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  Полицията в Ð...  
18:50 Съобщенията от по-рано, че извършителят на експлозиите в Загреб вече е ясен, не бяха официално потвърдени. Полицията твърди, че все още няма заподозрени.
18:50 Earlier information that the perpetrator of the Zagreb explosions is clear, have not been officially confirmed. Police claim they still have no suspects.
  Френска луче...  
Във външната политика няма случайни неща. Когато нещо се случва, но контекстът му не е ясен, това означава единствено, че не на всички е ясен. Обикновено с времето причините за случващото се стават известни и тогава добиваме познатото чувство, че "пъзелът се нарежда".
In foreign policy there are no things that happen by accident. When something is happening but the context is not clear, this only means that it is not clear to everyone. Usually, with the time, the reasons for what's happening become known and then we get the familiar feeling that "the jigsaw puzzle is arranged". Similar was the feeling from the surprising visit of the French president Nicolas Sarkozy in Washington this week. Unfortunately, it is too early to say whether the puzzle is arranged or not.
  Циганско вре...  
Първо, това е възможност България сама да инициира дискусия по въпроса, да поиска по-ясен ангажимент на европейско ниво и от останалите страни-членки; да извади от нафталина програмите за ромското включване, по които от години се харчат пари, но без видим резултат и да признае вината за това на политическата класа в последните 20 години.
took advantage of their official summer holidays to neglect the problem. But they shouldn’t, for two reasons. First, it is a possibility Bulgaria itself to initiate a discussion on the matter, to ask for a clear commitment at European level and from the other Member States, to bring back to life the programmes for Roma Inclusion, on which for years money is being spent, but without visible results and recognition of the guilt of the political class for the last 20 years. Because the non-integrated, vulnerable Roma, as any minority in general, are an ideal, cheap and well-organised resource of voters from which most of the political parties have benefited in order to take power or at least to enter parliament.
  Френска луче...  
Във външната политика няма случайни неща. Когато нещо се случва, но контекстът му не е ясен, това означава единствено, че не на всички е ясен. Обикновено с времето причините за случващото се стават известни и тогава добиваме познатото чувство, че "пъзелът се нарежда".
In foreign policy there are no things that happen by accident. When something is happening but the context is not clear, this only means that it is not clear to everyone. Usually, with the time, the reasons for what's happening become known and then we get the familiar feeling that "the jigsaw puzzle is arranged". Similar was the feeling from the surprising visit of the French president Nicolas Sarkozy in Washington this week. Unfortunately, it is too early to say whether the puzzle is arranged or not.
  Ще създадат Ð...  
"Някои от нас от години настояват за това, но той е добре дошъл да си я присвои. Каквото и да стане през 2014 г., договорът от Лисабон е достатъчно ясен, че следващият президент на Комисията ще бъде избран от Европейския парламент. Европейският съвет ще трябва да предложи кандидатура, която може да накара мнозинство от евродепутати да го или я подкрепят".
Andrew Duff, however, believes that the moment is appropriate for bold experiments. He recalled that the idea for election of Commission president is not Barroso's. "Some of us have been advocating this for years - but he is very welcome to appropriate it. Whatever happens in 2014, the Treaty of Lisbon makes clear that the next president of the Commission will effectively be elected by the European Parliament. The European Council will have to nominate a person who can command a majority of MEPs to support him or her".
И точно в момента, когато пътят към членството оставаше ясен и чист, хърватските вестници започнаха да излизат със заглавия "Словения заплашва да блокира членството ни в ЕС" и "Пътят на Загреб към Брюксел вече не изглежда толкова равен".
In the end, the two countries agreed that an international arbitration should solve the issue and in the meanwhile Croatia managed to close all negotiation chapters, sign the accession treaty and wait for it to be ratified by the rest of the EU member states before becoming officially a member of the bloc next July. And in this very moment, when the road to membership seemed clear, Croatian newspapers started publishing articles titled “Slovenia is threatening Croatia’s EU accession” and "Zagreb's road towards Brussels no longer seems that levelled". The reason: the disagreement over the Gulf of Piran was not the only problem inherited by the two countries from Yugoslavia’s split up.
  Безсънна нощ...  
