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Keybot 10 Results  ec.europa.eu
  Европейска комисия - Ев...  
Настоящата страница скоро ще бъде достъпна на поискания език. Моля, да ни извините за закъснението.
Această pagină va fi disponibilă în curând în limba solicitată. Vă cerem scuze pentru întârziere.
  Европейски награди за н...  
Наградата в новата категория за подкрепа на устойчивото развитие ще бъде присъдена на проекти, които подкрепят ефективното използване на ресурсите и достъпа на малките и средни предприятия до “зелените” пазари.
Dans la catégorie de soutien à la croissance durable, le prix sera attribué aux projets encourageant l'utilisation rationnelle des ressources et l'accès des PME aux marchés verts.
Der Preis in der neuen Kategorie für die Unterstützung nachhaltigen Wachstums wird an Projekte vergeben, die Ressourceneffizienz und den Zugang der KMUs zu grünen Märkten fördern.
El premio de la nueva categoría, que tiene la finalidad de respaldar el crecimiento sostenible, se otorgará a los proyectos que apoyen la eficiencia de recursos y el acceso de las PYME a los mercados ecológicos.
Il premio per la nuova categoria, diretto a incentivare la crescita sostenibile, sarà assegnato ai progetti a supporto dell'efficienza nell'uso delle risorse e dell'accesso delle PMI ai mercati verdi.
O prémio inerente à nova categoria com vista a apoiar o crescimento sustentável será atribuído a projetos que apoiem a eficiência dos recursos e o acesso das PMEs aos mercados ecológicos.
Το βραβείο στη νέα κατηγορία για την υποστήριξη της βιώσιμης ανάπτυξης θα δοθεί σε έργα που υποστηρίζουν την αποδοτική χρήση των πόρων και την πρόσβαση των Μικρών και Μεσαίων Επιχειρήσεων (ΜΜΕ) στις πράσινες αγορές.
De award in de nieuwe categorie voor de ondersteuning van duurzame groei zal gaan naar projecten die bronnenefficiëntie en de toegang van het MBK tot groene markten ondersteunen.
Ocenění v nové kategorii na podporu trvale udržitelného růstu bude uděleno projektům podporujícím efektivní využívání zdrojů a přístup malých a středně velkých podniků na "zelené" trhy.
Prisen i den nye kategori til støtte af bæredygtig vækst vil blive tildelt projekter, som støtter ressourceeffektivitet og SMV´ernes adgang til det grønne marked.
Uudessa, kestävää kasvua tukevassa sarjassa annetaan tunnustusta projekteille, jotka tukevat resurssitehokkuutta ja pk-yritysten pääsyä vihreille markkinoille.
Ta nowa kategoria nagród ma na celu wspieranie zrównoważonego rozwoju poprzez nagradzanie projektów wspomagających efektywne wykorzystanie zasobów i ułatwiających dostęp małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw do zielonych rynków.
Premiul atribuit în noua categorie pentru susţinerea creşterii economice sustenabile va fi acordat proiectelor care sprijină eficienţa resurselor şi accesul IMM-urilor la pieţele ecologice.
Cena v tejto novej kategórii na podporu trvalo udržateľného rastu sa udelí projektom, ktoré podporujú efektívne využívanie zdrojov a prístup malých stredných podnikov (MSP) k ekologickým trhom.
Nagrada v okviru nove kategorije za podpiranje trajnostne rasti bo podeljena projektom, ki podpirajo učinkovito gospodarjenje z viri ter dostop malih in srednje velikih podjetij do okolju prijaznih trgov.
Priset i den nya kategorin, för att främja hållbar tillväxt, kommer att tilldelas projekt som främjar resurseffektivitet och tillträde för små och medelstora företag till den ekologiska marknaden.
Balva jaunajā kategorijā, lai atbalstītu ilgtspējīgu izaugsmi, tiks dota projektiem, kas atbalsta resursu efektivitāti un MVU piekļuvi zaļajiem tirgiem.
Il-premju fil-kategorija l-ġdida għall-appoġġ ta’ tkabbir sostenibbli ser jingħata lil proġetti li jappoġġaw l-effiċjenza fir-riżorsi u l-aċċess tal-SMEs għas-swieq ħodor.
  Европейска комисия - Ев...  
Тази страница вече не е актуална. В момента се работи по нейното актуализиране, след което тя ще бъде достъпна на Европейския портал за електронно правосъдие.
This page is now obsolete. The update is currently being prepared and will be available in the European e-Justice Portal.
Cette page n'est plus à jour. La mise à jour est en cours et sera publiée sur le portail européen e-Justice.
Diese Seite ist überholt. Sie wird derzeit überarbeitet und anschließend ins Europäische Justizportal eingestellt.
Esta página está obsoleta. Está en curso de actualización y en breve estará disponible en el Portal Europeo de e-Justicia.
Questa pagina è obsoleta. L'aggiornamento è in corso e sarà disponibile sul portale europeo della giustizia elettronica.
Esta página está desatualizada. A atualização está em curso e ficará em breve disponível no Portal Europeu da Justiça.
Η σελίδα αυτή δεν χρησιμοποιείται πλέον. Αυτή τη στιγμή επικαιροποιείται και θα είναι διαθέσιμη στην ευρωπαϊκή πύλη "e-Justice".
Deze pagina is vervallen. De pagina wordt bijgewerkt en verplaatst naar het Europees e-justitieportaal.
Denne side er ikke længere aktiv. Vi er ved at opdatere siden, som vil blive flyttet til den europæiske e-justice-portal.
Az oldal tartalma elavult. Már megkezdtük a szöveg frissítését. Az aktualizált tartalom az európai igazságügyi portálon lesz elérhető.
Strona jest nieaktualna. Trwa przygotowywanie zaktualizowanej wersji, która będzie dostępna w europejskim portalu e-Sprawiedliwość.
Această pagină nu mai este de actualitate. Actualizarea este în curs şi va fi publicată pe portalul european e-justiţie.
Táto stránka už nie je aktuálna. V súčasnosti pripravujeme jej aktualizáciu a nová stránka bude uverejnená na Európskom portáli elektronickej justície.
Ta stran je zastarela. Trenutno jo posodabljamo in bo na voljo na evropskem portalu e-pravosodje.
Sidan är inaktuell. Vi håller på att uppdatera informationen och kommer att flytta den till den europeiska juridikportalen.
Šī lapa ir novecojusi. Pašreiz saturs tiek atjaunināts un tiks publicēts Eiropas e-tiesiskuma portālā.
Din il-paġna issa skadiet. L-aġġornament qed jitħejja bħalissa u jkun disponibbli fil-Portal Ewropew tal-Ġustizzja elettronika.
  Компас на ЕС за действи...  
Компасът съдържа информация по петте приоритетни въпроса в Европейския пакт за психично здраве и благоденствие. Той ще бъде развиван успоредно със и чрез конференции по тези въпроси в рамките на пакта.
