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Разговоры о создании женской организации длились долго, но дальше разговоров дело не шло. А потом был 1993 год. Его события известны всем, но мало кому известно, что после 1993 года НПСР распалась.
Olga Lisenko: Head of the section of social and psychological help for women. Education: Library College. Librarian. Sphere of work: Director of library. Carrying out psychological trainings. Writing articles and carrying out seminars on creating images.
  "?aiueia Ie?n..." 2000,...  
В вальдорфских школах огромное значение придается тому, чтобы интеллектуальное развитие детей шло рука об руку с их физическим развитием. Некоторые предметы направлены на совершенствование подвижности тела ребенка.
At Waldorf schools, special emphasis is made on physical development, which must go at a matching rate with mental development. Certain disciplines put a specific focus on improving flexibility and aptitude of a child's body. For example, first year program includes knitting with large wooden needles. There is a huge reason beyond it. Equal development of both hands will secure apt and coordinated functioning of both hemispheres of a child's brain.
  Aeaaciaa N.A., Ea?oiai ...  
Партии демократического типа, даже выдвигая примерно то же число женщин, что и коммунисты, не способны, по-видимому, без специальной агитационно-пропагандистской работы ( а значит - программного обеспечения) убедить своих избирателей в том, что за их представительниц следует голосовать. Сошлемся, для примера, на тот факт, что в ходе парламентских выборов 1999 года "Яблоко" пыталось провести в одномандатных округах примерно столько же женщин-кандидатов, сколько шло у КПРФ.
But the gender disproportion of the representative power also directly affects the stability and effectiveness of the Russian political system, as well as the decision-making on the major issues of the development of our society. As it is established, men tend to solve issues using force, while women are characterized by higher flexibility, and they tend to compromise in conflicts. If women and men were more or less equally represented in the Duma, Russia might have avoided getting into the long and painful war conflict with Chechnya.
  "?aiueia Ie?n..." 2002,...  
Во-вторых, это широкое внедрение новых подходов в обществе путем пропаганды и просвещения, обучение всех слоев населения, в том числе молодежи на базе государственных ресурсов. На этой стадии западное феминистское движение нашло себе верных идеологических союзников в лице „зеленых" - экологов, защитников прав животных; всех других правозащитников.
Secondly, it is introduction of new approaches in the society with the help of propaganda and teaching, educating of all the strata of society, including the youth, at the expense of the state. On this stage Western feminist movement found true ideological allies - so-called "greens" - ecologists, defenders of animals rights; all other defenders of rights. Nowadays, there are effective structures, which are able to hold mass PR-campaigns in Russia, but they are mainly occupied with election technologies and working with electors.
  "?aiueia Ie?n..." 2000,...  
Девушка случайно встречает на улице своего бывшего одноклассника. Решили зайти к нему, посидеть, вспомнить школьные годы. Выпили вина, и потом "непонятно, что на него нашло". Через минуту он "полон раскаяния", хотя и не считает, что совершил что-то ужасное.
Lately I was told a histoire amusante (in French - funny story, anecdote). Wife is coming home and says to her husband: "Darling, I have been raped". "Have a piece of lemon", - is his reaction. "Why for god's sake?! I have been raped!". - "You look too happy". I should mention that the person, who told me this story is a very intelligent, educated and married man. Here is one more story, now quite real. A girl is meeting accidentally her former schoolmate. They decide to go to his place to remember school years. They are having some wine and then "something has come over him". In a minute he regrets everything and is sorry, although he does not think, that he did something awful. What should be the reaction of the victim? Was it a rape? Would she go to police where they can make fun of her? Would they think, that she provoked him? A woman realizes, that she has to tell this story not once or twice: to the investigator, in court, to her relatives, friends, and colleagues. Is it not better to leave it as it is?..