member states. And as facts show, national sovereignty mainly suffers from the lack of common European solutions, especially in the most affected by the migrant flows countries - those at the front lines - Malta, Greece and Italy - and those that are the most preferred destination for settlement - Germany and Sweden. The assessments of experts show that only in the first months of 2015 the number of deaths surpasses the entire 2014.
  Срамното лиц...  
Защо протестиращите в собствената му страна, при това неорганизирани от никого, а самостоятелно, са "соросоиди", а протестиращите под флаговете на партия-членка на ПЕС искат демокрация? Въпросът е риторичен. Само че, това се трупа на сметката на ПЕС, тъй като олекотява всяка тяхна изява за демокрация, върховенство на закона и човешки права.
Against this backdrop, Sergey Stanishev's words in Skopje - "We are in Skopje today to support Macedonian citizens who want democracy, rule of law and transparent institutions" - sound extremely cynically and shamefully. Why the protesters in his own country, moreover not organised by anyone, were 'sorosoids' and the protesters under the flags of a party affiliated with PES wanted democracy? The question is a rhetorical one. However, this is accumulating to PES's account by making every statement of theirs on democracy, rule of law and human rights much lighter and insignificant.
  Една ипотека...  
В стотици страници докладът описва невероятния начин, по който комбинацията от човешки слабости и грешки, от една страна и липсата на регулация и адекватни действия от друга, са причинили подобно бедствие в световен мащаб.
The central question which investigators have pursued was “how did it come to pass that in 2008 our nation was forced to choose between two stark and painful alternatives—either risk the total collapse of our financial system and economy or inject trillions of taxpayer dollars into the financial system and an array of companies, as millions of Americans still lost their jobs, their savings, and their homes?” On hundreds of pages the report describes the incredible way of how the combination of human weaknesses and mistakes, on the one hand and the lack of adequate regulation and actions, on the other, have caused such a global disaster.
Сърбия освен това все още не е изпълнила препоръките на Бюрото за демократични институции и човешки права към ОССЕ, на която Сърбия тази година е председател, по отношение на финансирането на предизборната кампания и изборния процес.
Further on the report mentions the decision of authorities in Vukovar to remove the bilingual street signs, which provoked sharp reactions in Belgrade. It is noted that the tension, provoked by the temporary restrictions on the border between the two states in September, has later been overcome, but it does not say that it was all about the refugee crisis. Regarding bilateral relations, the EC refrains from recommendations.
  Процесът на Ñ...  
Те вече започват с отварянето на най-трудните глави - 23 и 24, които покриват всъщност най-важната част от прехода от тоталитарна система към общество, чиито ценности са демокрация, върховенство на закона и човешки права - смяна на манталитета.
Freezing is not from the Brussels, but rather from the Western Balkan end of the process, which, however, does not free Brussels from its responsibility to keep the fire going in this more and more difficult relationship. The Commission has tried over the last few years to pull the process out of the bog, alas to no avail. The first noticeable change to come from the unpleasant surprise that Bulgaria and Romania’s membership brought was reversing the order of negotiations. They now start with the most difficult chapters – 23 and 24, which actually cover the most important part of transition from a totalitarian system to a community, whose values are democracy, rule of law, and human rights – a change of mentality. Montenegro is a pioneer in this approach and now all states are starting their negotiations with these exact chapters. The new approach has rooted so deep that if negotiations do not start with chapters 23 and 24 nobody considers them started.
  ЕС се възстаÐ...  
Комисията акцентира и върху енергийната зависимост, както и върху инвестициите в инфраструктура, изследователска дейност и човешки капитал. Безработицата е сериозен проблем съвсем не само в контекста на страните, където тя е в огромни размери.
The Commission is focusing also on energy dependency and on investments in infrastructure, research and human capital. Unemployment is a serious problem not only in the context of the countries where it is huge. This will continue to be a factor for the economic divergences between the member states and, therefore, for tensions in terms of mobility. Still, in many countries, especially those most affected by the crisis, crediting, most notably for small and medium-sized enterprises, is limited. A problem is also the fragmentation of financial markets and that many EU summits were dedicated on completing the single market, but implementation of decisions is disappointing.