Cette base de données contient des informations sur les cinq domaines prioritaires du pacte européen pour la santé mentale et le bien-être. Elle se développera au travers des conférences organisées dans le cadre du pacte.
Der Kompass bietet Informationen zu den fünf wichtigsten Themen des Europäischen Pakts für psychische Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden. Er wird parallel zu und mit Hilfe der Konferenzen des Paktes zu diesen Themen weiterentwickelt.
La Orientación contiene información sobre las cinco cuestiones prioritarias del Pacto Europeo para la Salud y el Bienestar Mental. Se desarrollará en paralelo y a través de las conferencias del Pacto sobre estas cuestiones.
EU Compass contiene informazioni sui 5 temi prioritari del Patto europeo per la salute e il benessere mentale. Lo strumento verrà sviluppato parallelamente alle conferenze organizzate su questi temi nell'ambito del Patto e attraverso esse.
O guia contém informações sobre os cinco domínios prioritários do Pacto Europeu para a Saúde Mental e o Bem-Estar. O guia será desenvolvido em paralelo com as conferências do pacto sobre estes domínios e com a contribuição das mesmas.
Η βάση δεδομένων Compass περιέχει πληροφορίες για 5 θέματα προτεραιότητας του Ευρωπαϊκού Συμφώνου για την Ψυχική Υγεία και την Ευεξία. Θα αναπτύσσεται παράλληλα με τα συνέδρια που θα διεξάγονται στο πλαίσιο του συμφώνου και θα αντλεί πληροφορίες από αυτά.
Het kompas bevat informatie over de vijf prioriteiten van het Europees pact voor geestelijke gezondheid en welzijn. Deze informatie zal worden aangeleverd door de pactconferenties over deze prioriteiten.
Kompas obsahuje informace o 5 prioritních tématech Evropského paktu za duševní zdraví a pohodu. Bude se rozvíjet paralelně s konferencemi na témata v rámci paktu a i jejich prostřednictvím.
Compass indeholder oplysninger om de 5 prioriterede områder i den europæiske pagt for mental sundhed og trivsel. Værktøjet udvikles parallelt med og gennem pagtkonferencerne om disse områder.
Kompass hõlmab teavet viie prioriteetseima teema kohta vaimse tervise ja heaolu Euroopa paktis. Seda arendatakse asjaomaste teemadega seotud pakti käsitlevate konverentside kaudu ning paralleelselt nendega.
Kompassi sisältää tietoa mielenterveyttä ja hyvinvointia koskevan eurooppalaisen sopimuksen viidestä painopistealueesta. Kompassia kehitetään sopimusta käsittelevien konferenssien myötä.
A COMPASS a mentális egészségről és jól-létről szóló európai egyezményben meghatározott 5 prioritással kapcsolatos információk gyűjtőhelye. A rendszer az egyezmény keretében e témákban szervezett konferenciákkal párhuzamosan fejlődik tovább.
Ta baza danych zawiera informacje na temat pięciu priorytetowych zagadnień europejskiego paktu na rzecz zdrowia i dobrostanu psychicznego. Jej rozwój będzie następował równolegle do konferencji poświęconych tej problematyce i za ich pośrednictwem.
Orientările se referă la cinci domenii prioritare din cadrul Pactului european pentru sănătate şi bunăstare mintală şi se vor dezvolta odată cu conferinţele privind respectivele domenii.
Kompas obsahuje informácie o 5 prioritných oblastiach obsiahnutých v Európskom pakte za duševné zdravie a pohodu. Tento projekt sa bude rozvíjať súbežne s konferenciami venovanými jednotlivým prioritám.
Kompas je namenjen izmenjavi informacij o petih prednostnih področjih iz evropskega pakta za duševno zdravje in dobro počutje. Njegov razvoj bo potekal na konferencah, ki jih bodo pripravili o teh vprašanjih, in vzporedno z njimi.
Kompassen innehåller information om de fem prioriterade områdena i det europeiska fördraget för psykisk hälsa och välbefinnande. Den ska utvecklas med utgångspunkt i fördragets konferenser.
Datubāzē “EU Compass” atrodamas ziņas par piecām svarīgākajām nozarēm, kas par tādām atzītas Eiropas paktā par garīgo veselību un labklājību. Datubāze tiks papildināta ar to konferenču materiāliem, kas sarīkotas atbilstīgi minētajam paktam.
Il-Compass fih informazzjoni dwar il-5 kwistjonijet ta' prijorità fil-Patt Ewropew għas-Saħħa Mentali u l-Benessri. Se jkun żviluppat fl-istess ħin ma' u permezz tal-konferenzi tal-patt dwar dawn il-kwistjonijiet.
Национално събитие ще бъде организирано на 21 и 22 юни в София, последвано от две регионални – във Велико Търново на 23 юни 2011 и в Бургас – на 24 юни 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
  Политика - Европейска к...  
Основният начин, по който пактът ще бъде изпълняван, е чрез конференции по петте приоритета
Participating countries, organisations and stakeholders are invited to provide statements of support for the pact.
Der Pakt wird in erster Linie im Rahmen der Konferenzen zu den fünf Prioritäten
El principal instrumento para ejecutar el Pacto serán conferencias sobre las cinco prioridades
Il patto verrà attuato principalmente attraverso le conferenze sulle 5 priorità
O pacto será principalmente aplicado através da organização de conferências sobre as cinco prioridades
Το σύμφωνο θα εφαρμοστεί κυρίως μέσω συνεδρίων για τις 5 προτεραιότητες
Pakt bude prováděn především prostřednictvím konferencí zaměřených na 5 daných priorit
Pagten gennemføres primært via konferencer om de 5 prioriterede områder
Pakti rakendatakse peamisel 5 prioriteeti käsitlevate konverentside
Sopimus pannaan täytäntöön pääasiassa pitämällä viittä painopistealuetta koskevia konferensseja
Az egyezmény végrehajtására elsősorban az 5 prioritási területtel kapcsolatban tartott konferenciák
Pakt będzie wdrażany przede wszystkim w ramach konferencji na temat pięciu priorytetowych obszarów
Pactul va fi aplicat, în principal, prin intermediul conferinţelor axate pe cele 5 priorităţi
Ako hlavný nástroj implementácie budú slúžiť konferencie o 5 prioritách
Pakt uveljavljajo predvsem s konferencami o petih prednostnih področjih
Fördraget ska främst genomföras i form av konferenser om fem prioriterade områden
Svarīgākā pakta īstenošanas metode ir konferences par piecām prioritātēm
Il-mod ewlieni li bih se jkun implimentat il-patt huwa permezz ta' konferenzi dwar il-5 prijoritajiet
  Основни факти – Европей...  
Този отговор ще бъде под формата на съобщение, прието официално от колегиума на членовете на Комисията и публикувано на всички официални езици на ЕС.
