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  Шеста източноевропейска...  
Шеста източноевропейска конференция за редки болести и лекарства сираци
Sixth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs
  Шеста източноевропейска...  
Начало Събития Шеста източноевропейска конференция за редки болести и лекарства сираци
Home Events Sixth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs
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Включете се в Шестата национална конференция по редки болести и лекарства сираци
Save the date for the Sixth National Conference for rare diseases and orphan drugs
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Начало Събития Включете се в Шестата национална конференция по редки болести и лекарства сираци
Home Events Save the date for the Sixth National Conference for rare diseases and orphan drugs
  Значението на фолиевата...  
Шеста работна среща на EPPOSI
6th EPPOSI Workshop
  Употреба извън кратката...  
Списание Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases публикува проучване за употребата извън кратката характеристика на лекарствата сираци в Белгия. Проучването включва полу-структурирани интервюта със седем лекари с експертност в лечението и шест в реимбурсирането на лекарства сираци в Белгия.
Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases has published a paper about the off-label use of orphan medicinal products for rare diseases in Belgium. The study included semi-structured interviews with seven physicians with expertise in the treatment with and six experts in the reimbursement of orphan medicinal products in Belgium. Most participants do agree with the off-label use if the medicinal product is quite safe and well-tolerated, if the on-label indication is rather general and when all other options have failed in some specific, evidence-based indications, especially in children. The full-text article is available here.
  Дисеминирана лейомиомат...  
Не е регистрирана фамилна предразположеност към LPD. Авторите описват случай на американско семейство, в което са диагностицирани шест случая на LPD (трима от засегнатите са мъже). Нещо повече, LPD се асоциира със синдром на Raynaud и с Prurigo nodularis.
PubMed, the Internet portal of biomedical and life sciences literature, indexed an interesting article, entitled “Familial clustering of Leiomyomatosis peritonealis disseminata: an unknown genetic syndrome?“ (BMC Gastroenterol. 2005 Oct 13;5(1):33). Authors are Halama N, Grauling-Halama SA and Daboul I. Leiomyomatosis peritonealis disseminata (LPD) is defined as the occurrence of multiple tumorous intraabdominal lesions. LPD is a rare disease with only about 100 cases reported. The usual course of LPD is benign with the majority of the patients being premenopausal females. Only two cases involving men have been reported, no syndrome or familial occurrence of LPD has been described. The authors describe a Caucasian-American family in which six members (three men) are diagnosed with Leiomyomatosis peritonealis disseminata (LPD). Furthermore, they describe the association of LPD with Raynaud’s syndrome and Prurigo nodularis. To access the full abstract of the article, click here.
  Шеста източноевропейска...  
Шестата източноевропейска конференция за редки болести и лекарства сираци „Разработване на политики за редки болести в Източна Европа” ще се проведе на 24-26 ноември 2011 г. в Истанбул (Турция). Домакин на проявата е Истанбулския университет, а съпредседатели на организационния комитет са проф. Угур Йозбек (Истанбулски университет, Орфанет-Турция) и доц. Румен Стефанов (БАПОН).
The Sixth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs “Policy Development in Eastern European Countries” will be held on 24-26 November 2011 in Istanbul (Turkey). Co-chairs of the organizing committee are Prof. Uğur Özbek (Istanbul University, Orfanet-Turkey) and Prof. Rumen Stefanov (BAPES). The event continues the already established framework of the previous editions and will be a forum for all rare diseases stakeholders. The conference will be followed by the First Turkish National Symposium on Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs, which will be held on 27 November 2011. More detailed information about the conference program, as well as the registration can be found on the official website of the event www.raredisease2011.org.
  Синдром на Андерсон - И...  
Авторите представят случай на пациент с AS, който е имал също затлъстяване, обструктивна сънна апнея (obstructive sleep apnea, OSA), и дневна сънливост. Клиничните и генетични изследвания на шест членове на семейството показват, че четири от тях имат дисморфични аномалии, но нито един не е имал PP или сърдечна аритмия.
, from the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo, Brazil (UNIFESP). Andersen syndrome (AS) is a rare disease characterized by the presence of periodic paralysis (PP), cardiac arrhythmia and dysmorphic abnormalities. The authors report a case of a patient presenting AS who also had obesity, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and daytime sleepiness. Clinical and genetic evaluation of six family members demonstrated that four had dysmorphic abnormalities but none had PP or cardiac arrhythmia. Sequencing of KCNJ2 revealed the R218W mutation in the index patient and her 6-year-old daughter, who presented dysmorphic abnormalities (micrognathia, clinodactyly of fourth and fifth fingers, short stature) and OSA. OSA accompanied by dysmorphic features may be related to AS. To access the full abstract of the article, click here.
