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Keybot 12 Results  naxoshotels.gr
  СИБАНК :: Новини :: Пре...  
СИБАНК участва в Шестата национална среща на българските местни власти
CIBANK takes part in the Sixth National Conference of the Bulgarian Municipal Authorities
  СИБАНК :: Новини :: Пре...  
Депозитът е за срок от един, три, шест и дванадесет месеца, предоставя се на физически и юридически лица, а депозираните суми могат да бъдат в лева, евро и щатски долари.
The deposit is for a term of one, three, six and twelve months, it is offered to individuals and legal entities and the deposited amounts may be in BGN, EUR and USD.
  СИБАНК :: Услуги за юри...  
Три месечен ЛИБОР (за щатски долари), респективно три / шест месечен ЮРИБОР (за евро) плюс надбавка по договаряне
Three - month LIBOR (in U.S. dollars), respectively, three -/ six -month EURIBOR (for Euros) plus negotiated margin
  СИБАНК :: Услуги за юри...  
три/шест месечен ЮРИБОР (за евро) плюс надбавка по договаряне
Three - month/six -month EURIBOR (for Euros) plus negotiated margin
  СИБАНК :: Новини :: Пре...  
Параметрите за откриване на депозит «СИ Мажор» не се променят – срокът на депозита е шест месеца, лихвените проценти са прогресивно нарастващи и достигат до 9,5% в лева и 7,5% в евро. Минималните суми на депозитите са съответно 1 000 лв. или 500 евро.
The parameters for opening a «C Major» deposit do not change – the term of the deposit is six months, the interest rates increase progressively, reaching up to 9.5% in BGN and 7.5% in EUR. The minimum amount for the deposit is respectively BGN 1 000 and EUR 500.
  СИБАНК :: Новини :: Пре...  
В периода 8-10 октомври 2009 г. в гр. Сандански ще се проведе Шестата национална среща на българските местни власти организирана от Националното сдружение на общините в България. Основната цел на срещата е да предостави форум на кметове, председатели на общински съвети, общински съветници и ключови експерти, за дискусия на тенденциите в развитието на местното самоуправление в България.
From Oct.8th to Oct 10th, 2009, the Sixth National conference of the Bulgarian municipal authorities will be held in the town of Sandanski. It is organized by the National Association of Municipalities in Bulgaria. The aim of this meeting is to create a forum for the Mayors, the Chairs of Municipal Councils, members of the municipal councils and key experts, where they could discuss the trends in the development of local governance in Bulgaria.
  СИБАНК :: Новини :: Пре...  
В този регион банковите клонове са преобладаващият продажбен канал за животозастрахователни продукти. През последните шест години, техническите резерви на KBC се увеличават с 18.2% всяка година, много повече от, например, целия белгийски пазар (13.3%).
This way of working has proved successful: Central and Eastern Europe already represents 40% of the group’s premium income in non-life insurance and 12% in life insurance. In this region, the bank branches are also the dominant sales channel for life products. Over the past six years, KBC’s technical reserves have grown 18.2% each year, significantly more than, for instance, the total Belgian market (13.3%).
  СИБАНК :: Новини :: Пре...  
Наред с развитието на банковите продукти, СИБАНК продължава да разширява и клоновата си мрежа, като за първите шест месеца на 2008 г. са открити 9 нови клона, с което общият им брой на достига 135. Банката е увеличила броя на АТМ терминалните си устройства с над 40%, а на ПОС терминалите с близо 20%, като всички банкомати на банката и над 90% от ПОС терминалите са съвместими с последните технологични изисквания за приемане на чип карти.
Along with the development of the banking products, CIBANK also continues extending its branch network, and in the first six months of 2008, 9 new branches were opened, their total amount thus reaching 135. The Bank has increased the number of its ATM machines by over 40%, and the number of its POS terminals by approximately 20%. All the teller machines of the bank and over 90% of the POS terminals comply with the latest technological requirements for acceptance of chip cards. For the same period the transactions with bank cards, issued by the bank marked a growth of 38.7%, and for the MasterCard and Visa brands the increase was over 2.5 times.
  СИБАНК :: Новини :: Ком...  
Така в края на проекта при получаването на гранта съответната част се погасява, а останалата сума се изплаща като по-дългосрочен инвестиционен кредит - от порядъка на шест-осем до десет години, в зависимост от типа инвестиция.
