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Keybot 57 Results  undp.by  Page 2
  Áþëëåòåíü ÎÎÍ | Òåìà íî...  
— На 32-й сессии Гене ральной конференции ЮНЕСКО будет поднят вопрос о разработке Конвенции об охране нематериального культурного наследия. Каково отношение Бе ларуси к этому процессу?
— The 32nd General Conference of UNESCO is expected to raise the issue of developing a convention on non–material cultural heritage protection. What is Belarus' attitude to this process?
  Áþëëåòåíü ÎÎÍ | èþëü-àâ...  
На протяжении многих лет после вступления Беларуси в ЮНЕСКО эта организация была трибуной для распространения информации о республике, а также одним из немногих каналов непосредственного участия Беларуси в международной жизни.
For many years since Belarus joined UNESCO, this organization has been a source of information about the Republic as well as one of the few channels Belarus to directly participate in international activities.Now UNESCO also provides an opportunity to inform the world community about the achievements of Belarusian science, culture and education... >>
  Áþëëåòåíü ÎÎÍ | Êàëåíäà...  
В начале 2005 года в парижскую штаб-квартиру ЮНЕСКО прибыло сразу восемь лауреатов Нобелевской премии по физике, в том числе уроженец Беларуси, вице-президент Российской Академии наукЖорес Алферов (на фото сверху).
In early 2005 eight laureates of the Nobel Prize in physics arrived at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. Among them was Zhores Alferov (see the photo above), Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who was born in Belarus. The laureates discussed the events expected to take place as part of the Year of Physics such as various exhibitions, contests, and demonstrations intended to promote this branch of science, and to make it more understandable for the millions of people in all countries of the world.
  Áþëëåòåíü ÎÎÍ | Òåìà íî...  
— После того как в начале 90-х Беларусь обрела реальный суверенитет, — рассказывает Владимир Григорьевич, — сотрудничество с ЮНЕСКО приобрело более практический характер. Перед учреждениями науки, культуры и образования нашей страны открылись возможности широкого участия в международных интеллектуальных обменах, получения экспертной, технической и иной помощи, информационных материалов.
"After Belarus gained real sovereignty in the early 1990–s," says Mr. Schastny, "cooperation with UNESCO has become more practical. Scientific, cultural and educational institutions in our country have been given broad opportunities participate in the international intellectual exchange, to receive advisory, technical and other assistance, and to obtain informational materials. The international documents developed by UNESCO represent a good basis and reference point for developing draft regulations and formulating national policy in the relevant fields. Besides being a large donor institution, UNESCO actively works to raise money for financing projects, including those that are of interest to Belarus."
  Áþëëåòåíü ÎÎÍ | ÎÎÍ â Á...  
Центр открылся в рамках тематического проекта Программы СОРЕ «Методологи ческая и информационная поддержка процесса радиоэкологического образования», в котором участвуют также Институт ядерной и радиационной безопасности (1Р51М, Франция) Научно-исследовательский центр ядерной защиты (СЕРЫ, Франция), ЮНЕСКО, Министерство образования Беларуси, Министерство культуры Беларуси, Белорусский государственный педагогический университет им.
The center opened under the CORE Programme's thematic project "Methodological and Informational Support of the Radioecology Education Process" with participation of the Institute of Nuclear and Radiation Security (IRSN, France), the Scientific Research Center of Nuclear Protection (CEPN, France), UNESCO, the Ministry of Education of Belarus, the Ministry of Culture of Belarus, the Maksim Tank Belarusian State Pedagogical University, and the National Institute of Education.
  Áþëëåòåíü ÎÎÍ | Çíàåòå ...  
...Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры (ЮНЕСКО) озабочена сохранностью так называемого «электронного наследия» человечества. Подавляющее количество новой информации во всех областях человеческой деятельности существует в виде компьютерных файлов, которые вполне могут быть утеряны.
...The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is concerned about the safety of the so–called "electronic heritage of humankind". An enormous trove of information covering all areas of human endeavor is stored in the digital format, which might lead to serious losses of information. Recently, at the request of one of the American universities, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has provided the university with 25–year–old computer materials on the exploration of the surface of Mars. But the software to read the 25–year–old computer tapes no longer existed, and the programmers who knew it had died. In this connection UNESCO stresses the necessity to develop uniform rules and standards which would guarantee electronic information safety.
  Áþëëåòåíü ÎÎÍ | ÎÎÍ ðàá...  