Лидерите очакват до края на годината Рим да представи ясен план как ще изпълни заявеното намерение да увеличи пенсионната възраст на 67 години до 2026 г. Комисията има за задача да оцени предложените мерки и да наблюдава изпълнението им.
of German Chancellor Angela Merkel: "This was particularly important that Italy has agreed to reduce its debt by 2014 to 113 percent. This is a remarkable reduction, and I think this will be an important message." Leaders expect by the end of the year Rome to present a clear plan how it would fulfil the stated intention to increase the retirement age to 67 years by 2026. The Commission is invited to assess the proposed measures and to monitor their implementation.
„Европейците най-много искат увеличение на ресурсите на МВФ, но в най-добрия сручай ще получат само хладна подкрепа от другите големи сили, докато самите те не са готови да ангажират ресурси директно или чрез ЕЦБ”, коментира директорът на икономическия мозъчен тръст Re-Define Сони Капур. Това, обаче е на път да се случи, след като някои финансови министри дадоха ясен знак, че очакват в крайна сметка решителна намеса на ЕЦБ, въпреки германската съпротива.
"The Europeans want the most an increase of the resources of the IMF but will at best get only lukewarm support from other major powers as long as they are themselves not ready to commit resources directly or through the ECB," Sony Kapoor, director of economic think tank Re-Define commented. This, however, is about to happen, given that some finance ministers gave a clear sign that they expected ultimately a decisive intervention of the ECB, despite Germany's resistance.
Според генералния секретар на Съвета на Европа Торбьорн Ягланд, международните стандарти препоръчват референдумите да се обявяват най-рано две седмици предварително, за да се даде достатъчно време за дискусии, с поставяне на ясен въпрос и с международни наблюдатели.
All these statements are extremely scary and dangerous, for they show praise of the total trampling of democratic standards that have been built up for decades. They also show the mixing of two completely different subjects – the peoples’ right to self-determination and the violation of democratic standards. What is wrong? The referendum in Greece was called just a week before it was held. According to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe Thorbjørn Jagland, international standards recommend referendums are called at least two weeks prior, so enough time is allocated to discussions, a clear question is asked and international observers are present. With the exception of the international observers nothing was to international standard.
  Един Мост, мн...  
Не са крайни, нито дълбоко специализирани, както зелените "Орех" например. Същевременно имат сравнително ясен профил - умерено дясно, за разлика от малките лидерски партии, които разчитаха на имената на лидерите им да ги вкарат в парламента.
First of all – timing. They appeared exactly when people needed a strong alternative, which showed that change is possible. This is the reason behind the relatively high voter turnout – 60% as well. They are not radical or deeply specialised like the green “ORaH” for example. At the same time, they have a relatively clear profile – moderate right, as opposed to the small leader’s parties, who counted on their leaders’ names to get them into Parliament. From their pre-election programme and their behaviour before the elections one could conclude that they are the voice of reason. Their biggest strength is their biggest weakness. If they are unable to push through their package of reforms, they will lose people’s trust and will return bipolarity for an unknown period of time. This would be a terrible loss, because the mistakes of the two large political formations were great.
Вторият много важен елемент, изцяло нарушен в Гърция, е, че трябва да се постави много ясен въпрос на референдума, който не бива да е подвеждащ и не бива да предполага конкретен отговор. Въпросът, може да се каже, че беше ясен, тъй като питаше избирателите дали са съгласни да подкрепят програмата за корекции, предложена от тройката европейските институции и МВФ.
The second very important rule that was totally broken in Greece is that the question put to the referendum must be clear; it must not be misleading; it must not suggest an answer. You could say the question was clear, for it asked voters if they agree to accept the adjustment program, submitted by the Troika, European institutions, and the IMF. The problem is this was a misleading question for the term of the program expired on midnight of June 30, making the question completely invalid. Moreover, the program itself was translated into Greek, and not a very good translation at that, as late as Wednesday, just five days before the vote.
  Ще има ли реш...  
По думите му броят на пряко попадащите под надзора на ЕЦБ банки трябва да бъде максимално голям. Позицията на България е, че трябва да се създаде ясен критерий, който да очертава системно важните банки на европейско ниво, които ще бъдат обект на пряк надзор.
