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Keybot 2 Results  www.euinside.eu
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], от надигащия се национализъм в страната. Вратата на ЕС остава широко отворена, повтори той за пореден път, сякаш ЕС има цялото време на света да чака БиХ да се върти в кръг и да гони опашката си безнаказано.
The UDAR movement, judging from its activities on Facebook, works in a coordinated manner with Occupy BiH and also with the anti-Dayton movement. On their page in the social network, ideas and proposals are being collected for political changes. Among them is the demand to remove cantons and transfer governance onto regional authorities. The demand is in the form of petition, which has already collected thousands of signatures. Complete transparency is also demanded of all financial flows. Every week an obligatory financial report should be made public on the government's website. All competitions for jobs must also be made public. A list with all people currently employed in the state administration and their wages is among the demands, too.
  Терминът "ЗаÐ...  
Джо Байдън използва силни думи, като нарече корупцията рак, който ограбва народите от възможности и наблегна на енергийната независимост не само на Югоизточна Европа, но и на целия ЕС. Отправи и силно послание към Русия без да я назовава като заяви, че вратата на НАТО остава не просто отворена, а широко отворена за всички страни от региона, които желаят това.
He placed special emphasis on the strong American support to the accession of Montenegro to NATO, which is getting stronger and stronger resistance from Russia. Serbian President Tomislav Nikolić stated after the meeting that he reminded the American vice-president that Serbia had no wish to file an application for joining NATO. He said he received Mr Biden's understanding. To Serbia, at the moment, the most important thing is to start EU accession negotiations as soon as possible and counts on the USA to influence its European partners. A day after the summit in Zagreb, the head of the EU Delegation to Serbia, Michael Davenport, announced that the first negotiation chapters are expected to be opened within weeks. The decision for it must be made by the Council of the EU and approved by the leaders at their summit in Brussels on December 17-18.