The response, which will take the form of a communication, will be formally adopted by the College of Commissioners and published in all official EU languages.
La réponse, qui prendra la forme d'une communication, sera formellement adoptée par le collège des commissaires et publiée dans toutes les langues officielles de l'UE.
Diese Antwort, die in Form einer Mitteilung erfolgt, wird vom Kollegium der Kommissionsmitglieder formell angenommen und in allen EU-Amtssprachen veröffentlicht.
Esta respuesta consistirá en una Comunicación que recibirá la adopción formal del Colegio de Comisarios y se publicará en todas las lenguas oficiales de la UE.
La risposta, che prende la forma di una comunicazione, è adottata dal Collegio dei commissari e pubblicata in tutte le lingue dell'UE.
Essa resposta, que terá a forma de uma comunicação, será oficialmente adotada pelo colégio dos Comissários e publicada em todas as línguas oficiais da UE.
Η απάντηση αυτή, η οποία θα έχει μορφή ανακοίνωσης, θα εκδοθεί επίσημα από το σώμα των επιτρόπων και θα δημοσιευθεί σε όλες τις επίσημες γλώσσες της ΕΕ.
Het antwoord, in de vorm van een mededeling, wordt officieel vastgesteld door het college van commissarissen en in alle officiële EU-talen gepubliceerd.
Odgovor u obliku komunikacije službeno će donijeti Kolegij povjerenika te će biti objavljen na svim službenim jezicima EU-a.
Tento dokument bude mít formu tzv. sdělení, které bude přijato v kolegiu komisařů a zveřejněno ve všech úředních jazycích Unie.
Svaret gives i form af en meddelelse, som Kommissionen vedtager og offentliggør på alle officielle EU-sprog.
Komisjoni vastus, mis esitatakse teatise vormis, võetakse ametlikult vastu volinike kolleegiumi poolt ning avaldatakse kõigis ELi ametlikes keeltes.
Vastaus annetaan tiedonannon muodossa. Tiedonanto on EU-komissaarien hyväksymä virallinen asiakirja, joka julkaistaan kaikilla EU:n virallisilla kielillä.
A válasz közlemény formáját fogja ölteni, amely a biztosi testület által elfogadott hivatalos dokumentum, és az EU összes hivatalos nyelvén megjelenik majd.
Atsakymą, kuris bus pateikiamas komunikatu, oficialiai patvirtins Komisijos narių kolegija ir jis bus paskelbtas visomis oficialiosiomis ES kalbomis.
Odpowiedź ta, która będzie mieć postać komunikatu, zostanie formalnie przyjęta przez kolegium komisarzy i opublikowana we wszystkich językach urzędowych UE.
Răspunsul, care va fi dat sub forma unei comunicări, va fi adoptat oficial de Colegiul comisarilor europeni şi publicat în toate limbile oficiale ale UE.
Toto stanovisko, ktoré bude mať podobu oznámenia, formálne schvaľuje kolégium komisárov a uverejňuje sa vo všetkých úradných jazykoch EÚ.
Sporočilo, ki ga uradno sprejme kolegij evropskih komisarjev, se objavi v vseh uradnih jezikih EU.
Svaret ges i form av ett meddelande från kommissionen som offentliggörs på alla officiella EU-språk.
Minēto atbildi sniegs paziņojuma veidā, un šo paziņojumu oficiāli pieņems Eiropas Komisijas komisāru kolēģija. To publicēs visās ES oficiālajās valodās.
Din it-tweġiba, li tiġi f'forma ta' komunikazzjoni, tiġi adottata formalment mill-Kulleġġ tal-Kummissarji u tiġi ppubblikata fil-lingwi uffiċjali kollha tal-UE.
Glacfaidh Coláiste na hCoimisinéirí an fhreagairt sin, a bheidh ina Teachtaireacht, go foirmiúil agus foilseofar i dteangacha oifigiúla uile an AE í.
  Начална страница – Евро...  
30/03/2012 - Поправките в Регламента относно гражданската инициатива, по-специално що се отнася до формулярите за изявления за подкрепа, скоро ще бъдат публикувани на 19 езика. Те ще бъдат включени и в софтуера на Комисията, който ще бъде актуализиран тази седмица.
30/03/2012 - Corrigenda to the Regulation on the citizens' initiative will soon be published in 19 languages, in particular as regards the statement of support forms. This will also be incorporated in the Commission software for which a new release will take place this week. Potential organisers should make sure to use this updated version in their system
30/03/2012 - Des rectificatifs au règlement relatif à l'initiative citoyenne, notamment en ce qui concerne les formulaires de déclaration de soutien, seront prochainement publiés dans 19 langues. Ils seront également intégrés dans le logiciel de la Commission, dont une nouvelle version sera disponible cette semaine. Les organisateurs potentiels sont invités à s'assurer que leur système utilisera cette version mise à jour.
30/03/2012 - Berichtigungen der Verordnung über die Bürgerinitiative werden demnächst in 19 Sprachen veröffentlicht. Sie betreffen insbesondere die Formulare für die Unterstützungsbekundungen. Die Änderungen werden auch in die Software der Kommission übernommen; eine neue Version kommt noch diese Woche heraus. Potenzielle Organisatoren sollten darauf achten, diese aktuelle Version in ihrem System zu verwenden.
30/03/2012 - Las correcciones de errores del Reglamento sobre la iniciativa ciudadana, en particular en lo que respecta a los formularios de declaración de apoyo, se publicarán próximamente en 19 lenguas. También se incorporarán en el software de la Comisión, que se actualizará esta semana. Los posibles organizadores deben cerciorarse de que están utilizando en su sistema la versión actualizada.
30/03/2012 - Saranno pubblicate tra breve delle rettifiche del regolamento riguardante l'iniziativa dei cittadini per 19 lingue; si tratta in particolare di modifiche ai moduli per le dichiarazioni di sostegno. Tali modifiche saranno introdotte anche nel software della Commissione, di cui verrà rilasciata una nuova versione questa settimana. I potenziali promotori di un'iniziativa devono stare attenti ad usare nei loro sistemi la versione aggiornata.
30/03/2012 - A retificação do Regulamento sobre a iniciativa de cidadania, especialmente no que respeita ao formulário de declaração de apoio, será em breve publicada em 19 línguas. As correções em causa serão também incorporadas no software da Comissão, cuja nova versão será lançada esta semana. Os eventuais organizadores devem certificar-se de que estão a utilizar a versão atualizada nos respetivos sistemas.
30/03/2012 - Τα διορθωτικά του κανονισμού σχετικά με την πρωτοβουλία πολιτών θα δημοσιευθούν σύντομα σε 19 γλώσσες, ειδικότερα όσον αφορά τα έντυπα των δηλώσεων υποστήριξης. Θα ενσωματωθούν επίσης στο λογισμικό της Επιτροπής, του οποίου η νέα έκδοση θα είναι διαθέσιμη αυτή την εβδομάδα. Οι διοργανωτές πρέπει να βεβαιωθούν ότι χρησιμοποιούν την επικαιροποιημένη έκδοση στο σύστημά τους.