По мнению специалистов, спасти сохранившиеся «шляхетские гнезда» можно лишь одним способом — включив их в систему культурного туризма, а вместе с тем — в систему устойчивого развития. Как мы уже писали, нынешняя позиция ЮНЕСКО заключается не просто в поддержке охраны культурного наследия, но в активном вовлечении такового в социально–экономическое развитие регионов.
At present there are several hundred historic estates in the country. Unfortunately, the majority of them are in poor condition and require urgent restoration. In the opinion of specialists, there's only one way to save the remaining "gentry estates" i.e. to include them in the cultural tourist system and, consequently, in the system of sustainable development. As we have mentioned before, at present UNESCO is striving both to support the protection of the cultural heritage and to get it involved in the regional social and economic development. For two days this issue was the focus of attention of the Forum participants.
  Áþëëåòåíü ÎÎÍ | Òåìà íî...  
Целью летнего университета является создание условий для образования, эффективного общения, обмена опытом и развития творческого потенциала молодых людей через вовлечение их в мероприятия по различным направлениям деятельности клубов ЮНЕСКО.
The aim of the summer university was to create an environment for education, efficient communication, exchange of experience and creative capacity building of young people by getting them involved in the various activities of UNESCO clubs. Withinthe framework of the University–2003 round tables were held to discuss the activities of the UN, UNESCO, and UNICEF and to exchange working experience of UNESCO clubs. Among the experts par–tici pating in the work of the sections ("Environment", "The Rights of the Child and Human Rights", "Inter–Cultural Dialogue", etc.) were the representatives of UNICEF and UN Office in Belarus, the National Commission for UNESCO and the Minsk–based universities. Traditional summer Olympic games were also held.
  Áþëëåòåíü ÎÎÍ | Çíàåòå ...  
...Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры (ЮНЕСКО) озабочена сохранностью так называемого «электронного наследия» человечества. Подавляющее количество новой информации во всех областях человеческой деятельности существует в виде компьютерных файлов, которые вполне могут быть утеряны.
...The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is concerned about the safety of the so–called "electronic heritage of humankind". An enormous trove of information covering all areas of human endeavor is stored in the digital format, which might lead to serious losses of information. Recently, at the request of one of the American universities, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has provided the university with 25–year–old computer materials on the exploration of the surface of Mars. But the software to read the 25–year–old computer tapes no longer existed, and the programmers who knew it had died. In this connection UNESCO stresses the necessity to develop uniform rules and standards which would guarantee electronic information safety.
  Áþëëåòåíü ÎÎÍ | Òåìà íî...  
Целью летнего университета является создание условий для образования, эффективного общения, обмена опытом и развития творческого потенциала молодых людей через вовлечение их в мероприятия по различным направлениям деятельности клубов ЮНЕСКО.
The aim of the summer university was to create an environment for education, efficient communication, exchange of experience and creative capacity building of young people by getting them involved in the various activities of UNESCO clubs. Withinthe framework of the University–2003 round tables were held to discuss the activities of the UN, UNESCO, and UNICEF and to exchange working experience of UNESCO clubs. Among the experts par–tici pating in the work of the sections ("Environment", "The Rights of the Child and Human Rights", "Inter–Cultural Dialogue", etc.) were the representatives of UNICEF and UN Office in Belarus, the National Commission for UNESCO and the Minsk–based universities. Traditional summer Olympic games were also held.
  Áþëëåòåíü ÎÎÍ | Ïîâåñòê...  
Наряду с педагогами и учащимися Ждановичской школы–интерната в работе семинара приняли участие представители Интернет–проекта «Мир, в котором мы живем», Минского городского эколого–туристского центра, дебатного клуба ЮНЕСКО, средних школ столицы и другие.
In addition to teachers and students of the Zhdanovichy boarding school, among the participants were the representatives of the Internet Project "The World Where We Live", the Minsk-based ecological and tourist center, the UNESCO Debate Club, secondary schools and others. The participants of the workshop presented the idea of using Internet projects as a resource for the development of education and as an instrument for supporting the right of every child to decent level of education and agreed their intentions and plans of joint participation in the international educational projects of IEARN (International Education and Resource Network). The discussions "Functional literacy and the right of the child to education in the current world" and "Internet projects for us: utopia or reality?" were also held within the framework of the workshop.
  Áþëëåòåíü ÎÎÍ | Òåìà íî...  