Pierre Moscovici, the French finance minister, pointed out that the ECB should supervise directly all common European banks based on criteria that should be defined jointly. In his words, the number of directly supervised banks by the ECB should be as big as possible. Bulgaria's position is that there must be a clear criterion to highlight the systemically important banks at European level that will be under direct supervision. Bulgaria believes that the current criteria are vague and could create uncertainty in the markets. The country's position was expressed by Dimitar Tsanchev, a permanent representative to the EU, who pointed out that a two-level supervision should be
  Танто за танÑ...  
Важно е да се отбележи обаче, че както в декларацията, така и в медийните изяви представителите на ЕС подчертават, че и тази подкрепа няма да е безусловна. Както призна президентът Ван Ромпой: "Ние не можем да се ангажираме отново изцяло с Беларус без ясен напредък към демократизация и спазване на човешките права".
From the package proposed by the Polish Presidency it becomes clear that the EU is practically acknowledging its impotence to exercise influence on the dictatorial regime of Alexander Lukashenko but it plays the economic card. Experience with such regimes shows though, that the welfare of the ruled peoples by them, although stated as a priority, is in no way a major goal for them. The main goal is remaining in power, but this is something the EU cannot influence upon, aside from stating and providing support for the opposition when it has an opportunity for that. It is important to note, however, that as in the declaration, so in the media statements of EU's representatives it is emphasised that this support will not be unconditional. As President Van Rompuy admitted: "But we cannot re-engage fully with Belarus without clear progress towards democratisation and respect for human rights". Donald Tusk, on his part, said that Europe had left no illusions for anybody.
  Наследникът ...  
Изборът на подходящ върховен представител ще бъде много силен сигнал за Путин, че той вече няма да диктува правилата. Новият върховен представител трябва да има много ясен мандат да направи цялостен анализ на икономическите зависимости на страните-членки и да представи ясен план как да бъдат преодолени.
Russia is no longer a strategic partner but a threat to security. This requires a very different approach. The selection of a proper high representative will be a very strong signal to Putin that he will no longer dictate the rules. The new high representative should have a very clear mandate to make a comprehensive analysis of the economic dependencies of the member states and to present a clear plan how to overcome them. Such a mandate cannot be found in the strategic agenda outlined by the leaders in end-June. The member states should empower the high representative to make decisions on his own on specific dossiers which means the capitals to clearly draw the red lines they will never allow to be crossed, as Barack Obama did, even facing the risk of an economic war with Russia. Apart from that, the multi direction talking on such a sensitive issue as Russia should be ended.
  Наследникът ...  
Изборът на подходящ върховен представител ще бъде много силен сигнал за Путин, че той вече няма да диктува правилата. Новият върховен представител трябва да има много ясен мандат да направи цялостен анализ на икономическите зависимости на страните-членки и да представи ясен план как да бъдат преодолени.
Russia is no longer a strategic partner but a threat to security. This requires a very different approach. The selection of a proper high representative will be a very strong signal to Putin that he will no longer dictate the rules. The new high representative should have a very clear mandate to make a comprehensive analysis of the economic dependencies of the member states and to present a clear plan how to overcome them. Such a mandate cannot be found in the strategic agenda outlined by the leaders in end-June. The member states should empower the high representative to make decisions on his own on specific dossiers which means the capitals to clearly draw the red lines they will never allow to be crossed, as Barack Obama did, even facing the risk of an economic war with Russia. Apart from that, the multi direction talking on such a sensitive issue as Russia should be ended.
  Хърватия вър...  
Мост не може да реши с кого да състави правителство - дали с лявоцентристката коалиция "Хърватия расте" или с дясноцентристката Родолюбна коалиция. Близо месец след изборите, които за първи път не произведоха ясен победител, новата политическа звезда Мост от независими листи не може да вземе решение.
There was only one signal coming from there, though – we want a broad coalition. This is how the pressure started. After the initial consultations, President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović called the constitutive session of Parliament earlier than the deadline. “Croatia is Growing” went on the offensive by publicly announcing their proposal that a person from Most becomes Speaker of the Sabor (parliament), which was discarded. This did not discourage the coalition one bit. 55 Members of Parliament put in a proposal that professor Robert Podolnjak from Most is elected Speaker of the Sabor. The session was called for today (December 3), but despite the huge media interest and the presence of ambassadors and representatives of religious communities in the country it ended ingloriously. It turned out that there are no other candidates, regardless of the Patriotic coalition having their own nomination – their guy Željko Reiner. During the brief session of parliament, incumbent Speaker Josip Leko (SDP) kept urging MPs to vote their conscience. A game of nerves began instead.
