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Keybot 9 Results  ec.europa.eu
  Европейски награди за н...  
Конкурсът се провежда на два етапа; кандидатите първо се състезават на национално равнище, след което могат да бъдат избрани да продължат и на европейско равнище. В рамките на националните конкурси всяка държава ще избере двама кандидати, които да бъдат номинирани за участие в европейския конкурс до юни 2013 г.
Kilpailu on kaksivaiheinen. Hakijoiden on ensin osallistuttava kansalliseen karsintakilpailuun ja tultava sitä kautta valituksi Euroopan tason kilpailuun. Kukin maa nimeää kesäkuuhun 2013 mennessä kansallisen kilpailun perusteella kaksi ehdokasta Euroopan tason kilpailuun.
Konkurs przebiega w dwóch etapach: najpierw na szczeblu krajowym, później − europejskim. Do czerwca 2013 r. każdy kraj wybierze po dwa najlepsze projekty krajowe, które następnie wezmą udział w konkursie ogólnoeuropejskim.
  ec-Европейска комисия -...  
  Речник - Предприятия и ...  
REACH е новият Закон за регистрация, оценка, оторизация и ограничаване на химични вещества. Влиза в сила на 1 юни 2007 г. Директивата попълва пропуските и подобрява предишната законодателна рамка за химичните вещества на Европейския съюз (ЕС).
CSR sa vzťahuje na koncepciu, podľa ktorej firmy integrujú sociálne a environmentálne záujmy do svojich podnikateľských operácií a do interakcie so zainteresovanými stranami na báze dobrovoľnosti. MSP, ktoré integrovali koncepciu CSR, sa správajú eticky a prispievajú k hospodárskemu rozvoju pri zlepšovaní kvality života pracovníkov a ich rodín, ako aj miestnej komunity a celej spoločnosti.
Enligt artikel 2 i bilagan till rekommendation 2003/361/EG utgörs kategorin mikroföretag samt små och medelstora företag av företag som sysselsätter färre än 250 personer och vars årsomsättning inte överstiger 50 miljoner euro och/eller vars balansomslutning inte överstiger 43 miljoner euro per år (se definition av SMF
Национално събитие ще бъде организирано на 21 и 22 юни в София, последвано от две регионални – във Велико Търново на 23 юни 2011 и в Бургас – на 24 юни 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
  Политика - Европейска к...  
English (en) на 13 юни 2008 г. даде начало на Европейския пакт за психично здраве и благоденствие
The purpose of this green paper was to launch a debate with wide range of relevant actors.
English (en) que se celebró el 13 de junio de 2008 inició el Pacto Europeo para la Salud y el Bienestar Mental
English (en) del 13 giugno 2008 ha dato vita al Patto europeo per la salute e il benessere mentale
Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) magyar (hu) , no quadro de uma conferência da UE sobre saúde mental
English (en) της 13ης Ιουνίου 2008, παρουσιάστηκε το Ευρωπαϊκό Σύμφωνο για την Ψυχική Υγεία και την Ευεξία
English (en) op 13 juni 2008 het Europees pact voor geestelijke gezondheid en welzijn
English (en) , kterou byl zahájen Evropský pakt za duševní zdraví a pohodu
English (en) den 13. juni 2008 den europæiske pagt for mental sundhed og trivsel
English (en) vaimset tervist ja heaolu käsitlevat Euroopa pakti
English (en) julkaisi mielenterveyttä ja hyvinvointia koskevan eurooppalaisen sopimuksen
English (en) przyjęto europejski pakt na rzecz zdrowia i dobrostanu psychicznego
English (en) , în cadrul căreia a fost lansat Pactul european pentru sănătate şi bunăstare mintală
English (en) 13. júna 2008 vyhlásený Európsky pakt za duševné zdravie a pohodu
English (en) 13. junija 2008 sprejeli evropski pakt za duševno zdravje in dobro počutje
Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) magyar (hu) den 13 juni 2008 vid en EU-konferens för psykisk hälsa
English (en) , kurā izstrādāja Eiropas paktu par garīgo veselību un labklājību
English (en) tat-13 ta' Ġunju 2008 nidiet il-Patt Ewropew għas-saħħa mentali u l-benessri
Национално събитие ще бъде организирано на 21 и 22 юни в София, последвано от две регионални – във Велико Търново на 23 юни 2011 и в Бургас – на 24 юни 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
Национално събитие ще бъде организирано на 21 и 22 юни в София, последвано от две регионални – във Велико Търново на 23 юни 2011 и в Бургас – на 24 юни 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
A national event will be organised on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Sofia, and will be followed by two regional events in Veliko Tarnovo on 23 June 2011 and Burgas on 24 June 2011.
Европейската комисия организира през юни в България събития на високо равнище, посветени на приноса на фондовете на Европейския съюз за интеграция на ромите. Тези прояви са продължение на Срещата на върха от 2008 в Брюксел, посветена на ромите и на подобни събития в Унгария през 2009 и в Румъния през 2010 година.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
In June, the Commission is organizing in Bulgaria a series of high level events about the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma. They come as a follow-up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and to similar events in Hungary in 2009 and Romania in 2010.