30/03/2012 - Binnenkort worden er voor 19 talen corrigenda op de burgerinitatiefverordening gepubliceerd, met name wat betreft de steunbetuigingsformulieren. Deze corrigenda worden ook verwerkt in de nieuwe release van de ECI-software van de Commissie, die nog deze week verschijnt. Organisatoren van een burgerinitiatief moeten ervoor zorgen dat zij voor hun systeem de bijgewerkte versie van de software gebruiken.
30/03/2012 - V nejbližší době bude zveřejněna oprava nařízení o občanské iniciativě týkající se 19 jazyků. Opravy se týkají především formulářů prohlášení o podpoře. Aktualizován bude také software Komise, jehož nová verze bude zveřejněna tento týden. Je nutné, aby všichni, kdo hodlají občanskou iniciativu organizovat, používali právě tuto aktualizovanou verzi.
30/03/2012 - Der vil snart blive offentliggjort berigtigelser til forordningen om borgerinitiativer på 19 sprog. De vedrører især formularerne for støttetilkendegivelse. Senere på ugen kommer der en ny udgave af Kommissionens software, som indeholder disse ændringer. Som initiativtager bør man derfor sikre sig, at man bruger denne opdaterede udgave.
30/03/2012 - Euroopa kodanikualgatust käsitleva määruse parandus avaldatakse peagi 19 keeles, eelkõige seoses toetusavalduste vormidega. Seda kajastatakse ka komisjoni tarkvaras, mille uus väljalase avaldatakse käesoleval nädalal. Kodanikualgatuse potentsiaalsed korraldajad peaksid tagama, et nende süsteemis kasutatakse uut ajakohastatud versiooni.
30/03/2012 - Lähiaikoina julkaistaan kansalaisaloiteasetuksen oikaisut, joilla tehdään muutoksia 19:ään asetuksen kieliversioista. Muutokset koskevat etenkin tuenilmauslomakkeita. Nämä muutokset on otettu huomioon tuenilmausten keruujärjestelmiin tarkoitetun komission ohjelmiston uudessa ohjelmaversiossa, joka julkaistaan tällä viikolla. Kansalaisaloitteiden järjestäjien on siis syytä käyttää tätä päivitettyä versiota keruujärjestelmissään.
30/03/2012 - A polgári kezdeményezésről szóló rendelet helyesbítése hamarosan napvilágot lát 19 nyelven, különös tekintettel a támogató nyilatkozatok formanyomtatványaira. A helyesbítés a Bizottság által rendelkezésre bocsátott szoftverbe is beépül, amelynek új változata e héten jelenik meg. A potenciális szervezőknek gondoskodniuk kell arról, hogy rendszerükben e megújított változatot használják fel.
30/03/2012 - Netrukus 19 kalbų bus paskelbtas Reglamento dėl piliečių iniciatyvos klaidų ištaisymas, kuris visų pirma susijęs su pritarimo pareiškimų formomis. Į pakeitimus bus atsižvelgta ir Komisijos programinės įrangos naujoje versijoje, kuri bus paskelbta šią savaitę. Galimi piliečių iniciatyvų organizatoriai turėtų savo sistemose naudotis šia atnaujinta versija.
30/03/2012 - Sprostowania do rozporządzenia w sprawie inicjatywy obywatelskiej zostaną wkrótce opublikowane w 19 językach. Korekty dotyczą przede wszystkim formularzy deklaracji poparcia, dlatego niezbędna jest również aktualizacja oprogramowania Komisji. Jego zaktualizowana wersja zostanie udostępniona w tym tygodniu. Osoby planujące zorganizowanie inicjatywy powinny upewnić się, że ich system opiera się na najnowszej wersji oprogramowania.
30/03/2012 - Rectificarea la Regulamentul privind iniţiativa cetăţenească va fi publicată, în curând, în 19 limbi, în special modificările aduse formularelor de declaraţie de susţinere. Ele vor fi integrate şi în software-ul Comisiei, a cărui nouă versiune va fi lansată săptămâna aceasta. Organizatorii trebuie să se asigure că folosesc în sistemul lor această versiune actualizată.
30/03/2012 - Čoskoro bude pre 19 úradných jazykov uverejnené korigendum k nariadeniu o iniciatíve občanov, ktoré sa týka najmä formulárov vyhlásenia o podpore. Zmeny obsiahnuté v korigende budú zapracované do softvéru Komisie, ktorého nová verzia bude uverejnená tento týždeň. Potenciálni organizátori iniciatív by mali zabezpečiť, že vo svojom systéme používajú túto najnovšiu verziu.
30/03/2012 - Za 19 jezikov bodo kmalu objavljeni popravki uredbe o državljanski pobudi, ki se nanašajo zlasti na obrazce izjave o podpori. Popravki bodo vključeni tudi v programsko opremo Komisije, za katero bo nova različica na voljo ta teden. Vsem organizatorjem pobud priporočamo, da preverijo, ali za sistem spletnega zbiranja izjav uporabljajo posodobljeno različico programske opreme.
30/03/2012 - En rättelse till förordningen om medborgarinitiativet offentliggörs snart för 19 språk. Rättelsen gäller särskilt stödförklaringsformulären. I veckan kommer också en ny version av kommissionens namninsamlingsprogram där vi har fört in ändringarna. Se till att du använder den senaste versionen i ditt namninsamlingssystem om du tänker organisera ett initiativ.
30/03/2012 - Drīz Regulai par pilsoņu iniciatīvu tiks publicēts kļūdu labojums 19 valodās, tas galvenokārt attiecas uz paziņojuma par atbalstu veidlapu. Šo labojumu iestrādās arī Komisijas sagatavotajā lietojumprogrammā. Tās jaunā versija būs pieejama šonedēļ. Potenciālajiem organizatoriem jāgādā par to, lai viņu sistēmā tiktu izmantota pēdējā versija.
30/03/2012 - Il-Corrigenda tar-Regolament dwar l-inizjattiva taċ-ċittadini dalwaqt se tkun ippubblikata b'19-il lingwa, b'mod partikulari f'dak li għandu x'jaqsam mad-dikjarazzjoni tal-formoli ta' appoġġ. Din se tkun ukoll inkorporata fis-softwer tal-Kummissjoni li verżjoni ġdida tiegħu se tinħareġ din il-ġimgħa. Organizzaturi potenzjali għandhom jiżguraw li jużaw din il-verżjoni appdejtjata fis-sistema tagħhom.
30/03/2012 - Ní fada go bhfoilseofar ceartúcháin don Rialachán ar an tionscnamh ó na saoránaigh i 19 dteanga, go háirithe maidir leis na foirmeacha ráiteas tacaíochta. Ionchorprófar iad sin i mbogearraí nua an Choimisiúin, a mbeidh scaoileadh nua díobh an tseachtain seo. Ba cheart go gcinnteodh eagraithe ionchasacha gurb é a leagan nuashonraithe sin a úsáidfid.
