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Keybot 9 Ergebnisse  www.euinside.eu
  Полша: Ð’ ПакÑ...  
на тази страна, защото тя е чудесен пример как една бивша социалистическа страна от "новите членки" може бързо да догони "старите" и да
to this country because it is a wonderful example how a former communist country, a new member state, can quickly catch up with the old member states and is constantly
  Даниела Бари...  
В интервюто, което може да гледате във видео файла, с г-жа Баришич говорим още за политическата обстановка в Хърватия, за нейния чудесен български език и за бъдещето, което трябва да е европейско. Особено за страните от Западните Балкани
In the interview, that you can watch in the video file, we are talking with Mrs Barisic about the political environment in Croatia, about her wonderful Bulgarian language and about the future that has to be European, especially for the countries from the Western Balkans
  Сто дена самÐ...  
Град на минало и настояще, но с все по-неясно бъдеще. Там, където може да си прекарате чудесен следобед в уютна и прекрасна чайна с домашен кейк, докато гледате на отсрещната трамвайна спирка майка от ромски произход с нейното плачещо дете.
Sofia for years has been a city of contrasts, of at first glance conflicting cultures. A city of the beautiful and the ugly, of the best from the European and the worst from the Oriental, a city of clean and dirty, of new and old. A city where alongside a Christian church you will see a mosque or a synagogue. A city of past and present, but with ever more unclear future. Where you can spend a wonderful afternoon in a cosy and amazing tea-room with home-made cake while you watch the tram station across the street where a mother of Roma origin is holding a crying girl by the hand. A city in which it recently became painfully clear that two warring societies live side by side - of those who want a change and stronger integration with Europe and of those who want the status-quo.
  Комисията от...  
Според него реформите, насочени към подобряване на конкурентоспособността, вече дават плод като коригират дисбалансите в европейската икономика и особено в програмните страни. И в този смисъл той също посочи, че Ирландия е чудесен пример в това отношение.
European Commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso, however, tried to explain that it is possible both the wolf to be satiated and the lamb to remain alive pointing out that short-term needs must be addressed, while in the same time this should not be for the sake of structural reforms. According to him, reforms aimed at improving competitiveness already deliver by correcting imbalances in the European economy, especially in programme countries. In that regard he, too, pointed out that Ireland was a brilliant example of that. Barroso recalled that only less than a year ago analysts predicted an implosion of the euro and today there is an improvement. Since the peak in 2009, budget deficits have been halved and they are expected to drop below the level of 3% as set in the Stability and Growth Pact by the end of the year. The interest rates many member states are paying have declined significantly and the current account imbalances are already being corrected, the European Commission chief reported.
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По отношение на разширяването е била направена грешката, че се е очаквало след като една страна се присъедини, моментално да се трансформира в нов чудесен случай на европейска демокрация, европейски институции и европейски икономики.
This is to some extent a reflection of the economic conflict shock therapy vs. gradual reforms. Reformers like Balcerowicz and Chubais in Russia are supporters of the shock therapy because if reforms are prolonged opposition starts to build up. Among the bright supporters of the other model is Joseph Stiglitz, and American economist, a Nobel laureate in economy. With a hindsight and during writing the book, the authors found something else. According to them, the confrontation was not between the shock therapy and gradual reforms but about the role of the secret services as mentioned in the beginning of this article.