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Keybot 2 Résultats  www.euinside.eu
За да се гарантира високото ниво, кандидат-студентите трябва успешно да преминат приемни изпити. От практическа гледна точка обаче процедурата по кандидатстване е опростена. Предоставя се възможност документите да се подават чрез интернет.
Special attention is paid to foreign languages. There are programmes for exchange of students with other countries, even in the primary school. In the higher grades many pupils spend a year abroad under such a programme, before they continue their education.
  Doing business в грÐ...  
останали без интернет, голямо важно! Важно е, особено когато човек си изкарва хляба единствено и само чрез интернет. И е още по-важно, когато става въпрос на практика за ежедневие (поне в нашия квартал).
Two weeks ago, while I was working in the morning, I heard the switching of the UPS of the server on. It just switched on and then went off. An electric shock, I thought. If it was in the evening I would have seen the blinking of the lights and a short-while stopping of the TV. Well, it was daylight, but so what. After the electric shock, I was left without Internet for half an hour. It was just when the Internet came back and again - the UPS tried to switch on and then retreated again. A second electric shock. And, again - more than half an hour without Internet. Probably many people would consider it as some sort of great pretenses - wow! they remained without Internet, so what! It is important, especially when one needs the Internet to make a living. And it is even more important when this is a matter of regular practices (at least in my neighbourhood).