"Ние наистина сме изправени пред две възможности и тези две възможности са дали да кажем, че ЕС и европейските институции имат нерешени въпроси с Турция - човешки права, свобода на пресата и т.н., но това къде ще ни отведе в дискусиите с Турция?", попита той и отговори: "Знаем, че има недостатъци, но трябва да включим Турция в нашите инициативи, тъй като Турция е съгласна с нас, че трябва да предприемем действия за решаване на тази криза по най-добрия възможен начин. Ние не искаме повече бежанци да идват в Европа от Турция", каза той.
Besides the surprise at discovering the wheel, it was surprising that MEPs paid hardly any attention to the scandalous statement of Jean-Claude Juncker on Turkey. He announced at the start of the talks that EU needed to work together with Turkey and that he understands all arguments regarding the problems in Turkey. “Therefore we really face two possibilities and these are the options we can either say that the EU and the EU institutions have outstanding issues with Turkey - human rights, press freedom and so forth - but where is that going to take us in our discussions with Turkey?”, he asked and answered: “We know there are shortcomings but we need to involve Turkey in our initiatives, because Turkey agrees with us that we need to take actions to try to resolve this crisis into the best way possible. We want to make sure that no more refugees are coming to the EU from Turkey”, he said.
  Гърция в плаÐ...  
В частност обвинението беше, че ЕС е склонен да толерира нелибералното, полу-авторитарно управление на Виктор Орбан в Унгария, което запушва устата на опозицията и нарушава човешки права, но в същото време доброволно „изстисква още малко” населението за да постигне „свещения 3% бюджетен праг”, а не протяга ръка на правителство, което би трябвало да е въплъщението на истински демократично и популярно, това на Алексис Ципрас, което показва решителност да „взема самостоятелни решения” и да „защитава гражданите си в случай на изключително тежки условия”.
In the recent weeks some commentators expressed diverse and even frivolous interpretations of what is going on. John Weeks, for example, flatly accused the Troika entering in cahoots with Germany and France, conducting faux negotiations and attempting to fabricate a formal mechanism to kick Greece out of the Eurozone and even of the EU, or at best replacing the SYRIZA government “with one obedient to the neoliberal project”. We also heard voices questioning why the focus is on Greece, when the real problem is the creeping silencing of real democracy elsewhere. In particular, the argument was that EU is inclined to tolerate an illiberal semi-authoritarian rule of Victor Orbán in Hungary, who silences opposition and violates human rights, but who also willingly “squeezes a little more” the population in order to meet the “sacrosanct 3% budget threshold” while doesn’t extend a hand to what should amount to an embodiment of a really democratic and popular government, that of Alexis Tsipras, which expresses determination to “take autonomous decisions” and “defend its citizens in case of extreme hardship”. And all this, because EU, or perhaps some sort of cabala elites behind the EU project, wants to send a “chilling message” – submit to, and stray away not, from new neoliberal EU!
  Няма да има о...  
Според новата преговорна методология, приложена за първи път спрямо Черна гора, в началото на преговорния процес се отварят главите, които се оказаха най-трудни за страните от Югоизточна Европа. Това са 23-а и 24-а, които покриват съдебната система, основните човешки права, правата на малцинствата и медийната независимост.
According to the new negotiation methodology, applied for the first time to Montenegro, in the beginning of the negotiation process the chapters, which proved to be most difficult for Eastern European countries, are opened. Those are chapters 23 and 24, which cover the judiciary, fundamental rights, minority rights, and media independence. Those chapters are opened first and closed last. In the case of Serbia, there is one more chapter of similar importance – 35, which deals with the settling of relations between Serbia and Kosovo. The Serbian case is different in one more way. Because of heavy geopolitical differences between the EU and Serbia, the negotiation process started with an insignificant chapter, which got Chapter 35 added to it. Serbia hopes, the EU as well, that chapters 23 and 24 will be opened in June. Miro Kovač is convinced this is absolutely possible. In order for this to happen, Serbia must agree to comply with the new benchmarks.
