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Keybot 10 Results  www.euinside.eu
  Комисията от...  
"Установихме, че в напредналите икономики, по-строгата фискална консолидация се асоциира с по-нисък растеж от очакваното [...]", пише в документа. Това признание дойде дюшеш на някои страни-членки на ЕС, които бяха принудени да свият рязко бюджетните си разходи, което доведе до бум в безработицата. Такъв ярък пример е Гърция.
Against the backdrop of such an atmosphere, the economic general directorate of the Commission came up with a document-response to the working paper of the IMF chief economist Oliver Blanchard in which is admitted the relation between forecast errors and planned fiscal restrictions. "We find that, in advanced economies, stronger planned fiscal consolidation has been associated with lower growth than expected [...]", the document reads. This admission came as a double six for some EU member states who were forced to severely shrink their budget spending which led to a boom in unemployment. Such a vivid example is Greece.
  Танто за танÑ...  
Важно е обаче да се знае, че имат ценен съюзник на своя страна - Полша, за която президентът Ван Ромпой каза кратко и ясно: "Полша е ярък пример за това какво е възможно, когато страните вземат реформите насериозно".
What the six countries need to understand for themselves is what path they should choose - the easy one, of the status quo, or the difficult one, of reforms and efforts. It is important to know though, that they have an important ally - Poland, of which President Van Rompuy said briefly and clearly: "Poland is a vivid example of what is possible when countries take reform seriously".
  ЕК прехвърля...  
Отвъд тази точност в идентифицирането на проблема, в политическата част Комисията прави очевидни опити да смекчи реалността, но контрастът с румънския доклад е болезнено ярък. Комисията твърди, че България е постигнала значителен напредък по първия показател, който се отнася до реформата на съдебната система с цел създаването на стабилна конституционна рамка за независима и отчетна съдебна система.
On the second benchmark, which deals with the legal framework of the judicial system and judicial procedures, the EC acknowledges “some” progress, which is a synonym of no progress. The main challenges here are solving the problem of too formalistic procedures and improving the legal framework for the investigation and prosecution of corruption and organised crime. The same lack of progress is seen on Benchmark Three, which focuses on the reform of the judiciary to improve its professionalism, accountability, and efficiency, a thing which is already irreversible with the Romanians, as well as on benchmarks four and five, which deal with the battle against corruption.
  Кой кого храÐ...  
парите се използват с политически цели. Ярък и съвсем пресен пример в това отношение е изненадващото решение на френския президент Никола Саркози да отстъпи от досегашната твърда френска позиция и да предложи реформа.
The critics also say that large companies and rich aristocrats are the main beneficiaries of the 53 bn euro annual financial aid, among which is the British royal family. This information has been revealed by the website Farmsubsidy, which has been fighting for years for more transparency in agriculture subsidies. For some time now the website has been publishing information about Bulgarian beneficiaries of money on CAP (the official data of the European Commission you can see here). Only a vague look at the list of beneficiaries and the sums shows that a small farmer has almost no practical use of the agriculture subsidies.
  Какво да праÐ...  
Все повече в Европарламента се забелязва ярък контраст между проевропейските сили и онези, които са ту евроскептични, ту антисистемни или пък чисто ксенофобски. И под сили вече не разбираме само политически групи, а отделни евродепутати.
The contrast now in the European Parliament between the pro-European forces and those who are eurosceptic or anti-systemic or purely xenophobic has become stronger. And under forces not just political groups should be understood but individual MEPs as well. This gives hope, to some extent, that the anti-systemic parties are not only incapable, still, to unite with each other but to also hold their own armies in order. A good example for this is the group of the European Conservatives and Reformists which is the third largest in the European Parliament, but voting on any important issue shows a complete lack of party discipline and unity. This means that the issues that divide them are more than those that united them. Will this change, we will see. It is certain, however, that the frustration among the mainstream parties is mounting.
  Първа победа...  
След началото на продължителния процес на отмиране на политическите идеологии от 20-и век се отвори място за нови, но в паузата настъпи пост-фактологията. Политиката вече не е базирана на факти, а на лайкове. Дебатът отстъпи място на зрелища. Ярък пример за такова развитие е президентската кампания в САЩ, но в Европа също вече има доста примери.
The referendum turned out to be the most suitable instrument. In some countries it is a tradition, because elections are won on the basis of a pack of promises, but governance sometimes requires that decisions are made, which go beyond those promises. This is why, politicians ask the people before they make a decision which they have not received mandate for from the voters – to introduce a certain law or not. Everything is normal while a healthy debate is going on, based on facts. Following the start of the lengthy process of dying out of the political ideologies of the 20th century some space has opened for new ones, but in the intermission post-factology stepped in. Politics is no longer based on facts, but on likes. Debate stepped down to circuses. A prime example of such a development is the presidential campaign in the USA, but there are plenty of examples in Europe as well.