  Първа загуба...  
"Какво по-подходящо време, когато легитимността на Парламента е поставена под съмнение? Какъв по-подходящ момент от инсталирането на икономическо управление, за да се даде на европейската демокрация по-ясен профил и стимул", добави още Andrew Duff.
He added that it was even possible the successor of European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso to be precisely among those 25 deputies, elected via a transnational list. Before the beginning of the debate, the MEP recalled why now was the most appropriate moment to reform EU's electoral system. Firstly because the time has come "to galvanise European political parties", because most national parties are failing or are unable, or do not want to sustain European integration in a democratic and efficient manner. "Well, when is it ever a good time to do anything in politics or when the popular legitimacy in Parliament is in doubt, is a good time to act. Or when we are installing an economic governance is a good time to give European democracy a greater profile and boost", Andrew Duff added.
  Меркел загуб...  
Според списание Der Spiegel обаче, основната причина за победата на Зелените е, че „имат нещо, за което другите партии само могат да мечтаят в момента: ясен профил. Те се ползват с доверие и въплъщават визия”.
According to the magazine Der Spiegel, however, the main reason for the victory of the Greens is that they “have something the other parties can only dream of at the moment: a clear profile. They have credibility and they embody a vision.” Unlike, “the CDU will suffer a crisis of identity”, center-left Süddeutsche ZeitungWuertemberg predicted.
Евродепутати отправиха остри критики срещу решенията на Европейския съвет от 17 юни заради липсата на ясен контрол върху неизпълнението на условията за бюджетна дисциплина. Това стана по време на изслушване в залата на Европейския парламент в Брюксел на президента на Европейския съвет Херман ван ...
Members of the European Parliament heavily criticised the conclusions of the June 17 European Council because of a lack of a clear control on non-compliance with budgetary discipline. This happened during a hearing in the European Parliament in Brussels of the president of the European Council H ...
  Президентът ...  
"Националистичните доктрини, които доведоха до зверства, принадлежат на миналото. Следователно, засилването на добросъседските отношения е фундамент за политиката на разширяване и е ясен индикатор, че желаещите да се присъединят страни искрено са прегърнали европейските ценности".
The EU needs to go back to its principles, not succumb to interests. “To reconfirm, not to renegotiate, the principles of rule of law, human rights and freedoms, territorial integrity, sovereignty and inviolability of the borders of each and every state in Europe and the world”, said Plevneliev, thus indirectly criticising the tendencies towards illiberal democracy, which are noticed in Central Europe and its neighbourhood. In this sense Plevneliev announced that Bulgaria is no longer in the European periphery, but has turned into a front-line country on the subjects of the Ukraine, Russia, migration. “Because we, Bulgarians, have learned that you cannot
Ясен знак откъде се очаква помощта за решаването на кризата, обаче, дойде
However, a clear sign where help to resolve the crisis was expected from was
  Защитата на Ð...  
Българският евродепутат от групата на Алианса на либералите и демократите за Европа Владко Панайотов заяви, че с избирането на президента Обама, американско-европейските отношения са навлезли в нова фаза на трайно сътрудничество, а "срещата в Канкун ще бъде отлична възможност да напомним на Съединените щати това и да привлечем и останалите страни за дългосрочно споразумение. Освен това трябва да отправим ясен сигнал и към нововъзникващите пазари за възможността от трансфер на технологии".
The Bulgarian MEP from the group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Vladko Panayotov said that after president Obama had been elected the EU-US relations had entered a new phase of a durable cooperation, and "the Cancun summit will be an excellent opportunity to remind the US of that and bring other parties toward a durable agreement. The current agreements will expire in two years and we need a certain amount of time to adopt new agreements. We should also send a clear signal to emerging countries about technology transfer".
  Мирослав Лай...  
Не мисля, че някой чака. Ние се движим - в сравнение с миналата година виждаме ясен напредък от страна на Хърватия, от страна на Черна гора. Не виждаме напредък в Босна и Херцеговина, но това не е по вина на ЕС.
Miroslav Lajčák: I disagree. I don't think anyone is waiting. We are in motion, compared to last year we see clear progress on side of Croatia, on side of Montenegro. We don't see progress in Bosnia and Herzegovina but this is not for the EU to be blamed. The leaders clearly know what to do and they know exactly because the European Commission through the annual progress reports defines the situation and identifies steps to be taken. So, if these steps are not taken, then obviously there is no progress, so you should not complain about waiting if you haven't done your homework again. Which as simple as that.