Three main products are used. The first one is a bank guarantee. At the moment, this option is used because of the possibility to receive up to 50% of the grant in advance under some schemes of the State Fund Agriculture. The second option is a bridge loan up to the amount of the grant - these are relatively short-term loans for 1 to 2 years, but they are not the majority of cases. Most loan transactions include not only the grant but also part of the co-financing, which is the third option. Upon receipt of the grant at the end of the project, the respective part is repaid, while the remaining amount is repaid as a long-term investment loan for a period from six to ten years, depending on the type of investment. Apart from that a VAT credit line is also granted usually, as VAT costs are not allowable costs under EU projects.
  СИБАНК :: Новини :: Ком...  
Като цяло е добре да се предвидят шест до девет месеца от идеята до подписания договор - поне три месеца за написването, още три в оптималния вариант за разглеждането и одобрението и месец за контрактуване.
My advice to companies is to plan at least two or three months in advance, which is usually the deadline for submission of documents. Of course, it is good to have even more time, because if the project includes designing and technological developments, these three months may not be long enough. Apart from that, if it is done in a rush, it will cost more because of the higher costs for consultants. In this case, the risk not to get funding is bigger. And last but not least, tight deadlines lead to lower quality, which can result in serious problems - for example, even if a project is approved, if it is not considered well, it may be impossible to implement it. Generally, it is good to have six to nine months from the concept to the signing of the contract - at least three months for writing, three months for consideration and approval and one month for the contract. After that it is good to plan up to three months to hold the tender procedures, unless the company decides to have prior consultation with the relevant institutions, which we believe is more advisable; then, the project implementation stage starts.
  СИБАНК :: Новини :: Пре...  
По случай днешният Ден на инвеститора в Москва, Андре Берген, главен изпълнителен директор на Група KBC, коментира експанзията на групата по следния начин: ’В рамките на 10 години общата сума на баланса на КBC се удвои, нетната печалба нарасна четири пъти, броят на персонала се увеличи три пъти, активите в нейно управление се увеличиха шест пъти, техническите провизии и застраховането – пет пъти, а приходите от премии в застраховането нараснаха три пъти.
, commented on the group’s expansion as follows: ’Within 10 years, KBC’s balance sheet total has doubled, its net profit quadrupled, the number of staff tripled, assets under management have increased six-fold, technical provisions, insurance, five-fold and premium income in insurance tripled. As a result of the merger of 1998 and its clearly defined strategy, KBC has undeniably become a truly international bancassurance group, present in 35 countries, with over 57 000 employees (over 32 000 of whom are in Central and Eastern Europe and Russia) and some 100 nationalities, catering for more than 11 million customers. We are truly proud of what our group has accomplished so far. And we are convinced that we have a bright future ahead of us, which will benefit our shareholders, employees and customers alike’.
  СИБАНК :: Новини :: Ком...  
Така, когато клиентът дойде с идея за конкретен бизнес, банката може да каже „защо не използвате програма „Конкурентоспособност" или „знаете ли, че по фонд „Земеделие" ще стартира точно такава мярка след шест месеца", т.е. ние можем да му подадем ръка още оттук.
Firstly, there is plenty of information about European projects and a company needs to make great efforts, so as to get a good idea. Larger companies, which can afford to have one or two employees to do the work, can cope with it, but for smaller companies, this is not an option. If the bank has specialists in these programmes, their role is to help clients by providing them with information about the possibilities. So, when a client comes with an idea of a particular business, the bank can say "why don't you use the Competitiveness programme" or "do you know that state fund Agriculture will start such a measure in six months", i.e. we can help even at this stage. Another option is to use consulting companies. Most of them provide initial information free of charge. My advise to companies is to prepare, to be proactive when they look for possibilities and to look for them persistently with a clear idea of the way they want to develop their business in the next 1-2 years. So, if now they try to imagine what will happen next year, they can see what the programmes will fund and if any activity fits them. It is very important that the business needs to correspond to the programmes and that the application is not submitted only for the idea of applying. Otherwise, the projects will not be based on the business. Of course, it is important to plan the application adequately. In order to get a quality and successful project, it should be written well, irrespective of the fact whether it has been written by the company or by a consultant. However, taking into account the enormous bureaucracy, clients are not advised to write their projects on their own, unless they have an experienced employee and intend to spend time on it. When companies start considering such a decision, it is good to decide if it is worth to do this. For this purpose, they should be aware how long it will take them, what additional efforts they will have to make, what the risks are and how much the whole process will cost them. Companies need to provide funds for consultants to write and manage the project, as well as to provide human resources, i.e. staff of the company to be responsible for the project. Apart from that it should be taken into account that delays might occur at different stages, as well as that the investment might be postponed. And last but not least, it should be born in mind that in most cases companies fail to fully implement their project in order to receive the entire 1