— После того как в начале 90-х Беларусь обрела реальный суверенитет, — рассказывает Владимир Григорьевич, — сотрудничество с ЮНЕСКО приобрело более практический характер. Перед учреждениями науки, культуры и образования нашей страны открылись возможности широкого участия в международных интеллектуальных обменах, получения экспертной, технической и иной помощи, информационных материалов.
"After Belarus gained real sovereignty in the early 1990–s," says Mr. Schastny, "cooperation with UNESCO has become more practical. Scientific, cultural and educational institutions in our country have been given broad opportunities participate in the international intellectual exchange, to receive advisory, technical and other assistance, and to obtain informational materials. The international documents developed by UNESCO represent a good basis and reference point for developing draft regulations and formulating national policy in the relevant fields. Besides being a large donor institution, UNESCO actively works to raise money for financing projects, including those that are of interest to Belarus."
  Áþëëåòåíü ÎÎÍ | Òåìà íî...  
— После того как в начале 90-х Беларусь обрела реальный суверенитет, — рассказывает Владимир Григорьевич, — сотрудничество с ЮНЕСКО приобрело более практический характер. Перед учреждениями науки, культуры и образования нашей страны открылись возможности широкого участия в международных интеллектуальных обменах, получения экспертной, технической и иной помощи, информационных материалов.
"After Belarus gained real sovereignty in the early 1990–s," says Mr. Schastny, "cooperation with UNESCO has become more practical. Scientific, cultural and educational institutions in our country have been given broad opportunities participate in the international intellectual exchange, to receive advisory, technical and other assistance, and to obtain informational materials. The international documents developed by UNESCO represent a good basis and reference point for developing draft regulations and formulating national policy in the relevant fields. Besides being a large donor institution, UNESCO actively works to raise money for financing projects, including those that are of interest to Belarus."
  Áþëëåòåíü ÎÎÍ | Òåìà íî...  
Целью летнего университета является создание условий для образования, эффективного общения, обмена опытом и развития творческого потенциала молодых людей через вовлечение их в мероприятия по различным направлениям деятельности клубов ЮНЕСКО.
The aim of the summer university was to create an environment for education, efficient communication, exchange of experience and creative capacity building of young people by getting them involved in the various activities of UNESCO clubs. Withinthe framework of the University–2003 round tables were held to discuss the activities of the UN, UNESCO, and UNICEF and to exchange working experience of UNESCO clubs. Among the experts par–tici pating in the work of the sections ("Environment", "The Rights of the Child and Human Rights", "Inter–Cultural Dialogue", etc.) were the representatives of UNICEF and UN Office in Belarus, the National Commission for UNESCO and the Minsk–based universities. Traditional summer Olympic games were also held.
  Áþëëåòåíü ÎÎÍ | Òåìà íî...  
Целью летнего университета является создание условий для образования, эффективного общения, обмена опытом и развития творческого потенциала молодых людей через вовлечение их в мероприятия по различным направлениям деятельности клубов ЮНЕСКО.
The aim of the summer university was to create an environment for education, efficient communication, exchange of experience and creative capacity building of young people by getting them involved in the various activities of UNESCO clubs. Withinthe framework of the University–2003 round tables were held to discuss the activities of the UN, UNESCO, and UNICEF and to exchange working experience of UNESCO clubs. Among the experts par–tici pating in the work of the sections ("Environment", "The Rights of the Child and Human Rights", "Inter–Cultural Dialogue", etc.) were the representatives of UNICEF and UN Office in Belarus, the National Commission for UNESCO and the Minsk–based universities. Traditional summer Olympic games were also held.
  Áþëëåòåíü ÎÎÍ | Òåìà íî...  
C 29 сентября по 17 октября 2003 года в Париже будет проходить очередная, 32-я сессия Генеральной конференции Организации Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры (ЮНЕСКО). Традиционно активное участие в сессии примет Республика Беларусь, являющаяся членом организации с 1954 года.
For many years since Belarus joined UNESCO, this organization has been a source of information about the Republic as well as one of the few channels Belarus to directly participate in international activities. Now UNESCO also provides an opportunity to inform the world community about the achievements of Belarusian science, culture and education. The best evidence of Belarus' high prestige in these fields is the fact that the country was elected to the UNESCO Executive Council for 2002–2006. According to Vladimir SCHAST–NY, Chairman of the National Commission for UNESCO, this opens additional opportunities for active involvement in UNESCO activities and implies certain new responsibilities, because Belarus is now expected to participate in fundamental international decision–making.