  Здравни показатели на Е...  
В момента основните проблеми са липсата на данни за много показатели и недостатъчната им съпоставимост между страните и в тях. Проектът преразгледа списъка с показатели (юни 2008 г.) и сега той включва 88 набора от данни.
The Heidi data tool provides data on European health indicators. Data can be presented in different layouts: line chart, bar chart, map or table. It can be converted into an image or downloaded as a data file.
Le projet de surveillance ECHI formule des recommandations sur les possibilités de développement et d'application des indicateurs de santé dans tous les pays de l'UE. Actuellement les principaux problèmes sont le manque de données concernant de nombreux indicateurs et la faible comparabilité entre les pays, et à l'intérieur des pays eux-mêmes. Le projet a aussi donné lieu à une révision de la liste réduite des indicateurs (en juin 2008), qui compte à présent 88 ensembles de données.
Das ECHI-Überwachungsprojekt liefert Empfehlungen zur Weiterentwicklung und Umsetzung der Gesundheitsindikatoren in allen EU-Ländern. Derzeit stellen das Fehlen von Daten für viele Indikatoren und die schlechte Vergleichbarkeit zwischen und innerhalb von Ländern die größten Probleme dar. Im Rahmen des Projekts wurde außerdem die Auswahlliste der Indikatoren (Juni 2008) überprüft, die nun 88 Datensätze umfasst.
El proyecto de seguimiento ECHI formula recomendaciones sobre la manera en que los indicadores de salud pueden seguir desarrollándose y aplicarse en todos los países de la UE. En la actualidad, los principales problemas son la falta de datos para muchos de los indicadores y la escasa comparabilidad entre países y dentro de ellos. En el marco de este proyecto, también se ha revisado la lista breve de indicadores (junio de 2008), que ahora se compone de 88 conjuntos de datos.
Il progetto di monitoraggio ECHI formula raccomandazioni su come sviluppare ulteriormente e applicare gli indicatori sanitari in tutti i paesi dell'UE. Attualmente, il problema principale è la mancanza di dati per numerosi indicatori e la scarsa comparabilità tra i paesi e all'interno degli stessi. È stato inoltre rivisto l'elenco ristretto di indicatori (giugno 2008), che ora contiene 88 serie di dati.
O projecto de monitorização ECHI contém recomendações sobre a forma como os indicadores de saúde podem ser posteriormente desenvolvidos e aplicados em todos os países da UE. Actualmente, os principais problemas consistem na falta de dados no que respeita a muitos indicadores e na escassa comparabilidade desses dados não só entre países, como em cada país. No âmbito deste projecto, procedeu-se também à revisão da lista reduzida de indicadores (Junho de 2008), que agora contém 88 conjuntos de dados
Στο πρόγραμμα παρακολούθησης ECHI διατυπώνονται συστάσεις για περαιτέρω ανάπτυξη και εφαρμογή των δεικτών για την υγεία σε όλα τα κράτη μέλη της ΕΕ. Τα κύρια προβλήματα σήμερα είναι η έλλειψη στοιχείων για πολλούς δείκτες και οι περιορισμένες δυνατότητες σύγκρισης των δεικτών μεταξύ των κρατών μελών αλλά και στο εσωτερικό κάθε κράτους χωριστά. Το πρόγραμμα περιέχει επίσης επιλογή δεικτών (Ιούνιος 2008), που περιλαμβάνει σήμερα 88 σύνολα στοιχείων.
Het ECHI-monitoringproject doet aanbevelingen over hoe de gezondheidsindicatoren in alle EU-landen verder kunnen worden verbeterd. Momenteel zijn er voor tal van indicatoren nog te weining gegevens beschikbaar die bovendien niet goed vergelijkbaar zijn tussen en binnen verschillende landen. Ook is de lijst van indicatoren aangepast (juni 2008), zodat die nu 88 datasets omvat.
V rámci projektu monitorování zdravotních ukazatelů v Evropském společenství jsou vydávána doporučení, jak ukazatele zdraví v členských státech dále zavádět a rozvíjet. Hlavní problém představují chybějící údaje u mnoha ukazatelů a nízká porovnatelnost údajů z různých členských států i v rámci členských států samotných. Zároveň byl revidován užší výběr ukazatelů (červen 2008), který nyní obsahuje 88 souborů údajů.
ECHI-overvågningsprojektet udarbejder anbefalinger til, hvordan sundhedsindikatorerne kan udvikles yderligere og gennemføres i alle EU-landene. På nuværende tidspunkt er de største problemer mangel på oplysninger for mange indikatorers vedkommende og lav sammenlignelighed mellem og i de enkelte lande. I forbindelse med projektet er kortlisten over indikatorer (juni 2008) også blevet revideret og omfatter nu 88 datasæt.