  Синдром на Андерсон - И...  
Авторите представят случай на пациент с AS, който е имал също затлъстяване, обструктивна сънна апнея (obstructive sleep apnea, OSA), и дневна сънливост. Клиничните и генетични изследвания на шест членове на семейството показват, че четири от тях имат дисморфични аномалии, но нито един не е имал PP или сърдечна аритмия.
, from the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo, Brazil (UNIFESP). Andersen syndrome (AS) is a rare disease characterized by the presence of periodic paralysis (PP), cardiac arrhythmia and dysmorphic abnormalities. The authors report a case of a patient presenting AS who also had obesity, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and daytime sleepiness. Clinical and genetic evaluation of six family members demonstrated that four had dysmorphic abnormalities but none had PP or cardiac arrhythmia. Sequencing of KCNJ2 revealed the R218W mutation in the index patient and her 6-year-old daughter, who presented dysmorphic abnormalities (micrognathia, clinodactyly of fourth and fifth fingers, short stature) and OSA. OSA accompanied by dysmorphic features may be related to AS. To access the full abstract of the article, click here.
  Aкрокератоеластодоза, л...  
Той беше лекуван хирургично с Er:YAG лазер, при което се отчете подобряване на състоянието с изглаждане на лезиите. Шест месеца след лечението не беше наблюдаван рецидив. Считаме, че лазерът е една от възможностите за лечение на това заболяване.
, from the Pathology, Gulhane Military School of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey. Acrokeratoelastoidosis is a rare skin disorder characterized by grouped, small, firm, translucent papules distributed on the margins of the hands and feet. We report a 21-year-old white patient with acrokeratoelastoidosis in whom Er:YAG laser surgery was carried out, resulting in a slight post-treatment improvement of the disease with slight flattening of the lesions. No clinical recurrence of the lesions developed during the 6 months of follow-up. We suggest that Er:YAG laser surgery of acrokeratoelastoidosis may be considered as a treatment option. To access the full abstract of the article, click here.
  Шеста работна среща на ...  
От 25-27 октомври 2005 година, в Лондон се провежда Шеста работна среща посветена на Партньорството при развитие лечението на редки болести под надслов „Хората с редки болести не са сами в света“. Организатор е Европейската Платформа на Асоциациите на Пациенти, Наука и Индустрия (EPPOSI).
The Sixth Workshop on Partnering for Rare Disease Therapy Development „People with Rare Diseases – No Longer Alone in the World“ (London, 25-27 October 2005) is organized by The European Platform for Patients` Organizations, Science and Industry (EPPOSI). EPPOSI is a EU patient-led partnership between patients, industry and academic science, founded in 1994 for the exchange of information and discussion of policies in EU human healthcare. EPPOSI`s primary mission is to establish a strong European alliance of patients` organizations, academic science and industry jointly working on healthcare policies towards treatment and prevention of serious diseases. For more information about the workshop, please click here.
  6-тa Международна среща...  
Шеста международна среща по редки белодробни болести и лекарства сираци ще се проведе на 27-28 февруари 2015 в Милано, Италия. Това е единствената европейска проява, посветена на различните видове редки белодробни заболявания, засягащи както паренхима, така и съдовете.
Sixth International Meeting on Pulmonary Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs will be held on 27-28 February 2015 in Milan, Italy. It is the only European event dedicated to different types of rare pulmonary diseases affecting both parenchymal and vascular structures.  Exchange and dissemination of knowledge from experts in various departments of pulmonary medicine is part of the challenge, aimed at generating new ideas in science and clinical practice. These actions will be beneficial both for patients and for doctors, whose common goal is early diagnosis, treatment and care for people with rare lung diseases. For more information, please visit the official website of the event.
  Kръгла маса за мускулна...  
Темата на събитието е „Контролиране мускулния растеж – терапевтично решение при мускулна дистрофия тип Дюшен? . Осемнадесет учени от шест държави са представили резултати от изследвания за различни лечебни методи за поддържане на мускулната маса при пациенти с МДД.
The 4th Monaco round table conference on Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) took place in Monaco on 15 January 2005. The theme was “Regulation of muscle growth, a therapeutic issue for Duchenne muscular dystrophy?”. Eighteen scientists from six countries presented and discussed their research results on different approaches to maintain muscle mass and function of Duchenne boys. Eleven representatives of parents’ associations from eight countries were also present. To access the full text of the report, pleace, click here.
