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  Хърватия под...  
Вече са събрани половин милион подписи, които са напълно достатъчни за инициирането на процедурата за провеждане на всенародно допитване. Основното мото на инициативата е, че това са хърватски магистрали и не трябва да бъдат давани на чужденци или частници.
Half a million signatures have already been collected, which are completely enough to trigger a referendum procedure. The main argument of the initiative is that those are Croatian motorways and they should not be given to foreigners or private companies. However, they do not offer a solution where the money should come from to pay the loans back. The motorways are a source of Croatian pride and Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic underscored on a number of occasions that the country had built them on its own, which means without taking European money, obviously as evidence that it can do without external help. But is that so? The hugely bubbled public debt, because of the change of methodology and because of the continuous recession, which the IMF called in the spring "unusually prolonged", contributed additionally to the downgrade of Croatia's credit rating to the junk level. Srdjan Gjurkovic said t
  ЕС съществув...  
През последните седмици позициите на Лондон и Берлин по отношение на нуждата от реформи на ЕС доста се сближиха, включително и по отношение на ограничаването на свободното движение на хора и особено опазването на социалните привилегии от "чужденци".
And while in that part of the Union the main topic is the battle with prolonged recession, high youth unemployment, EU funds absorption and, of course, the lists for the European elections, on February 27th, in London is expected to arrive German Chancellor Angela Merkel. It is possible that she may be given the rare attention to address both chambers of the British parliament. In the past weeks, the positions of London and Berlin on the need of reforms of the EU came very close, including in terms of limiting the free movement of people and especially protecting the social benefits from "foreigners". If that speech of Ms Merkel's takes place, it might prove Merkel's "European speech", similarly to David Cameron's European speech last year, confirmed this January by his finance minister George Osborne.
  Виктор Орбан...  
Той вярва, че неправителствените организации трябва да се самоиздържат и да се основават на доброволен труд. Вместо това обаче, повечето организации се финансират от "чужденци" и на практика се е създала класа от платени активисти.
Quite in the Putin-style, Viktor Orban, too, believes that the non-governmental sector serves foreign interests and is harmful for the national good. He believes that NGOs should be able to stand on their own feet financially and be based on voluntary work. Instead, most organisations are funded by "foreigners" and practically a class of paid activists has been created. "They are activists who are being paid by specific foreign interest groups, about whom it is difficult to imagine that they view such payments as social investments, and it is much more realistic to believe that they wish to use this system of instruments to apply influence on Hungarian political life with regard to a given issue at a given moment". That is why it is completely justified, Orban said, the Hungarian parliament to form a committee for regular monitoring and recording of foreign influence in Hungary. "We should know who are the real people who stand behind these masks", the Hungarian premier added. In Bulgaria, in the past year also often could be heard that protesters against the attempts of the former government of Plamen Oresharski to appoint a controversial figure with links to oligarchy to head the powerful state security agency are funded by foreign organisations. They were even nicknamed "sorosoids" (after George Soros).
  Проблеми на Ð...  
Списание Forbes България влезе на пазара миналата година и веднага стана печелившо, при това - издателите са чужденци, които са далеч от локалните политически и бизнес игрички- етичните правила, които следваме, въпреки тежката среда и пропуснатите ползи, са почти като тези на американския Forbes и далеч по-рестриктиНай-големият проблем на този пазар е търсенето.
What we need (the independent media) and what I personally want is equal opportunities. From then on the market will show who is better and who will survive. This is precisely why I proposed to my colleagues from the group that sent the invitation letter to Ms Kroes media environment in Bulgaria to be included in the Control and Verification Mechanism (CVM) because many of the problems it monitors directly affect and depend on media. As Ms Kroes herself said, there is no democracy without free media, and the feeling in Bulgaria of a return to authoritarian rule is growing by the day. The most circulating media have turned into spokespersons of the government and no longer feel shy to turn their back on the even most basic standards of journalism. This devalues the journalistic profession in Bulgaria and has turned the word 'journalist' into a synonym of 'prostitute'.
С разпада на федерацията обаче банката е обявена в несъстоятелност, а през 1993 година в Словения е приет закон, с който всички спестявания в чужда валута на чужденци в Люблянска банка се смятат за част от наследството на бивша Югославия, тъй като преди това са били гарантирани от бившата Югославска народна банка.
But some of them do not withdraw their money – estimated to be worth some 310 million Deutsche Marks. As the federation fell apart, the bank was declared insolvent and in 1993 Slovenia’s Parliament passed a law, according to which all currency savings, by foreigners, were part of the heritage of ex-Yugoslavia, because before that they were guaranteed by the national bank of the latter. After the bancruptcy of the bank, the Slovenina government creastes the existing even today Nova Ljubljanska Banka and all controversial assests are left outside it. In 1997 a new law is passed, under which the claims of Croatian citizens are banned in Slovenia. Two year later Ljubljana agrees the issue to be solved via arbitration in Washington. The idea is not implemented as Croatia is facing elections the same year and President Franju Tudjman is terminally ill.