  Възможности за работа  
Службите на Комисията ще направят справка с базата данни и ще определят кои кандидати ще бъдат поканени на интервю относно компетенциите. На избраните кандидати ще бъде предложен срочен договор съгласно член 3б от Условията за работа на другите служители на Европейския съюз (УРДС).
The Commission services will search the database and identify candidates to be invited for competency interviews. The successful candidates will be offered a fixed-term contract under article 3b of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union (CEOS). This call does not cover 3A-contract types which may lead to an indefinite duration contract. The majority of contracts will be granted in the Commission's main places of employment: Brussels (Belgium), Luxembourg (Luxembourg) and Ispra (Italy), although some positions may be open in other places of employment, such as Geel (Belgium), Karlsruhe (Germany), Petten (The Netherlands) and Seville (Spain).
Les services de la Commission consulteront la base de données et sélectionneront les candidats qui seront convoqués à un entretien d'évaluation. Les candidats retenus se verront proposer un contrat à durée déterminée conformément à l’article 3 ter du régime applicable aux autres agents de l’Union européenne (RAA). Cet appel ne couvre pas les contrats du type 3 bis qui peuvent déboucher sur un contrat à durée indéterminée. La majorité des contrats seront accordés dans les principaux lieux d’affectation de la Commission: Bruxelles (Belgique), Luxembourg (Luxembourg) et Ispra (Italie). Toutefois, certains emplois pourraient être vacants dans d’autres lieux d’affectation, notamment à Geel (Belgique), à Karlsruhe (Allemagne), à Petten (Pays-Bas) et à Séville (Espagne).
Sind Stellen zu besetzen, werden die Dienststellen der Kommission die Datenbank nach geeigneten Bewerbern durchsuchen und diese zu einem kompetenzbasierten Interview einladen. Den erfolgreichen Bewerbern wird ein befristeter Vertrag gemäß Artikel 3 Buchstabe b der Beschäftigungsbedingungen für die sonstigen Bediensteten der Europäischen Union angeboten. Vertragsarten gemäß Artikel 3 Buchstabe a, die zu unbefristeten Verträgen führen können, sind von dieser Aufforderung zur Interessenbekundung nicht erfasst. Die Mehrheit der Verträge werden für Stellen an den wichtigsten Dienstorten der Kommission vergeben: Brüssel (Belgien), Luxemburg (Luxemburg) und Ispra (Italien). Einige Stellen können auch an anderen Dienstorten zu besetzen sein wie Geel (Belgien), Karlsruhe (Deutschland), Petten (Niederlande) und Sevilla (Spanien).
Los servicios de la Comisión buscarán e identificarán en la base de datos a los candidatos susceptibles de ser convocados a las entrevistas de competencia. A los candidatos seleccionados se les ofrecerá un contrato de duración determinada de conformidad con el artículo 3 ter del régimen aplicable a los otros agentes de la Unión Europea. La convocatoria no incluye contratos del tipo 3A que pudieran conducir a un contrato de duración indefinida. La mayoría de los contratos se concederán en los principales destinos de la Comisión: Bruselas (Bélgica), Luxemburgo (Luxemburgo) e Ispra (Italia), aunque pueden ofrecerse algunos contratos en otros lugares de trabajo como Geel (Bélgica), Karlsruhe (Alemania), Petten (Países Bajos) y Sevilla (España).
I servizi della Commissione consulteranno la banca dati per individuare i candidati da convocare ai colloqui di valutazione delle competenze. Ai candidati idonei sarà offerto un contratto a tempo determinato a norma dell’articolo 3 ter del regime applicabile agli altri agenti dell'Unione europea. Il presente invito non riguarda contratti di tipo 3A, che potrebbero diventare a tempo indeterminato. La maggior parte dei contratti riguarda posizioni presso le principali sedi di lavoro della Commissione: Bruxelles (Belgio), Lussemburgo (Lussemburgo) e Ispra (Italia). Alcune posizioni potrebbero essere disponibili presso altre sedi come Geel (Belgio), Karlsruhe (Germania), Petten (Paesi Bassi) e Siviglia (Spagna).
Οι υπηρεσίες της Επιτροπής θα ερευνήσουν τη βάση δεδομένων και θα εντοπίσουν τους υποψηφίους που θα καλέσουν για συνεντεύξεις σχετικά με την επάρκειά τους. Με τους επιτυχόντες υποψήφιους θα συναφθεί σύμβαση εργασίας ορισμένου χρόνου σύμφωνα με το άρθρο 3β του καθεστώτος που εφαρμόζεται επί του λοιπού προσωπικού της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης (ΚΛΠ). Η παρούσα πρόσκληση δεν καλύπτει τις συμβάσεις εργασίας του τύπου 3A, οι οποίες μπορεί να καταλήξουν σε συμβάσεις αορίστου χρόνου. Οι περισσότερες συμβάσεις θα αφορούν τους κύριους τόπους εργασίας της Επιτροπής: Βρυξέλλες (Βέλγιο), Λουξεμβούργο (Λουξεμβούργο) και Ίσπρα (Ιταλία), μολονότι ορισμένες θέσεις εργασίας μπορεί να ανήκουν σε άλλους τόπους εργασίας, όπως Geel (Βέλγιο), Καρλσρούη (Γερμανία), Petten (Κάτω Χώρες) και Σεβίλλη (Ισπανία).
De diensten van de Commissie zullen de databank raadplegen en kandidaten selecteren voor een sollicitatiegesprek. Een contract van bepaalde duur wordt aangeboden aan de succesvolle kandidaten op grond van artikel 3ter van de regeling die van toepassing is op de andere personeelsleden van de Europese Unie. Deze oproep heeft geen betrekking op contracten van het type 3bis, die kunnen leiden tot een contract van onbepaalde duur. Het merendeel van de contracten zal betrekking hebben op de voornaamste standplaatsen van de Commissie, met name Brussel (België), Luxemburg (Luxemburg) en Ispra (Italië). Een beperkt aantal contracten kan evenwel betrekking hebben op andere standplaatsen, in Geel (België), Karlsruhe (Duitsland), Petten (Nederland) en Sevilla (Spanje).
Útvary Komise prohledají databázi a určí uchazeče, které pozvou k pracovnímu pohovoru. Úspěšným uchazečům bude nabídnuta smlouva na dobu určitou podle článku 3b pracovního řádu ostatních zaměstnanců Evropské unie. Tato výzva se netýká smluv typu 3A, jež mohou vést k uzavření smlouvy na dobu neurčitou. Uchazečům bude ve většině případů nabídnuta smlouva v hlavních místech činnosti Komise: v Bruselu (Belgie), Lucemburku (Lucembursko) a Ispře (Itálie). Některé smlouvy se však mohou týkat i pracovních míst v jiných městech, v nichž Komise působí, např. ve městě Geel (Belgie), Karlsruhe (Německo), Petten (Nizozemsko) a Sevilla (Španělsko).