  Нова информация на сайт...  
На 25 – 27 октомври 2005 година в Лондон се проведе Шеста работна среща посветена на Партньорството при развитие лечението на редки болести под надслов „Хората с редки болести не са сами в света“. Срещата бе организирана от Европейската Платформа на Асоциациите на Пациенти, Наука и Индустрия EPPOSI.
The Sixth Workshop on Partnering for Rare Disease Therapy Development „People with Rare Diseases – No Longer Alone in the World“ (London, 25-27 October 2005), organized by The European Platform for Patients` Organizations, Science and Industry EPPOSI took place in London on 25 – 27 October 2005. The EPPOSI`s website provides you now with the opportunity to browse the programme and download all presentations as PDF files.
  Каталог на RD-Connect -...  
RD-Connect е шест годишна европейска FP7 програма осигуряваща достъп до интегрирана платформа на биобанки, регистри и биоинформатични данни за редки болести на изследователи от цял свят. Биобанките на редките заболявания и регистрите, като този на RD-Connect, биват насърчавани да правят проби и клинични данни достъпни до по-голяма научна общност чрез техните лични карти, динамична и удобна за търсене директория, насочена да направи данните възможни за откриване, достъпни, съвместими и възможни за многократна употреба.
RD-Connect is a six-year European FP7 program providing access to an integrated platform of biobanks, registries and bioinformatics data to rare diseases (RD) researchers worldwide. RD biobanks and registries such as of the RD-Connect are encouraged to make samples and clinical data available to a wider scientific community via their ID-Cards, a searchable and dynamic directory aimed at making data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR). For more information, please click here.
  Лечение на костен лимфо...  
Авторите докладват за случай на 28 годишен мъж с дифузен, голям B-клетъчен неходжкинов лимфом. Приложена е стандартна химиотерапия в шест курса. Регистрирано е усилване на болката в ръката и прогрес в развитието на болестта.
PubMed, the Internet portal of biomedical and life sciences literature, indexed an interesting article, entitled “Dramatical improvement of chemoresistant bone lymphoma with rituximab” (Clin Rheumatol. 2005 Oct 25;:1-2). Authors are Achemlal L, Mikdame M, Nouijai A at al., from Rheumatology and Physical Rehabilitation Department, Military Hospital Mohammed V, Rabat, Morocco. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of the bone is a very rare disease that accounts for approximately 5% of all extranodal non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas and for 7-10% of primary bone tumours. The authors report the case of a 28-year-old man with diffuse, large B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The patient received six cycles of conventional chemotherapeutic regimen. His arm pain worsened, and x-rays demonstrated progressive disease. He began a trial of rituximab, for 4 weeks. There was improvement in pain after the first infusion. Radiographic studies conducted 3 months after rituximab therapy showed marked improvement in his humerus disease. He had no evidence of recurrent lymphoma 24 months later. To access the full abstract of the article, click here.
  Благотворителен календа...  
И докато миналата година инициативата представяше малките пациенти с редки болести, тази години шест красиви българки застават пред обектива на Станислава Ямакова и Яна Пенева, за да покажат, че животът може да бъде хубав въпреки болестта.
For a second consecutive year, the National Alliance of People with Rare Diseases is releasing a charity calendar. While last year’s initiative presented young patients with rare diseases, this year six beautiful Bulgarian women stand up to show that life can be good despite the rare diseases. Proceeds from the calendar will be used to purchase oxygen masks for patients with cystic fibrosis. To find out more, please contact the National Alliance of People with Rare Diseases (e-mail nahrb.varna@abv.bg, phone +359 889 324 216, Ms. Vania Dobreva).
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Септември още е далеч, но вече започна подготовката за най-голямото ежегодно събитие в сферата на редките болести у нас. На 11-12 септември в Конгресния център на Новотел Пловдив ще се проведе Шестата национална конференция по редки болести и лекарства сираци.
September is still away but the preparations for the biggest annual event in rare disease field in Bulgaria has already begun. On 11-12 September in the Congress Center of Novotel Plovdiv will be held the Sixth National Conference on rare diseases and orphan drugs. Major topic for discussions and presentations this year will be personalized approach and innovations in the field.
  Амилоидоза - Институт п...  
Амилоидозата е рядко заболяване, което обхваща натрупването на абнормални и неразтворими амилоиди системно или в определени органи. Представен е случай на 60-годишен мъж, който се оплаква от умора и болка в гърдите, които са довели до бързо спадане на функционалното състояние в рамките на шест месеца от появата на тези симптоми.