Моето категорично мнение е че ние само губим от една такава мярка. Защото тенденцията, която се прокрадва от тук е за увеличение на данъците. Това всъщност е идеята и понеже не могат да го кажат по този ясен и директен начин всичко започва с една хармонизация. ”
It was fully logical in the discussion on the development and defending Bulgarian positions, the issue of taxes to be highlighted. Martin Dimitrov was the first to grab the bull by the horns asking: "What is the benefit for Bulgaria and for Eastern Europe from the idea of harmonising the tax base? My strong opinion is that we will only lose from such a measure because the trend that insinuates itself here is of a tax increase. This is actually the idea, and because they cannot say it in this clear and direct way, it all starts with harmonisation."
  Мистериозна ...  
За убийството ще отговаря полицай от спецчастта "Тигри". Все още не е ясен мотивът за побоя.
A member of the special police unit the Tigers will face charges over the murder. The motive for the assault remains unclear.
  Коре Янсон: Н...  
С г-н Янсон си говорим в просторната и светла конферентна зала на посолството на Дания в София в навечерието на поредния ключов Европейски съвет - на 30 януари. Съвет, по време на който се очаква да стане окончателно ясен текстът на бъдещия договор, както и дали всички страни-членки на ЕС ще го подпишат.
coordination of fiscal and economic policies, more fiscal discipline and in the end of the day - keeping the unity of the Union in general and the eurozone in particular. We are talking with Mr Janson in a spacious and bright conference room in Denmark's embassy in Sofia on the eve of another key European Council - on January 30. A council, during which it is expected the text of the future treaty to be finalised, as well as to see whether all member states will sign it.
  ЕС трябва да ...  
Димитър Ашиков:Това вече е въпрос на тълкуване. Но проблемът беше ясен още миналата есен, че междубанковият пазар го няма. Тогава не се взеха никакви мерки, смяташе се, че това не е толкова важно.
Dimitar Ashikov: It is now a matter of interpretation. But the problem was clear already last autumn, that the interbank market is gone. No measures were taken then, it was believed that this was not so important.
  Идеята за евÑ...  
Премиерът на Люксембург и председател на Еврогрупата Жан-Клод Юнкер и финансовият министър на Италия Джулио Тремонти предложиха да се създаде Европейска дългова агенция, която да емитира еврооблигации на стойност 40% от БВП на ЕС. „Файненшъл Таймс” цитира позицията на Юнкер и Тремонти, че подобна мярка ще изпрати ясен сигнал към финансовите пазари за „необратимостта на еврото”.
The idea of launching eurobonds has sparked fierce debates in Europe. Jean-Claude Juncker, Luxembourg’s prime minister and Eurogroup chairman, and Giulio Tremonti, Italy’s finance minister proposed a European Debt Agency to be established with a mandate to issue “E-bonds” equivalent to 40% of European Union’s GDP, the Financial Times wrote. The newspaper cited both men saying that such a measure would send a clear message to financial markets and European citizens about the “the irreversibility of the euro”. According to them, the idea will impose market discipline on governments, without them being exposed to “speculative attacks”, while at the same time fostering Europe’s financial and economic integration.
  Сивата иконо...  
не е ясен броят на тези кризисни безработни, г-жа Христова обясни, че това са парите на хората, които са внасяли своите осигуровки, а не са социални помощи. "
fact that there was no official number how much these people are, Ms Hristova explained, that this was the money of the people who paid their taxes and social securities. "
  Време е за ре...  
Светът се регионализира и диктува правилата. ЕС вече не разполага с лукса на времето, световния ред и обществения ентусиазъм, за да гради други идеологии. Пътят е ясен - напред с федерация или назад към 'всеки да се оправя както може'.
It is getting more and more obvious with every major debate in the European Parliament that the EU is indeed facing a crucial decision. A decision for which the Union is not ready neither politically, nor culturally, but economically it is forced to. The world is regionalising and is dictating the rules. The EU no longer has the luxury of time, global order and public enthusiasm to build new ideologies. The path is clear - forward with a federation or backward to 'everyone being on their own'.
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