Kommissionens tjenestegrene gennemgår databasen og udvælger de ansøgere, som vil blive indkaldt til en samtale. De udvalgte ansøgere vil få tilbudt en tidsbegrænset kontrakt i henhold til artikel 3b i ansættelsesvilkårene for de øvrige ansatte i Den Europæiske Union. Indkaldelsen omfatter ikke type 3A-kontrakter, som kan føre til en tidsubegrænset kontrakt. Tilbud om ansættelse på kontrakt vil i de fleste tilfælde dreje sig om de vigtigste af Kommissionens tjenestesteder: Bruxelles (Belgien), Luxembourg (Luxembourg) og Ispra (Italien). Der kan blive tale om stillinger på andre tjenestesteder, f.eks. Geel (Belgien), Karlsruhe (Tyskland), Petten (Nederlandene) og Sevilla (Spanien).
Komisjoni talitused viivad andmebaasis läbi otsingu ning määravad kindlaks intervjuule kutsutavad kandidaadid. Edukatele kandidaatidele pakutakse vastavalt Euroopa Liidu muude teenistujate teenistustingimuste (CEOS) artiklile 3b tähtajalist lepingut. Käesolev konkursikutse ei hõlma 3A-lepinguid, mis võidakse muuta tähtajatuteks. Enamik lepinguid on pakkuda komisjoni peamistes asukohtades: Brüssel (Belgia), Luxembourg (Luksemburg) ja Ispra (Itaalia), kuid mõned töökohad võivad vabaneda ka muudes asukohtades nagu Geel (Belgia), Karlsruhe (Saksamaa), Petten (Madalmaad) ja Sevilla (Hispaania).
Komission yksiköt poimivat tietokannasta hakijat, jotka kutsutaan kompetensseja mittaavaan haastatteluun. Valituille hakijoille tarjotaan Euroopan unionin muuhun henkilöstöön sovellettavien palvelussuhteen ehtojen 3 b artiklan mukaista määräaikaista sopimusta. Kiinnostuksenilmaisupyyntö ei kata tyyppiä 3A olevia sopimuksia, joita voidaan jatkaa toistaiseksi voimassa olevana työsopimuksena. Valituille hakijoille tarjotaan sopimusta useimmiten komission päätoimipaikoissa, jotka ovat Bryssel (Belgia), Luxemburg (Luxemburg) sekä Ispra (Italia). Osa työpaikoista voi olla myös muissa toimipaikoissa, kuten Geel (Belgia), Karlsruhe (Saksa), Petten (Alankomaat) ja Sevilla (Espanja).
Służby Komisji wybiorą z bazy danych kandydatów, którzy następnie zostaną zaproszeni na rozmowę kwalifikacyjną. Kandydatom, którzy pomyślnie przejdą rozmowę kwalifikacyjną, zaproponowane zostaną umowy o pracę na czas określony na podstawie art. 3b warunków zatrudnienia innych pracowników Unii Europejskiej. Niniejsze zaproszenie nie obejmuje umów o pracę typu 3A, na podstawie których pracownik może w przyszłości uzyskać umowę o pracę na czas nieokreślony. Większość ofert pracy dotyczy głównych lokalizacji, w których Komisja zatrudnia pracowników. Należą do nich: Bruksela (Belgia), Luksemburg (Luksemburg) i Ispra (Włochy). Niemniej jednak kandydatom może zostać zaproponowana praca w innych miejscach, takich jak Geel (Belgia), Karlsruhe (Niemcy), Petten (Holandia) i Sewilla (Hiszpania).
Serviciile Comisiei vor consulta baza de date și vor selecta candidații care urmează să fie invitați pentru interviuri de evaluare a competențelor. Candidaților selectați li se va oferi un contract pe durată determinată în temeiul articolului 3b din Regimul aplicabil celorlalți agenți ai Uniunii Europene (RACA). Prezenta cerere nu cuprinde contracte de tip 3A, care pot conduce la un contract de muncă pe durată nedeterminată. Majoritatea contractelor vor fi oferite în principalele locuri de repartizare ale Comisiei: la Bruxelles (Belgia), la Luxemburg (Luxemburg) și la Ispra (Italia), deși unele posturi pot fi vacante în alte locuri de repartizare ale Comisiei, cum ar fi Geel (Belgia), Karlsruhe (Germania), Petten (Țările de Jos) și Sevilla (Spania).
Službe Komisije bodo pregledale zbirko podatkov in izbrale kandidate, ki bodo povabljeni na razgovor o usposobljenosti. Uspešnim kandidatom bo ponujena pogodba o zaposlitvi za določen čas v skladu s členom 3b pogojev za zaposlitev drugih uslužbencev Evropske unije (PZDU). Ta razpis ne zajema pogodb v skladu s členom 3a, ki se lahko spremenijo v pogodbe za nedoločen čas. Večina pogodb bo na voljo v glavnih krajih zaposlitve Komisije: Bruselj (Belgija), Luxembourg (Luksemburg) in Ispra (Italija); nekatera delovna mesta pa bodo mogoče na voljo tudi v drugih krajih zaposlitve, kot so na primer Geel (Belgija), Karlsruhe (Nemčija), Petten (Nizozemska) in Sevilla (Španija).
När det finns en ledig tjänst söker kommissionens avdelningar i databasen efter lämpliga sökanden som sedan kallas till intervju. Om du blir vald blir du erbjuden en tidsbegränsad anställning i högst tre år enligt artikel 3b i anställningsvillkoren för övriga anställda i Europeiska unionen. Den här omgången omfattar inte kontrakt av typen 3a som kan omvandlas till tillsvidareanställningar. Tjänsterna är i de flesta fall placerade på kommissionens största anställningsorter: Bryssel (Belgien), Luxemburg (Luxemburg) och Ispra (Italien). Vissa tjänster kan finnas på andra anställningsorter, t.ex. Geel (Belgien), Karlsruhe (Tyskland), Petten (Nederländerna) och Sevilla (Spanien).
Komisijas dienesti veiks meklēšanu datubāzē un noteiks kandidātus, ko aicinās uz interviju. Atlases procedūru izturējušajiem kandidātiem piedāvās noslēgt līgumu uz noteiktu laiku saskaņā ar Savienības pārējo darbinieku nodarbināšanas kārtības (CEOS) 3. panta b) punktu. Šis uzaicinājums neattiecas uz 3. panta a) punktā minētajiem līgumiem, kas var kļūt par beztermiņa līgumiem. Lielāko daļu līgumu piešķirs Komisijas galvenajās nodarbinātības vietās: Briselē (Beļģija), Luksemburgā (Luksemburga) un Isprā (Itālija), lai gan dažus posteņus var piedāvāt arī citās nodarbinātības vietās, piemēram, Gēlā (Beļģija), Karlsrūē (Vācija), Petenā (Nīderlande) un Seviļā (Spānija).