The journal South Dakota Medicine has published an article about amyloidosis. Amyloidosis is a rare disease encompassing the accumulation of abnormal and insoluble amyloids systemically or in specific organs. This is a case of a previously healthy 60-year-old male complaining of fatigue and chest pain who proceeded to rapidly decline in functional status within six months from the onset of these symptoms. The full-text article you can find here.
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Шестата конференция ще се опита да надгради постигнатото през изминалите години, като осигури актуален поглед върху теми като експертните центрове и референтни мрежи, регистрите и епидемиологично наблюдение, оценката на здравни технологии за редки болести, персонализираните грижи за пациенти с редки болести.
The Sixth Conference aims to upgrade the discussions from the recent years by providing some up-to-date information on topics like expert centers and reference networks, registries and epidemiological survey, health technology assessment for rare diseases and personalized care for rare disease patients.
  Информационен бюлетин –...  
Основните акценти в него са предстоящите Втора национална конференция за редки болести и Шеста източноевропейска конференция за редки болести и лекарства сираци, както и интервю с Владимир Томов и Светлана Каримова.
The new issue of BAPES official newsletter is now published. The highlights include the upcoming Second National Conference for Rare Diseases and Sixth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs, as well as an interview with Vladimir Tomov and Svetlana Karimova. In “Rare diseases library” you can find an updated review on Wilson disease.
  Шеста работна среща на ...  
Начало Ново на сайта Шеста работна среща на EPPOSI
Home Latest news 6th EPPOSI Workshop
  Публикации Archives - С...  
Това води до нарушена костна и зъбна минерализация. Описани са шест клинични форми на заболяването. Хипофозфатизията се развива в резултата на дефект в гена, кодиращ синтеза на тъкан- неспецифичната алкална фосфатаза.
PubMed, the Internet portal of biomedical and life sciences literature, indexed an interesting article, entitled Hypophosphatasia (Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 2007, 2:40). Author is Etienne Mornet. Hypophosphatasia is a rare inherited disorder characterized by defective bone and teeth mineralization and deficiency of serum and bone alkaline phosphatase activity.The symptoms are highly variable – from stillbirth without mineralized bone to early loss of teeth without bone symptoms. There are six clinical forms – perinatal (lethal), perinatal benign, infantile, childhood, adult and odontohypophosphatasia. The disease is due to mutations in the liver/bone/kidney alkaline phosphatase gene (ALPL; OMIM# 171760) encoding the tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase (TNAP). There is no curative treatment for hypophosphatasia. Enzyme replacement therapy will be certainly the challenge of the next years. To access the full abstract of the article, click here.
  Редките болести във фок...  
До 2003 г. на всички тези инициативи липсваше ориентираност към общественото здравеопазване и подходяща координираност. Нещата започнаха да се променят драстично през 2004 г. с приетата Първа програма за обществено здраве (2003-2007) и Шестата рамкова програма (2003-2007).
AM: The first European initiative in the field of rare diseases was the Decision No 1295/1999/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council adopting a programme of Community action on rare diseases within the framework for action in the field of public health (1999 to 2003). This was not a real programme of action but a funding instrument giving to the different stakeholders the first opportunity to create EU collaborations and networks (the database Orphanet constitutes the best example). In 2000 the Commission adopted the Regulation (EC) No 141/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council on orphan medicinal products which introduced for the first time a European definition on rare diseases, any disease having a prevalence of less than 5 per 10 000 of population, but obviously focusing on incentives to pharma companies to research and develop drugs not having economic return. At the same time the Framework Programme on research, FP5, launched also initiatives on rare diseases research very significant in terms of impact. During these years before 1999 still end 2003 the different actions of the EU lacked of a public health orientation and appropriate coordination. Things started to change in 2004 after adoption of the First European Public Health Programme (2003-2007) and the Sixth Framework Programme (2003-2007). Rare diseases become a strategical objective in the EU public health and research policies and consultative structures, at EU level, were created for the first time. The EU Task Force on Rare Diseases was created in 2004 and has given a significant input to the EU in terms of impulse and help to refine European cooperation in the field of rare diseases. In 2008 the European Commission decided to adopt the Commission Communication to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on Rare Diseases: Europe’s challenges and to propose to the Council the adoption, finally done in 2009, of the Council Recommendation on an action in the field of rare diseases. After adoption of both documents the EU had, finally, a coherent framework of activities shared by the European Commission and the Member States. The adoption of the Commission Decision of 30th November 2009, establishing a European Union Committee of Experts on Rare Diseases, permitted to create a large structure where al  the stakeholders (Member States, Patient’s organisations, Industry, Research community, Public He