  Докладът на Ð...  
По повод стартирането на правителствения „широкомащабен проект за борба с корупцията (БОРКОР)”, Комисията отбелязва, че създаването на новото централно звено ще струва ”значителни финансови и човешки ресурси” - за 2011 г. България е отделила 4 млн. евро за проекта БОРКОР, като само в централното звено ще работят 40 постоянно назначени служители.
The second case, where the Commission refers to public concerns, is regarding the work of the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC). In its Summary the report says that in the last 6 months SJC has developed “a better disciplinary track record”. But: “However, in an important decision to appoint the SJC failed to demonstrate the necessary commitment to ensure accountability and transparency”.
  Духът на ШенÐ...  
За сметка на това в условията на криза, напливът от нежеланите имигранти се възприема като директна заплаха за националния рейтинг на политическите лидери, които бързат да се застраховат предизборно, но твърде неуважително към Шенгенското споразумение и хартата за човешки права.
The events have been termed by the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) a “race against solidarity” where the European principles of solidarity, cooperation and human rights, have been abandoned by the members of the European Union. At the expense of the latter ‘principles’, at times of crisis, the flow of unwanted immigrants has been perceived as a direct threat to the national ratings of political leaders, who choose to play it safe prior elections, betraying in a sense the Schengen agreement and the European Charter of Human Rights.
  9/11 за свободÐ...  
"Албанците са натъжени и възмутени отвъд всякакви думи от това, което стана днес в сърцето на европейската цивилизация на свобода и човешки права. [...] Но аз съм сигурен, че този варварски удар над жив паметник на моралната свобода като 'Шарли ебдо' и отнемането на невинните животи на талантливите журналисти в известния френски вестник ще увеличат съзнанието на нашите народи за изключителното човешко богатство на нашата цивилизация".
Impressively long and deep was the statement of Albania's Prime Minister Edi Rama. "Albanians are saddened and revolted beyond words for what happened today at the heart of the European civilisation of freedom and human rights. [...] But I am sure that the barbaric shock to a living monument of moral freedom as Charlie Hebdo, and taking the innocent lives of the talented journalist of a prominent French newspaper, will increase the awareness of all our peoples for the extraordinary human wealth that our civilisation represents".
  Хаити - първи...  
Вторият й приоритет засяга тема, която посочи и предшественичката й Румяна Желева - проблемите с незачитането на международното хуманитарно право, ограничаването на пространството за хуманитарни действия, както и спазването на деликатната граница между гарантирането на сигурността на хуманитарните работници и на жертвите с накърнени човешки права, от една страна, и запазването на неутралността на хуманитарната помощ, от друга.
Her second priority is related to an issue which her predecessor Rumyana Zheleva also raised - the problems with violations of international humanitarian law, restriction of humanitarian actions' space as well as the keeping of the delicate boundary between guaranteeing security of aid workers and the victims with their human rights being harmed on the one hand, and on the other keeping the neutrality of the aid. She does not offer a specific solution because, she said that the problem was very complex because "
  Готови! Старт!  
“Във връзка с това ЕС ще вземе предвид опита си от предишните преговори за членство, особено що се отнася до преговорните глави, посветени на правосъдието и основните човешки права, както и на свободата и сигурността. Ще бъде приложен нов подход и за двете глави, които ще бъдат отворени на по-ранна фаза от преговорите, за да се осигури достатъчно време за прокарването на небходимите закони, адаптирането на институциите и провеждането на реформите,” се казва още в заключението.
“The Council invites Europol to present a report on the situation with regard to organised crime in Montenegro, and asks the Commission to ensure that this contribution is taken into account in the forthcoming screening reports”, the General Affairs Council says in its conclusions from June 27th. ”In this light, the European Union will take into account of the experience acquired from previous accession negotiations, notably in relation to the negotiating chapters on judiciary and fundamental rights and on justice, freedom and security. A new approach will be applied to both chapters, which will be tackled early in the negotiations to allow maximum time to establish the necessary legislation, institutions and solid track records of implementation. An overall balance in the progress of negotiations across chapters should also be ensured,” the conclusions read.