Is-servizzi tal-Kummissjoni se jfittxu fil-bażi tad-dejta u jidentifikaw il-kandidati li għandhom jiġu mistiedna għal intervisti ta’ kompetenza. Il-kandidati magħżula se jiġu offruti kuntratt b'terminu fiss skont l-Artikolu 3b tal-Kundizzjonijiet tal-Impjieg Applikabbli għall-Aġenti l-Oħra tal-Unjoni Ewropea (CEOS). Din is-sejħa ma tkoprix il-kuntratti tat-tip 3A li jistgħu jwasslu għal kuntratt ta' żmien indefinit. Il-maġġoranza tal-kuntratti se jingħataw f’postijiet tax-xogħol ewlenin fil-Kummissjoni: Brussell (il-Belġju), il-Lussemburgu (il-Lussemburgu) u Ispra (l-Italja), għalkemm jista' jkun hemm xi pożizzjonijiet f’postijiet tax-xogħol oħra, bħal Geel (il-Belġju), Karlsruhe (il-Ġermanja), Petten (il-Pajjiżi l-Baxxi) u Sevilja (Spanja).
Над 6 300 от тях са участвали в програми за стажуване, а се планира още 10 000 подобни места да бъдат осигурени до края на 2012 г. По време на пресконференцията заместник-министъра на труда и социалната политика Зорница Русинова обясни, че програмата за стажуване ще бъде разширена и в нея ще могат да участват и централните и местни администрации.
Speaking at a press conference the Bulgarian Labour and Social Policy Minister Totyu Mladenov reported that, to date, some 50 000 young people have participated in ESF schemes concerning education and the improvement of skills and qualifications. Of these more than 6 300 have taken part in internship programmes and 10 000 more such places are planned by the end of 2012. The Minister also announced the new ‘First Job’ programme which will give training and 6-12 months of paid work experience to young jobseekers. Also at the press event, vice-minister Zornitsa Rusinova explained that the internship programmewould be extended to public administrations.
S'exprimant lors d'une conférence de presse, le ministre bulgare du travail et de la politique sociale, Totyu Mladenov, a indiqué qu'à ce jour, quelque 50 000 jeunes avaient déjà participé à des programmes du FSE sur les thèmes de l'éducation et de l'amélioration des compétences et qualifications. Plus de 6 300 d'entre eux ont participé à des programmes de stage et 10 000 autres places de stagiaires devraient être proposées d'ici la fin 2012. Le ministre a également annoncé le lancement du nouveau programme «Premier emploi», qui proposera une formation et 6 à 12 mois de stage rémunéré à de jeunes demandeurs d'emploi. Toujours lors de cette conférence de presse, la vice-ministre Zornitsa Rusinova a expliqué que le programme de stages allait être élargi aux administrations publiques.
Bei einer Pressekonferenz erklärte der bulgarische Minister für Arbeit und Soziales, Totyu Mladenov, dass bislang circa 50 000 junge Menschen an Maßnahmen des ESF zur Ausbildung und zur Verbesserung von Fähigkeiten und Qualifikationen teilgenommen haben. Von ihnen haben mehr als 6 300 an Praktikumsprogrammen teilgenommen und 10 000 weitere Praktikumsplätze sind bis Ende 2012 geplant. Der Minister kündigte ferner das neue Programm „Erster Arbeitsplatz“ an, in dessen Rahmen junge Arbeitssuchende eine Ausbildung sowie 6–12 Monate dauernde, bezahlte Berufspraktika erhalten. Darüber hinaus erklärte die Vizeministerin, Zornitsa Rusinova, bei dieser Pressekonferenz, dass das Praktikumsprogramm auf Einrichtungen der öffentlichen Hand ausgedehnt werden soll.
Speaking at a press conference the Bulgarian Labour and Social Policy Minister Totyu Mladenov reported that, to date, some 50 000 young people have participated in ESF schemes concerning education and the improvement of skills and qualifications. Of these more than 6 300 have taken part in internship programmes and 10 000 more such places are planned by the end of 2012. The Minister also announced the new ‘First Job’ programme which will give training and 6-12 months of paid work experience to young jobseekers. Also at the press event, vice-minister Zornitsa Rusinova explained that the internship programmewould be extended to public administrations.
Speaking at a press conference the Bulgarian Labour and Social Policy Minister Totyu Mladenov reported that, to date, some 50 000 young people have participated in ESF schemes concerning education and the improvement of skills and qualifications. Of these more than 6 300 have taken part in internship programmes and 10 000 more such places are planned by the end of 2012. The Minister also announced the new ‘First Job’ programme which will give training and 6-12 months of paid work experience to young jobseekers. Also at the press event, vice-minister Zornitsa Rusinova explained that the internship programmewould be extended to public administrations.
Speaking at a press conference the Bulgarian Labour and Social Policy Minister Totyu Mladenov reported that, to date, some 50 000 young people have participated in ESF schemes concerning education and the improvement of skills and qualifications. Of these more than 6 300 have taken part in internship programmes and 10 000 more such places are planned by the end of 2012. The Minister also announced the new ‘First Job’ programme which will give training and 6-12 months of paid work experience to young jobseekers. Also at the press event, vice-minister Zornitsa Rusinova explained that the internship programmewould be extended to public administrations.
Speaking at a press conference the Bulgarian Labour and Social Policy Minister Totyu Mladenov reported that, to date, some 50 000 young people have participated in ESF schemes concerning education and the improvement of skills and qualifications. Of these more than 6 300 have taken part in internship programmes and 10 000 more such places are planned by the end of 2012. The Minister also announced the new ‘First Job’ programme which will give training and 6-12 months of paid work experience to young jobseekers. Also at the press event, vice-minister Zornitsa Rusinova explained that the internship programmewould be extended to public administrations.
Speaking at a press conference the Bulgarian Labour and Social Policy Minister Totyu Mladenov reported that, to date, some 50 000 young people have participated in ESF schemes concerning education and the improvement of skills and qualifications. Of these more than 6 300 have taken part in internship programmes and 10 000 more such places are planned by the end of 2012. The Minister also announced the new ‘First Job’ programme which will give training and 6-12 months of paid work experience to young jobseekers. Also at the press event, vice-minister Zornitsa Rusinova explained that the internship programmewould be extended to public administrations.
Speaking at a press conference the Bulgarian Labour and Social Policy Minister Totyu Mladenov reported that, to date, some 50 000 young people have participated in ESF schemes concerning education and the improvement of skills and qualifications. Of these more than 6 300 have taken part in internship programmes and 10 000 more such places are planned by the end of 2012. The Minister also announced the new ‘First Job’ programme which will give training and 6-12 months of paid work experience to young jobseekers. Also at the press event, vice-minister Zornitsa Rusinova explained that the internship programmewould be extended to public administrations.