  Áþëëåòåíü ÎÎÍ | Òåìà íî...  
C 29 сентября по 17 октября 2003 года в Париже будет проходить очередная, 32-я сессия Генеральной конференции Организации Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры (ЮНЕСКО). Традиционно активное участие в сессии примет Республика Беларусь, являющаяся членом организации с 1954 года.
For many years since Belarus joined UNESCO, this organization has been a source of information about the Republic as well as one of the few channels Belarus to directly participate in international activities. Now UNESCO also provides an opportunity to inform the world community about the achievements of Belarusian science, culture and education. The best evidence of Belarus' high prestige in these fields is the fact that the country was elected to the UNESCO Executive Council for 2002–2006. According to Vladimir SCHAST–NY, Chairman of the National Commission for UNESCO, this opens additional opportunities for active involvement in UNESCO activities and implies certain new responsibilities, because Belarus is now expected to participate in fundamental international decision–making.
  Áþëëåòåíü ÎÎÍ | Çíàåòå ...  
...все большее место в системе государственного образования сегодня занимает преподавание религии. К такому выводу пришли авторы ежеквартального издания ЮНЕСКО «Перспективы». Специалисты по вопросам образования проанализировали время, которое отводится в учебном расписании на преподавание религии примерно в 140 странах мира.
..the average rates of infant mortality in post–Soviet countries in the Caucasus region and Central Asia are 5 times higher than in countries of Central and Eastern Europe and 12 times higher than in the Western industrial countries, says the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Report.
  Áþëëåòåíü ÎÎÍ | Òåìà íî...  
А цифровая основа дает для этого достаточно большие возможности. Перевод на нее некоторых документов при содействии ЮНЕСКО способствовал бы значительно более широкой доступности всеобщего культурного наследия.
"Many documents which are of interest for Belarusian researchers turned out to be in other countries. Belarus also has extremely valuable materials. As a rule, most attempts to bring back cultural values have been unsuccessful. Therefore, efficient joint use is important. The digital format opens reasonably big opportunities for that. Creation of a digital format of some documents under UNESCO support could expand the accessibility to our universal cultural heritage.
  Áþëëåòåíü ÎÎÍ | Òåìà íî...  
C 29 сентября по 17 октября 2003 года в Париже будет проходить очередная, 32-я сессия Генеральной конференции Организации Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры (ЮНЕСКО). Традиционно активное участие в сессии примет Республика Беларусь, являющаяся членом организации с 1954 года.
For many years since Belarus joined UNESCO, this organization has been a source of information about the Republic as well as one of the few channels Belarus to directly participate in international activities. Now UNESCO also provides an opportunity to inform the world community about the achievements of Belarusian science, culture and education. The best evidence of Belarus' high prestige in these fields is the fact that the country was elected to the UNESCO Executive Council for 2002–2006. According to Vladimir SCHAST–NY, Chairman of the National Commission for UNESCO, this opens additional opportunities for active involvement in UNESCO activities and implies certain new responsibilities, because Belarus is now expected to participate in fundamental international decision–making.
  Áþëëåòåíü ÎÎÍ | Òåìà íî...  
— 2002 год в календарь памятных дат ЮНЕСКО был включен 200-летний юбилей выдающегося белорусского ученого Игнатия Домейко. Состоялся ряд памятных мероприятий в Беларуси, Чили, в парижской штаб-квартире ЮНЕСКО.
— The 2002 Calendar of UNESCO Dates includes the 200th anniversary of Ignaty Domeyko, the outstanding Belarusian scientist. A number of events were organized in Belarus, Chile and the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. What will be the next steps of the National Commission for UNESCO aimed at promoting Belarusian science and nature?
  Áþëëåòåíü ÎÎÍ | Òåìà íî...  
Владимир Счастный и Генеральный директор ЮНЕСКО Коитиро Мацуура
Vladimir Schastny and Koichiro Matsuura, UNESCO Director General
  Áþëëåòåíü ÎÎÍ | Òåìà íî...  
— Одной из наиболее перспективных форм со трудничества Беларуси и ЮНЕСКО может быть участие в программе «Память мира». Могли бы вы рассказать подробнее, что это за программа?
— Participation in the "World Memory" Program could become one of the most promising forms for Belarus–UNESCO cooperation. Could you please tell us more about the program?
  Áþëëåòåíü ÎÎÍ | Òåìà íî...  