  Меката война...  
Европейският съюз и страните-членки са готови да предоставят необходимата помощ, съобразно развитието на ситуацията. Освен това всички страни-членки са приканени да предоставят допълнителни ресурси, включително човешки, за Frontex (Европейската агенция за граничен контрол).
It is also noted in the document that member states are most directly concerned by migratory movements that "require our concrete solidarity". The EU and the member states are ready to provide all the necessary assistance according to the evolving situation. Besides, all member states are invited to provide additional resources, including human resources, to Frontex (the European border control agency).
публикува днес гневната реакция на инициативата на младежи за човешки права от провеждането на митинг в подкрепа на референдума в Република Сръбска в Босна и Херцеговина, организиран от десничарски организации.
publishes today the furious reaction of the initiative of young people for human rights from the planned rally in support of the referendum in Republika Srpska in Bosnia and Herzegovina, organised by right-wing formations. The rally is planned for September 10 (right in the middle of the visit of Commissioner Hahn) at the Republic square in Belgrade. The young people’s initiative wants the Serbian government to denounce the rally, which they believe threatens stability in the Balkans. With this rally Serbia pushes itself back in isolation and is returning to the 1990’s, claim the youngsters.
  Сивата иконо...  
Оттам ние ще разберем и какво да правим с човешките ресурси, какъв профил на квалификация и преквалификация, за да може тези човешки ресурси да бъдат полезни на новите насоки на развитие на икономиката след кризата
Our economy has no profile. They say the economies of all member states will be very different. This will help us realise what we should do with our human resources, what profile of qualification and training the economy would need, so that these human resources could be useful to the new direction of economy's development after the crisis
  Ирландия - чу...  
Целта на плана е да бъде подкрепен износът, който на свой ред да стимулира вътрешното потребление и създаването на работни места. И отново: „Условията за устойчив растеж, воден от износа са налице - добра инфраструктура, висококачествен човешки капитал, благоприятна данъчна среда и кредити за бизнеса”.
The plan aims at supporting exports, which in turn are expected to stimulate domestic consumption and job creation. And again: “The conditions for sustainable export-led growth are in place - good infrastructure, high-quality human capital, a favourable taxation environment and available credit for viable businesses.”
  Циганско вре...  
Разказвам това, за да кажа, че „ромите” не са просто абстрактен социален проблем или проект, а реални човешки същества. Те не подлежат на генерализиране, както и всички останали хора, от типа на „ромите са мързеливи”, „ромите са крадци” или „ромите са измамници” - това може и да ви се струва банално, но ако гледате репортажите по телевизиите и заглавията във вестниците, ще разберете, че има нужда от непрекъснато напомняне.
I am telling you this story to show you that Roma people are not just an abstract social problem or a project, but real human beings. Nothing should be generalised about them, as well as about all other people, such as "Roma are lazy," "Roma are thieves" or "Roma are impostors” - that may seem trivial, but if you watch Bulgarian TV news or read the headlines in newspapers, you will find that there is a need of a constant reminder.
  Още веднъж зÐ...  
В повечето случаи, когато България е включвана в статистика, резултатите са тъжни. Изследваните в доклада процеси винаги са били болезнена тема за страната ни, чиито загуби на човешки капитал в последните години са особено големи.
Bulgaria’s appearance in most statistics registers sad results. The processes studied in the current report have always been painful topics for our country, which in the last years experienced heavy drain of human resource. With a view to the other two factors in the population picture, Bulgaria stands at the top of the group of member states whose population will significantly shrink. In 2060 the Bulgarians will number 27% less than in 2010 and the fertility rate will increase by only 0.1 percentage points in the period 2010 – 2060.
  ЕП: ИзходнатÐ...  
Войната в Афганистан досега струва, освен многото човешки жертви,
So far the war in Afghanistan costs, aside from the numerous human victims,
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