Speaking at a press conference the Bulgarian Labour and Social Policy Minister Totyu Mladenov reported that, to date, some 50 000 young people have participated in ESF schemes concerning education and the improvement of skills and qualifications. Of these more than 6 300 have taken part in internship programmes and 10 000 more such places are planned by the end of 2012. The Minister also announced the new ‘First Job’ programme which will give training and 6-12 months of paid work experience to young jobseekers. Also at the press event, vice-minister Zornitsa Rusinova explained that the internship programmewould be extended to public administrations.
Speaking at a press conference the Bulgarian Labour and Social Policy Minister Totyu Mladenov reported that, to date, some 50 000 young people have participated in ESF schemes concerning education and the improvement of skills and qualifications. Of these more than 6 300 have taken part in internship programmes and 10 000 more such places are planned by the end of 2012. The Minister also announced the new ‘First Job’ programme which will give training and 6-12 months of paid work experience to young jobseekers. Also at the press event, vice-minister Zornitsa Rusinova explained that the internship programmewould be extended to public administrations.
Speaking at a press conference the Bulgarian Labour and Social Policy Minister Totyu Mladenov reported that, to date, some 50 000 young people have participated in ESF schemes concerning education and the improvement of skills and qualifications. Of these more than 6 300 have taken part in internship programmes and 10 000 more such places are planned by the end of 2012. The Minister also announced the new ‘First Job’ programme which will give training and 6-12 months of paid work experience to young jobseekers. Also at the press event, vice-minister Zornitsa Rusinova explained that the internship programmewould be extended to public administrations.
Speaking at a press conference the Bulgarian Labour and Social Policy Minister Totyu Mladenov reported that, to date, some 50 000 young people have participated in ESF schemes concerning education and the improvement of skills and qualifications. Of these more than 6 300 have taken part in internship programmes and 10 000 more such places are planned by the end of 2012. The Minister also announced the new ‘First Job’ programme which will give training and 6-12 months of paid work experience to young jobseekers. Also at the press event, vice-minister Zornitsa Rusinova explained that the internship programmewould be extended to public administrations.
Speaking at a press conference the Bulgarian Labour and Social Policy Minister Totyu Mladenov reported that, to date, some 50 000 young people have participated in ESF schemes concerning education and the improvement of skills and qualifications. Of these more than 6 300 have taken part in internship programmes and 10 000 more such places are planned by the end of 2012. The Minister also announced the new ‘First Job’ programme which will give training and 6-12 months of paid work experience to young jobseekers. Also at the press event, vice-minister Zornitsa Rusinova explained that the internship programmewould be extended to public administrations.
Speaking at a press conference the Bulgarian Labour and Social Policy Minister Totyu Mladenov reported that, to date, some 50 000 young people have participated in ESF schemes concerning education and the improvement of skills and qualifications. Of these more than 6 300 have taken part in internship programmes and 10 000 more such places are planned by the end of 2012. The Minister also announced the new ‘First Job’ programme which will give training and 6-12 months of paid work experience to young jobseekers. Also at the press event, vice-minister Zornitsa Rusinova explained that the internship programmewould be extended to public administrations.
Speaking at a press conference the Bulgarian Labour and Social Policy Minister Totyu Mladenov reported that, to date, some 50 000 young people have participated in ESF schemes concerning education and the improvement of skills and qualifications. Of these more than 6 300 have taken part in internship programmes and 10 000 more such places are planned by the end of 2012. The Minister also announced the new ‘First Job’ programme which will give training and 6-12 months of paid work experience to young jobseekers. Also at the press event, vice-minister Zornitsa Rusinova explained that the internship programmewould be extended to public administrations.
Speaking at a press conference the Bulgarian Labour and Social Policy Minister Totyu Mladenov reported that, to date, some 50 000 young people have participated in ESF schemes concerning education and the improvement of skills and qualifications. Of these more than 6 300 have taken part in internship programmes and 10 000 more such places are planned by the end of 2012. The Minister also announced the new ‘First Job’ programme which will give training and 6-12 months of paid work experience to young jobseekers. Also at the press event, vice-minister Zornitsa Rusinova explained that the internship programmewould be extended to public administrations.
Speaking at a press conference the Bulgarian Labour and Social Policy Minister Totyu Mladenov reported that, to date, some 50 000 young people have participated in ESF schemes concerning education and the improvement of skills and qualifications. Of these more than 6 300 have taken part in internship programmes and 10 000 more such places are planned by the end of 2012. The Minister also announced the new ‘First Job’ programme which will give training and 6-12 months of paid work experience to young jobseekers. Also at the press event, vice-minister Zornitsa Rusinova explained that the internship programmewould be extended to public administrations.
Speaking at a press conference the Bulgarian Labour and Social Policy Minister Totyu Mladenov reported that, to date, some 50 000 young people have participated in ESF schemes concerning education and the improvement of skills and qualifications. Of these more than 6 300 have taken part in internship programmes and 10 000 more such places are planned by the end of 2012. The Minister also announced the new ‘First Job’ programme which will give training and 6-12 months of paid work experience to young jobseekers. Also at the press event, vice-minister Zornitsa Rusinova explained that the internship programmewould be extended to public administrations.
Speaking at a press conference the Bulgarian Labour and Social Policy Minister Totyu Mladenov reported that, to date, some 50 000 young people have participated in ESF schemes concerning education and the improvement of skills and qualifications. Of these more than 6 300 have taken part in internship programmes and 10 000 more such places are planned by the end of 2012. The Minister also announced the new ‘First Job’ programme which will give training and 6-12 months of paid work experience to young jobseekers. Also at the press event, vice-minister Zornitsa Rusinova explained that the internship programmewould be extended to public administrations.
Speaking at a press conference the Bulgarian Labour and Social Policy Minister Totyu Mladenov reported that, to date, some 50 000 young people have participated in ESF schemes concerning education and the improvement of skills and qualifications. Of these more than 6 300 have taken part in internship programmes and 10 000 more such places are planned by the end of 2012. The Minister also announced the new ‘First Job’ programme which will give training and 6-12 months of paid work experience to young jobseekers. Also at the press event, vice-minister Zornitsa Rusinova explained that the internship programmewould be extended to public administrations.
Speaking at a press conference the Bulgarian Labour and Social Policy Minister Totyu Mladenov reported that, to date, some 50 000 young people have participated in ESF schemes concerning education and the improvement of skills and qualifications. Of these more than 6 300 have taken part in internship programmes and 10 000 more such places are planned by the end of 2012. The Minister also announced the new ‘First Job’ programme which will give training and 6-12 months of paid work experience to young jobseekers. Also at the press event, vice-minister Zornitsa Rusinova explained that the internship programmewould be extended to public administrations.