— Владимир Григорьевич, расскажите, пожалуйста, о последних значительных мероприятиях, в которых принимала участие Национальная комиссия по делам ЮНЕСКО.
— Vladimir Grigoryevich, could you please tell us about the recent important events in which the National Commission for UNESCO has participated?
  Áþëëåòåíü ÎÎÍ | Ñîäåðæà...  
Волонтеры ЮНЕСКО на родине великого просветителя
UNESCO Volunteers In Homeland of Outstanding Scientist
  Áþëëåòåíü ÎÎÍ | Ñîäåðæà...  
Беларусь и ЮНЕСКО ищут новые точки соприкосновения
  Áþëëåòåíü ÎÎÍ | Òåìà íî...  
Восьмой Международный летний университет клубов ЮНЕСКО, организованный БелАЮ, прошел с 10 по 27 августа 2003 года. Участниками Университета стали члены белорусских клубов ЮНЕСКО из всех регионов республики, а также члены клубов ЮНЕСКО из других стран — всего более 150 человек.
The eighth International Summer University of UNESCO clubs organized by the Belarusian Association of UNESCO Clubs was held from 10 to 27 August 2003. The event brought together over 150 participants — members of UNESCO Clubs from all regions of Belarus and other countries.
  Áþëëåòåíü ÎÎÍ | Êàëåíäà...  
Ассамблея предложила ЮНЕСКО (Организации Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры) организовать мероприятия по проведению Года в сотрудничестве с физическими обществами и другими заинтересованными группами во всем мире.
In June 2004 the UN General Assembly declared 2005 to be the International Year of Physics. The Assembly suggested that United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) should organize events dedicated to the Year of Physics in collaboration with physics societies and other similar organizations worldwide.
  Áþëëåòåíü ÎÎÍ | Òåìà íî...  
Республиканское общественное объединение «Белорусская Ассоциация клубов ЮНЕСКО» (БелАЮ) было создано в 1991 году. Основная цель организации — объединение детей, молодежи и взрослых в клубы ЮНЕСКО для совместной деятельности в области науки, культуры и образования по пропаганде принципов и идеалов ЮНЕСКО, идей мира и взаимопонимания между людьми.
The National Non–Governmental Organization "The Belarusian Association of UNESCO Clubs"was established in 1991. The main goal of the association is to involve children, young people and adults in UNESCO clubs for joint research, cultural and educational activities aimed at the promotion of UNESCO principles and ideals, advocacy for peace and collaboration between people. The Belarusian UNESCO Clubs operate independently in secondary educational establishments, universities and centers for creative activities of children and young people. At present theBelarusian Association of UNESCO Clubs comprises 64 UNESCO clubs and 6 candidate clubs. The Association works in all six regions of the country. About 50 000 people were involved in the activities of the Association in 2002. Youth surveys suggest that the Belarusian Association of UNESCO Clubs is among the top five most known youth organizations of the country. The activities of the Belarusian Association of UNESCO Clubs received the high appraisal of Koichi–ro Matsuura, UNESCO Director General, during his visit to Belarus in summer 2002.
  Áþëëåòåíü ÎÎÍ | èþëü-àâ...  
На протяжении многих лет после вступления Беларуси в ЮНЕСКО эта организация была трибуной для распространения информации о республике, а также одним из немногих каналов непосредственного участия Беларуси в международной жизни.
For many years since Belarus joined UNESCO, this organization has been a source of information about the Republic as well as one of the few channels Belarus to directly participate in international activities.Now UNESCO also provides an opportunity to inform the world community about the achievements of Belarusian science, culture and education... >>
  Áþëëåòåíü ÎÎÍ | ÎÎÍ ðàá...  
14 мая в рамках проекта ПРООН «ВИЧ и уязвимые группы», реализуемого Республиканским молодежным общественным объединением «Встреча» совместно с Белорусской ассоциацией клубов ЮНЕСКО, в ночном клубе «Вавилон» состоялся концерт–акция «Зажигая свечи», посвященный Международному дню памяти жертв СПИДа.
On 14 May 2004 the concert "Lighting the candles" to mark the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial Day was organized in the "Babylon" Night Club within the framework of the UNDP Project "HIV and Vulnerable Groups" which is implemented by the Youth NGO "Vstrecha" and the Belarusian Association of UNESCO Clubs. Like in many other countries worldwide, the action was held under the slogan "Turning Remembrance into Action". More than 200 visitors of the club and numerous TV audience (the action was broadcast by STV Company) participated in the event.
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