Euroopa Ühenduse tervishoiunäitajate seireprojekti raames esitatakse soovitusi selle kohta, kuidas tervishoiunäitajaid on võimalik kõikides ELi liikmesriikides edasi arendada ning rakendada. Praegu on peamised probleemid andmete vähesus mitmete näitajate puhul ja puudulik võrreldavus riikide siseselt ning nende vahel. Samuti vaadati projekti raames läbi näitajate nimekiri (juunis 2008), mis koosneb nüüd 88 andmekogumist.
Euroopan yhteisön terveysindikaattoreiden seurantahankkeessa annetaan suosituksia siitä, miten terveysindikaattoreita voidaan käyttää ja kehittää edelleen kaikissa EU-maissa. Tällä hetkellä merkittävimpiä ongelmia ovat useiden indikaattoreiden perustana olevan tiedon vähyys sekä heikko vertailukelpoisuus eri maiden kesken tai saman maan tietojen välillä. Seurantahankkeessa on myös viimeksi kesäkuussa 2008 tarkasteltu uudelleen tärkeimpien indikaattoreiden luetteloa, joka koostuu nyt 88 tietosarjasta.
Az ECHI felügyeleti projekt keretében ajánlások készülnek arra vonatkozóan, hogy az egészségügyi mutatókat hogyan lehet továbbfejleszteni és a tagországokban alkalmazni. Jelenleg a legnagyobb problémát az jelenti, hogy számos mutató esetében nem áll rendelkezésre elegendő mennyiségű adat, és hogy az országok közötti és országokon belüli összehasonlíthatóság szintje nem megfelelő. A projekt keretében felülvizsgálták a mutatók listáját is (2008 június), amely ma 88 adatállományt tartalmaz.
W ramach projektu ECHI w dziedzinie monitorowania określane są zalecenia dotyczące sposobu, w jaki w przyszłości wskaźniki zdrowotne mogą być opracowywane i wdrażane we wszystkich krajach UE. Obecnie główne problemy dotyczą braku danych na temat wielu wskaźników oraz trudności w porównywaniu danych między różnymi krajami i w ich obrębie. W ramach projektu dokonano również przeglądu skróconej listy wskaźników (czerwiec 2008 r.), która obecnie obejmuje 88 zestawów danych.
Proiectul de monitorizare a ECHI formulează recomandări privind îmbunătăţirea procesului de dezvoltare şi aplicare a indicatorilor în toate ţările UE. În prezent, problemele principale sunt lipsa de date în cazul a numeroşi indicatori şi posibilităţile reduse de efectuare a unor comparaţii la nivel naţional sau european. Proiectul a revizuit lista restânsă a indicatorilor (iunie 2008), aceasta cuprinzând acum 88 de seturi de date.
Projekt monitorovania slúži ako základ na formuláciu odporúčaní, ako možno ukazovatele zdravia ďalej rozvíjať a zaviesť vo všetkých členských štátoch. V súčasnosti predstavujú hlavný problém chýbajúce údaje pre mnohé ukazovatele a nízka vnútroštátna a medzištátna porovnateľnosť. Zároveň sa v rámci projektu upravil užší výber ukazovateľov (jún 2008), ktorý v súčasnosti obsahuje 88 súborov údajov.
Projekt ECHIM pripravlja priporočila o nadaljnjem razvijanju in uporabi kazalnikov zdravja v državah članicah EU. Glavne težave, s katerimi se pri zdravstveni statistiki spopada EU, so pomanjkanje podatkov za številne kazalnike in slaba primerljivost podatkov med državami in v njih. Eden od rezultatov projekta je tudi dopolnjen kratki seznam kazalnikov (junij 2008), ki ima zdaj 88 postavk.
I ett uppföljningsprojekt tar man fram rekommendationer för hur hälsoindikatorerna kan vidareutvecklas och användas i alla EU-länder. De viktigaste problemen just nu är att det saknas uppgifter för många indikatorer och att det är svårt att göra jämförelser mellan och inom länderna. I juni 2008 reviderade man listan med indikatorer, och den innehåller nu 88 dataserier.
Šajā projektā gūtās atziņas izmanto, lai sniegtu ieteikumus par to, kā visās ES dalībvalstīs būtu tālāk jāattīsta un jāievieš veselības indikatori. Pašlaik lielākā problēma ir tas, ka trūkst datu par daudziem indikatoriem un ka dažādu valstu datus ir grūti salīdzināt. Projekta ietvaros tika arī pārskatīts indikatoru saraksts (2008. g. jūnijā), un tajā pašlaik ir 88 datu kopumi.
Il-proġett ta' monitoraġġ tal-ECHI jagħmel rakkomandazzjonijiet ta' kif l-indikaturi tas-saħħa jistgħu jkunu żviluppati u implimentati aħjar fil-pajjiżi kollha tal-UE. Bħalissa, il-problemi prinċipali huma n-nuqqas ta' dejta għal ħafna indikaturi d-diffikulta biex tqabbel din id-dejta bejn pajjiż u ieħor. Il-proġett irriveda wkoll lista qasira ta' indikaturi (Ġunju 2008), li issa fiha 88 sett ta' dejta.