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Keybot 2 Results  www.castorani.it
  Поминък | с. Горна Липн...  
Овощарство нямало. Хората събирали от полето и горите диви сливи, круши или ябълки. Сега е твърде различно - във всеки двор има голямо изобилие от различни плодородни дървета, а в покрайнините на селото - овощни градини.
In recent times, the agriculture was slightly developed as much as for the children feeding and cattle fodder. Turkish as well as Bulgarian population lived on cattle-breeding for the presence of much woodland around Gorna Lipnitsa. Though weakly, the vine-growing was also included. Fruit-growing was not developed. People picked from the fields and woodland crab plums, pears and apples. It is now differently – there are plenty of variable fruitful trees in every yard, and in the village outlying parts – orchards.
  Архитектура | с. Горна ...  
Плевни имали само по-богатите селяни, а градините били рядкост. Дворовете през лятото обраствали с бурени, диви сливи, круши, ябълки, брястове и акациеви дървета. Погледнато от далеч, селото приличало на буйна гора.
The houses were built at the far end of the yard. Near by the houses were arranged the sheds, the sheep pen and the cattle-sheds, and in front of them – the granaries. The rich peasants possessed barns, and the gardens appeared rarely. During the summer, the yards became overgrown with weeds, crab-plums, pears, apples, elm-trees and acacia-trees. If you watch from a distance you could see that the village looks like a wild woodland. Despite the presence of stone in the yards, there were not stone paths in the yards, around the foundations of the houses and the granaries excepted.